4,083 research outputs found

    Star-forming Galactic Contrails at z=3.2 as a Source of Metal Enrichment and Ionizing Radiation

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    A spectroscopically detected Lyman alpha emitting halo at redshift 3.216 in the GOODS-N field is found to reside at the convergence of several Lyman alpha filaments. HST images show that some of the filaments are inhabited by galaxies. Several of the galaxies in the field have pronounced head-tail structures, which are partly aligned with each other. The blue colors of most tails suggest the presence of young stars, with the emission from at least one of the galaxies apparently dominated by high equivalent width Lyman alpha. Faint, more diffuse, and similarly elongated, apparently stellar features, can be seen over an area with a linear extent of at least 90 kpc. The region within several arcseconds of the brightest galaxy exhibits spatially extended emission by HeII, NV and various lower ionization metal lines. The gas-dynamical features present are strongly reminiscent of ram-pressure stripped galaxies, including evidence for recent star formation in the stripped contrails. Spatial gradients in the appearance of several galaxies may represent a stream of galaxies passing from a colder to a hotter intergalactic medium. The stripping of gas from the in-falling galaxies, in conjunction with the occurrence of star formation and stellar feedback in the galactic contrails suggests a mechanism for the metal enrichment of the high redshift intergalactic medium that does not depend on long-range galactic winds, at the same time opening a path for the escape of ionizing radiation from galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    A multiwavlength study of PSR B0628-28: The first overluminous rotation-powered pulsar?

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    The ROSAT source RX J0630.8-2834 was suggested by positional coincidence to be the X-ray counterpart of the old field pulsar PSR B0628-28. This association, however, was regarded to be unlikely based on the computed energetics of the putative X-ray counterpart. In this paper we report on multiwavelength observations of PSR B0628-28 made with the ESO/NTT observatory in La Silla, the Jodrell Bank radio observatory and XMM-Newton. Although the optical observations do not detect any counterpart of RX J0630.8-2834 down to a limiting magnitude of V=26.1 mag and B=26.3 mag, XMM-Newton observations finally confirmed it to be the pulsar's X-ray counterpart by detecting X-ray pulses with the radio pulsar's spin-period. The X-ray pulse profile is characterized by a single broad peak with a second smaller peak leading the main pulse component by ~144 degree. The fraction of pulsed photons is (38 +- 7)% with no strong energy dependence in the XMM-Newton bandpass. The pulsar's X-ray spectrum is well described by a single component power law with photon index 2.63^{+0.23}_{-0.15}, indicating that the pulsar's X radiation is dominated by non-thermal emission processes. A low level contribution of thermal emission from residual cooling or from heated polar caps, cannot be excluded. The pulsar's spin-down to X-ray energy conversion efficiency is obtained to be ~16% for the radio dispersion measure inferred pulsar distance. If confirmed, PSR B0628-28 would be the first X-ray overluminous rotation-powered pulsar identified among all ~1400 radio pulsars known today.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Find a paper copy with higher resolution images at ftp://ftp.xray.mpe.mpg.de/people/web/astro-ph-0505488_rev2.pd

    Over-the-Rotor Liner Investigation via the NASA Langley Normal Incidence Tube

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    NASA Langley and Glenn Research Centers have collaborated on the usage of acoustic liners mounted very near or directly over the rotor of turbofan aircraft engines. This collaboration began over a decade ago with the investigation of a metallic foam liner. Similar to conventional acoustic liner applications, this liner was designed to absorb sound generated by the rotor-alone and rotor-stator interaction sources within the fan duct. Given its proximity to the rotor tips, the expectation was that the liner would also serve as a pressure release and thereby inhibit the amount of noise generated. Initial acoustic results were promising, but there was concern regarding potential aerodynamic penalties. Nevertheless, there were sufficient positive results to warrant further investigation. To that end, the current report presents results obtained in the NASA Langley Normal Incidence Tube for 20 acoustic liner candidates for the OTR application. The majority contain grooves at their surface, designed to minimize aerodynamic penalties caused by placing the liner in close proximity to the fan rotor tips. The intent is to assess the acoustic properties of each liner configuration, and in particular to assess the effects of including the grooves on the overall acoustic performance. An additional intent of this paper is to provide documentation regarding recent enhancements to the NASA Langley Normal Incidence Tube

    Hydroelectric Power Station

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    On the left bank of the Iller River, a new, highly efficient hydroelectric power station has been built to replace an older power station from the 1950s. The power station supports approximately three thousand households with 10.5 million kilowatt-hours of environmentally friendly power per year

    The Evolution of Optical Depth in the Ly-alpha Forest: Evidence Against Reionization at z~6

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    We examine the evolution of the IGM Ly-alpha optical depth distribution using the transmitted flux probability distribution function (PDF) in a sample of 63 QSOs spanning absorption redshifts 1.7 < z < 5.8. The data are compared to two theoretical optical depth distributions: a model distribution based on the density distribution of Miralda-Escude et al. (2000) (MHR00), and a lognormal distribution. We assume a uniform UV background and an isothermal IGM for the MHR00 model, as has been done in previous works. Under these assumptions, the MHR00 model produces poor fits to the observed flux PDFs at redshifts where the optical depth distribution is well sampled, unless large continuum corrections are applied. However, the lognormal optical depth distribution fits the data at all redshifts with only minor continuum adjustments. We use a simple parametrization for the evolution of the lognormal parameters to calculate the expected mean transmitted flux at z > 5.4. The lognormal optical depth distribution predicts the observed Ly-alpha and Ly-beta effective optical depths at z > 5.7 while simultaneously fitting the mean transmitted flux down to z = 1.6. If the evolution of the lognormal distribution at z < 5 reflects a slowly-evolving density field, temperature, and UV background, then no sudden change in the IGM at z ~ 6 due to late reionization appears necessary. We have used the lognormal optical depth distribution without any assumption about the underlying density field. If the MHR00 density distribution is correct, then a non-uniform UV background and/or IGM temperature may be required to produce the correct flux PDF. We find that an inverse temperature-density relation greatly improves the PDF fits, but with a large scatter in the equation of state index. [Abridged]Comment: 45 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Ap

    Discovery of a Classic FR-II Broad Absorption Line Quasar from the FIRST Survey

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    We have discovered a remarkable quasar, FIRST J101614.3+520916, whose optical spectrum shows unambiguous broad absorption features while its double-lobed radio morphology and luminosity clearly indicate a classic Fanaroff-Riley Type II radio source. Its radio luminosity places it at the extreme of the recently established class of radio-loud broad absorption line quasars (Becker et al. 1997, 2000; Brotherton et al. 1998). Because of its hybrid nature, we speculate that FIRST J101614.3+520916 is a typical FR-II quasar which has been rejuvenated as a broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with a Compact Steep Spectrum core. The direction of the jet axis of FIRST J101614.3+520916 can be estimated from its radio structure and optical brightness, indicating that we are viewing the system at a viewing angle of > 40 degrees. The position angles of the radio jet and optical polarization are not well-aligned, differing by 20 to 30 degrees. When combined with the evidence presented by Becker et al. (2000) for a sample of 29 BAL quasars showing that at least some BAL quasars are viewed along the jet axis, the implication is that no preferred viewing orientation is necessary to observe BAL systems in a quasar's spectrum. This, and the probable young nature of compact steep spectrum sources, leads naturally to the alternate hypothesis that BALs are an early stage in the lives of quasars.Comment: 14 pages, 6 postscript figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Comparison of first-line and second-line terlipressin versus sole norepinephrine in fulminant ovine septic shock

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    The Surviving Sepsis Guidelines suggest the use of vasopressin in case of catecholamine-refractory septic shock. Terlipressin (TP) as a V-1-selective AVP analogue is a potential alternative, though data regarding the first-line administration in septic shock are scarce. The present study explored and compared the effects of first-line vs. second-line infusion of TP or sole norepinephrine regarding organ function, fluid and norepinephrine requirements and survival in fulminant ovine septic shock. Peritoneal sepsis was induced in 23 ewes after laparotomy and faecal withdrawal from the caecum. After onset of shock, causal and supportive sepsis therapy (antibiotics, peritoneal lavage, fluids and open-label norepinephrine) was performed in all animals. Concurrently, animals were randomized to receive 0.9% sodium chloride (control group) or TP (2 mu g.kg(-1).h(-1), first-line group) after shock onset. In the second-line TP group, TP (2 mu g.kg(-1).h(-1)) was started once norepinephrine requirements exceeded 0.5 mu g.kg(-1).min(-1). No significant differences were found between groups regarding survival, haemodynamics as well as fluid-and catecholamine-requirements. Kidney function and electron microscopic kidney injury were comparable between groups. In the present model of fulminant ovine septic shock, first-line TP infusion had no significant effect on fluid and norepinephrine requirements or organ dysfunction as compared to second-line TP infusion or placebo

    Is the Compact Source at the Center of Cas A Pulsed?

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    A 50 ksec observation of the Supernova Remnant Cas A was taken using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory High Resolution Camera (HRC) to search for periodic signals from the compact source located near the center. Using the HRC-S in imaging mode, problems with correctly assigning times to events were overcome, allowing the period search to be extended to higher frequencies than possible with previous observations. In an extensive analysis of the HRC data, several possible candidate signals are found using various algorithms, including advanced techniques developed by Ransom to search for low significance periodic signals. Of the candidate periods, none is at a high enough confidence level to be particularly favored over the rest. When combined with other information, however (e.g., spectra, total energetics, and the historical age of the remnant), a 12 ms candidate period seems to be more physically plausible than the others, and we use it for illustrative purposes in discussing the possible properties of a putative neutron star in the remnant. We emphasize that this is not necessarily the true period, and that a follow-up observation, scheduled for the fall of 2001, is required. A 50 ksec Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) observation was taken, and analysis of these data for the central object shows that the spectrum is consistent with several forms, and that the emitted X-ray luminosity in the 0.1 -10 keV band is 10^{33}-10^{35}erg cm^{-2}sec^{-1} depending on the spectral model and the interstellar absorption along the line of sight to the source.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures Submitted to ApJ 2001 June 2
