332 research outputs found

    Myynninedistäminen mainonna avulla

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    Opinnäytetyössä etsittiin tehokkaita myynninedistämisen keinoja Select Service Partner Finlandin lentokentällä sijaitsevaan elintarvikekioski Pointtiin. Tutkimusongelmana oli selvittää, millainen mainos tehoaa asiakkaisiin kyseisessä toimintaympäristössä sekä millaisia tuotteita kannattaisi mainostaa tai laittaa tarjoukseen. Myynninedistämisprojektin aloitushetkellä syksyllä 2009 Point oli ollut nykyisessä muodossaan noin vuoden, eivätkä kaikki potentiaaliset asiakkaat olleet vielä löytäneet sitä. Pointtia oli tarkoitus tehdä nykyistä tunnetummaksi kentän henkilökunnan ja matkustajien keskuudessa. Myynnin kasvun edellytettiin tapahtuvan niin, että raaka-aine ja henkilöstökulut pysyivät ennallaan. Projektin teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu asiakassuuntaisesta markkinoinnista, myynninedistämisestä ja mainonnan käytössä olevista muodoista sekä kilpailukeinoista. Vaikka opinnäytetyö käsittelee konkreettisesti myynnin kasvattamista nimenomaan mainonnan avulla, työssä tarkastellaan myös asiakaspalvelun teoriaa työntekijän mahdollisuutena edistää tarjoustuotteiden myyntiä. Point kioskille suunniteltiin erilaisia mainoksia ja pakettitarjouskampanjoita sekä muunlaista myynninedistämismateriaalia kuten grilli- ja pullapassit. Mainokset sekä materiaalit suunniteltiin ja laitettiin esille ajanjaksolla syksystä 2009 syksyyn 2010. Mainostettujen tuotteiden myyntilukuja verrattiin kassajärjestelmästä saatavien raportointitaulukoiden avulla. Vertailukohteena olivat mainoksia edeltäneet ja niiden jälkeen toteutuneet myyntiluvut. Tulosten tulkintamenetelmänä käytettiin dokumenttianalyysiä, jossa kvantitatiivinen aineisto analysoitiin kvalitatiivisesti. Lopuksi tuloksia analysoimalla pääteltiin, minkälainen mainonta olisi kannattavaa jatkossa kyseisessä toimipisteessä. Lisäksi Pointin esimiehelle tehtiin asiantuntijahaastattelu tukemaan saatuja tuloksia. Tuloksista selviää, että pitkäaikaiset pakettitarjoukset eivät juuri tehonneet asiakkaisiin. Palautteita ja myyntilukuja seuraamalla kannattavampaa olisi tulevaisuudessa mainostaa lyhytaikaisia selkeästi tarjoushintaisia tuotteita tai määräalennuksia. Mainoksien laittaminen näkyville myös myymälässä olevan television kautta voisi olla kokeilemisen arvoista jatkossa. Passit ja kioskin seinillä olevat tuotteita esittelevät mainokset todettiin toimiviksi kyseisessä toimipisteessä. Matkustavien asiakkaiden houkutteluun tehokas keino voisi olla mainoslehtisten jako ylemmän kerroksen kahvilaan. Pointin myynti on saatu kasvamaan projektiin käytetyn vuoden aikana 10,44 prosenttia. Tuloksen perusteella voidaan päätellä, että tavoitteeseen on päästy ja saatu myynti kääntymään kasvuun.This thesis investigates successful sales promotion methods for Select Service Partner Finland’s Kiosk, Point, which is located at the airport. The purpose of the study was to find out what type of advertisement is effective for customers in this environment and which products are worth to be placed on sales and in advertisements. When the project began Kiosk Point had been in its format for a year and all the potential customers had not found it. The objective of the project was to gain visibility among airport staff and passengers. Sales needed to be increased without having an effect on the material and staff costs. The theoretical section of the thesis outlines customer marketing, sales promoting as well as the means of advertisement and competition. Although this thesis concretely processes the increase of sales as a result of advertisement it also examines customer service in theory and employee’s’ possibility to increase the marketing of products that are on sale. Different forms of advertisements and sales campaigns were drawn up for the Point Kiosk and also sales promotion materials like grill and bun passes were created. Advertisements and materials were planned and introduced from fall 2009 to fall 2010. The sales figures of the advertised products were compared with cash desk reports. The compared objects were the sales figures before and after advertisement. The study is based on a document analysis where quantitative material is qualitatively analyzed. The format of advertisement for this appropriate kiosk was derived from the results. Point’s superior was interviewed to support the results of the study. The results show that long term sales were not affected by customer buying behavior. Based on the feedback and sales figures, it would be worthwhile to advertise products for a short period or use different sales campaigns. Advertising on the kiosk’s television should be considered in the future. Passes and advertisements on walls of the kiosk were functional. Placing advertisements at the upstairs coffee shop might bring more customers to Point. Point’s sale has increased by 10.44 percent during the project. As can be seen from the results the thesis reached its objective and the sales are increasing

    El corte de los modelos de volumen utilizados para el cálculo por elementos finitos

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    En este trabajo se presenta un método para calcular y representar el corte de modelos tridimensionales. Para representar resultados se debe previamente determinar una superficie. En el caso de la representación de valores en cortes del modelo, esta superficie es la intersección con el plano de corte. En este trabajo se describe un método rápido y simple para el cálculo de la sección así como el método empleado para la interpolación de los valores a representar.In this work, a method to compute section of 3D finite element models is presented. A surface of model must be evaluate to represent any results. In the section representation, this surface is the intersection with the section plane. A simple and fast method to determine section model and to interpolate results is here developed.Peer Reviewe

    Control del error en la optimización de forma de estructuras bidimensionales

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un método automático de optimización de forma de estructuras bidimensionales, cuyos resultados garanticen una cierta precisión. Se trata de conciliar del modo más eficaz las técnicas de optimización de forma y de control de la calidad de la solución del método de elementos finitos. Un ejemplo numérico es presentado con objeto de mostrar la validez del procedimiento.The goal of this paper is to present an automatic optimization procedure which ensure the validity of the final design. The main objective of this work is to find out the best, way to combine shape optimization with finite element error estimation techniques. A numierical example shows the advantages of the procedure.Peer Reviewe

    Improvement in HSS grade for early stands of hot strip mills - Metallurgical features and mechanical properties assessment

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    peer reviewedAurora and Kosmos grades are HSS alloys belonging to the complex Fe-Cr-C-X system, where X is a strong carbide former element of the V, Mo or W type. Both alloys were metallurgically characterised prior to their comparison. Metallurgical analyses involved phases identification and carbides quantification by using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X rays. Differential Thermal Analysis was performed to allow a better understanding of the solidification sequence of studied alloys while mechanical tests performed were compressive at room temperature and bulk hardness at usual service temperatures. An attempt was made in order to connect experimental results to the good behaviour in operation of Aurora grade. In fact Aurora grade appeared to exhibit strong metallurgical differences when compared to Kosmos grade, especially as concern in nature and amount of carbides

    Cattle methane fluxes measurement over an intensively grazed grassland using eddy covariance

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    audience: researcherMethane emissions account for 8% of the EU-15 GHG emissions and livestock generates approximately half of these emissions (European Commission, 2009). Recent technological advances in spectroscopy now permit methane flux measurement using eddy covariance. This method has numerous strengths. It can measure fluxes in situ, continuously and across broad areas. This provides information about meadow and cattle emission behaviour throughout the year and across a broad range of climatic conditions. We will present here a one year monitoring of methane exchange between an intensively grazed meadow and the atmosphere obtained using the eddy-covariance method. Methane fluxes exchanged by a grazed meadow were measured continuously since June 2012 at the Dorinne Terrestrial Observatory (50˚ 18’ 44” N; 4˚ 58’ 07” E; 248 m asl.) in Belgium. The site is an intensively pastured meadow of 4.2 ha managed according to the regional common practices where up to 30 Belgian Blue cows are grazing simultaneously. Flux measurements were made with the eddy covariance technique, using a fast CH4 analyzer (Picarro G2311-f) and a sonic anemometer (Campbell Csat3). Carbon dioxide fluxes and various micro-meteorological and soil variables, biomass growth and stocking rate evolution were also measured at the site. Turbulent fluxes were calculated according to standard eddy covariance computation schemes and were filtered for non-stationarity and for low friction velocity (u*) events. During grazing periods, fluxes are dominated by the enteric fermentation source and average 111 nmol m-2 s-1. They are highly variable, probably due to cow movements in and out the measurement footprint and cow digestion rhythm. Despite this spread, a daily emission rhythm is observed with higher emissions during the afternoon. When fluxes are integrated over large periods, methane emissions were found strongly related to cattle stocking rate with a slope of 7.34±0.78 mol CH4 day-1 LSU-1. Further developments are ongoing in order to improve cattle geo-localization through infra-red cameras and individual home-made GPS devices. The two systems will be compared in terms of cost, efficiency and ease of use. During cow-free periods, the methane flux averages 10.5 nmol m-2 s-1 and is highly variable with some production peaks above 100 nmol m-2 s-1. No relation was found between methane fluxes and soil temperature while a weak negative relation was found between methane fluxes and soil humidity. No soil methane absorption has been observed. European Commission. Fifth National Communication from the European Community Under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Technical Report - 2009 – 038 (2009)

    Evaluation de l’utilisation du pepsinogène sanguin comme biomarqueur de l’intégrité de la muqueuse gastrique chez le porc. 2. Méthodes de dosage et intérêt en pathologie porcine

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    Pepsinogen is one component of the gastric juice which participes in the digestion. This macromolecule enters the blood circulation in a small measurable quantities in healthy subjects. Therefore, blood pepsinogen is claimed to be an indicator of the integrity of the gastric mucosa. This paper was written to review the use of porcine in the diagnostic of stomach ulcers and Hyostrongylus rubidus infection. The methods of measurement of blood pepsinogen and the diagnostic values are discussed.Le pepsinogène est une composante du suc gastrique qui participe à la digestion des protéines alimentaires. Il est aussi parmi les macromolécules qui entrent dans la circulation sanguine en faibles quantités mesurables chez des sujets normaux. Son dosage est utilisé dans la mise en évidence de certaines pathologies gastriques chez le porc. Cette synthèse décrit les méthodes de dosage et des valeurs sériques ou plasmatiques du pepsinogène en relation avec des ulcères ou les infestations parasitaires à Hyostrongylus rubidus chez le por

    Relative impacts of climate and landuse changes on future flood damage along River Meuse in Wallonia

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    Climate change is expected to increase flood hazard across most of Europe, both in terms of peak discharge intensity and frequency. Consequently, managing flood risk will remain an issue of primary importance for decades to come. Flood risk depends on territories’ flood hazard and vulnerability. Beside climate change, land use evolution is thus a key influencing factor on flood risk. The aim of this research is to quantify the relative influence of climate and land use changes on flood damage evolution during the 21st century. The study focuses on River Meuse in Wallonia for a 100-year flood. A scenario-based approach was used to model land use evolution. Nine urbanization scenarios for 2100 were developed: three of them assume a “current tend” land use evolution, characterized by urban sprawl, while six others assume a sustainable spatial planning, leading to an increase in density of residential areas as well as an increase in urban functions diversity. A study commissioned by the EU has estimated a 30 % increase in the 100-year discharge for River Meuse by the year 2100. Inundation modeling was conducted for the present day 100-year flood (HQ100) and for a discharge HQ100 + 30%, using the model Wolf 2D and a 5m grid resolution Digital Elevation Model (Ernst et al. 2009). Based on five different damage curves related to land use categories, the relative damage was deduced from the computed inundation maps. Finally, specific prices were associated to each land use category and allowed assessing absolute damages, which were subsequently aggregated to obtain a damage value for each of the 19 municipalities crossed by River Meuse. Results show that flood damage is estimated to increase by 540 to 630 % between 2009 and 2100, reaching 2.1 to 2.4 billion Euros in 2100. These increases mainly involve municipalities downstream of a point where the floodplain width becomes significantly larger. The city of Liège, which is protected against a 100-year flood in the present situation, would undergo about 450 million Euros damage for a 100-year flood in the 2100, i.e. in-between 21% and 25 % of the whole damage increase. The influence of climate is three to eight times higher than the effect of land use change according to the land use evolution scenarios considered. Nevertheless, these two factors have a comparable influence on seven municipalities. Consequently, although a careful spatial planning would not considerably reduce the overall flood damage at the level of theWalloon part of the Meuse Valley, more sustainable spatial planning could efficiently reduce future flood damage at the level of several most critical municipalities. Reference Ernst, J, Dewals, B, Detrembleur, S, Archambeau, P, Erpicum, S, & Pirotton, M. (2010). Micro-scale flood risk analysis based on detailed 2D hydraulic modelling and high resolution geographic data. Natural Hazards, 55(2), 181-209

    Agriculture et changements climatiques: bilan de carbone d'une prairie pâturée en Région wallonne

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    Projet D31-1278: Etablissement du bilan de carbone d'une exploitation agricole wallonne pratiquant le système allaitant: effet du climat et de la gestion du pâturag