255 research outputs found

    Evaluation of pinnacle reef distribution at shallow subsurface using integrated geophysical methods: a case study from the Upper Kimmerdigian (Spain)

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    The well exposed outcrops of the upper Kimmeridgian shallow-marine carbonates at Jabaloyas (Iberian Chain, NE Spain) permit the evaluation of geophysical methods for the identification of sedimentary facies. Direct measurement of magnetic susceptibility in facies and detailed grids of magnetometry, electromagnetic multifrequency and ground-penetrating radar (50e500 MHz antennas) have been performed in two study areas where the upper Kimmeridgian rocks are nearly horizontal. Magnetometry indicates negative anomalies in residual magnetic field and vertical magnetic gradient related to reef pinnacles and faults. Electromagnetic data reveal that positive anomalies of apparent conductivity correlate with non-reefal facies. The areal distribution of magnetometry and EM data does not permit the unequivocal identification of pinnacles and faults at the studied area. By contrast, ground penetrating radar profiles and maps of relative reflectivity in two way travel time slices are useful for the identifi- cation of faults (hyperbolic anomalies) and reefal and non-reefal facies (radar facies A and B, respec- tively). The integration of geophysical data, mainly ground penetrating radar, has permitted the 3D reconstruction of reef pinnacles and its tectonic framework

    Semantic Characterization of Context of Use and Contents for User-Centric Media Retrieval

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    When users access online media, they need and desire to get an experience tailored to their specific, personal context and situation. This is becoming more and more relevant with the ever-increasing amount of available contents users may choose from. In order to provide user-centric functionalities (such as relevant searches, content adaptation, customization and recommendation), both the annotation of contents with semantically rich metadata and an accurate model of the individual users and their respective contexts of use are needed. In this context, we propose a solution to automatically characterize both the context of use and the contents. It provides dynamic, adaptive user models, with explicit and implicit information; as well as content descriptors that may be later used to match the most suitable contents for each user. Users always keep a pivotal role throughout the whole process: providing new contents, contributing to moderated folks onomies, overseeing their own user model, etc

    Modelado Semántico y Centrado en el Usuario de Servicios Adaptados al Contexto de Uso

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    Cuando los usuarios acceden a servicios telemáticos, esperan obtener experiencias cada vez más adaptadas a su contexto específico, en especial, ante la gran cantidad de contenidos en línea a su alcance a través de dichos servicios. Para que estos servicios proporcionen funcionalidades centradas en el usuario –por ejemplo, búsquedas relevantes, adaptación de contenidos, personalización y recomendación– es necesario que los contenidos estén anotados semánticamente y disponer de un modelo preciso que represente al usuario y su contexto de uso. En este escenario, presentamos un marco genérico de servicios centrados en el usuario basado en la caracterización semántica de los usuarios y su mapeo con los contenidos. En concreto, aplicamos dicho marco a un buscador semántico que caracteriza automáticamente tanto los contenidos a los que los usuarios pueden acceder como el contexto de uso desde el que se accede. La solución propuesta incluye modelos de usuario dinámicos y adaptativos, con información explícita e implícita; así como descriptores de los contenidos que pueden utilizarse para determinar cuáles son más adecuados para cada usuari

    Servicios Centrados en el Usuario Basados en la Caracterización Semántica de los Contenidos y del Contexto de Uso.

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    Cuando los usuarios acceden a servicios telemáticos, esperan obtener experiencias cada vez más adaptadas a su contexto y situación específicos. Esto adquiere especial relevancia al aumentar la cantidad de contenidos en línea al alcance de los usuarios a través de dichos servicios. Con el fin de que los servicios telemáticos proporcionen funcionalidades centradas en el usuario –como, por ejemplo, búsquedas relevantes, adaptación de contenidos, personalización y recomendación– es necesario que los contenidos estén correctamente anotados (enriquecidos con metadatos semánticos) y disponer de un modelo preciso que represente al usuario junto con su respectivo contexto de uso. En este escenario, presentamos un marco genérico de servicios centrados en el usuario a partir de su caracterización semántica y del mapeo a los contenidos. En concreto, aplicamos dicho marco a un buscador semántico que caracteriza automáticamente tanto los contenidos a los que los usuarios pueden acceder como el contexto de uso desde el que acceden. La solución propuesta incluye, pues, modelos de usuario dinámicos y adaptativos, con información explícita e implícita; así como descriptores de los contenidos que pueden utilizarse para determinar cuáles son más adecuados para cada usuario. Durante todo este proceso, los usuarios mantienen un rol fundamental: proveyendo nuevos contenidos, contribuyendo a folksonomías moderadas, supervisando su propio modelo de usuario, etc

    Extracting knowledge through friendsourcing: application to new financial services

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    Personalization has become a key factor for the success of new ICT services. However, the personal information required is not always available in a single site, but scattered in heterogeneous sources, and extracting knowledge from raw information is not an easy job. As a result, many organizations struggle to obtain knowledge on their users useful enough for their business purposes. This paper introduces a comprehensive personal data framework that opens the knowledge extraction process up to collaboration by the involvement of new actors, while enabling users to monitor and control it. The contributions have been validated in a financial services scenario where socioeconomic knowledge on some users is generated by tapping into their social network and used to assists them in raising money from their friends

    A personal data framework for exchanging knowledge about users in new financial services

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    Personal data is a key asset for many companies, since this is the essence in providing personalized services. Not all companies, and specifically new entrants to the markets, have the opportunity to access the data they need to run their business. In this paper, we describe a comprehensive personal data framework that allows service providers to share and exchange personal data and knowledge about users, while facilitating users to decide who can access which data and why. We analyze the challenges related to personal data collection, integration, retrieval, and identity and privacy management, and present the framework architecture that addresses them. We also include the validation of the framework in a banking scenario, where social and financial data is collected and properly combined to generate new socio-economic knowledge about users that is then used by a personal lending service

    Creating and modelling personal socio-economic networks in on-line banking

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    The banking industry is observing how new competitors threaten its millennial business model by targeting unbanked people, offering new financial services to their customer base, and even enabling new channels for existing services and customers. The knowledge on users, their behaviour, and expectations become a key asset in this new context. Well aware of this situation, the Center for Open Middleware, a joint technology center created by Santander Bank and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, has launched a set of initiatives to allow the experimental analysis and management of socio-economic information. PosdataP2P service is one of them, which seeks to model the economic ties between the holders of university smart cards, leveraging on the social networks the holders are subscribed to. In this paper we describe the design principles guiding the development of the system, its architecture and some implementation details

    Approaching unbanked people: a person-to-person payment application on Facebook

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    More than 2.5 billion people are still unbanked and they do not access or use financial services. In this paper, we present an innovative service that allows Santander University Smart Card holders to make person-to-person payments to their friends, using different social channels, such as Telegram, Facebook or Twitter. Our first implementation is based on Facebook, one of the most used social networks. This approach allows the service to reach a great number of potential users but the delivery and stability of the service depends on an external provider. We include the description of the service architecture, its implementation, tests, and the lessons learned from the development. We also discuss pros and cons of the third party service dependency from the technical and business viewpoints

    A proposal for enhancing the motivation in students of computer programming

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    Computer programming is known to be one of the most difficult courses for students in the first year of engineering. They are faced with the challenge of abstract thinking and gaining programming skills for the first time. These skills are acquired by continuous practicing from the start of the course. In order to enhance the motivation and dynamism of the learning and assessment processes, we have proposed the use of three educational resources namely screencasts, self-assessment questionnaires and automated grading of assignments. These resources have been made available in Moodle which is a Learning Management System widely used in education environments and adopted by the Telecommunications Engineering School at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Both teachers and students can enhance the learning and assessment processes through the use of new educational activities such as self-assessment questionnaires and automated grading of assignments. On the other hand, multimedia resources such as screencasts can guide students in complex topics. The resources proposed allow teachers to improve their tutorial actions since they provide immediate feedback and comments to students without the enormous effort of manual correction and evaluation by teachers specially taking into account the large number of students enrolled in the course. In this paper we present the case study where three proposed educational resources were applied. We describe the special features of the course and explain why the use of these resources can both enhance the students? motivation and improve the teaching and learning processes. Our research work was carried out on students attending the "Computer programming" course offered in the first year of a Telecommunications Engineering degree at UPM. This course is mandatory and has more than 450 enrolled students. Our purpose is to encourage the motivation and dynamism of the learning and assessment processes

    Signaling pathways involved in liver injury and regeneration in rabbit hemorrhagic disease, an animal model of virally-induced fulminant hepatic failure

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    Management of fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) continues to be one challenging problem, and experimental animal models resembling its clinical conditions are still needed. Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) fullfils many requirements of an animal model of FHF. This work investigated changes in MAPK, NF-κB, AP-1 and STAT pathways during RHD-induced liver injury. Rabbits were infected with 2 × 104 hemagglutination units of an RHD virus isolate. Apoptosis was documented by the presence of caspase-3 activity and substantial PARP proteolysis at 36 and 48 h postinfection (pi). Infection induced a marked and maintained expression of TNF-α from 12 h pi, while there was only a transitory increase in IL-6 expression. Expression of phosphorylated (p)-JNK, p-p38 and p-ERK1/2 was significantly elevated at 12 h pi. At 48 h pi p-JNK expression was maintained at a maximum level, while that of p-p38 returned to normality and there was no p-ERK1/2 expression. Activation of NF-κB and AP-1 and increased expression of VCAM-1 and COX-2 were observed. No significant changes were detected in activation of STAT1 and STAT3, while SOCS3 expression increased significantly. The current findings suggest that activation of JNK is an essential component in liver injury mediated by the RHD virus and that lack of activation of STAT3, probably mediated by SOCS3 over-expression, would contribute to the inhibition of the regenerative response. Data show the presence of molecular mechanisms contributing to liver damage and the lack of regeneration and they support the usefulness of this model to investigate novel therapeutical modalities in FHF