19 research outputs found

    Analysis of the origin of birth defects in pregnant women from the Kujawy-Pomerania Region

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the origin of birth defects in pregnant women from the Kujawy-Pomerania Region, and to identify factors affecting the formation of developmental disorders in the Province. Material and methods: The correlation between maternal age and fetal defects was investigated. We also attempted to determine whether environmental or family factors play a role in the formation of fetal abnormalities. Results: The analysis confirmed a correlation between the incidence of chromosomal aberrations and maternal age. Conclusions: Higher rates of neural tube defects were observed in fetuses born to mothers who did not take folic acid. The influence of other factors on developmental anomalies was not confirmed

    Sustainable management applied to the metallic mining industry in Mexico : a conceptual model

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    PURPOSE: The metallurgical industry is an important branch of the global economy. The activities of this industry cause ecological and social problems in Mexico. It is proposed to elaborate and verify a conceptual model of sustainable management for Mexican Metallic Mining Industry. Due to economic and environmental importance of this industry, the use of adequate conceptual model of management is of crucial importance. Hence the conceptual model is proposed.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Methodology contemplates an investigation of sustainability inside of environmental management in Metallic Mining Industry in Mexico. The bibliographical and theoretical information and assumptions allowed to design a conceptual model. The model has been validated by a case study, based on the holistic single-case study. The applied methodology consists of four steps: data acquisition and analysis, design, and qualitative verification of the conceptual model, conclusion elaboration and the initial draft of the best practice proposal.FINDINGS: The scope and level of implementation of selected parameters of environment protection specified by Mexican and international law in the field, and indirectly by analyzing the use of procedures recommended by the conceptual model, have been defined. The conceptual model was subjected to the positive valuation of experts from the mining industry in Mexico. The proposed conceptual model of sustainable management joins the UN Universal Principles of Sustainable Management with Mexican legislative parameters.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The originality of this study relies on the proposal of new conceptual sustainable management model for the mining industry in Mexico. Until now foreign models of sustainability have been mostly used for different internal areas. Mexico needs a strategy of aligning business management needs with the urgent implementation of the Environmental Agenda for the mining industry in Mexico. The model and results of its pilot implementation in the metal mining sector of San Luis Potos铆 State create the foundation for strategy definition and implementation. Final recommendation extends a possibility model to be applied in non-metallic and metallurgy sector.peer-reviewe

    Haemodynamic Changes during Preterm Birth Treatment

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    The well-being of the fetus depends on the efficiency of its circulatory system and the proper maternal-fetal exchange. Hemodynamic changes can occur due to disturbance of fetal and maternal homeostasis, malformations, pregnancy pathology, and medications. Preterm labor directly affects maternal-fetal haemodynamics, both due to uterine contractions and medications used to inhibit it. Research on maternal-fetal haemodynamics in preterm labor is currently focused mainly on the safety of the used tocolytics. In this chapter, we will discuss the basic principles of fetal haemodynamics, ultrasound methods of maternal-fetal circulation assessment, and the influence of preterm labor on maternal-fetal haemodynamics, with particular emphasis on medications used in threatening and progressive preterm labor

    Recommendations on the use of innovative medical technologies in cardiology and cardiac surgery and solutions leading to increased availability for Polish patients

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    There is a great need for innovative technologies that will improve the health and quality of life (QoL) of Polish patients with cardiac problems. It is important that the safety and effectiveness of the technology are confirmed by scientific evidence on which guidelines and clinical recommendations are based. Scientific evidence for medical devices is also increasingly important for decision-making in finance approval from public funds. New technologies in cardiology and cardiac surgery contribute to improved patient QoL, increased treatment effectiveness and facilitated diagnosis. Hence, it is necessary to increase accessibility to such technologies, primarily through the development of clinical recommendations, and education of medical personnel in conjunction with public funding. The aim of this publication is to present the recommendations of leading experts in the field of cardiology and cardiosurgery, supported by clinical research results, regarding the use of the cited innovative medical technologies and solutions leading to their increased availability for Polish patients.

    The local media market as an example the city of Radom

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    Celem pracy jest ukazanie struktury funkcjonowania rynku medi贸w lokalnych oraz przedstawienie opinii mieszka艅c贸w Radomia na temat postrzegania przez nich radomskiej telewizji, prasy radia oraz Internetu. Wa偶ne jest tak偶e poznanie opinii badanych do ca艂okszta艂tu dzia艂ania medi贸w na tak wymagaj膮cym mie艣cie, jakim jest Radom. W rozdziale pierwszym umieszczone zosta艂y trzy podrozdzia艂y opisuj膮ce kolejno: poj臋cie, funkcje i zadania medi贸w lokalnych; informacje jako kluczowe zadanie medi贸w lokalnych; typologi臋 medi贸w lokalnych. S膮 to kluczowe poj臋cia u艂atwiaj膮ce uporz膮dkowanie informacji dotycz膮cych tematu oraz zapoznania si臋 z terminologi膮, kt贸ra w niekt贸rych przypadkach, bywa trudna do scharakteryzowania z powodu ci膮g艂ych zmian na ryku medi贸w.Rozdzia艂 drugi przedstawia podzia艂 medi贸w lokalnych. W tym rozdziale wyr贸偶nione zosta艂y: prasa lokalna samorz膮dowa, prywatna oraz ko艣cielna; telewizja lokalna kablowa i naziemna; Internet; radio. Scharakteryzowany zosta艂 r贸wnie偶 wp艂yw poszczeg贸lnych medi贸w lokalnych na spo艂eczno艣膰 zamieszkuj膮c膮 dany region. Zwraca si臋 tak偶e uwag臋 na funkcjonowanie medi贸w od strony zar贸wno odbiorc贸w jak i os贸b wchodz膮cych w sk艂ad zarz膮du danej redakcji.Rozdzia艂 trzeci zawiera om贸wienie celu i problemu badawczego, metod臋 badawcz膮, organizacj臋 bada艅 oraz charakterystyk臋 pr贸by badawczej. Badania zosta艂y przeprowadzone w艣r贸d stu mieszka艅c贸w Radomia. W badaniach wykorzystano metod臋 sonda偶ow膮, a technik膮 badawcz膮 by艂 kwestionariusz ankiety. Przeprowadzona zosta艂a r贸wnie偶 analiza wynik贸w bada艅. Wyniki bada艅 ukazuj膮 stosunek badanych do medi贸w lokalnych oraz do ich funkcjonowania.Aim of this study is to show the structure of the functioning of the local media and residents of Radom their views on the perception of their Radom television, press, radio and the Internet. It is also important to know respondents to the overall operation of the media in such a demanding city, which is Radom.In the first chapter were placed three sections describe in turn: the concept, functions and tasks of the local media, information as a key task of the local media, local media typology. These are key concepts to help organize the information on the subject and become familiar with the terminology, which in some cases, can be difficult to characterize because of constant changes in the roar of the media.. The second chapter presents the distribution of the local media. In this chapter, have been distinguished: local press local government, private, church, local TV and terrestrial TV, Internet, radio. Also important is the impact of individual media, local people living in the region. It is also pointed to the media.The third chapter discusses the purpose and the research problem, research method, organization of research and study sample characteristics. The study was conducted among a hundred residents of Radom. The study used the method of survey-based and research technique was a questionnaire. Was also carried out analysis of the results. The results show the ratio of respondents to the local media and for their operation