52,947 research outputs found

    The hydrogen atom in electric and magnetic fields : Pauli's 1926 article

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    The results obtained by Pauli, in his 1926 article on the hydrogen atom, made essential use of the dynamical so(4) symmetry of the bound states. Pauli used this symmetry to compute the perturbed energy levels of an hydrogen atom in a uniform electric field (Stark effect) and in uniform electric and magnetic fields. Although the experimental check of the single Stark effect on the hydrogen atom has been studied experimentally, Pauli's results in mixed fields have been studied only for Rydberg states of rubidium atoms in crossedfields and lithium atoms in parallel fields.Comment: 11 pages, latex file, 2 figure

    Comment on "Observation of neutronless fusion reactions in picosecond laser plasmas"

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    The paper by Belyaev et al. [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 72}, 026406 (2005)] reported the first experimental observation of alpha particles produced in the thermonuclear reaction 11^{11}B(p,αp,\alpha)8^{8}Be induced by laser-irradiation on a 11^{11}B polyethylene (CH2_2) composite target. The laser used in the experiment is characterized by a picosecond pulse duration and a peak of intensity of 2×1018\times10^{18} W/cm2^2. We suggest that both the background-reduction method adopted in their detection system and the choice of the detection energy region of the reaction products are possibly inadequate. Consequently the total yield reported underestimates the true yield. Based on their observation, we give an estimation of the total yield to be higher than their conclusion, i.e., of the order of 105α^5 \alpha per shot.Comment: 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Comment section of Physical Review

    Hubble Advanced Camera for Surveys Observations of the z=6.42 Quasar SDSS 1148+5251: A Leak in the Gunn-Peterson Trough

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    The Hubble Advanced Camera for Surveys has been used to obtain a narrow-band image of the weak emission peak seen at lambda=7205 A in the Gunn-Peterson Ly beta absorption trough of the highest redshift quasar, SDSS J1148+5251. The emission looks perfectly point-like; there is no evidence for the intervening galaxy that we previously suggested might be contaminating the quasar spectrum. We derive a more accurate astrometric position for the quasar in the two filters and see no indication of gravitational lensing. We conclude that the light in the Ly beta trough is leaking through two unusually transparent, overlapping windows in the IGM absorption, one in the Ly beta forest at z ~ 6 and one in the Ly alpha forest at z ~ 5. If there are significant optical depth variations on velocity scales small compared with our spectral resolution (~150 km/s), the Ly alpha trough becomes more transparent for a given Ly beta optical depth. Such variations can only strengthen our conclusion that the fraction of neutral hydrogen in the IGM increases dramatically at z>6. We argue that the transmission in the Ly beta trough is not only a more sensitive measure of the neutral fraction than is Ly alpha, it also provides a less biased estimator of the neutral hydrogen fraction than does the Ly alpha transmission.Comment: Submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Not all the bots are created equal:the Ordering Turing Test for the labelling of bots in MMORPGs

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    This article contributes to the research on bots in Social Media. It takes as its starting point an emerging perspective which proposes that we should abandon the investigation of the Turing Test and the functional aspects of bots in favor of studying the authentic and cooperative relationship between humans and bots. Contrary to this view, this article argues that Turing Tests are one of the ways in which authentic relationships between humans and bots take place. To understand this, this article introduces the concept of Ordering Turing Tests: these are sort of Turing Tests proposed by social actors for purposes of achieving social order when bots produce deviant behavior. An Ordering Turing Test is method for labeling deviance, whereby social actors can use this test to tell apart rule-abiding humans and rule-breaking bots. Using examples from Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, this article illustrates how Ordering Turing Tests are proposed and justified by players and service providers. Data for the research comes from scientific literature on Machine Learning proposed for the identification of bots and from game forums and other player produced paratexts from the case study of the game Runescape

    Star-Formation in Low Radio Luminosity AGN from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We investigate faint radio emission from low- to high-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Their radio properties are inferred by co-adding large ensembles of radio image cut-outs from the FIRST survey, as almost all of the sources are individually undetected. We correlate the median radio flux densities against a range of other sample properties, including median values for redshift, [OIII] luminosity, emission line ratios, and the strength of the 4000A break. We detect a strong trend for sources that are actively undergoing star-formation to have excess radio emission beyond the ~10^28 ergs/s/Hz level found for sources without any discernible star-formation. Furthermore, this additional radio emission correlates well with the strength of the 4000A break in the optical spectrum, and may be used to assess the age of the star-forming component. We examine two subsamples, one containing the systems with emission line ratios most like star-forming systems, and one with the sources that have characteristic AGN ratios. This division also separates the mechanism responsible for the radio emission (star-formation vs. AGN). For both cases we find a strong, almost identical, correlation between [OIII] and radio luminosity, with the AGN sample extending toward lower, and the star-formation sample toward higher luminosities. A clearer separation between the two subsamples is seen as function of the central velocity dispersion of the host galaxy. For systems with similar redshifts and velocity dispersions, the star-formation subsample is brighter than the AGN in the radio by an order of magnitude. This underlines the notion that the radio emission in star-forming systems can dominate the emission associated with the AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal; 15 pages, 8 color figure

    The electron spectra in the synchrotron nebula of the supernova remnant G 29.7-0.3

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    EXOSAT results obtained with the imaging instrument (CMA) and the medium energy proportional counters (ME) are discussed. Assuming that the featureless power-law spectrum obtained in the 2 to 10 keV range is synchrotron radiation from relativistic electrons, one derives constraints on magnetic field strength and age of the nebula. The energy spectra of the electrons responsible for the emission in the radio and X-ray ranges are discussed. The great similarity of the physical properties of G 29.7-0.3 and of three synchrotron nebulae containing a compact object observed to pulse in X-rays makes G 29.7 - 0.3 a very promising candidate for further search for pulsed emission. Further observations at infrared wavelengths might reveal the break(s) in the emitted spectrum expected from the radio and X-ray power-law indices and give us more information on the production of the electron populations responsible for the emission of the nebula

    ROSAT HRI Observations of the Crab Pulsar: An Improved Temperature upper limit for PSR 0531+21

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    ROSAT HRI observations have been used to determine an upper limit of the Crab pulsar surface temperature from the off-pulse count rate. For a neutron star mass of 1.4 \Mo and a radius of 10 km as well as the standard distance and interstellar column density, the redshifted temperature upper limit is\/ Ts∞≤1.55×106T_s^\infty \le 1.55\times 10^6 K (3σ)(3\sigma). This is the lowest temperature upper limit obtained for the Crab pulsar so far. Slightly different values for Ts∞T_s^\infty are computed for the various neutron star models available in the literature, reflecting the difference in the equation of state.Comment: 5 pages, uuencoded postscript, to be published in the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Insitute on "Lives of the Neutron Stars", ed. A. Alpar, U. Kiziloglu and J. van Paradijs ( Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995 )

    Conflict as a relational turning point.

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    Turning points, which represent changes that transform a relationship, are consistent with a dialectical view of relationships (Baxter & Montgomery, 1996). Previous research has presumed that turning points produce either positive or negative outcomes for relationships, generally in terms of commitment or closeness. Further, extant research has not considered individual differences in the experience of turning points. This study investigated how conflict functions as a turning point, with attention to the antecedents and outcomes of turning points. Participants were 284 individuals in romantic relationships. Almost half of participants reported a combination of positive and negative outcomes resulting from their conflict turning point. As the length of participants' relationships increased, they were less likely to perceive that relational uncertainty and jealousy contributed to their conflict turning point. The constant comparative method showed that participants in early-stage relationships were more likely to perceive alcohol as contributing to their conflict turning point, while participants in more established relationships were more likely to perceive major life changes as contributing to their conflict turning point. The constant comparative method also revealed that outcomes of conflict turning points were aggravated emotions and demonstrations of care and concern. Additionally, individuals high in the solution-oriented conflict style were more likely to report conflict as a turning point with primarily constructive outcomes for their relationship, while individuals who felt persecuted were more likely to report conflict as a turning point with primarily destructive outcomes for their relationship. Finally, Machiavellians were more likely to strategically manage conflict episodes to avoid a turning point. Implications of these findings are noted
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