4,185 research outputs found

    Estimates of daily oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide and methane emissions, and heat production for beef and dairy cattle using spot gas sampling

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    A simulation study was conducted to examine accuracy of estimating daily O2 consumption, CO2 and CH4 emissions, and heat production (HP) using a spot sampling technique and to determine optimal spot sampling frequency (FQ). Data were obtained from 3 experiments where daily O2 consumption, emissions of CO2 and CH4, and HP were measured using indirect calorimetry (respiration chamber or headbox system). Experiment 1 used 8 beef heifers (ad libitum feeding; gaseous exchanges measured every 30 min over 3 d in respiration chambers); Experiment 2 used 56 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows (restricted feeding; gaseous exchanges measured every 12 min over 3 d in respiration chambers); Experiment 3 used 12 lactating Jersey cows (ad libitum feeding; gaseous exchanges measured every hour for 1 d using headbox style chambers). Within experiment, averages of all measurements (FQALL) and averages of measurements selected at time points with 12, 8, 6, or 4 spot sampling FQ (i.e., sampling every 2, 3, 4, and 6 h in a 24-h cycle, respectively; FQ12, FQ8, FQ6, and FQ4, respectively) were compared. Within study a mixed model was used to compare gaseous exchanges and HP among FQALL, FQ12, FQ8, FQ6, and FQ4, and an interaction of dietary treatment by FQ was examined. A regression model was used to evaluate accuracy of spot sampling within study [i.e., FQALL (observed) vs. FQ12, FQ8, FQ6, or FQ4 (estimated)]. No interaction of diet by FQ was observed for any variables except for CH4 production in experiment 1. No FQ effect was observed for gaseous exchanges and HP except in experiment 2 where CO2 production was less (5,411 vs. 5,563 L/d) for FQ4 compared with FQALL, FQ12, and FQ8. A regression analysis between FQALL and each FQ within study showed that slopes and intercepts became farther from 1 and 0, respectively, for almost all variables as FQ decreased. Most variables for FQ12 and FQ8 had root mean square prediction error (RMSPE) less than 10% of the mean and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) greater than 0.80, and RMSPE increased and CCC decreased as FQ decreased. When a regression analysis was conducted with combined data from the 3 experiments (mixed model with study as a random effect), results agreed with those from the analysis for the individual studies. Prediction errors increased and CCC decreased as FQ decreased. Generally, all the estimates from FQ12, FQ8, FQ6, and FQ4 had RMSPE less than 10% of the means and CCC greater than 0.90 except for FQ6 and FQ4 for O2 consumption and CH4 production. In conclusion, the spot sampling simulation with 3 indirect calorimetry experiments indicated that FQ of at least 8 samples (every 3 h in a 24-h cycle) was required to estimate daily O2 consumption, CO2 and CH4 production, and HP and to detect changes in those in response to dietary treatments. This sampling FQ may be considered when using techniques that measure spot gas exchanges such as the GreenFeed and face mask systems

    Cow comfort in tie-stalls: Increased depth of shavings or straw bedding increases lying time

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    Over half of US dairy operations use tie-stalls, but these farming systems have received relatively little research attention in terms of stall design and management. The current study tested the effects of the amount of 2 bedding materials, straw and shavings, on dairy cattle lying behavior. The effects of 4 levels of shavings, 3, 9, 15, and 24 kg/stall (experiment 1, n = 12), and high and low levels of straw in 2 separate experiments: 1, 3, 5, and 7 kg/stall (experiment 2, n = 12) and 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 kg/stall (experiment 3, n = 12) were assessed. Treatments were compared using a crossover design with lactating cows housed in tie-stalls fitted with mattresses. Treatments were applied for 1 wk. Total lying time, number of lying bouts, and the length of each lying bout was recorded with data loggers. In experiment 1, cows spent 3 min more lying down for each additional kilogram of shavings (11.0, 11.7, 11.6, and 12.1 ± 0.24 h/d for 3, 9, 15, and 24 kg/stall shavings, respectively). In experiment 2, cows increased lying time by 12 min for every additional kilogram of straw (11.2, 12.0, 11.8, and 12.4 ± 0.24 h/d for 1, 3, 5, and 7 kg/stall of straw, respectively). There were no differences in lying behavior among the lower levels of straw tested in experiment 3 (11.7 ± 0.32 h/d). These results indicated that additional bedding above a scant amount improves cow comfort, as measured by lying time, likely because a well-bedded surface is more compressible

    Determination of trace elements in natural water samples by air-segmented flow-injection/ICP-MS after preconcentration with a chitosan-based chelating resin

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    本法では,各種天然水中の極微量金属成分を同時定量する目的で空気分節試料導入/ICP-MSシステムを用いて,微少量試料(数十μl)を前処理せずにネブライザーに送り込み,多数の金属成分の定量が可能であった。共存主成分による質量干渉を受ける一部遷移金属や直接試料導入では感度の足りない元素については,イミノ二酢酸型キトサンキレート樹脂充填カラムによる分離·濃縮操作の併用によって更に信頼性の高いデータが得られることが分かった。前処理においては,体積1mlのミニカラムを用いて50mlの溶液試料から50倍濃縮を行い,試料·試薬·廃液すべてを少量化することができた。本ICP-MSシステムでは試料導入量は80μlで十分であり,1mlでも数回繰り返し測定が可能で,しかも多元素同時分析ができた。確立した分析法を用いて河川水や市販のミネラルウォーターに応用し,希土類を含め45種の微量元素の定量が可能となった。Ultratrace elements in natural water samples were determined simultaneously by air-segmented flow-injection/inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(SFI/ICP-MS).A small volume of the sample solutions(80μl) was introduced into a nebulizer by an air-segmented flow-injection(SFI) system, and a maximum of fifteen elements were measured during each run.A chitosan-based chelating resin containing functional groups of iminodiacetate was used to separate and enrich analyte metal ions.A 50-fold preconcentration using 50ml of sample solutions was achieved by the proposed method, where 1ml of 0.1M nitric acid was added to residues after drying the chelating column effluent.At pH6, several heavy metals(Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd, Pb and U) and rare earth elements(REEs) were quantitatively retained on the chelating resin column, whereas alkali and alkaline earth metals were eluted from the column by rinsing with 5ml of a 0.2M ammonium acetate solution.Metals adsorbed on the chelating resin column were recovered by elution with 10ml of 1M nitric acid.The proposed method was applied to the determination of trace elements in several natural water samples, such as river water and mineral drinking water

    Use of Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes to Enhance In Vitro Fermentation of Alfalfa Hay and Corn Silage

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    Two in vitro experiments were performed to identify promising exogenous fibrolytic enzyme products (EFE) and optimum dose rates (DR) for improving the degradation of alfalfa hay and corn silage. The relationship between enzymatic activity and fermentation responses was examined to identify optimum formulations. In experiment 1, 5 EFE containing mainly endoglucanase and xylanase activities, with different ratios between the 2 activities, were assessed at a DR of 0.7, 1.4, and 2.1 mg/g of DM forage. Milled alfalfa hay or corn silage was incubated in an in vitro batch culture with buffer, ruminal fluid, and EFE. Gas production (GP) was measured during 24h of incubation, and degradabilities of DM and fiber were measured after terminating the incubation at 24h. Two (E1 and E3) EFE substantially improved GP and degradation of alfalfa hay and corn silage fiber. The optimum DR of these EFE was 1.4 mg/g of DM for both forages with improvements in NDF degradability up to 20.6% for alfalfa hay and up to 60.3% for corn silage. Whereas added activities of endoglucanase and exoglucanase were positively correlated with improvement in NDF degradability for alfalfa hay and corn silage, there was no relationship between added xylanase activity and NDF degradability. The 2 most promising EFE from experiment 1 were reevaluated in experiment 2, alone and in combination with a high xylanase EFE, to determine whether their effectiveness could be enhanced by decreasing the endoglucanase to xylanase ratio. The 2 EFE improved GP and fiber degradation in a manner similar to that observed in experiment 1, but the combination treatments resulted in no further beneficial effects. Exogenous fibrolytic enzyme products can greatly improve forage utilization, but DR and the activities supplied are critical for achieving this response. Products used with alfalfa hay and corn silage should contain high endoglucanase activity, with an ideal ratio of endoglucanse to xylanase

    Dimensionless Coupling of Bulk Scalars at the LHC

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    We identify the lowest-dimension interaction which is possible between Standard Model brane fields and bulk scalars in 6 dimensions. The lowest-dimension interaction is unique and involves a trilinear coupling between the Standard Model Higgs and the bulk scalar. Because this interaction has a dimensionless coupling, it depends only logarithmically on ultraviolet mass scales and heavy physics need not decouple from it. We compute its influence on Higgs physics at ATLAS and identify how large a coupling can be detected at the LHC. Besides providing a potentially interesting signal in Higgs searches, such couplings provide a major observational constraint on 6D large-extra-dimensional models with scalars in the bulk.Comment: 20 page

    Effects of Mechanical Processing on the Nutritive Value of Barley Silage for Lactating Dairy Cows

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    Mechanical processing of whole crop barley before ensiling may be useful for improving nutrient use by dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of feeding mechanically processed barley silage as the main forage source on lactational performance. Twenty-four Holstein cows, 16 primiparous (187±52 days in milk) and 8 multiparous (87±69 days in milk) cows, were used in a completely randomized design with a 2-wk covariate period and a 6-wk treatment period. The 2 treatments were: 1) total mixed ration (TMR) containing regular barley silage (RBS-TMR), and 2) TMR containing mechanically processed barley silage (MPBS-TMR). Barley silage and alfalfa hay supplied 41 and 5% of the dietary dry matter (DM), respectively. Intake, body weight, and milk production were measured during the covariate and treatment periods. In addition, 2 multiparous cows were used for in situ measurements of the ruminal DM and fiber degradation kinetics of the barley silages and TMR. Data were analyzed with repeated measurements using a mixed model that included the covariate adjustment. Feeding MPBS-TMR had no significant effects on DM intake (DMI; 21.7 kg/d), milk yield (33.9 kg/d), or milk composition, with only 4% FCM (fat-corrected milk) yield (29.7 vs. 31.7 kg/d) and milk fat concentration (3.30 vs. 3.57%) showing a numerical improvement. Apparent digestibilities of DM and nutrients were not affected by feeding MPBS-TMR, with the exception of starch digestibility, which tended to increase. Dairy efficiencies calculated as milk yield/DMI or FCM/DMI were not different between treatments. Body weight and body condition score were not affected by treatments. Effective ruminal degradability of DM was similar for both barley silages, indicating that when the silages were ground to remove the effects of mechanical processing, the potential digestion was similar. Mechanical processing of barley silage harvested at a mid-dough stage of maturity resulted in small improvements in its nutritive value for lactating dairy cows and had minor impact on digestibility and milk production

    Casimir Energies for 6D Supergravities Compactified on T_2/Z_N with Wilson Lines

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    We compute (as functions of the shape and Wilson-line moduli) the one-loop Casimir energy induced by higher-dimensional supergravities compactified from 6D to 4D on 2-tori, and on some of their Z_N orbifolds. Detailed calculations are given for a 6D scalar field having an arbitrary 6D mass m, and we show how to extend these results to higher-spin fields for supersymmetric 6D theories. Particular attention is paid to regularization issues and to the identification of the divergences of the potential, as well as the dependence of the result on m, including limits for which m^2 A> 1 where A is the volume of the internal 2 dimensions. Our calculation extends those in the literature to very general boundary conditions for fields about the various cycles of these geometries. The results have potential applications towards Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions (SLED) as a theory of the Dark Energy. First, they provide an explicit calculation within which to follow the dependence of the result on the mass of the bulk states which travel within the loop, and for heavy masses these results bear out the more general analysis of the UV-sensitivity obtained using heat-kernel methods. Second, because the potentials we find describe the dynamics of the classical flat directions of these compactifications, within SLED they would describe the present-day dynamics of the Dark Energy.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figure

    MSLED, Neutrino Oscillations and the Cosmological Constant

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    We explore the implications for neutrino masses and mixings within the minimal version of the supersymmetric large-extra-dimensions scenario (MSLED). This model was proposed in {\tt hep-ph/0404135} to extract the phenomenological implications of the promising recent attempt (in {\tt hep-th/0304256}) to address the cosmological constant problem. Remarkably, we find that the simplest couplings between brane and bulk fermions within this approach can lead to a phenomenologically-viable pattern of neutrino masses and mixings that is also consistent with the supernova bounds which are usually the bane of extra-dimensional neutrino models. Under certain circumstances the MSLED scenario can lead to a lepton mixing (PMNS) matrix close to the so-called bi-maximal or the tri-bimaximal forms (which are known to provide a good description of the neutrino oscillation data). We discuss the implications of MSLED models for neutrino phenomenology.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure; Reposted with a few additional reference