677 research outputs found

    Variability and global distribution of subgenotypes of bovine viral diarrhea virus

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    Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a globally-distributed agent responsible for numerous clinical syndromes that lead to major economic losses. Two species, BVDV-1 and BVDV-2, discriminated on the basis of genetic and antigenic differences, are classified in the genus Pestivirus within the Flaviviridae family and distributed on all of the continents. BVDV-1 can be segregated into at least twenty-one subgenotypes (1a-1u), while four subgenotypes have been described for BVDV-2 (2a-2d). With respect to published sequences, the number of virus isolates described for BVDV-1 (88.2%) is considerably higher than for BVDV-2 (11.8%). The most frequently-reported BVDV-1 subgenotype are 1b, followed by 1a and 1c. The highest number of various BVDV subgenotypes has been documented in European countries, indicating greater genetic diversity of the virus on this continent. Current segregation of BVDV field isolates and the designation of subgenotypes are not harmonized. While the species BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 can be clearly differentiated independently from the portion of the genome being compared, analysis of different genomic regions can result in inconsistent assignment of some BVDV isolates to defined subgenotypes. To avoid non-conformities the authors recommend the development of a harmonized system for subdivision of BVDV isolates into defined subgenotypes.German Research Foundation (DFG) BE 2333/1 - BE 2333/2University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation within programme Open Access Publishin

    The cyanobacterial alkaloid nostocarboline: an inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase and trypsin

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    Preselected cyanobacterial strains (available from culture collections and our own isolates), belonging primarily to the heterocystous cluster, were screened for inhibitors against butyrylcholinesterase. About one-half of the extracts exhibited inhibitory activity. Nostocarboline, the responsible metabolite in Nostoc 78-12A, was studied in more detail as an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. The compound showed potent activity against this enzyme (IC50 = 5.3µM), and the Michaelis-Menten kinetics indicated a non-competitive component in the inhibitory mechanism. In addition, nostocarboline turned out to be a potent inhibitor of trypsin (IC50 = 2.8µM), and thus is the first described cyanobacterial serine protease inhibitor of an alkaloid structure. The function of nostocarboline in aquatic ecosystems and its potential as a lead compound for the development of useful therapeutic AChE inhibitors is discusse

    Dietary glucose regulates yeast consumption in adult Drosophila males

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    The adjustment of feeding behavior in response to hunger and satiety contributes to homeostatic regulation in animals. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster feeds on yeasts growing on overripe fruit, providing nutrients required for adult survival, reproduction and larval growth. Here, we present data on how the nutritional value of food affects subsequent yeast consumption in Drosophila adult males. After a period of starvation, flies showed intensive yeast consumption. In comparison, flies stopped feeding after having access to a nutritive cornmeal diet. Interestingly, dietary glucose was equally efficient as the complex cornmeal diet. In contrast, flies fed with sucralose, a non-metabolizable sweetener, behaved as if they were starved. The adipokinetic hormone and insulin-like peptides regulate metabolic processes in insects. We did not find any effect of the adipokinetic hormone pathway on this modulation. Instead, the insulin pathway was involved in these changes. Flies lacking the insulin receptor (InR) did not respond to nutrient deprivation by increasing yeast consumption. Together these results show the importance of insulin in the regulation of yeast consumption in response to starvation in adult D. melanogaster males

    Hanseniaspora uvarum Attracts Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) With High Specificity

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    Since the early phase of the intercontinental dispersal of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), fermentation baits have been used for monitoring. Self-made lures and commercial products are often based on wine and vinegar. From an ecological perspective, the formulation of these baits is expected to target especially vinegar flies associated with overripe fruit, such as Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Hanseniaspora uvarum (Niehaus) (Ascomycota: Saccharomyceta) is a yeast closely associated with D. suzukii and fruit, and furthermore attractive to the flies. Based on this relation, H. uvarum might represent a suitable substrate for the development of lures that are more specific than vinegar and wine. In the field, we therefore, compared H. uvarum to a commercial bait that was based on vinegar and wine with respect to the number of trapped D. suzukii relative to other drosophilids and arthropods. Trap captures were higher with the commercial bait but specificity for D. suzukii was greater with H. uvarum. Moreover, H. uvarum headspace extracts, as well as a synthetic blend of H. uvarum volatiles, were assayed for attraction of D suzukii in a wind tunnel and in the field. Headspace extracts and the synthetic blend induced strong upwind flight in the wind tunnel and confirmed attraction to H. uvarum volatiles. Furthermore, baited with H. uvarum headspace extract and a drowning solution of aqueous acetic acid and ethanol, 74% of field captured arthropods were D. suzukii. Our findings suggest that synthetic yeast headspace formulations might advance the development of more selective monitoring traps with reduced by-catch

    The Structure of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase and Its Amino-Terminal Domain

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    SummaryViral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) differ from DNA-dependent RNA polymerases, DNA-dependent DNA polymerases, and reverse transcriptases in that RdRps contain “fingertips” consisting of several polypeptide strands in the fingers domain interacting with the thumb domain. The crystal structure of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) RdRp containing an Asn438 duplication shows that the “N-terminal domain,” which occurs only in pestiviruses such as BVDV, interacts with the polymerase component of the same polypeptide chain. This contrasts with the domain swapping observed in the previously determined structure of the BVDV NADL strain RdRp. By comparison with the NADL structure and through the use of biochemical data, it is possible that the N-terminal domain, in conjunction with the fingertips, is required to bind and assist the translocation of the RNA template. The partial disorder of the loop containing the additional Asn438 residue may explain the low replication rate of the recombinant compared with the wild-type virus

    Odors Attracting the Long-Legged Predator Medetera signaticornis Loew to Ips typographus L. Infested Norway Spruce Trees

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    Predatory long-legged flies of the genus Medetera are important, but currently understudied, natural enemies of Scolytinae bark beetles such as Ips typographus. Medetera flies lay eggs on beetle-infested trees, where the developing larvae find their prey, but the chemical cues used by Medetera to locate infested trees are currently unknown. To identify odors attracting Medetera signaticornis, a species in Europe, headspace samples were collected at several time-points through different stages of I. typographus attacks on logs of Norway spruce (Picea abies). The headspace samples were analyzed using combined gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and gas chromatography coupled with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) to determine compounds that stimulate M. signaticornis antennae. Antennae of M. signaticornis males and females were found to detect (-)-cis-verbenol, (+)-trans-verbenol and myrtenol, which are known to be produced by bark beetles. Antennal responses were also observed for verbenene, isoterpinolene, alpha-pinene oxide, camphor, pinocamphone, terpinene-4-ol, myrtenal, borneol, alpha-terpineol, geranyl acetone, and verbenone, which are primarily produced by microorganisms, and alpha-pinene, alpha-fenchene, beta-pinene, camphene, 3-carene, limonene, gamma-terpinene, and terpinolene, known spruce tree compounds. In field experiments testing two synthetic blends containing 18 antennal active and two additional compounds 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol and ipsdienol we observed significant attraction of M. signaticornis within 24 h. These attractive blends can form the basis for development of Medetera monitoring lures for use in future forest and pest management

    Pion-nucleon scattering inside the Mandelstam triangle

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    We study the third order pion-nucleon scattering amplitude obtained from heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory inside the Mandelstam triangle. We reconstruct the pion-nucleon amplitude in the unphysical region by use of dispersion relations and determine the pertinent low-energy constants by a fit to this amplitude. A detailed comparison with values obtained from phase shift analysis is given. Our analysis leads to a pion-nucleon sigma-term of sigma(0) = 40 MeV based on the Karlsruhe partial wave analysis. We have repeated the same procedure using the latest solution of the VPI group and find a much larger value for sigma(0).Comment: 17 pp, LaTeX2e, 4 fig

    Mate recognition and reproductive isolation in the sibling species Spodoptera littoralis and Spodoptera litura

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    Mate recognition is crucial for reproductive isolation and for maintaining species integrity. Chemosensory-mediated sexual communication with pheromones is an essential component of mate recognition in moths. Confronted with sex pheromone stimuli released from conspecific and closely related heterospecific females, which partially overlap in chemical composition, male moths are under strong selection to recognize compatible mates. Here, we investigated the role of pheromone signals in premating communication in the sibling species Spodoptera littoralis and S. litura (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Further, we measured the reproductive consequence of conspecific vs. heterospecific matings. Both species use Z9,E11–14:Ac as the major pheromone compound, and the 11-component blend found in pheromone glands of S. littoralis comprises the compounds found in S. litura. Accordingly, S. littoralis and S. litura males readily responded to conspecific and heterospecific calling females in no-choice behavioral tests. In contrast, in a dual-choice test, S. littoralis males choose conspecific calling females, whereas S. litura males did not discriminate between conspecific and heterospecific females. In S. littoralis females, heterospecific matings had a negative fitness effect as compared to conspecific matings. Female longevity, egg-laying and hatching of larvae were significantly reduced by matings with heterospecific males. Reciprocal crossings, between S. litura females and S. littoralis males, were prevented by genital morphology, which is consistent with reduced heterospecific attraction of S. littoralis males in a dual-choice assay. On the other hand, matings between S. littoralis females and S. litura males, under a no-choice situation, show that interspecific matings occur in zones of geographical overlap and corroborate the idea that mate quality, in these closely related species, is a continuous and not a categorical trait

    Childhood and adult social conditions and risk of stroke

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    Background: Socioeconomic conditions may strongly influence the risk of stroke. We tested the hypotheses that indexes of social status in different life periods including childhood are inversely associated with stroke risk and that there is a cumulative effect of social conditions during lifetime on the risk of stroke. Furthermore, we investigated whether social advancement compared to the parental generation is associated with reduced stroke risk. Methods: In a case-control study, we assessed parental professional status, highest school degree, professional education and the last professional activity in 370 consecutive patients with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke or transient ischemic attack [TIA; age 60.7 +/- 12.8 years (mean +/- standard deviation); 31.1% women] and 370 age-and sex-matched control subjects randomly selected from the general population of the same area. Results: Higher level of school exams [odds ratio (OR) 0.58, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.39-0.86], university or polytechnic high school degrees (OR 0.39, 95% CI 0.24-0.63), nonmanual (last or current) professional activity (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.37-0.71) and father’s nonmanual professional activity (OR 0.64, 95% 0.43-0.97) were associated with a lower risk of stroke/TIA. Adjustment for vascular risk factors including current smoking and alcohol consumption reduced the strength of these associations and rendered them nonsignificant except for university or polytechnic high school degrees (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.27-0.87). Additional adjustment for regular sports activity further attenuated the association between academic degrees and risk of stroke/TIA (OR 0.56, 95% CI 0.31-1.02). A score summarizing 4 lifetime social indexes was not independently associated with stroke risk (OR 0.67, 95% CI 0.39-1.16). Social advancement as assessed by changes from paternal manual work to nonmanual work in the index generation was more common among control subjects (23.5%) than patients (15.3%; p = 0.0097), but such advancement was not independently associated with stroke/TIA after adjustment for all covariables (OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.50–1.33). Conclusions: Socioeconomic conditions were inversely linked to the risk of stroke/TIA. These associations were strongly influenced by lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and mainly sports activity. Stroke preventive strategies may have a particularly large potential if they focus on such lifestyle habits in socially disadvantaged groups. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Flight attraction of Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) to cotton headspace and synthetic volatile blends

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    The insect olfactory system discriminates odor signals of different biological relevance, which drive innate behavior. Identification of stimuli that trigger upwind flight attraction toward host plants is a current challenge, and is essential in developing new, sustainable plant protection methods, and for furthering our understanding of plant-insect interactions. Using behavioral, analytical and electrophysiological studies, we here show that both females and males of the Egyptian cotton leafworm,Spodoptera littoralis(Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), use blends of volatile compounds to locate their host plant, cotton,Gossypium hirsutum(Malvales, Malvaceae). FemaleS. littoraliswere engaged in upwind orientation flight in a wind tunnel when headspace collected from cotton plants was delivered through a piezoelectric sprayer. Although males took off toward cotton headspace significantly fewer males than females flew upwind toward the sprayed headspace. Subsequent assays with antennally active synthetic compounds revealed that a blend of nonanal, (Z)-3 hexenyl acetate, (E)-β-ocimene, and (R)-(+)-limonene was as attractive as cotton headspace to females and more attractive to males. Two compounds, 4,8-dimethyl-1,3(E),7-nonatriene (DMNT) and (R)-(−)-linalool, both known plant defense compounds may have reduced the flight attraction of both females and males; more moths were attracted to blends without these two compounds, however, other compounds such as benzaldehyde may also be behavioral antagonists. Our findings provide a platform for further investigations on host plant signals mediating innate behavior, and for the development of novel insect plant protection strategies againstS. littoralis