854 research outputs found

    Derivation of a No-significant-risk-level (NSRL) for dermal exposures to diethanolamine

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    AbstractDiethanolamine (DEA) has been found to produce liver and kidney tumors in mice following lifetime dermal exposures. Data regarding the mode of action by which DEA produces these tumors were used to support a dose-response assessment that resulted in a no-significant-risk-level (NSRL) for dermal exposures to DEA. DEA and its metabolites are structural analogs to endogenous agents important to choline homeostasis. Sufficient information is available to support an epigenetic MOA involving the perturbation of choline homeostasis and hepatic methylation reactions in the formation of mouse liver tumors. This MOA may also apply to mouse kidney tumors, but direct measurements for key events in kidney are lacking. For both tumor types, dose-response data were pooled across four cancer bioassays conducted for DEA and DEA-containing condensates in order to provide a more robust characterization of the dose-response relationships. Doses were expressed in terms of dermally absorbed dose so that the dose-dependency and species differences in the dermal absorption of DEA were addressed. The resulting NSRL value of 3400 ug/day for dermal exposures to DEA is considered to be protective of human health for both tumor endpoints

    Non-existence of a dilaton gravity action for the exact string black hole

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    We prove that no local diffeomorphism invariant two-dimensional theory of the metric and the dilaton without higher derivatives can describe the exact string black hole solution found a decade ago by Dijkgraaf, Verlinde and Verlinde. One of the key points in this proof is the concept of dilaton-shift invariance. We present and solve (classically) all dilaton-shift invariant theories of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. Two such models, resembling the exact string black hole and generalizing the CGHS model, are discussed explicitly.Comment: 24 pages, 3 eps-figures, revised version (more references, clarified some of the discussion

    Neuroinflammatory TNFα Impairs Memory via Astrocyte Signaling.

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    The occurrence of cognitive disturbances upon CNS inflammation or infection has been correlated with increased levels of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα). To date, however, no specific mechanism via which this cytokine could alter cognitive circuits has been demonstrated. Here, we show that local increase of TNFα in the hippocampal dentate gyrus activates astrocyte TNF receptor type 1 (TNFR1), which in turn triggers an astrocyte-neuron signaling cascade that results in persistent functional modification of hippocampal excitatory synapses. Astrocytic TNFR1 signaling is necessary for the hippocampal synaptic alteration and contextual learning-memory impairment observed in experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE), an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). This process may contribute to the pathogenesis of cognitive disturbances in MS, as well as in other CNS conditions accompanied by inflammatory states or infections

    Implementation of an Optimal First-Order Method for Strongly Convex Total Variation Regularization

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    We present a practical implementation of an optimal first-order method, due to Nesterov, for large-scale total variation regularization in tomographic reconstruction, image deblurring, etc. The algorithm applies to μ\mu-strongly convex objective functions with LL-Lipschitz continuous gradient. In the framework of Nesterov both μ\mu and LL are assumed known -- an assumption that is seldom satisfied in practice. We propose to incorporate mechanisms to estimate locally sufficient μ\mu and LL during the iterations. The mechanisms also allow for the application to non-strongly convex functions. We discuss the iteration complexity of several first-order methods, including the proposed algorithm, and we use a 3D tomography problem to compare the performance of these methods. The results show that for ill-conditioned problems solved to high accuracy, the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art first-order methods, as also suggested by theoretical results.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Biochemical parameters of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) after transport with eugenol or essential oil of Lippia alba added to the water

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    The transport of live fish is a routine practice in aquaculture and constitutes a considerable source of stress to the animals. The addition of anesthetic to the water used for fish transport can prevent or mitigate the deleterious effects of transport stress. This study investigated the effects of the addition of eugenol (EUG) (1.5 or 3.0 mu L L-1) and essential oil of Lippia alba (EOL) (10 or 20 mu L L-1) on metabolic parameters (glycogen, lactate and total protein levels) in liver and muscle, acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) in muscle and brain, and the levels of protein carbonyl (PC), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and nonprotein thiol groups (NPSH) and activity of glutathione-S-transferase in the liver of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen; Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) transported for four hours in plastic bags (loading density of 169.2 g L-1). The addition of various concentrations of EUG (1.5 or 3.0 mu L L-1) and EOL (10 or 20 mu L L-1) to the transport water is advisable for the transportation of silver catfish, since both concentrations of these substances increased the levels of NPSH antioxidant and decreased the TBARS levels in the liver. In addition, the lower liver levels of glycogen and lactate in these groups and lower AChE activity in the brain (EOL 10 or 20 mu L L-1) compared to the control group indicate that the energetic metabolism and neurotransmission were lower after administration of anesthetics, contributing to the maintenance of homeostasis and sedation status.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS/PRONEX) [10/0016-8]; Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cientifico (CNPq) [470964/2009-0]; Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES); CNPqinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Awareness, Knowledge, and Travel-Related Risk Factors for Zika Virus Among Latinas Attending a Federally Qualified Health Center in Rural North Carolina

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    BACKGROUND The Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic that began in 2015 presented a risk for ZIKV infection among persons who traveled to ZIKV-affected countries. Latinas in North Carolina and their sexual partners may be exposed to ZIKV when traveling to these regions.METHODS We administered a cross-sectional survey, measuring ZIKV risk and knowledge, to a convenience sample of 262 reproductive-age Latinas attending a Federally Qualified Health Center in rural North Carolina. We described ZIKV risk and knowledge in the sample, and compared responses between those who were pregnant or recently pregnant, and those who were not pregnant. We further identified factors associated with 1) awareness of ZIKV and 2) high knowledge of ZIKV sequelae and prevention among those who were aware of ZIKV, using log-binomial regression.RESULTS Two-thirds of participants had ever heard of ZIKV, which was positively associated with educational attainment. Most participants aware of ZIKV had moderate/high knowledge of ZIKV transmission (92.5%) and symptoms (73.2%), but knowledge of preventing sexual and congenital transmission was limited. Travel was infrequent among pregnant or recently pregnant participants (5.4%) and their partners (7.1%). Despite low risk for ZIKV infection, participants were willing to practice ZIKV prevention.LIMITATIONS Our study is limited by a lack of generalizability to Latinas in other regions of the country, self-reporting bias, and lack of survey validation as an indicator of English language proficiency.CONCLUSIONS Providers should identify patients likely to become pregnant and travel to high-risk areas, inquire about partner travel history, and offer culturally appropriate ZIKV risk counseling

    TC multicorte (TCMC) cardiaca: aplicaciones clínicas

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    La introducción de los equipos de TC multicorte y el desarrollo de técnicas de adquisición de imágenes con sincronización electrocardiográfica y reconstrucción retrospectiva han permitido que la TC multicorte cardiaca se pueda considerar hoy en día una técnica no invasiva muy útil para el estudio de la patología cardiaca en la práctica clínica diaria. La valoración de las arterias coronarias es una de las principales aplicaciones clínicas de esta técnica diagnóstica e incluye la detección y cuantificación del calcio coronario, la coronariografía por TC multicorte (estudio de la anatomía coronaria, variantes anatómicas y anomalías del origen y trayecto), la valoración angiográfica de la permeabilidad de injertos aortocoronarios y endoprótesis vasculares y la caracterización de las placas de ateroma. Los nuevos programas de reconstrucción y postprocesamiento permiten obtener, además, parámetros de morfología y contracción miocárdica y función cardiaca. Otras aplicaciones clínicas incluyen la caracterización de masas cardiacas intracavitarias y la valoración del pericardio.Since the introduction of last generation multislice MSCT systems and the development of simultaneous electrocardiographic-tracing image acquisition and retrospective reconstruction techniques into clinical routine, cardiac MSCT has been considered a very useful non-invasive technique for the study of cardiac pathology in the daily clinical practice. One of the main clinical applications of this diagnostic technique is the evaluation of the coronary arteries including detection and quantification of coronary calcium, multislice CT coronary angiography (anatomy, anatomical variants and anomalies of the origin and course), the angiographic evaluation of the patency of aortocoronary by-pass grafts and coronary stents, and plaque characterization. The new reconstruction and postprocessing programs allow to obtain, in addition, parameters of myocardial morphology and contraction and cardiac function. Other clinical applications include the characterization of cardiac masses and the evaluation of the pericardium

    Recent results on multiplicative noise

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    Recent developments in the analysis of Langevin equations with multiplicative noise (MN) are reported. In particular, we: (i) present numerical simulations in three dimensions showing that the MN equation exhibits, like the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation both a weak coupling fixed point and a strong coupling phase, supporting the proposed relation between MN and KPZ; (ii) present dimensional, and mean field analysis of the MN equation to compute critical exponents; (iii) show that the phenomenon of the noise induced ordering transition associated with the MN equation appears only in the Stratonovich representation and not in the Ito one, and (iv) report the presence of a new first-order like phase transition at zero spatial coupling, supporting the fact that this is the minimum model for noise induced ordering transitions.Comment: Some improvements respect to the first versio

    On 'Light' Fermions and Proton Stability in 'Big Divisor' D3/D7 Swiss Cheese Phenomenology

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    Building up on our earlier work [1,2], we show the possibility of generating "light" fermion mass scales of MeV-GeV range (possibly related to first two generations of quarks/leptons) as well as eV (possibly related to first two generations of neutrinos) in type IIB string theory compactified on Swiss-Cheese orientifolds in the presence of a mobile space-time filling D3-$brane restricted to (in principle) stacks of fluxed D7-branes wrapping the "big" divisor \Sigma_B. This part of the paper is an expanded version of the latter half of section 3 of a published short invited review [3] written up by one of the authors [AM]. Further, we also show that there are no SUSY GUT-type dimension-five operators corresponding to proton decay, as well as estimate the proton lifetime from a SUSY GUT-type four-fermion dimension-six operator to be 10^{61} years. Based on GLSM calculations in [1] for obtaining the geometric Kaehler potential for the "big divisor", using further the Donaldson's algorithm, we also briefly discuss in the first of the two appendices, obtaining a metric for the Swiss-Cheese Calabi-Yau used, that becomes Ricci flat in the large volume limit.Comment: v2: 1+25 pages, Title modified and text thoroughly expanded including a brief discussion on obtaining Ricci-flat Swiss Cheese Calabi-Yau metrics using the Donaldson's algorithm, references added, to appear in EPJ

    An action for the exact string black hole

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    A local action is constructed describing the exact string black hole discovered by Dijkgraaf, Verlinde and Verlinde in 1992. It turns out to be a special 2D Maxwell-dilaton gravity theory, linear in curvature and field strength. Two constants of motion exist: mass M>1, determined by the level k, and U(1)-charge Q>0, determined by the value of the dilaton at the origin. ADM mass, Hawking temperature T_H \propto \sqrt{1-1/M} and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy are derived and studied in detail. Winding/momentum mode duality implies the existence of a similar action, arising from a branch ambiguity, which describes the exact string naked singularity. In the strong coupling limit the solution dual to AdS_2 is found to be the 5D Schwarzschild black hole. Some applications to black hole thermodynamics and 2D string theory are discussed and generalizations - supersymmetric extension, coupling to matter and critical collapse, quantization - are pointed out.Comment: 41 pages, 2 eps figures, dedicated to Wolfgang Kummer on occasion of his Emeritierung; v2: added ref; v3: extended discussion in sections 3.2, 3.3 and at the end of 5.3 by adding 2 pages of clarifying text; updated refs; corrected typo