471 research outputs found
ICTs and innovation in teaching practices in Cameroon
Cet article étudie l’innovation technologique dans les pratiques enseignantes au Cameroun. Il rend ainsi compte des pratiques techno-pédagogiques, à partir de l’examen d’une série de 84 entrevues menées avec des enseignants issus de sept établissements pilotes d’intégration pédagogique des TIC. Dans ce contexte, l’innovation s’intègre davantage dans la recherche documentaire et la préparation des cours. Les autres tâches techno-pédagogiques apparaissent alors minoritaires. De façon générale, considérées comme outils pédagogiques, les TIC n’occupent pas encore une place centrale en enseignement-apprentissage dans ce contexte. Cela pose alors la question de l’équipement technologique des écoles et de la formation techno-pédagogique des enseignants dans une perspective qui allie à la fois diffusion, adoption et appropriation des technologies
Social representations and uses of computer technology by pupils in two secondary schools of Cameroon. Outline of an approach to the use of technology and techno-school innovation
RésuméCette thèse étudie comment les élèves des lycées Général Leclerc et bilingue de Yaoundé (Cameroun) s’approprient l’ordinateur et l’intègrent dans leur univers sociocognitif et quotidien. Pour y arriver, elle examine à la fois ce que ces sujets font effectivement avec cette technologie et ce qu’ils en pensent socialement. Sur cette base, elle esquisse une approche de l’appropriation des technologies et de l’innovation techno-scolaire. La question qui a servi de guide est celle-ci : Comment ces élèves s’approprient-ils l’ordinateur, et dans quelle mesure l’étude combinée des usages et des représentations sociales qu’ils y construisent, contribue-t-elle à saisir cette appropriation et à approcher l’innovation technologique à l’école ? L’hypothèse générale que nous avons posée est que cette appropriation de l’ordinateur est multiforme, et comporte des aspects partagés mais aussi différenciés selon les différentes catégories sociales des répondants et selon les divers contextes d’utilisation de cet outil. Étudiée en prenant en compte usages et représentations, elle révèle cette technologie dans ses dimensions technique, scolaire, sociocognitif et symbolique. Cette démarche est alors capable de renseigner sur les formes et significations de l’appropriation, mais aussi sur son contenu, son organisation et sa conception comme un champ symbolique de positionnement des acteurs, ce qui permet d’approcher l’appropriation des technologies, mais aussi leur implémentation à l’école.Au plan théorique, plusieurs approches ont été mobilisées pour conduire la vérification de cette hypothèse. Nous avons ainsi retenu l’approche de l’appropriation pour étudier les usages de l’ordinateur. Nous avons aussi utilisé le courant des représentations sociales en faisant appel au modèle qui intègre la théorie du noyau central et celle des principes organisateurs. Du côté de la méthodologie, nous avons opté pour une démarche qualitative qui laisse place à l’exploitation des données quantitatives et à la prise en compte des paroles et pratiques des acteurs. Aussi avons-nous retenu les techniques de recherche fondées sur l’expression discursive et pratique des sujets : l’interview, le réseau d’associations et l’observation directe. Les deux premières ont été administrées à un groupe de 64 élèves choisis sur la base de leur genre, cycle d’études et familiarité avec l’ordinateur. La dernière quant à elle a été menée dans des salles de classe, centres de ressources multimédias, cours de récréation et cybercafés. Si l’interview a porté sur tous les aspects de l’objet étudié, le réseau d’associations et l’observation directe quant à eux ont respectivement concerné les représentations sociales et les usages de l’ordinateur chez les répondants.L’analyse des données recueillies confirme les hypothèses de recherche. La thèse montre en effet une variété d’usages contextualisés, différenciés et signifiés. Aussi, face aux diverses contraintes, les élèves exploitent les éléments contextuels pour imaginer des stratégies de détournement, ce qui permet de souligner l’image d’un acteur qui bien que contraint par le système, fait dans et avec ce système pour s’approprier l’innovation techno-scolaire. Ce travail présente aussi un champ représentationnel de l’ordinateur dense et varié. Dans ce champ, l’ordinateur apparaît sous plusieurs angles : physique, scolaire, communicationnel, ludique, extraordinaire, mystérieux, positif et négatif. L’étude de sa structure montre que pour ces élèves, l’ordinateur est fondamentalement un objet technologique qui sert principalement à faire des recherches et à communiquer. Autour de ces enjeux, s’organisent des prises de position ancrées dans des réalités qui relèvent du genre, de la familiarité avec l’ordinateur et/ou du niveau scolaire. L’un des enseignements tirés de cette démarche qui intègre usages et représentations sociaux d’une technologie, est qu’elle renseigne non seulement sur l’épaisseur sociale de l’usage qui est le lieu de formation de l’appropriation, mais aussi sur le contenu, la structuration et les orientations de cette appropriation. Elle permet aussi de considérer cette appropriation comme un champ symbolique dans lequel les usagers de cette technologie se positionnent en fonction de leur capital informatique. En envisageant l’appropriation des technologies à la fois en termes d’usages et de représentations sociales, cette démarche permet aussi de penser une approche globale et participative de leur intégration à l’école.AbstractThis thesis focusses on how pupils in the General Leclerc and bilingual secondary school in Yaoundé (in Cameroon) appropriate computer technology and integrate this into their daily and socio-cognitive environment. In order to do this, the study examines both what the subjects actually do with this technology and what they think of it socially. On this basis, the study outlines an approach of the appropriation of technology and of techno-school innovation. The following question served as a guide: How do the learners concerned appropriate computer technology, and to what extent does the combined study of the uses and social representations they share on this technology, contribute to understand this appropriation and to approach technological innovation in school? The general hypothesis we have put forward is that this appropriation of computer technology is multifaceted, and involves some collective but also some very distinct aspects according to the different social categories of the subjects concerned and to the various contexts of use of this technology. By taking account of uses and representations, the study of this appropriation reveals this technology in its technical, educational, socio-cognitive and symbolic dimensions. This approach provides information about the forms and meanings of the technological appropriation, but also on its content, organization and conception as a symbolic field in which users position. This makes it possible to approach the appropriation of technologies and their implementation in school.Several theoretical approaches were used to examine this hypothesis. We adopted the approach of appropriation in order to study the use of computers. We also used social representation theory by referring to the model which integrates central core theory and principles of organisational theory. With regard to methodology, we opted for a qualitative approach while using quantitative data and paying particular attention to the words and practices of the respondents. We also used research techniques based on the discursive and practical expression of individuals: interview, association-network and direct observation. The first two of these techniques were administered to a group of 64 pupils who were chosen according to their gender, study cycle and familiarity with computers. The observation technique was conducted in the classrooms, multimedia resource centres, recreation classes and internet cafés. While the interview concentrated on all aspects of the subject studied, the association-network and direct observation methods concerned respectively the study of uses and social representations of computer. Analysis of the data gathered confirmed the research hypotheses. The thesis shows a variety of contextualized, differentiated and signified uses. Also, when faced with the different constraints, the pupils used contextual elements to imagine misappropriation strategies. Although constrained by the system, they act with and within this system in order to appropriate techno-school innovation. This work also presents a dense and varied representational field of computer technology. Within this field, computer technology is seen from different angles: physical, educational, communicational, recreational, extraordinary, mysterious, positive and negative. The study of the structure of this social representation shows that for these pupils, the computer is fundamentally a technological object which is principally used for research and communication purposes. One valuable piece of information that has been learned from this approach that integrates the uses and social representations of a technology, is that it provides information not only about the social dimension of the use and appropriation, but also about the content and structuring of this appropriation. This approach also makes it possible to consider this appropriation as a symbolic field in which the users of the technology interact according to their cultural capital. By considering the appropriation of technologies both in terms of uses and social representations, this approach also makes it possible to work out a global and participative approach of their integration into the school system
Caracteres agronômicos e fisiológicos associados ao progresso do melhoramento genético de trigo no Brasil
Knowledge the processes responsible for the progress of genetic gain in grain yield
in wheat plant is an essential step for the development of high yield cultivars. The
aims of the study were: a) Evaluate the duration of developmental phases in wheat
cultivars and quantify the importance of each phase on grain yield and its
components. b) characterize physiological and agronomically wheat cultivars
released in different decades, to identify selection criteria for continued improvement
of genetic progress in Brazil. c) Characterize Brazilian wheat cultivars developed in different decades for the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). Ten wheat cultivars released from1940 to 2009, were examined for two years in a competition essay (2010 and 2011) and in 2011 an essay in green house was conducted with four nitrogen rates (0, 60, 120 e 180 kg N ha-1). We compared the duration of periods, agronomic and physiological traits (gas exchange) and nitrogen use efficiency (EUN) characters. The Breeding reduced time to anthesis and increased the grain filling, contributing to the increase in thousand kernel weight. The modern cultivars had the period terminal spikelet to anthesis increased (0,68 to 1,35 degree days year-1) over the years, contributing to the increase in the number of grains per spikelet, number of grains per spike, spike dry weight at anthesis and spike fertility index. The increase in grain yield was 29 kg ha-1 yr-1, with a genetic gain of 0,92% yr-1 from 1940 to 2009, this is largely related to the increased of harvest index, number of grains m-2 and biological yield, which were achieved through improving stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate in pre and post-anthesis and reduced in plant height. The nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) was positively associated with nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in the
absence of fertilization. Nitrogen utilization efficiency (NutE) and NUpE were
positively associated with NUE in higher N. The modern cultivars (Quartzo, CD 117,
BRS Tangará, BRS 220, BRS 208 and BRS Guamirim) were more efficient in the use
of nitrogen and more tolerant to low N input compared to the group formed by BRS
179, BR 23, Toropi and Frontana.CNPqConhecer os processos responsáveis pelo avanço do progresso genético do
rendimento de grãos é uma etapa essencial para o desenvolvimento de cultivares
mais produtivas. Os objetivos do estudo foram: a) Avaliar a duração dos subperíodos
de desenvolvimento de cultivares de trigo brasileiros, lançados entre 1940 e 2009, e
quantificar a importância de cada fenofase sobre o rendimento de grãos e seus
componentes. b) Caracterizar, fisiologica e agronomicamente, cultivares de trigo
desenvolvidos entre 1940 e 2009, a fim de identificar critérios de seleção mais
efetivos à continuidade do progresso genético de melhoramento no Brasil. c)
Caracterizar cultivares antigos e modernos brasileiros, lançados em diferentes
décadas, quanto à eficiência do uso do nitrogênio e seus componentes. Dez
cultivares de trigo brasileiros, antigos e modernos, foram avaliados em ensaios de
competição, em duas safras agrícolas (2010 e 2011); na safra agrícola de 2011 um
ensaio foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, com quatro doses de nitrogênio (0, 60,
120 e 180 kg N ha-1). Comparou-se a duração dos subperíodos, caracteres
agronômicos e fisiológicos (trocas gasosas) e caracteres da eficiência do uso do
nitrogênio (EUN). O melhoramento reduziu a fase de semeadura a antese e aumentou a fase de enchimento de grãos, contribuindo com o aumento da massa de mil grãos. Os genótipos modernos tiveram o subperíodo de espigueta terminal a antese aumentado (0,68 a 1,35 graus dias ano-1) ao longo dos anos, contribuindo com o incremento do número de grãos por espigueta, número de grãos por espiga, peso seco de espiga em antese e índice de fertilidade da espiga. O incremento de rendimento de grãos foi de 29 kg ha-1 ano-1, com um ganho genético de 0,92% ano-1 no período de 1940 e 2009. O progresso genético para rendimento de grãos foi principalmente relacionado ao incremente do índice de colheita, número de grãos e
rendimento biológico, que foram alcançados pelo aumento da condutância estomática e da taxa fotossintética em pré e pós-antese e redução da estatura de planta. A eficiência de absorção de nitrogênio (EAN) foi positivamente associada com a eficiência do uso do nitrogenio (EUN) na ausência de adubação nitrogenada. A eficiência de utilização do nitrogenio (EUtN) e a EAN foram positivamente associadas a EUN nas doses elevadas de N. Os cultivares mais recentemente disponibilizados para cultivo (Quartzo, CD 117, BRS Tangará, BRS 220, BRS 208 e BRS Guamirim) foram mais eficientes no uso do nitrogênio e mais tolerantes a
baixas doses em comparação ao grupo formado pelos cultivares BRS 179, BR 23,
Toropi e Frontana
Nested association mapping and accuracy of predicting genomic breeding value for agronomic and seed composition traits in three interspecific soybean populations
Includes vitaGiven the narrow genetic base of soybean, discovering useful traits in exotic germplasm could increase the diversity in the current elite gene pool. However, it is essential to characterize beneficial alleles from the wild soybean (Glycine soja) to enhance genetic gain. The objective of this study was to investigate grain yield, agronomic traits and seed composition traits using a soybean NAM panel containing crosses between Williams 82 (hub-parent) and three Glycine soja parents (PI464890B, PI458536, and PI522226). Field tests were conducted in Albany, Columbia, Novelty and Rock Port, Missouri for two years, 2016 and 2017, in an augmented incomplete block design with one replication in 2016 and two replications in 2017. The nested association mapping and linkage mapping could identify three major QTL for plant maturity from Glycine soja in Chromosomes 6, 11 and 12 presenting a significant increment in days to maturity. A major QTL for plant height was identified in Chromosome 13 and showed an increase in plant height for lines that carried the wild soybean allele. A significant QTL for grain yield from Glycine soja was detected in Chromosome 17 and showed a positive effect of 166.1 kg ha-1 and yielded an average of 6% more than the Glycine max parent (Williams 82) across environments. Also, we identified 61 and 12 QTLs associated with seed composition traits in the NAM analysis and linkage analysis, respectively. Four QTLs showed pleiotropic effects with soybean seed composition traits. Two QTLs, one on Chromosome 5 and another on Chromosome 15 were associated with the fatty acid profile, explaining 3-18% of the phenotypic variance. The confirmed QTLs for protein and oil cqSeed protein-001 on Chromosome 15 and cqSeed protein-003 on Chromosome 20 were identified. Also, the QTL on chromosome 20 was associated with ten amino acids. However, the allele associated with protein concentration was also responsible for a reduction in amino acid concentration. Another QTL on Chromosome 19 was associated with Cysteine, Methionine, and Leucine and explained 9-30% of the phenotypic variation. Our results reinforce that increasing protein may not increase amino acid concentrations and suggest independent genetic control for protein and sulfur-containing amino acids. In addition to the mapping study, we conducted a genomic prediction study in the NAM panel. Increasing the training population size from 50 to 300 individuals improved prediction accuracy from 0.49 to 0.77 (57% increase) across all traits, with little increment between 300 and 390 individuals (1%). Marker density had little impact on the prediction accuracy across traits, with a significant increment in prediction accuracy up to 1423 markers (18.5%). The training population design Across all families had higher prediction accuracies for all the traits compared with Leave one family out and Within families designs, with prediction accuracies ranged from moderate (0.55) to high (0.75). The NAM panel containing interspecific crosses, successfully predict polygenic traits. Our results showed encouraging prediction accuracies for grain yield (0.55-0.73), which is impressive from crosses originating from wild soybean. In conclusion, training population strategies where population size and multiple families were maximized (Across all families design) produce robust prediction accuracies for yield, maturity, protein, and oil. Genomic predictions might also accelerate genetic gain in pre-breeding efforts using wild soybeans.Includes bibliographical reference
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Química.O oxazol é uma classe de compostos herocíclicos que constituem uma larga parte dos fármacos e moléculas biologicamente ativas. Seu padrão de substituição tem papel definitivo nas propriedades químicas e farmacológicas dos derivados. Diversas metodologias de síntese para moléculas contendo o núcleo oxazólico se encontram dispostas na literatura, onde são possíveis a síntese de oxazóis com ampla variação de substituições no anel heterocíclico. Entretanto, o aperfeiçoamento das metodologias existentes tem sido de interesse crescente na química contemporânea, onde é visado o aumento da eficiência energética e atômica dos processos sintéticos, além da redução de etapas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia sintética para síntese eficiente de 2-metiloxazóis funcionalizados a serem utilizados como blocos de construção em projetos de pesquisa desenvolvidos futuramente. Foi estudada a síntese de 2-metiloxazóis funcionalizados tendo como reagentes de partida acetofenona e aminoácidos sob condições oxidativas. A otimização da síntese do 2-metil-5-feniloxazol foi alcançada com rendimento de 59%, onde após diversas variações foi possível elevar a escala da reação mantendo um rendimento aceitável. A variação nos percursores para a síntese de oxazóis fazendo uso da metodologia proposta se mostrou pouco produtiva, onde a variação da cetona aromática e do aminoácido empregado resultou na queda drástica da conversão para os produtos finais, necessitando assim de maior pesquisa e adaptação dos parâmetros reacionais para variação dos materiais de partida. Em posse do 2-metiloxazol foi realizada a halogenação radicalar do carbono metílico, onde fazendo uso de N-bromosuccinimida como fonte de bromo e 2,2’-azobisisobutironitrila como iniciador radicalar se obteve o 2-bromometiloxazol com rendimento de 42%. Essa etapa de halogenação foi adaptada da literatura, sendo feito um estudo da variação do solvente visando a substituição de tetracloreto de carbono, que vai contra os princípios da Química Verde. Dentre os solventes testados, o clorofórmio se mostrou o mais promissor, permitindo assim a síntese do oxazol halogenado pela reação radicalar descrita na literatura com redução do impacto ambiental e da periculosidade do processo
A sexualidade do surdo: retalhos silenciosos na constituição da sua identidade
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação. Programa de Pós-graduação em EducaçãoEsta pesquisa adentrou no universo da cultura surda sob a ótica de dois jovens.São as falas expressas em gestos e a forma de "ouvir" o mundo destes sujeitos que orientaram o caminho percorrido em busca do entendimento de como a identidade sexual do surdo se constitui. Parti da premissa de que a identidade é algo em construção, com múltiplas faces e singularidades constituindo-se a partir das interlocuções vividas. Assim, transitei com a ótica dos Estudos Culturais pelas histórias de vida meus entrevistados, constatei nos gestos (in)seguros a presença dos condicionantes ouvintes impostos por uma educação normatizadora e castradora. Com ajuda de uma proposta emancipadora a sexualidade foi interpretada nas suas múltiplas interfaces. A proposta inicial de adentrar em um campo pouco pesquisado foi alicerçada pela presença dos Estudos Surdos possibilitando uma maior mobilidade com base em outras pesquisas já realizadas e, principalmente, com o desejo profundo de instigar outros olhares sobre esta temática. Acredito ter desvelado algumas (in)verdades e espero, ter demonstrado nas minhas palavras e interpretações, o respeito com que concebo o surdo. Não como o outro que existe porque eu existo, mas, ao contrário, que minha identidade ouvinte existe porque a presença do outro surdo delineia e influencia quem efetivamente eu sou
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