760 research outputs found

    Nitrogen fertilization of apples

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    Status of Ohio peach trees: with respect to certain plant elements

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    Studies on the boron requirements of young apple trees grown in sand culture

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    Integration of a palliative approach into heart failure care: a European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Association position paper

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    The Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology has published a previous position paper and various guidelines over the past decade recognizing the value of palliative care for those affected by this burdensome condition. Integrating palliative care into evidence-based heart failure management remains challenging for many professionals, as it includes the identification of palliative care needs, symptom control, adjustment of drug and device therapy, advance care planning, family and informal caregiver support, and trying to ensure a 'good death'. This new position paper aims to provide day-to-day practical clinical guidance on these topics, supporting the coordinated provision of palliation strategies as goals of care fluctuate along the heart failure disease trajectory. The specific components of palliative care for symptom alleviation, spiritual and psychosocial support, and the appropriate modification of guideline-directed treatment protocols, including drug deprescription and device deactivation, are described for the chronic, crisis and terminal phases of heart failure

    Cumulative mutagenesis of the basic residues in the 201-218 region of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding protein-5 results in progressive loss of both IGF-I binding and inhibition of IGF-I biological action

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    We have reported previously that mutation of two conserved nonbasic amino acids (G203 and Q209) within the highly basic 201–218 region in the C-terminal domain of IGF-binding protein-5 (IGFBP-5) decreases binding to IGFs. This study reveals that cumulative mutagenesis of the 10 basic residues in this region, to create the C-Term series of mutants, ultimately results in a 15-fold decrease in the affinity for IGF-I and a major loss in heparin binding. We examined the ability of mutants to inhibit IGF-mediated survival of MCF-7 cells and were able to demonstrate that this depended not only upon the affinity for IGF-I, but also the kinetics of this interaction, because IGFBP-5 mutants with similar affinity constants (KD) values, but with different association (Ka) and dissociation (Kd) rate values, had markedly different inhibitory properties. In contrast, the affinity for IGF-I provided no predictive value in terms of the ability of these mutants to enhance IGF action when bound to the substratum. Instead, these C-Term mutants appeared to enhance the actions of IGF-I by a combination of increased dissociation of IGF-IGFBP complexes from the substratum, together with dissociation of IGF-I from IGFBP-5 bound to the substratum. These effects of the IGFBPs were dependent upon binding to IGF-I, because a non-IGF binding mutant (N-Term) was unable to inhibit or enhance the actions of IGF-I. These results emphasize the importance of the kinetics of association/dissociation in determining the enhancing or inhibiting effects of IGFBP-5 and demonstrate the ability to generate an IGFBP-5 mutant with exclusively IGF-enhancing activity
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