434 research outputs found

    Parametrisations of the D -> K l nu form factor and the determination of \hat{g}

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    The vector form factor f_+(t) of the semileptonic decay D -> K l nu, measured recently with a high accuracy, can be used to determine the strong coupling constant g_{D_s^* D K}. The latter is related to the normalised coupling \hat{g} releveant in heavy-meson chiral perturbation theory. This determination relies on the estimation of the residue of the form factor at the D_s^* pole and thus on an extrapolation of the form factor in the unphysical region (m_D-m_K)^2<t<(m_D+m_K)^2. We test this extrapolation for several parametrisations of the form factors by determining the value of \hat{g}, whose value can be compared to other (experimental and theoretical) estimates. Several unsophisticated parametrisations, differing by the amount of physical information that they embed, are shown to pass this test. An apparently more elaborated parametrisation of form factors, the so-called z-expansion, is at variance with the other models, and we point out some significant shortcomings of this parametrisation for the problem under consideration.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. A few references added. Accepted for publication in JoP

    BK from the lattice with Wilson quarks

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    We report our results for the bag-parameter BK obtained from the quenched simulations on the lattice with Wilson fermions at three values of the lattice spacing. We implemented the method by which no subtraction of the mixing with other four-fermion dS=2 operators is needed. Our final result, in terms of the renormalisation group invariant bag-parameter, is BK = 0.96 +/- 0.10.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures [version published in Eur.Phys.J.C

    Quark Masses and Renormalization Constants from Quark Propagator and 3-point Functions

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    We have computed the light and strange quark masses and the renormalization constants of the quark bilinear operators, by studying the large-p^2 behaviour of the lattice quark propagator and 3-point functions. The calculation is non-perturbatively improved, at O(a), in the chiral limit. The method used to compute the quark masses has never been applied so far, and it does not require an explicit determination of the quark mass renormalization constant.Comment: LATTICE99 (Improvement and Renormalization) - 3 pages, 2 figure

    Decays of Heavy Mesons

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    We present preliminary results for heavy to light transitions of pseudoscalar mesons, induced by the vector and tensor operators. This lattice study is performed in quenched approximation, by using the nonperturbatively improved Wilson action and operators. We also update the values of the heavy-light meson decay constants.Comment: LATT99(Heavy Quarks), 3 pages, 2 figure

    Perturbative renormalization for static and domain-wall bilinears and four-fermion operators with improved gauge actions

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    We calculate one-loop renormalization factors for heavy-light bilinears as well as four-fermion operators relevant for B0Bˉ0B^{0} - \bar{B}^{0} mixing calculations on the lattice. We use the static approximation for heavy quarks and the domain-wall formulation for light quarks. We present results for different choices of improved gauge action.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, revtex

    Lattice calculation of SU(3) flavor breaking ratios in B - anti-B mixing

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    We present an unquenched lattice calculation for the SU(3) flavor breaking ratios of the heavy-light decay constants and the ΔB=2\Delta B = 2 matrix elements. The calculation was performed on 163×3216^3 \times 32 lattices with two dynamical flavors of domain-wall quarks and inverse lattice spacing 1/a=1.69(5)1/a = 1.69(5) GeV. Heavy quarks were implemented using an improved lattice formulation of the static approximation. In the infinite heavy-quark mass limit we obtain fBs/fBd=1.29(4)(6)f_{B_s}/f_{B_d} = 1.29(4)(6), BBs/BBd=1.06(6)(4)B_{B_s}/B_{B_d} = 1.06(6)(4), ξ=1.33(8)(8)\xi = 1.33(8)(8) where the first error is statistical and the second systematic.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, RevTeX4; mentioned existence of 1/m_b corrections, minor changes improving readabilit

    Heavy --> Light semileptonic decays of pseudoscalar mesons from lattice QCD

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    We have computed the form factors for B --> pi and D --> K(pi) semileptonic decays on the lattice by using full non-perturbative O(a) improvement, in the quenched approximation. Our results are expressed in terms of few parameters which describe the q^2-dependence and normalization of the form factors.Comment: 28 pages (LaTeX2e), 11 PostScript figures (version to appear in Nucl.Phys.B

    B-parameters of the complete set of matrix elements of (Delta B = 2) operators from the lattice

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    We compute on the lattice the ``bag'' parameters of the five (Delta B = 2) operators of the supersymmetric basis, by combining their values determined in full QCD and in the static limit of HQET. The extrapolation of the QCD results from the accessible heavy-light meson masses to the B-meson mass is constrained by the static result. The matching of the corresponding results in HQET and in QCD is for the first time made at NLO accuracy in the MSbar(NDR) renormalization scheme. All results are obtained in the quenched approximation.Comment: 27 pages (5 figures

    Matrix elements of the complete set of \Delta B = 2 and \Delta C = 2 operators in heavy meson chiral perturbation theory

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    Using heavy meson chiral perturbation theory, we consider the light quark-mass and spatial volume dependence of the matrix elements of \Delta B=2 and \Delta C=2 four-quark operators relevant for B^{0}_{(s)}{-}\bar{B}^{0}_{(s)} and D^{0}{-}\bar{D}^{0} mixing, and the B_{s} meson width difference. Our results for these matrix elements are obtained in the N_{f}=2+1 partially quenched theory, which becomes full QCD in the limit where sea and valence quark masses become equal. They can be used in extrapolation of lattice calculations of these matrix elements to the physical light quark masses and to infinite volume. An important conclusion of this paper is that the chiral extrapolations for matrix elements of heavy-light meson mixing beyond the Standard Model, and those relevant for the B_s width difference are more complicated than that for the Standard Model mixing matrix elements.Comment: 13 pages; version accepted for publicatio

    Combined Relativistic and static analysis for all Delta B=2 operators

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    We analyse matrix elements of Delta B=2 operators by combining QCD results with the ones obtained in the static limit of HQET. The matching of all the QCD operators to HQET is made at NLO order. To do that we have to include the anomalous dimension matrix up to two loops, both in QCD and HQET, and the one loop matching for all the Delta B=2 operators. The matrix elements of these operators are relevant for the prediction of the B-\bar B mixing, B_s meson width difference and supersymmetric effects in Delta B=2 transitions.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Lattice2001(heavyquark