1,030 research outputs found

    Structural Requirements for Expression of Factor VA Activity

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    Thrombin activated factor Va (factor VIIa, residues 1-709 and 1546-2196) has an apparent dissociation constant (Kd,app) for factor Xa within prothrombinase of approximately 0.5 nM. A protease (NN) purified from the venom of the snake Naja nigricollis nigricollis, cleaves human factor V at Asp697, Asp1509, and Asp1514 to produce a molecule (factor VNN) that is composed of a Mr 100,000 heavy chain (amino acid residues 1-696) and a Mr 80,000 light chain (amino acid residues 1509/1514-2196). Factor VNN, has a Kd,app for factor Xa of 4 nm and reduced clotting activity. Cleavage of factor VIIa by NN at Asp697 results in a cofactor that loses approximately 60-80% of its clotting activity. An enzyme from Russell\u27s viper venom (RVV) cleaves human factor V at Arg1018 and Arg1545 to produce a Mr 150,000 heavy chain and Mr 74,000 light chain (factor VRVV, residues 1-1018 and 1546-2196). The RVV species has affinity for factor Xa and clotting activity similar to the thrombin-activated factor Va. Cleavage of factor VNN at Arg1545 by alpha-thrombin (factor VNN/IIa) or RVV (factor VNN/RVV) leads to enhanced affinity of the cofactor for factor Xa (Kd,app approximately 0.5 nM). A synthetic peptide containing the last 13 residues from the heavy chain of factor Va (amino acid sequence 697-709, D13R) was found to be a competitive inhibitor of prothrombinase with respect to prothrombin. The peptide was also found to specifically interact with thrombin-agarose. These data demonstrate that 1) cleavage at Arg1545 and formation of the light chain of factor VIIa is essential for high affinity binding and function of factor Xa within prothrombinase and 2) a binding site for prothrombin is contributed by amino acid residues 697-709 of the heavy chain of the cofactor

    Experimental Validation of Mathematical Framework for Fast Switching Valves used in Digital Hydraulic Machines

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    A prototype of a fast switching valve designed for a digital hydraulic transmission has been manufactured and experimentally tested. The valve is an annular seat valve composed of a plunger connected with a direct electromagnetic moving coil actuator as the force producing element. Based on an elaborate optimization method the valve is designed to maximize the efficiency of a digital hydraulic motor targeted to a wind turbine transmission system. The optimisation method comprises a mathematical framework which predicts a valve switching time of approximately 1 ms with a peak actuator input power of 10 kW during switching (mean of approximately 250 W) and a pressure loss below 0.5 bar at 600 l/min. The main goal of this article is validate parts of the mathematical framework based on a series of experiments. Furthermore, this article aims to document the experience gained from the experimental work and to study and assess a moving coil actuators suitability for the application.</jats:p

    Amino Acids Glu323, Tyr324, Glu330, and Val331 of Factor VA Heavy Chain Are Essential for Expression of Cofactor Activity

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    We have recently demonstrated that amino acid region 323-331 of factor Va heavy chain (9 amino acids, AP4\u27) contains a binding site for factor Xa (Kalafatis, M., and Beck, D. O. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 12715-12728). To ascertain which amino acids within this region are important for the effector and receptor properties of the cofactor with respect to factor Xa, we have synthesized three overlapping peptides (5 amino acids each) spanning the amino acid region 323-331 and tested them for their effect on prothrombinase complex assembly and function. Peptide containing amino acids 323EYFIA327 alone was found to increase the catalytic efficiency of factor Xa but had no effect on the fluorescent anisotropy of active site-labeled factor Xa (human factor Xa labeled in the active site with Oregon Green 488; [OG488]-EGR-hXa). In contrast, peptide containing the sequence 327AAEEV331 was found to interact with [OG488]-EGR-hXa with half-maximal saturation reached at approximately 150 microm, but it was unable to produce a cofactor effect on factor Xa. Peptide 325FIAAE329 inhibited prothrombinase activity and was able to partially decrease the fluorescent anisotropy of [OG488]-EGR-hXa but could not increase the catalytic efficiency of factor Xa with respect to prothrombin. A control peptide with the sequence FFFIA did not increase the catalytic efficiency of factor Xa, whereas a peptide with the sequence AAEMI was impaired in its capability to interact with [OG488]-EGR-hXa. Two mutant recombinant factor Va molecules (Glu323 --\u3e Phe/Tyr324 --\u3e Phe, factor VaFF; Glu330 --\u3e Met/Val331 --\u3e Ile, factor VaMI) showed impaired cofactor activity when used at limiting cofactor concentration, whereas the quadruple mutant (Glu323 --\u3e Phe/Tyr324 --\u3e Phe and Glu330 --\u3e Met/Val331 --\u3e Ile, factor VaFF/MI) had no cofactor activity under similar experimental conditions. Our data demonstrate that amino acid residues Glu323, Tyr324, Glu330, and Val331 of factor Va heavy chain are critical for expression of factor Va cofactor activity

    Contribution of Amino Acid Region 334−335 from Factor Va Heavy Chain to the Catalytic Efficiency of Prothrombinase†

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    ABSTRACT: We have demonstrated that amino acids E323, Y324, E330, and V331 from the factor Va heavy chain are required for the interaction of the cofactor with factor Xa and optimum rates of prothrombin cleavage. We have also shown that amino acid region 332-336 contains residues that are important for cofactor function. Using overlapping peptides, we identified amino acids D334 and Y335 as contributors to cofactor activity. We constructed recombinant factor V molecules with the mutations D334 f K and Y335 f F (factor VKF) and D334 f A and Y335 f A (factor VAA). Kinetic studies showed that while factor VaKF and factor VaAA had a KD for factor Xa similar to the KD observed for wild-type factor Va (factor VaWT), the clotting activities of the mutant molecules were impaired and the kcat of prothrombinase assembled with factor VaKF and factor VaAA was reduced. The second-order rate constant of prothrombinase assembled with factor VaKF or factor VaAA for prothrombin activation was ∼10-fold lower than the second-order rate constant for the same reaction catalyzed by prothrombinase assembled with factor VaWT. We also created quadruple mutants combining mutations in the amino acid region 334–335 with mutations at the previously identified amino acids that are important for factor Xa binding (i.e., E323Y324 and E330V331). Prothrombinase assembled with the quadruple mutant molecules displayed a second-order rate constant up to 400-fold lower than the values obtained with prothrombinase assembled with factor VaWT. The dat

    The Contribution of Amino Acid Region ASP695-TYR698 of Factor V to Procofactor Activation and Factor VA Function

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    There is strong evidence that a functionally important cluster of amino acids is located on the COOH-terminal portion of the heavy chain of factor Va, between amino acid residues 680 and 709. To ascertain the importance of this region for cofactor activity, we have synthesized five overlapping peptides representing this amino acid stretch (10 amino acids each, HC1-HC5) and tested them for inhibition of prothrombinase assembly and function. Two peptides, HC3 (spanning amino acid region 690-699) and HC4 (containing amino acid residues 695-704), were found to be potent inhibitors of prothrombinase activity with IC(50) values of approximately 12 and approximately 10 microm, respectively. The two peptides were unable to interfere with the binding of factor Va to active site fluorescently labeled Glu-Gly-Arg human factor Xa, and kinetic analyses showed that HC3 and HC4 are competitive inhibitors of prothrombinase with respect to prothrombin with K(i) values of approximately 6.3 and approximately 5.3 microm, respectively. These data suggest that the peptides inhibit prothrombinase because they interfere with the incorporation of prothrombin into prothrombinase. The shared amino acid motif between HC3 and HC4 is composed of Asp(695)-Tyr-Asp-Tyr-Gln(699) (DYDYQ). A pentapeptide with this sequence inhibited both prothrombinase function with an IC(50) of 1.6 microm (with a K(D) for prothrombin of 850 nm), and activation of factor V by thrombin. Peptides HC3, HC4, and DYDYQ were also found to interact with immobilized thrombin. A recombinant factor V molecule with the mutations Asp(695) --\u3e Lys, Tyr(696) --\u3e Phe, Asp(697) --\u3e Lys, and Tyr(698) --\u3e Phe (factor V(2K2F)) was partially resistant to activation by thrombin but could be readily activated by RVV-V activator (factor Va(RVV)(2K2F)) and factor Xa (factor Va(Xa)(2K2F)). Factor Va(RVV)(2K2F) and factor Va(Xa)(2K2F) had impaired cofactor activity within prothrombinase in a system using purified reagents. Our data demonstrate for the first time that amino acid sequence 695-698 of factor Va heavy chain is important for procofactor activation and is required for optimum prothrombinase function. These data provide functional evidence for an essential and productive contribution of factor Va to the activity of prothrombinase

    The Structural Integrity of Anion Binding Exosite I of Thrombin Is Required and Sufficient for Timely Cleavage and Activation of Factor V and Factor VIII

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    Alpha-thrombin has two separate electropositive binding exosites (anion binding exosite I, ABE-I and anion binding exosite II, ABE-II) that are involved in substrate tethering necessary for efficient catalysis. Alpha-thrombin catalyzes the activation of factor V and factor VIII following discrete proteolytic cleavages. Requirement for both anion binding exosites of the enzyme has been suggested for the activation of both procofactors by alpha-thrombin. We have used plasma-derived alpha-thrombin, beta-thrombin (a thrombin molecule that has only ABE-II available), and a recombinant prothrombin molecule rMZ-II (R155A/R284A/R271A) that can only be cleaved at Arg(320) (resulting in an enzymatically active molecule that has only ABE-I exposed, rMZ-IIa) to ascertain the role of each exosite for procofactor activation. We have also employed a synthetic sulfated pentapeptide (DY(SO(3)(-))DY(SO(3)(-))Q, designated D5Q1,2) as an exosite-directed inhibitor of thrombin. The clotting time obtained with beta-thrombin was increased by approximately 8-fold, whereas rMZ-IIa was 4-fold less efficient in promoting clotting than alpha-thrombin under similar experimental conditions. Alpha-thrombin readily activated factor V following cleavages at Arg(709), Arg(1018), and Arg(1545) and factor VIII following proteolysis at Arg(372), Arg(740), and Arg(1689). Cleavage of both procofactors by alpha-thrombin was significantly inhibited by D5Q1,2. In contrast, beta-thrombin was unable to cleave factor V at Arg(1545) and factor VIII at both Arg(372) and Arg(1689). The former is required for light chain formation and expression of optimum factor Va cofactor activity, whereas the latter two cleavages are a prerequisite for expression of factor VIIIa cofactor activity. Beta-thrombin was found to cleave factor V at Arg(709) and factor VIII at Arg(740), albeit less efficiently than alpha-thrombin. The sulfated pentapeptide inhibited moderately both cleavages by beta-thrombin. Under similar experimental conditions, membrane-bound rMZ-IIa cleaved and activated both procofactor molecules. Activation of the two procofactors by membrane-bound rMZ-IIa was severely impaired by D5Q1,2. Overall the data demonstrate that ABE-I alone of alpha-thrombin can account for the interaction of both procofactors with alpha-thrombin resulting in their timely and efficient activation. Because formation of meizothrombin precedes that of alpha-thrombin, our findings also imply that meizothrombin may be the physiological activator of both procofactors in vivo in the presence of a procoagulant membrane surface during the early stages of coagulation

    Top-down analysis of immunoglobulin G isotypes 1 and 2 with electron transfer dissociation on a high-field Orbitrap mass spectrometer

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    The increasing importance of immunoglobulins G (IgGs) as biotherapeutics calls for improved structural characterization methods designed for these large (~ 150 kDa) macromolecules. Analysis workflows have to be rapid, robust, and require minimal sample preparation. In a previous work we showed the potential of Orbitrap Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS) combined with electron transfer dissociation (ETD) for the top-down investigation of an intact IgG1, resulting in ~ 30% sequence coverage. Here, we describe a top-down analysis of two IgGs1 (adalimumab and trastuzumab) and one IgG2 (panitumumab) performed with ETD on a mass spectrometer equipped with a high-field Orbitrap mass analyzer. For the IgGs1, sequence coverage comparable to the previous results was achieved in a two-fold reduced number of summed transients, which corresponds, taken together with the significantly increased spectra acquisition rate, to ~ six-fold improvement in analysis time. Furthermore, we studied the influence of ion-ion interaction times on ETD product ions for IgGs1, and the differences in fragmentation behavior between IgGs1 and IgG2, which present structural differences. Overall, these results reinforce the hypothesis that gas phase dissociation using both energy threshold-based and radical-driven ion activations is directed to specific regions of the polypeptide chains mostly by the location of disulfide bonds

    SvAnna: efficient and accurate pathogenicity prediction of coding and regulatory structural variants in long-read genome sequencing.

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    Structural variants (SVs) are implicated in the etiology of Mendelian diseases but have been systematically underascertained owing to sequencing technology limitations. Long-read sequencing enables comprehensive detection of SVs, but approaches for prioritization of candidate SVs are needed. Structural variant Annotation and analysis (SvAnna) assesses all classes of SVs and their intersection with transcripts and regulatory sequences, relating predicted effects on gene function with clinical phenotype data. SvAnna places 87% of deleterious SVs in the top ten ranks. The interpretable prioritizations offered by SvAnna will facilitate the widespread adoption of long-read sequencing in diagnostic genomics. SvAnna is available at https://github.com/TheJacksonLaboratory/SvAnn a

    Pharmacokinetic, neurochemical, stereological and neuropathological studies on the potential effects of paraquat in the substantia nigra pars compacta and striatum of male C57BL/6J mice

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    AbstractThe pharmacokinetics and neurotoxicity of paraquat dichloride (PQ) were assessed following once weekly administration to C57BL/6J male mice by intraperitoneal injection for 1, 2 or 3 weeks at doses of 10, 15 or 25mg/kg/week. Approximately 0.3% of the administered dose was taken up by the brain and was slowly eliminated, with a half-life of approximately 3 weeks. PQ did not alter the concentration of dopamine (DA), homovanillic acid (HVA) or 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), or increase dopamine turnover in the striatum. There was inconsistent stereological evidence of a loss of DA neurons, as identified by chromogenic or fluorescent-tagged antibodies to tyrosine hydroxylase in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc). There was no evidence that PQ induced neuronal degeneration in the SNpc or degenerating neuronal processes in the striatum, as indicated by the absence of uptake of silver stain or reduced immunolabeling of tyrosine-hydroxylase-positive (TH+) neurons. There was no evidence of apoptotic cell death, which was evaluated using TUNEL or caspase 3 assays. Microglia (IBA-1 immunoreactivity) and astrocytes (GFAP immunoreactivity) were not activated in PQ-treated mice 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 96 or 168h after 1, 2 or 3 doses of PQ.In contrast, mice dosed with the positive control substance, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP; 10mg/kg/dose×4 doses, 2h apart), displayed significantly reduced DA and DOPAC concentrations and increased DA turnover in the striatum 7 days after dosing. The number of TH+ neurons in the SNpc was reduced, and there were increased numbers of degenerating neurons and neuronal processes in the SNpc and striatum. MPTP-mediated cell death was not attributed to apoptosis. MPTP activated microglia and astrocytes within 4h of the last dose, reaching a peak within 48h. The microglial response ended by 96h in the SNpc, but the astrocytic response continued through 168h in the striatum.These results bring into question previous published stereological studies that report loss of TH+ neurons in the SNpc of PQ-treated mice. This study also suggests that even if the reduction in TH+ neurons reported by others occurs in PQ-treated mice, this apparent phenotypic change is unaccompanied by neuronal cell death or by modification of dopamine levels in the striatum