374 research outputs found

    Pouzdanost i ekološka prihvatljivost tekstilija za dječju odjeću proizvedenih u Turskoj

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    Materials come into contact with skin, such as clothing, should be produced in accordance with certain standards. In the fabrics used in baby clothes like all garment product are undergoing various chemical processes during the production phase. Chemical substances and heavy metals used in the production phase of baby clothes; allergic, toxic and carcinogenic, these substances cannot be completely removed from clothes by washing. In this study, fabrics used in the production of the clothes planned to be sold in various stores were provided. These fabrics, which will be used in the baby clothes production, have been examined with various tests and checked whether they contain any residue which may be harmful to health.Odjeća kao i svi materijali koji dolaze u kontakt s kožom trebaju se izrađivati u skladu s određenim standardima. Tekstilni materijali za dječju odjeću, kao i svi odjevni proizvodi, tijekom proizvodnje prolaze razne procese obrade uključujući i kemijske procese. Kemijske tvari koje se koriste u obradama materijala za proizvodnje dječje odjeće, mogu biti alergene, otrovne i kancerogene, često se ne mogu u potpunosti ukloniti s odjeće pranjem. U ovom radu su istraženi tekstilni materijali dostupni za prodaju u trgovinama a namijenjeni proizvodnji dječje odjeće, odnosno odjeće za bebe u dobi od 0-2 godine. Na prikupljenim uzorcima tekstilnih materijala provedeno je ispitivanje kvalitete i sadržaja tvari štetnih za zdravlje primjenom raznim testova

    Platinum-palladium loaded polypyrrole film electrodes for the electrooxidation of D-glucose in neutral media

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Modified polymer films with metal particles incorporated into the films by electrodeposition are known as possible electrocatalysts for various electrode reactions such as fuel cell applications. This work presents some results concerning the electrooxidation of D-glucose at modified polymer film electrodes prepared on a platinum substrate. This reaction has a great deal of interest in view of its applications to detection systems (glucose sensor), fuel cells (pacemakers) and electroorganic systhesis. The modified polymer film electrodes contain platinum and/or palladium particles dispersed in the polypyrrole film by electrodeposition in neutral media. Addition of palladium to platinum modifies the electrocatalytic behaviour of the electrode drastically. The modification is thought to involve minimisation of the poisoning of the catalyst, hence increasing its electrode activity. © 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

    Electrooxidation of methanol on doped polypyrrole films in acidic media

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Electrooxidation of methanol was realised on platinum and perchlorate anion doped polypyrrole film electrodes in acidic media. A systematic kinetic investigation was performed and optimum experimental conditions for the preparation of the electrocatalytic system were determined. The presence of ClO4- anions was confirmed by XPS analysis of the doped polymer matrix. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Mg-Al alaşımlarının mikroark oksidasyon işlemi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Yüksek saflıktaki magnezyum ve alüminyum alaşımlarının geliştirilmesi ile gelişmiş korozyon direncine doğru en önemli adım gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buna karşın, genel ve galvanik korozyona karşı koruma, aşınmaya karşı direnç halen alaşım geliştirme yöntemi ile başarılamamaktadır. Böyle durumlar da, hafif metal alaşım bileşenlerinin kaplanması kaçınılmaz bir yöntem olmaktadır. Günümüzde birçok kaplama yönteminin(CVD, PVD, plazma spray gibi) hafif alaşımlara uygulanabilirliği araştırılmaktadır. MAO yöntemi de bu kaplama yöntemlerinden bir tanesidir ki yatırım maliyeti diğer kaplama yöntemlerinden daha düşük olması bu yöntemi diğer kaplama yöntemlerinden ayıran en önemli özellik yapmaktadır.Bu çalışmanında, mikroark oksidasyon (MAO) prosesi kullanılarak magnezyum alaşımlarının (AM 60, AM60+0.2Ti, AM60+0.6Ti) ve alüminyum alaşımının (Al 6060) yüzey modifikasyonu yapılmıştır. Yüzey modifikasyonu sonucunda Mg bazlı alaşımların yüzeyinde düşük porozite sahip modifikasyon tabakası oluşturmak amaçlanmış ve bu amacı gerçekleştirmek için çözelti tayini ve mikrodalga sinterleme yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, mikrodalga sinterlemenin Al 6060 numunelerinin modifikasyon tabakasına olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, mikroyapı karakterizasyonu SEM, EDS, XRD kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca, numunelerin sertlik, yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve korozyon dirençleri incelenmiştir. AM 60 yüzeyinde, sodyum silikat ve sodyum fosfit içerikli çözeltilerle proses gerçekleştirilmiştir. İki farklı çalışma sonunda sodyum fosfit içerikli çözelti sodyum silikat içerikli çözeltiye göre daha düşük porozite daha yüksek korozyon direnci ve daha düşük yüzey pürüzlülüğü sağladığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca sürenin artışı porozite artışına sebebiyet vermektedir. Al 6060 numunelerinde ise mikrodalga sinterleme ile porozite değeri düşmüştür. Sertlik değerleri ise Mg alaşımlarına göre daha yüksek elde edilmiştir. Modifiye edilmiş al alaşımının yüzey pürüzlülük değeri modifiye magnezyum alaşımlarının yüzey pürüzlük değerinden daha fazla olduğu gözlenmiştir.Anahtar kelimeler: Mikroark Oksidasyon, porozite, AM 60, Al 6060, SEM, EDS, XRDWith the development of high purity magnesium alloys, the most significant step towards improved corrosion resistance has been carried out. However, protection against general and galvanic corrosion and wear resistance is still difficult to achieve by simple alloy development. Applicable of several coating processes such as CVD, PVD, plasma spray, on light alloys is studied by researchers. One of the coating processes is MAO process that initial investment for an anodizing treatment is relatively low as to others.The modification layer of various magnesium alloys and aluminum alloy was obtained by using MAO. One of the aims of the present study was to decrease porosity on the magnesium based alloys. To achieve that aim, various of aqueous solutions and microwave sintering was used. Furthermore, the effect of microwave sintering on the modified layer of the aluminum alloy was investigated. After modification the samples were carried out metallographic examinations (SEM, EDS, XRD). MAO process was carried out on magnesium alloys using two different aqueous solutions including sodium silicate and sodium phosphate. The porosity amount of modified magnesium alloys with aqueous solution including sodium phosphate was lower than that including sodium silicate. The porosity increased with increased processing time. The porosity value of Al 6060 samples was decreased by microwave sintering process. The hardness value of Al 6060 samples was obtained higher than magnessium based samples. Besides, the surface roughness value of Al 6060 was also found higher than magnesium based alloys samples.Keywords: Microarc oxidation, porosity, AM 60, Al 6060, SEM, EDS, XR

    Alterations within the Coastal Urban Environments: Case of the Coastal Squares of Istanbul Megacity

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    Two-thirds of the megacities of the world are standing on the coastal areas. Today, coastal megacities are under the impact of varying factors like human-induced changes such as urbanization and mega projects and the natural ones as global climate change and natural disasters. Many European coastal cities are examining the impacts of the sea level change due to the global climate change. Regarding its long history, interplay with the sea and the drastic population, Istanbul captures a significant place both in Turkey and in the world. It is standing as a city, which is phase by phase losing its interaction with the sea due to the mega projects generated within the last decades. Although their limited number; public squares and parks attached with the promenades are the only openings to the sea and they contribute maintaining the continuity and sustainability of coastal identity. This chapter handles five significant historical squares and interrogates their interplay with the natural and physical challenges of the twenty-first century. Regarding this aim, case areas are evaluated by parameters of morphological attributes, formation of squares, qualification of the surfaces and coastal-based natural disaster impacts such as sea level rise and tsunami through literature-based studies and spatio-temporal diagrammatic maps

    Platinum-palladium loaded polypyrrole film electrodes for the electrooxidation of D-glucose in neutral media

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    Modified polymer films with metal particles incorporated into the films by electrodeposition are known as possible electrocatalysts for various electrode reactions such as fuel cell applications. This work presents some results concerning the electrooxidation of D-glucose at modified polymer film electrodes prepared on a platinum substrate. This reaction has a great deal of interest in view of its applications to detection systems (glucose sensor), fuel cells (pacemakers) and electroorganic systhesis. The modified polymer film electrodes contain platinum and/or palladium particles dispersed in the polypyrrole film by electrodeposition in neutral media. Addition of palladium to platinum modifies the electrocatalytic behaviour of the electrode drastically. The modification is thought to involve minimization of the poisoning of the catalyst, hence increasing its electrode activity

    Collaborative multidisciplinary learning : quantity surveying students’ perspectives

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    The construction industry is highly fragmented and is known for its adversarial culture, culminating in poor quality projects not completed on time or within budget. The aim of this study is thus to guide the design of QS programme curricula in order to help students develop the requisite knowledge and skills to work more collaboratively in their multi-disciplinary future workplaces. A qualitative approach was considered appropriate as the authors were concerned with gathering an initial understanding of what students think of multi-disciplinary learning. The data collection method used was a questionnaire which was developed by the Behaviours4Collaboration (B4C) team. Knowledge gaps were still found across all the key areas where a future QS practitioner needs to be collaborative (either as a project contributor or as a project leader) despite the need for change instigated by the multi-disciplinary (BIM) education revolution. The study concludes that universities will need to be selective in teaching, and innovative in reorienting, QS education so that a collaborative BIM education can be effected in stages, increasing in complexity as the students’ technical knowledge grows. This will help students to build the competencies needed to make them future leaders. It will also support programme currency and delivery

    Digital Modeling, Integrated Project Delivery and Industry Transformation: An Australian Case Study

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    This research is focused on realizing productivity benefits for the delivery of transport infrastructure in the Australian construction industry through the use of building information modeling (BIM), virtual design and construction (VDC) and integrated project delivery (IPD). Specific objectives include: (I) building an understanding of the institutional environment, business systems and support mechanisms (e.g., training and skilling) which impact on the uptake of BIM/VDC; (II) gathering data to undertake a cross-country analysis of these environments; and (III) providing strategic and practical outcomes to guide the uptake of such processes in Australia. Activities which will inform this research include a review of academic literature and industry documentation, semi-formal interviews in Australia and Sweden, and a cross-country comparative analysis to determine factors affecting uptake and associated productivity improvements. These activities will seek to highlight the gaps between current-practice and best-practice which are impacting on widespread adoption of BIM/VDC and IPD. Early findings will be discussed with intended outcomes of this research being used to: inform a national public procurement strategy; provide guidelines for new contractual frameworks; and contribute to closing skill gaps

    Interoperability for the design and construction industry through semantic web technology

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    The domain of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) has experienced significant improvements with the advent of building information modelling (BIM) applications, which allow AEC specialists to model all information concerning a building design into one three-dimensional building model. Much of these improvements are however generated by the mere availability of such an environment, whereas many more improvements were expected by achieving an appropriate interoperability of information. We are investigating why such an interoperability is not reached fully and consider the semantic web as an alternative approach to reach the targeted interoperability. In this paper, an AEC description framework based on semantic web technology is presented and compared to the BIM approach, after which we indicate how it might solve the issue of interoperability more appropriately. Our evaluation of this investigation indicates the semantic web approach as a valid alternative approach, although considerably more research is needed to show it capable of providing the targeted interoperability of information in the AEC domain