716 research outputs found

    "QUO VADIS EAST-WEST JOINT VENTURE?" Reflections on Selected Aspects of the Development of East-West Joint Ventures

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    This working paper is one of a series produced by TES-MTC project discussing the problems of East-West Joint Ventures located in the CMEA countries on a country basis. The paper gives an overview on the main features of the process of East-West joint ventures' establishment and operation. The author concentrates his efforts on analyzing the state-of-the-art, the recent problems and their possible solutions in the fields of joint ventures' establishment, management, technology related to joint ventures, joint ventures' effectiveness, bookkeeping and supply in a joint venture, consultancy for joint ventures. The paper also stresses other possible forms of East-West joint ventures in order to overcome some of the operational problems with respect to East-West payment options, supply, market opportunities, etc. At present discussions are going on in Czechoslovakia in connection with the latest legislation on enterprises with foreign property participation, as well as on the state-of-the-art of the joint venture practice in this country. The Management of Technological Change (MTC) project, part of the Technology, Economy & Society (TES) Program, has developed an international network which is performing an empirical study on practical problems of joint ventures located in various CMEA countries. This working paper is an intermediate report of the Czechoslovakian national group headed by the Research Institute of Economy in Electrotechnical Industries in Prague. The author is member of the international MTC network and works closely together with the project

    On Efficiency of ARQ and HARQ Entities Interaction in WiMAX Networks

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    Easter Rising 1916: How to Remember the Terrible Beauty Born

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    My research covers the 1916 Easter Rising that occurred in Dublin. I am looking at how the media coverage portrayed the events of Easter Week 1916 both in their immediate aftermath and during the Centenary celebrations that recently occurred. I am investigating this to determine if the more recent interpretations of what happened over romanticize the events that took place or if they provide the proper weight to events that are the first steps toward the birth of a modern nation free of colonial domination. To do this I plan to look at newspaper accounts from the period, both from the US and England. For modern accounts, I will examine the some of the celebratory events and other commemorations that occurred in 2016

    When Does Sleaze Become A Crime? Redefining Honest Services Fraud after \u3cem\u3eSkilling v. United States\u3c/em\u3e

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    Honest services fraud, which is defined as a scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of “honest services,” is just one tool in the federal government’s extensive arsenal used to prosecute public corruption and private corporate fraud. The Supreme Court curtailed the expansion of this versatile theory twice in the past three decades, most recently in June 2010 in Skilling v. United States. In Skilling, the Court held, inter alia, that the federal honest services statute covers only bribery and kickback schemes and not undisclosed self-dealing. Months later, members of Congress proposed the Honest Services Restoration Act (HSRA) to undo some of the effects of the Skilling decision. This Note argues that in some instances the proposed HSRA criminalizes too narrow or too broad a range of conduct. To address concerns about overcriminalization of petty misconduct, abuse of prosecutorial discretion, and violation of federalism principles, any amendment to the honest services statute should draw upon past federal appellate court rationale and implement reasoned limiting principles to clearly define the scope of the statute. In particular, a reformulated honest services statute should specify 1) the source of the fiduciary duty, the breach of which constitutes fraud; 2) the specific intent to defraud as the mens rea of the crime; and 3) illegitimate gain to the accused or harm to the victim as alternative sufficient limiting principles to ensure that conduct rises to the level of criminal fraud

    Multi-hop Relaying with Mixed Half and Full Duplex Relays for Offloading to MEC

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    In this paper, we focus on offloading a computing task from a user equipment (UE) to a multi-access edge computing (MEC) server via multi-hop relaying. We assume a general relaying case where relays are energy-constrained devices, such as other UEs, internet of things (IoT) devices, or unmanned aerial vehicles. To this end, we formulate the problem as a minimization of the sum energy consumed by the energy-constrained devices under the constraint on the maximum requested time of the task processing. Then, we propose a multi-hop relaying combining half and full duplexes at each individual relay involved in the offloading. We proof that the proposed multi-hop relaying is convex, thus it can be optimized by conventional convex optimization methods. We show our proposal outperforms existing multi-hop relaying schemes in terms of probability that tasks are processed within required time by up to 38\% and, at the same time, decreases energy consumption by up to 28%

    A toolkit for mastering organic nomenclature in general chemistry

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    In the second semester of general chemistry, students receive an introduction to organic chemistry. A strong foundation in learning starts with the ability to correctly name organic compounds. Our proposed strategy involves the identification of the parent chain, the recognition of resident functional groups, and the ability to discern/indicate the correct isomer if any, etc. We propose a modular toolbox that facilitates compartmentalization of the nomenclature process of organic compounds and helps the student adequately identify all structural elements present in an organic compound. Accurately naming an organic compound is essential to understanding of its properties; to success in Organic Chemistry 1 and 2; and, for a career as a Chemist in academia, industry or in government agencies. The advantages of our procedure is discussed using examples to illustrate the process

    Therapeutic Challenges Of Multi-Being

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    This paper emerges from an attempt to shift the locus of understanding human action from the individual to relationship. In doing so we come to see persons as multi-beings, that is, as constituted within multiple relationships from which they emerge with multiple, incoherent, and often conflicting potentials. Therapy, in this context, becomes a collaborative relationship with the aim of transforming the client\u27s broader relational network. In this view, schooling in a singular practice of therapy artificially limits the therapist\u27s potential, and thus the possible outcomes of the client–therapist relationship. Invited, then, is a reflective eclecticism, in which the myriad potentials of both the therapist and client are considered in tandem. This view is illustrated by contrasting three relational conditions in which clients find themselves, each of which invites a different form of self-expression from the therapist

    Assessment of Speech Quality in VoIP

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