457 research outputs found

    Numerical implications of stabilization by the use of integrals

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    Liapunov or energy restraint methods for dynamic stabilization in two body motion perturbation problems are considered. Results of computerized orbital stabilization estimates show that the application of energy restraint prevents the occurrence of consistent timing errors in the stepwise integration of equations of motion for a nearly circular orbit

    LAMMR world data base documentation support and demonstrations

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    The primary purpose of the World Surface Map is to provide the LAMMR subsystem with world surface type classifications that are used to set up LAMMR LEVEL II process control. This data base will be accessed solely by the LAMMR subsystem. The SCATT and ALT subsystems will access the data base indirectly through the T sub b (Brightness Temperature) Data Bank, where the surface types were updated from a priori to current classification, and where the surface types were organized on an orbital subtrack basis. The single most important factor in the design of the World Surface Maps is the ease of access to the information while the complexity of generating these maps is of lesser importance because their generation is a one-time, off-line process. The World Surface Map provides storage of information with a resolution of 7 km necessary to set flags concerning the earth's features with a different set of maps for each month of the year

    Context sensitive formulations of antenna pattern correction and side lobe compensation for NOSS/LAMMR real time processing

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    Large antenna multi-channel microwave radiometer (LAMMR) software specifications were written for LAMMR ground processing. There is a need to determine more computationally-efficient antenna temperature correction methods in compensating side lobe contributions especially near continents, islands and weather fronts. One of the major conclusions was that the antenna pattern corrections (APC) processes did not accomplish the implied goals of compensating for the antenna side lobe influences on brightness temperature. A-priori knowledge of land/water locations was shown to be needed and had to be incorporated in a context sensitive APC process if the artifacts caused by land presence is to be avoided. The high temperatures in land regions can severely bias the lower ocean response

    An information adaptive system study report and development plan

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    The purpose of the information adaptive system (IAS) study was to determine how some selected Earth resource applications may be processed onboard a spacecraft and to provide a detailed preliminary IAS design for these applications. Detailed investigations of a number of applications were conducted with regard to IAS and three were selected for further analysis. Areas of future research and development include algorithmic specifications, system design specifications, and IAS recommended time lines

    Molecular hydrogen adsorbed on benzene: insights from a quantum Monte Carlo study

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    We present a quantum Monte Carlo study of the hydrogen-benzene system where binding is very weak. We demonstrate that the binding is well described at both variational Monte Carlo (VMC) and diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) levels by a Jastrow correlated single determinant geminal wave function with an optimized compact basis set that includes diffuse orbitals. Agreement between VMC and fixed-node DMC binding energies is found to be within 0.18 mHa, suggesting the calculations are well-converged with respect to the basis. Essentially the same binding is also found in independent DMC calculations using a different trial wave function of a more conventional Slater-Jastrow form, supporting our conclusion that the binding energy is accurate and includes all effects of correlation. We compare with empirical models and previous calculations, and we discuss the physical mechanisms of the interaction, the role of diffuse basis functions, and the charge redistribution in the bond.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Molecular dynamics study of melting of a bcc metal-vanadium II : thermodynamic melting

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    We present molecular dynamics simulations of the thermodynamic melting transition of a bcc metal, vanadium using the Finnis-Sinclair potential. We studied the structural, transport and energetic properties of slabs made of 27 atomic layers with a free surface. We investigated premelting phenomena at the low-index surfaces of vanadium; V(111), V(001), and V(011), finding that as the temperature increases, the V(111) surface disorders first, then the V(100) surface, while the V(110) surface remains stable up to the melting temperature. Also, as the temperature increases, the disorder spreads from the surface layer into the bulk, establishing a thin quasiliquid film in the surface region. We conclude that the hierarchy of premelting phenomena is inversely proportional to the surface atomic density, being most pronounced for the V(111) surface which has the lowest surface density

    Update on neutrino mixing in the early Universe

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    From the current cosmological observations of CMB and nuclear abundances we show, with an analytic procedure, that the total effective number of extra neutrino species ΔNνtot<0.3\Delta N_{\nu}^{\rm tot}< 0.3. We also describe the possible signatures of non standard effects that could be revealed in future CMB observations. This cosmological information is then applied to neutrino mixing models. Taking into account the recent results from the SNO and SuperKamiokande experiments, disfavouring pure active to sterile neutrino oscillations, we show that all 4 neutrino mixing models, both of 2+2 and 3+1 type, lead to a full thermalization of the sterile neutrino flavor. Moreover such a sterile neutrino production excludes the possibility of an electron neutrino asymmetry generation and we conclude that ΔNνtot1\Delta N_{\nu}^{\rm tot}\simeq 1, in disagreement with the cosmological bound. This result is valid under the assumption that the initial neutrino asymmetries are small. We suggest the existence of a second sterile neutrino flavor, with mixing properties such to generate a large electron neutrino asymmetry, as a possible way out.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures; to appear on Phys.Rev.D; added discussion (at page 19) and references; typos correcte

    The Effect of Bound Dineutrons upon BBN

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    We have examined the effects of a bound dineutron, n2, upon big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) as a function of its binding energy B_n2. We find a weakly bound dineutron has little impact but as B_n2 increases its presence begins to alter the flow of free nucleons to helium-4. Due to this disruption, and in the absence of changes to other binding energies or fundamental constants, BBN sets a reliable upper limit of B_n2 <~ 2.5 MeV in order to maintain the agreement with the observations of the primordial helium-4 mass fraction and D/H abundance