13 research outputs found

    VOIX EN IMAGES : Le métadiscours formel de la BDQ actuelle

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    La vigueur actuelle du milieu de la bande dessinĂ©e quĂ©bĂ©coise tient d’une part de l’émergence de nouveaux auteurs, d’autre part de la consolidation de leur oeuvre Ă  la faveur de nouveaux formats Ă©ditoriaux oĂč peuvent s’affiner leurs talents. La reconnaissance de cette voie alternative, choisie de maniĂšre plus ou moins consciente, alors mĂȘme que se poursuit l’exploitation du modĂšle traditionnel (album franco-belge de 44 pages en couleur) et que se dĂ©veloppe parallĂšlement l’intĂ©gration d’un nouveau modĂšle (assimilĂ© au « roman graphique ») aux circuits commerciaux du livre, incite les auteurs Ă  articuler un discours rĂ©flexif oĂč la confection visuelle de leurs planches se justifie selon divers paramĂštres formels reconnus comme soutenant le propos, tout comme la charge narrative et expressive d’ensemble. L’éventail de ces paramĂštres se trouve toutefois orchestrĂ© selon des Ă©quilibres changeants, en fonction du projet en cours et d’une position esthĂ©tique sous-jacente, dĂ©veloppĂ©e de projet en projet. À l’aide des oeuvres, entretiens et prises de position de quelques auteurs ayant empruntĂ© cette voie alternative — Diane Obomsawin, Jimmy Beaulieu, Michel Rabagliati et Zviane —, Mario Beaulac retrace les grandes lignes de ce mĂ©tadiscours, pour faire Ă©merger quelques-uns des enjeux esthĂ©tiques pressentis comme pertinents par ces praticiens notoires de la bande dessinĂ©e quĂ©bĂ©coise actuelle.The current vitality of the comic art milieu in Quebec is related both to the appearance of new authors and to the consolidation of their work through new editorial formats in which their talents can develop. The recognition of this alternative way, more or less consciously chosen at a time when the traditional model (44-page Franco-Belgian album in colour) is still in use and a new model (identified with the “graphic novel”) is being incorporated into the commercial channels of the book trade, is encouraging authors to develop a reflexive discourse in which the visual creation of their panels is justified according to various formal parameters that are acknowledged to enhance the work’s storyline, as well as its narrative and expressive force. However, the range of these parameters is orchestrated according to an equilibrium that is continuously changing, depending on the project currently being carried out and on an underlying aesthetic position developed from one project to the next. Through the works, interviews, and statements of position of authors who have chosen this alternative way—Diane Obomsawin, Jimmy Beaulieu, Michel Rabagliati, and Zviane—the author provides an outline of their metadiscourse, in order to identify some of the aesthetic issues seen as relevant by well-known practitioners of comic art in Quebec today.El vigor actual del ĂĄmbito del cĂłmic quebequense se debe, por una parte, al surgimiento de nuevos autores, y por otra, a la consolidaciĂłn de su obra, gracias a nuevos formatos editoriales donde pueden refinarse sus talentos. El reconocimiento de esta vĂ­a alternativa, elegida de forma mĂĄs o menos consciente cuando sigue vigente la explotaciĂłn del modelo tradicional (ĂĄlbum franco-belga de 44 pĂĄginas en color) y que se desarrolla paralelamente la integraciĂłn de un nuevo modelo (asimilado a la ‘novela grĂĄfica’) en los circuitos comerciales del libro, incita a los autores a enunciar un discurso reflexivo en el cual la confecciĂłn visual de sus planchas se justifica segĂșn diversos parĂĄmetros formales reconocidos como apoyo a las palabras, asĂ­ como a la carga narrativa y expresiva de conjunto. No obstante, la gama de estos parĂĄmetros se organiza segĂșn equilibrios cambiantes, en funciĂłn del proyecto en curso y de una posiciĂłn estĂ©tica subyacente, desarrollada de un proyecto a otro. Con la ayuda de las obras, conversaciones y posicionamientos de algunos autores que han optado por esta vĂ­a alternativa -Diane Obomsawin, Jimmy Beaulieu, Michel Rabagliati y Zviane-, el autor reconstituye a grandes rasgos este metadiscurso, para que emerjan algunos de los retos estĂ©ticos propuestos como pertinentes por estos prĂĄcticos notorios del cĂłmic quebequense actual

    David Maes

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    Le marketing en milieu muséal : Une recherche exploratoire

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    Analyse des taux de réussite, d'échec et d'abandon de cours au Cégep du Vieux Montréal (de l'automne 1968 à l'hiver 1975) /

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    Vol. 1 Programmes généraux -- v.2 Programmes professionnel

    Performance of Bio-Rad and Limiting Antigen Avidity Assays in Detecting Recent HIV Infections Using the Quebec Primary HIV-1 Infection Cohort

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Accurate and practical biologic tools to estimate HIV incidence is crucial to better monitor the epidemic and evaluate the effectiveness of HIV prevention and treatment programs.</p><p>Methods</p><p>We evaluated two avidity assays to measure recent HIV infection: the Sedia HIV-1 LAg-Avidity EIA (Sedia Biosciences, Portland) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-modified Bio-Rad-Avidity assay (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Mississauga, ON). Longitudinal specimens (n = 473) obtained from 123 treatment-naive seroconverted individuals enrolled in the Primary HIV-1 Infection (PHI) cohort of Quebec were used to determine the average time an individual is considered to be recently infected (mean duration of recent infection; MDRI), for the two avidity assays alone and in combination using a nonparametric survival method analysis. A total of 420 specimens from individuals with established HIV infection (90 individuals from the PHI cohort of Quebec and 330 individuals from the Laboratoire de santĂ© publique du Quebec (LSPQ) serobank) were also tested to investigate false recency rate (FRR).</p><p>Results</p><p>The CDC-modified Bio-Rad-Avidity gave an estimated MDRI of 234 days (95% CI 220–249) at the avidity index cutoff of 30% while the Sedia-LAg-Avidity assay gave an estimated MDRI of 120 days (95% CI 109–132) at the normalized optical density (ODn) cutoff of 1.5. The FRR among individuals with established HIV infection was 10.2% (7.5%-13.5%) with the CDC-modified Bio-Rad-Avidity assay as compared to 6.0% (3.9%-8.7%) with the Sedia-LAg-Avidity assay. When optimizing a multiassay algorithm (MAA) that includes sequentially the CDC-modified Bio-Rad-Avidity assay then the Sedia-LAg-Avidity assay EIA (avidity index/ODn: 30%/1.7), the MDRI was 136 days (95% CI 123–148) and the FRR, 3.3% (95% CI 1.8–5.6).</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Multiassay algorithms that include the CDC-modified Bio-Rad-Avidity assay and the Sedia-LAg-Avidity assay performed better than each avidity assay alone. Such 2-assay algorithm that starts with the CDC-modified Bio-Rad-Avidity assay followed by the Sedia-LAg-Avidity assay allowed a better classification of HIV-1 infections.</p></div