121 research outputs found

    Long-Distance Entanglement of Soliton Spin Qubits in Gated Nanowires

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    We investigate numerically charge, spin, and entanglement dynamics of two electrons confined in a gated semiconductor nanowire. The electrostatic coupling between electrons in the nanowire and the charges in the metal gates leads to a self-trapping of the electrons which results in soliton-like properties. We show that the interplay of an all-electrically controlled coherent transport of the electron solitons and of the exchange interaction can be used to realize ultrafast SWAP and entangling SWAP\sqrt{\text{SWAP}} gates for distant spin qubits. We demonstrate that the latter gate can be used to generate a maximally entangled spin state of spatially separated electrons. The results are obtained by quantum mechanical time-dependent calculations with exact inclusion of electron-electron correlations

    Glutathione S-Transferases in the Biosynthesis of Sulfur-Containing Secondary Metabolites in Brassicaceae Plants

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    Plants in the Brassicaceae family have evolved the capacity to produce numerous unique and structurally diverse sulfur-containing secondary metabolites, including constitutively present thio-glucosides, also known as glucosinolates, and indole-type phytoalexins, which are induced upon pathogen recognition. Studies on the glucosinolate and phytoalexin biosynthetic pathways in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have shown that glutathione donates the sulfur atoms that are present in these compounds, and this further suggests that specialized glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are involved in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates and sulfur-containing phytoalexins. In addition, experimental evidence has shown that GSTs also participate in glucosinolate catabolism. Several candidate GSTs have been suggested based on co-expression analysis, however, the function of only a few of these enzymes have been validated by enzymatic assays or with phenotypes of respective mutant plants. Thus, it remains to be determined whether biosynthesis of sulfur-containing metabolites in Brassicaceae plants requires specific or nonspecific GSTs

    Badanie spadku przyczepności stali do betonu w warunkach termicznych pożarów

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    The article presents results from the research into fire temperature influence on steel-concrete bond and on the bond reduction for both in-fire and after-fire status. Bond tests and its results for materials St3S, 18G2 reinforced steel and C16/20, C40/50 concrete, have been described in the article both for in fire and after-fire conditions. All tests have shown a significant reduction of steel-concrete bond as a result of fire temperature. It was proven, that significant bond differences exist between in-fire and after-fire tests, what demonstrate that the bond is regained partially after the exposure.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu temperatur występujących podczas pożaru na przyczepność stali do betonu oraz oszacowanie tego wpływu na spadek przyczepności pomiędzy stalą zbrojeniową i betonem, w warunkach pożaru oraz po przebytym pożarze. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przyczepności stali gładkiej St3S oraz żebrowanej 18G2 do betonu C16/20 i C40/50 w warunkach popożarowych oraz w trakcie trwania pożaru. We wszystkich przebadanych przypadkach stwierdzono istotny spadek przyczepności betonu do stali zbrojeniowej na skutek oddziaływania temperatur pożarowych. Udowodniono, że występują istotne różnice przy badaniu przyczepności po pożarze oraz podczas trwania pożaru, które świadczą o częściowym nawrocie przyczepności

    Association between asthma control test, pulmonary function tests and non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness in assessing the level of asthma control

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    Introduction: Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) reports emphasize the use of validated and simple tools in order to assess the level of asthma control, as the Asthma Control Test (ACT). However, an ACT does not include assessment of airway inflammation, which is better reflected when measuring nonspecific bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR). The authors aimed to find out if the level of asthma control quantified by an ACT correlates with BHR and pulmonary function tests. Material and methods: 118 asthmatics participated in the study. All patients completed an ACT. The scores of the ACTs were compared with pulmonary function tests and BHR assessed with the methacholine challenge test and expressed as a provocative concentration of methacholine, inducing a 20% decline in the FEV1 (PC20 M in mg/ml). Results: Patients with controlled asthma amounted to 52 (44%) while those with uncontrolled asthma amounted to 66 (56%). In patients with controlled asthma (ACT score ≥ 20) the mean geometric value of PC20M was 2.72 mg/ml (range from 0.25 to > 8.0), whereas 0.94 mg/ml (range from 0.28 to 8.0) (p = 0.02) was observed in patients with uncontrolled asthma (ACT score < 20). Almost 64% (21/33) of uncontrolled asthmatics achieved normal lung function (FEV1 > 80% pred. value) while 19% (5/26) patients with controlled asthma presented an FEV1 < 80% predicted value. Asthma duration in years in controlled asthmatics was significantly shorter than in uncontrolled patients (6.2 ± 8.9 vs. 12.0 ± 11.4, p = 0.005) Conclusion: In determining the most accurate level of asthma control it is reasonable to use an ACT in conjunction  with BHR, which provides more accurate assessment of bronchial inflammation than ventilatory parameters alone

    Retrospective analysis of reasons for failure of DDD pacemaker implantation in patients operated on between 1993 and 2005

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    Background: During implantation of a DDD pacemaker the following difficulties may be encountered: venous anomalies (the absence of vessels of adequate calibre or difficulty in subclavian vein puncture), arrhythmias during implantation (episodes of atrial flutter/fibrillation while the atrial leads are being positioned), lack of mechanical stability of the electrode in the heart chamber and inability to achieve an acceptable pacing and sensing threshold during implantation. The purpose of the study was to analyse retrospectively the reasons for DDD pacemaker failure in patients operated on between 1993 and 2005. Methods: We reviewed retrospectively all implantation data from 1988 to 2005 to identify patients with primary failure of DDD pacemaker implantation. Further analysis included patients who had received a DDD pacemaker between 1993 and 2005, when this type of pacemaker made up between 9 and 40% of all pacemaker implantations. We implanted 7469 pacemakers, including 1958 (26.2%) dual-chamber pacemakers, in 783 patients with atrioventricular block (AVB), 392 with sick sinus syndrome (SSS), 450 with AVB &#177; SSS and 333 with tachy-brady syndrome (TBS). The mean age of the patients was 65.5 &#177; 17.3 years. DDD pacing was unsuccessful in 108 (1.4%) patients, including 32 with AVB, 22 with SSS, 16 with SSS &#177; AVB and 38 with TBS. The mean age of these patients was 78.5 &#177; 19.4 years. Results: The reasons for failed implantation were venous anomalies in 12%, an arrhythmia episode in 27.8%, a high pacing threshold in the atrium in 17.6%, low atrial potential amplitude in 25.9% and lack of mechanical stability of the electrode in 16.7% of patients. The difficulties were encountered in elderly patients (p < 0.01), most frequently in patients with SSS and TBS (71). Between 2004 and 2005 venous anomalies and a high pacing threshold were the main causes of failure. Conclusions: Currently the main difficulties encountered during pacemaker implantation are venous anomalies and a high pacing threshold. Arrhythmia episodes, low atrial potential amplitude and lack of mechanical stability are of minor importance. Elderly patients with sick sinus syndrome and tachy-brady syndrome have the highest failure rate. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 155-159

    Ocena przyczyn zgonów u chorych na przewlekłą obturacyjną chorobę płuc w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej w okresie sześcioletniej obserwacji

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    Introduction: COPD is one of the most frequent respiratory diseases responsible for patients’ disability and mortality. In 2005 a single primary care practice, COPD was diagnosed in 183 out of 1,960 eligible subjects ≥ 40 years (9.3%). The aim of this study was to assess mortality rate and causes of deaths in this group after 6 years. Material and methods: In 2011 we invited all 183 patients with COPD recognised in 2005. We performed spirometry, physical examination, questionnaire of respiratory symptoms, smoking habits, concomitant diseases and treatment. Information about deaths was taken from primary care register, furthermore, family members were asked to deliver medical documentation or death certificate. Results: In 2011 we studied only 74 subjects (40.4%), 43 subjects died (23.5%) and 66 subjects were lost from the follow-up (36.1%). Cardiovascular diseases were the most frequent causes of deaths — 21 subjects (48.8%) (heart attack – 8 patients and stroke – 8 patients). Respiratory failure in the course of COPD exacerbation was the cause of 10 deaths (23.3%). Neoplastic diseases lead to 9 deaths (20.9%) (lung cancer 7 patients). Renal insufficiency was responsible for one death (2.325%), and the causes of 2 deaths remained unknown (4.65%). Subjects who died (predominantly males) were older, had higher MRC score and lower FEV1. Conclusions: Study performed six years after COPD diagnosis revealed that 23.5% of subjects died. The main causes of deaths were the following: cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart attack and stroke), COPD exacerbations and lung cancer (more than 75%). Death risk in COPD patients was associated with age, male sex, dyspnoea and severity of the disease.Wstęp: POChP jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób układu oddechowego, która prowadzi do inwalidztwa oddechowego oraz przedwczesnej śmierci. W 2005 roku w pojedynczej placówce podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej rozpoznano POChP u 183 spośród zbadanych 1960 osób, które ukończyły 40. rok życia (9,3%). Celem pracy była analiza częstości zgonów i ich przyczyn w grupie chorych na POChP po 6 latach obserwacji. Materiał i metody: W 2011 roku na badania kontrolne zaproszono wszystkie 183 osoby, u których rozpoznano POChP w 2005 roku. Badani wypełniali kwestionariusz dotyczący dolegliwości oddechowych, palenia tytoniu, chorób współistniejących oraz aktualnego leczenia. Po weryfikacji kwestionariusza wykonywano badanie przedmiotowe i spirometrię. Informację o śmierci pacjentów uzyskiwano z aktualnej kartoteki POZ oraz od rodzin badanych (na podstawie uzyskanej dokumentacji medycznej — ustalano datę i miejsce zgonu oraz jego przyczyny). Wyniki: W 2011 roku zbadano tylko 74 chorych (40,4%), 43 chorych zmarło (23,5%). Pozostałych 66 chorych nie udało się zbadać ponownie (36,1%). Choroby układu krążenia były najczęstszymi przyczynami zgonów u chorych na POChP — 21 chorych (48,8%) (w tym zawał serca — 8 chorych i udar mózgu — 8 chorych). Niewydolność oddychania w przebiegu POChP była przyczyną śmierci u 10 badanych (23,3%). Choroby nowotworowe były odpowiedzialne za 9 zgonów (20,9%) (rak płuc — 7 chorych). Pozostałe zgony wiązały się z niewydolnością nerek (1 chory; 2,325%) oraz przyczynami nieustalonymi (2 chorych; 4,65%). Chorzy na POChP, którzy zmarli (większość stanowili mężczyźni) byli starsi, mieli większe nasilenie duszności w skali MRC oraz niższe FEV1. Wnioski: Badania kontrolne wykonane po 6 latach od rozpoznania choroby ujawniły wysoką umieralność w badanej grupie (zmarło 43 chorych — 23,5%). Ponad 75% wszystkich zgonów było spowodowane chorobami układu krążenia (najczęściej zawałem serca i udarem mózgu), zaostrzeniami POChP i rakiem płuc. Czynnikami, które wpływały na wzrost ryzyka zgonu w badanej grupie, były: wiek, płeć męska, większe nasilenie duszności oraz cięższą postać choroby


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     This study compares the numerically determined strain distributions after the application of the method of equal-channel angular pressing. The calculations were performed for four variants of the channel cross-sectional shapes – square, circular, and two rectangular ones with the same transverse surface area. The calculation results have been demonstrated as maps of effective strain distribution in the stabilized process