282 research outputs found

    Tidal Deformability of Fermion-Boson Stars: Neutron Stars Admixed with Ultra-Light Dark Matter

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    In this work we investigate the tidal deformability of a neutron star admixed with dark matter, modeled as a massive, self-interacting, complex scalar field. We derive the equations to compute the tidal deformability of the full Einstein-Hilbert-Klein-Gordon system self-consistently, and probe the influence of the scalar field mass and self-interaction strength on the total mass and tidal properties of the combined system. We find that dark matter core-like configurations lead to more compact objects with smaller tidal deformability, and dark matter cloud-like configurations lead to larger tidal deformability. Electromagnetic observations of certain cloud-like configurations would appear to violate the Buchdahl limit. The self-interaction strength is found to have a significant effect on both mass and tidal deformability. We discuss observational constraints and the connection to anomalous detections. We also investigate how this model compares to those with an effective bosonic equation of state and find the interaction strength where they converge sufficiently.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; Accepted for publicatio

    BRAFV600E mutations in malignant melanoma are associated with increased expressions of BAALC

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Bachground</p> <p>Activating <it>BRAF </it>mutations are present in approximately 50% of melanomas. Although different downstream target genes of the most common mutant V600E have been identified, the contribution of activating <it>BRAF </it>mutations to malignant transformation needs further clarification.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Microarray gene analysis was performed for human melanoma cell lines harboring BRAF<sup>V600E </sup>mutations in comparison to cell lines without this mutation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This analysis revealed a more than two fold down-regulation of 43 and an increase of 39 gene products. <it>BAALC </it>(<it>Brain and acute Leukaemia, cytoplasmatic</it>) was most prominently regulated, since it was up-regulated in mutated cell lines by a mean of 11.45. Real time PCR analyses with RNA from melanoma cell lines (n = 30) confirmed the <it>BRAF</it>-activation dependent up-regulation of <it>BAALC</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>BAALC</it>, which has been associated with cell dedifferentiation and migration, may function as a downstream effector of activating <it>BRAF </it>mutations during melanomagenesis.</p

    Secure and privacy-respecting documentation for interactive manufacturing and quality assurance

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    The automated documentation of work steps is a requirement of many modern manufacturing processes. Especially when it comes to important procedures such as safety critical screw connections or weld seams, the correct and complete execution of certain manufacturing steps needs to be properly supervised, e.g., by capturing video snippets of the worker to be checked in hindsight. Without proper technical and organizational safeguards, such documentation data carries the potential for covert performance monitoring to the disadvantage of employees. Naïve documentation architectures interfere with data protection requirements, and thus cannot expect acceptance of employees. In this paper we outline use cases for automated documentation and describe an exemplary system architecture of a workflow recognition and documentation system. We derive privacy protection goals that we address with a suitable security architecture based on hybrid encryption, secret-sharing among multiple parties and remote attestation of the system to prevent manipulation. We finally contribute an outlook towards problems and possible solutions with regards to information that can leak through accessible metadata and with regard to more modular system architectures, where more sophisticated remote attestation approaches are needed to ensure the integrity of distributed components

    Genome-Wide Linkage Analysis of Malaria Infection Intensity and Mild Disease

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    Although balancing selection with the sickle-cell trait and other red blood cell disorders has emphasized the interaction between malaria and human genetics, no systematic approach has so far been undertaken towards a comprehensive search for human genome variants influencing malaria. By screening 2,551 families in rural Ghana, West Africa, 108 nuclear families were identified who were exposed to hyperendemic malaria transmission and were homozygous wild-type for the established malaria resistance factors of hemoglobin (Hb)S, HbC, alpha(+) thalassemia, and glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency. Of these families, 392 siblings aged 0.5–11 y were characterized for malaria susceptibility by closely monitoring parasite counts, malaria fever episodes, and anemia over 8 mo. An autosome-wide linkage analysis based on 10,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms was conducted in 68 selected families including 241 siblings forming 330 sib pairs. Several regions were identified which showed evidence for linkage to the parasitological and clinical phenotypes studied, among them a prominent signal on Chromosome 10p15 obtained with malaria fever episodes (asymptotic z score = 4.37, empirical p-value = 4.0 × 10(−5), locus-specific heritability of 37.7%; 95% confidence interval, 15.7%–59.7%). The identification of genetic variants underlying the linkage signals may reveal as yet unrecognized pathways influencing human resistance to malaria

    Ausweitung des Sojaanbaus in Deutschland durch züchterische Anpassung sowie pflanzenbauliche und verarbeitungstechnische Optimierung

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    Die Arbeiten im Sojaforschungsprojekt waren erfolgreich und konnten wichtige Impulse für die Ausweitung des Sojaanbaus in Deutschland geben. So sind die entwickelten Stämme und Kreuzungsnachkommen eine Basis für den Aufbau einer eigenständigen deutschen Sojazüchtung. Die Sorten Korus und Protibus erwiesen sich als besonders geeignet für die Tofuherstellung. Die im Projekt entwickelte Labortofurei ist ein Züchtungsinstrument zur Identifikation vielversprechender Genotypen, mit dem auch die weitere Entwicklung frühreifer Tofusojasorten unterstützt werden kann. In Gefäßversuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Reaktion auf Kühlestress während der Hülsenansatzphase zwischen den Sorten variiert und es tolerante, kompensierende und sensitive Sorten gibt. Die praktische Selektion auf Kältetoleranz war erfolgreich und für die Selektion auf Unkrauttoleranz konnte ein System etabliert werden. Bis auf das Präparat Radicin können die vorhandenen kommerziellen Bradyrhizobienpräparate für den Praxiseinsatz empfohlen werden. Die Hypothese, dass die Selektion des Symbiosepartners auf Kühletoleranz lohnenswert ist, wurde bestätigt. Bei der Sortenprüfung in ganz Deutschland zeigte sich, dass die Anbauwürdigkeit von Soja gut und nur an wenigen der geprüften Standorte nicht gegeben war. Die 00-Sorte ES-Mentor lieferte insgesamt die höchsten Relativerträge sowie den höchsten Rohproteinertrag, bei den 000-Sorten schnitt Sultana besonders gut ab. Eine Variation der Saatzeit sowie verschiedene Verfrühungstechniken erweisen sich nicht als ertragsrelevant. Beim Erfolg der Unkrautregulierung mit Torsionshacke, Fingerhacke und Flachhäufler gab es keine Unterschiede. Im Dammanbau lassen sich Sojabohnen mit gutem Unkrautregulierungserfolg kultivieren. Bei der Sojaaufbereitung sollte eine unnötig hohe Erhitzung der Bohnen bei der Aufbereitung vermieden werden, da durch die Erhitzung neben der Trypsininhibitoraktivität auch Eiweißverdaulichkeit reduziert werden. Mit ausschließlich indirekter, länger einwirkender, trockener Wärme (z. B. Biogasabwärme), ist es schwierig, gute Aufbereitungsqualitäten zu erzielen. Der Wissenstransfer mit Feldtagen und Website www.sojainfo.de war wichtig und erfolgreich zur Steigerung des Interesses am heimischen Sojaanbau

    Artificial Intelligence for the Detection of Focal Cortical Dysplasia: Challenges in Translating Algorithms into Clinical Practice

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    Focal cortical dysplasias (FCDs) are malformations of cortical development and one of the most common pathologies causing pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. Resective neurosurgery yields high success rates, especially if the full extent of the lesion is correctly identified and completely removed. The visual assessment of magnetic resonance imaging does not pinpoint the FCD in 30%–50% of cases, and half of all patients with FCD are not amenable to epilepsy surgery, partly because the FCD could not be sufficiently localized. Computational approaches to FCD detection are an active area of research, benefitting from advancements in computer vision. Automatic FCD detection is a significant challenge and one of the first clinical grounds where the application of artificial intelligence may translate into an advance for patients' health. The emergence of new methods from the combination of health and computer sciences creates novel challenges. Imaging data need to be organized into structured, well-annotated datasets and combined with other clinical information, such as histopathological subtypes or neuroimaging characteristics. Algorithmic output, that is, model prediction, requires a technically correct evaluation with adequate metrics that are understandable and usable for clinicians. Publication of code and data is necessary to make research accessible and reproducible. This critical review introduces the field of automatic FCD detection, explaining underlying medical and technical concepts, highlighting its challenges and current limitations, and providing a perspective for a novel research environment