345 research outputs found

    Baths and becks

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    A report on two prominent dialectal variables in England. Using rather informally collected data, The author looks here at two well-known variables in the English of England: first, whether there is a short or long vowel in words such as grass and bath; second, what regional words people know for streams. The treatment of these variables is consistent over time, and seems to have little to do with social status or carefulness of speech

    Juvenile salmon investigations River Wenning catchment 1981-86

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    As part of the River Lune juvenile salmonid investigation, a number of sites on the River Wenning catchment were electrofished annually from 1981 - 1985. Particularly low Salmon parr populations were evident for much of the Wenning catchment which has caused some concern. All the Wenning catchment electrofishing results are reported in this paper and comparisons are made with designated groups of sites on the remainder of the Lune catchment. These groups of sites are: River Lune and tributaries, upstream Tebay, Upper Middle Lune, Lower Middle Lune, Lower Lune, Birk & Borrow Becks, Chapel & Crosdale Becks, Rawthey system, Barbon & Leek Becks and the Greta system. The general scarcity of Salmonids in large sections of the main river Wenning probably reflects the apparent limited natural spawning areas on the catchment. Details of Salmon fry and ova planting on the Wenning catchment since 1981 have been collated and whilst survival through the 0+ stage appears to be quite good, recruitment to the 1++ stage appears to be poor. Water quality does not appear to be responsible for the very low salmonid densities at some main river sites but is possibly a factor in apparently preventing any Salmon run in Keasden Beck. Recommendations for future Fisheries and Biological work are given

    The juvenile salmonid populations of the River Lune catchment, 1981 to 1985

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    The aim of this study was to assess the status of the juvenile salmonid populations of the River Lune and its tributaries. There was special emphasis on juvenile salmon stocks in view of the implementation of a net limitation order in 1980. The number of licensed instruments were reduced as follows: (1) Drift, hang or whammel nets - from 12 to 10 (2) Draft or seine nets - from 3 to 1 (3) Heave or haaf nets - from 4 6 to 2 6 For the purpose of this report, the River Lune system has been divided into 13 subcatchments and these are examined with a view to detecting any trends in the data such as subcatchment productivity, partitioning between salmon and trout nursery streams, and whether the restrictions on salmon fishing had any discernible effects on juvenile salmon productivity. The effect of flow and instream obstructions on salmonid densities are also investigated as these have been shown to be important factors affecting abundance. Throughout the study period a programme of enhancement stocking took place primarily with salmon ova and fry. The possible impact of this on the results of the surveys has been assessed. The distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon was found to be relatively consistent in each of the 13 subcatchments studied over the 1981-1985 period

    Assessment of Microbial Quality and Antibacterial Activity of Commonly used Hand Washes

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    Hands are the highways to the transmission and spread of pathogens that causes diseases, food borne illnesses and nosocomial infections. Hand washing is the act of cleansing the hands with water or another liquid, with or without the use of soap or other detergents, to ensure proper hand hygiene. To determine the microbiological quality and the antibacterial property and dilution effects on activity of hand wash, seven brands of hand washes were evaluated using susceptibility test by agar well diffusion, minimum inhibitory dilution and time kill test. This was done by assessing different dilutions of the hand washes against standardized 1.5x108 cells of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Results showed that all the hand washes were sterile and all the brands had some level of antibacterial activity. The hand washes were more active on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli than on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Activity decreased with dilution as neat and 2-1 dilutions gave better results compared to 2-2, 10-1 and 10-2. Hib hand wash killed all test organisms when exposed for 2, 5 and 10 minutes and at neat and 2-1 dilutions but not at 2-2, 10-1 and 10-2. Rev and Pan hand washes though are sterile, were least active in all the tests. The minimum inhibitory dilution and minimum bactericidal dilution for most of the hand wash was at neat concentration. The time kill test showed that the effect of the hand wash was highest at 5 and 10 minutes and at neat (undiluted) for all the test organisms. It is advised that the dilution of hand washes a common practice in most eateries must stop as these products are not active when diluted, hands should be washed for five to ten minutes for maximum hand hygiene. Key words: Antibacterial Activity, Food Borne Illnesses, Hand Hygiene, Microbiological Quality, Nosocomial Infections and Pathogens


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    A new Miconia (Melastomatacaeae) from Bolivia, with remarks on angular-branched species in the Andes

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    A new species of Melastomataceae frorm Bolivia is described, illustrated and placed in a phenetic context within Miconia, a genus of 1000 species and about 2000 published names. Miconia quadrialata is readily distinguished from its Congeners by two-colored leaves and sharply four-angular and winged branchlets. A search for quadrangular-branched miconias revealed that 12 of 15 such species (in four sections), including the new species, occur in cloud forest in the Andes, raising the question of the adaptive significance of quadrangular branchlets

    Próffræðilegir eiginleikar íslenskrar þýðingar Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenPróffræðilegir eiginleikar íslenskrar þýðingar Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) voru athugaðir. PAI er 344 atriða sjálfsmatslisti sem metur einkenni geðraskana, samskiptastíl, meðferðarheldni svarenda og réttmæti svara. Áreiðanleiki, réttmæti og þáttabygging prófsins var athugað. Til að kanna samleitni- og aðgreiniréttmæti undirkvarða PAI sem meta þunglyndi, kvíða og áfengisvanda svöruðu þátttakendur Becks Depression Inventory-II, Becks Anxiety Inventory og Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test auk PAI prófsins. Úrtakið samanstóð af 243 háskólanemum, 79 áfengissjúklingum, auk 66 sjúklinga af verkjasviði og 44 sjúklinga af geðsviði Reykjalundar. Áreiðanleikastuðlar voru víðast afar háir og allir ásættanlegir. Niðurstöður þáttagreiningar voru svipaðar þeim sem aðrir rannsakendur hafa komist að, þó þáttabyggingin væri ekki eins skýr í þessari rannsókn. Samleitni- og aðgreiniréttmæti þunglyndiskvarða og áfengisvandakvarða PAI var stutt í rannsókninni. Samleitniréttmæti kvíðakvarða PAI (ANX) reyndist gott en aðgreinandi réttmæti var ekki eins afgerandi. Meðaltöl og staðalfrávik meðal Íslendinga voru auk þess í flestum tilvikum sambærileg tölum frá Bandaríkjunum

    Optical Readout in a Multi-Module System Test for the ATLAS Pixel Detector

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    The innermost part of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, CERN, will be a pixel detector. The command messages and the readout data of the detector are transmitted over an optical data path. The readout chain consists of many components which are produced at several locations around the world, and must work together in the pixel detector. To verify that these parts are working together as expected a system test has been built up. In this paper the system test setup and the operation of the readout chain is described. Also, some results of tests using the final pixel detector readout chain are given.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, Pixel 2005 proceedings preprin

    A novel argument for an even-like semantics of Mandarin dou

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    There have been ongoing debates about the semantics of Mandarin particle dou, which, among its various readings, has a distributive reading and a scalar reading. In the paper, we make a novel observation that dou, on both readings, is sensitive to a standard on a scale associated with a contextually supplied gradable property, and take this to be new evidence in favor of a unified, scalar analysis of dou. To uniformly capture its two readings and its standard-sensitivity, we propose to integrate insights from two proposals, Liu 2017 and Greenberg 2018a. Specifically, on the one hand, we follow Liu 2017 in arguing that (a) dou is uniformly a scalar particle, (b) it operates on distinct types of alternatives on distinct readings and (c) a trivialization operation occurs on the distributive reading; on the other hand, we, deviating from Liu, adopt two components adapted from the gradability-based semantics originally suggested for Englishevenin Greenberg 2018a, i.e. (a) anevaluative presupposition and (b) a contextually determined scale, instead of one based on unlikelihood. Our revised proposal can successfully account for the two readings in a unified manner but circumvents the issue regarding the dimension of the scale faced by Liu 2017 in the meanwhile

    TSH-CHECK-1 test: diagnostic accuracy and potential application to initiating treatment for hypothyroidism in patients on anti-tuberculosis drugs.

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    Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) promotes expression of thyroid hormones which are essential for metabolism, growth, and development. Second-line drugs to treat tuberculosis (TB) can cause hypothyroidism by suppressing thyroid hormone synthesis. Therefore, TSH levels are routinely measured in TB patients receiving second-line drugs, and thyroxin treatment is initiated where indicated. However, standard TSH tests are technically demanding for many low-resource settings where TB is prevalent; a simple and inexpensive test is urgently needed