78 research outputs found


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    Early childhood education, also referred to as preschool education is essential to children’s social, physical, emotional, and cognitive growth. Learning can be made more effective when the teachers have the right instructional materials. The study was guided by the following research questions: how were visual instructional materials utilized in teaching pre-reading skills among preschool children? and how were realia instructional materials utilized in the teaching of pre-reading skills among preschool learners? The study adopted a descriptive survey design and data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, and observation schedules. The findings of the study revealed that visual instructional materials for teaching pre-reading skills were available but not adequate in most of the schools, hence affecting the effective teaching of pre-reading skills among the learners. The study further established that most preschools lacked adequate realia materials for teaching pre-reading skills. It was concluded that Preschool teachers should attend relevant workshops, seminars, vocational and teacher professional development courses, to acquire pedagogical skills, besides effective utilization of Visual and Realia instructional materials in teaching pre-reading skills to preschool learners. Emphasis should be on pedagogical content knowledge.  Article visualizations

    Perceived Effect of Pubertal Developmental Body Changes on Academic Achievement Among Public Primary School Pupils in Sagana, Kirinyaga West Sub-County, Kenya

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    Pupils in puberty face several challenges that affect their academic achievement. Academic achievement of pupils is also affected as boys and girls in puberty perform dismally. Puberty is a developmental stage for a human being characterized by increased changes in bodies of the young people. The body changes are manifested in emotional, physical and attitude changes that affect their academic performance. During the onset of this period, many young people attending school become affected posing potential risks to optimal academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived effect of pubertal developmental body changes on academic achievement among pupils in Sagana, Kirinyaga West Sub-County, Kenya. This study employed descriptive survey research design that comprises both quantitative and qualitative research procedures used for obtaining information from a large population. The researcher targeted 480 respondents comprising of twelve class teachers and 468 pupils in classes six and seven in six schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to obtain a sample size of 214 pupils from the target population of 468 pupils. The researcher also used purposive technique to obtain a sample of twelve class teachers. The researcher used questionnaires for teachers and pupils as well as achievement records for pupils to collect data. Validity of the instruments was confirmed through expert judgment from the Department of Education at Chuka University. The questionnaires and achievement tests were tested for reliability. Two schools were purposively selected for testing of the instruments using split half method. With a coefficient (α=0.81), the instruments were considered reliable for data analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative data were generated. Computer programme Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 21 was used to analyse quantitative data that generated frequencies and percentages which were presented in Tables and Graphs. For qualitative data, content analysis was used to arrange data into themes. Findings indicating perceived effect of pubertal developmental body changes on academic achievement were established. Findings indicated that girls are affected more than boys in terms of academic performance. Also, the findings revealed that pubertal physical development changes are manifested differently in boys and girls with girls being affected most. This study concluded that while pubertal physical body changes occur in both boys and girls, the manifestation of the changes is more in girls than boys with boys exhibiting fewer effects. The study recommends that more strategies to help girls manage the pubertal changes should be devised as a means of improving their academic performance. The findings of this study will benefit pupils, teachers, NGOs, Ministry of Education and academicians. Perceived Effect, Academic performance, pubertal body development, body changes, primary school pupil DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-35-11 Publication date: December 31st 201

    Exploration of gender norms and socialization among early adolescents : the use of qualitative methods for the global early adolescent study

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    Purpose: The Global Early Adolescent Study (GEAS) was launched in 2014 with the primary goal of understanding the factors in early adolescence that predispose young people to subsequent sexual risks, and conversely, those that promote healthy sexuality across different cultural contexts. The present article describes the methodology that was used for the first phase of GEAS, which consisted of conducting qualitative research to understand the gendered transitions into adolescence and the role that gender norms play within the key relationships of adolescents. Researchers from each of the sites that had completed data collection were also elicited for their feedback on the key strengths, challenges, and lessons learned from conducting research among 11- to 14-year-old adolescents. The purpose of this article is to present the description of each of the methods that were used in GEAS, as well as the researchers' perspectives of using the methods among early adolescents in their sites. Methods: The GEAS is being implemented through a collaboration of university and nongovernmental institutions from 15 cities: Assiut (Egypt) Baltimore (U.S.), Blantyre (Malawi), Cape Town (South Africa), Cochabomba (Bolivia), Cuenca (Ecuador), Edinburgh (Scotland), Ghent (Belgium), Hanoi (Vietnam), Ile-Ife (Nigeria), Kinshasa (DRC), Nairobi (Kenya), New Delhi (India), Ouaga-dougou (Burkina Faso), and Shanghai (China). Approximately 30 in-depth interviews among adolescents and 30 in-depth interviews with their parent/guardian were conducted at each site, with adults and adolescents interviewed separately. To build trust and increase engagement among the adolescent participants, we used two different visual research methods: (1) timeline exercise which was small group based and (2) the Venn diagram exercise which was conducted individually and used at the start of the in-depth interview. Results: The visual aspects of both the timeline and the Venn diagrams not only helped to produce data for the purposes of the study, but also were a successful way of engaging the adolescent participants across sites. While the narrative interviews produced extremely rich data, researchers did notice that there were a few challenges among the younger adolescents. Challenges were related to the length of the interview, comprehension of questions, as some of the questions were either too abstract or asked adolescents about an experience they had not yet had and therefore could not address or articulate. Conclusions: Conducting the first phase of GEAS revealed important insights for research with participants who are in this developmental phase of early adolescence. Methods that involve greater engagement and those that are visual were shown to work well irrespective of the cultural setting

    Violence victimisation and aspirations–expectations disjunction among adolescent girls in urban Kenya

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    Background: Unsafe abortion is a leading cause of death among young women aged 10–24 years in sub-Saharan Africa. Although having multiple induced abortions may exacerbate the risk for poor health outcomes, there has been minimal research on young women in this region who have multiple induced abortions. The objective of this study was therefore to assess the prevalence and correlates of reporting a previous induced abortion among young females aged 12–24 years seeking abortion-related care in Kenya. Methods: We used data on 1,378 young women aged 12–24 years who presented for abortion-related care in 246 health facilities in a nationwide survey conducted in 2012. Socio-demographic characteristics, reproductive and clinical histories, and physical examination assessment data were collected from women during a one-month data collection period using an abortion case capture form. Results: Nine percent (n = 98) of young women reported a previous induced abortion prior to the index pregnancy for which they were receiving care. Statistically significant differences by previous history of induced abortion were observed for area of residence, religion and occupation at bivariate level. Urban dwellers and unemployed/other young women were more likely to report a previous induced abortion. A greater proportion of young women reporting a previous induced abortion stated that they were using a contraceptive method at the time of the index pregnancy (47 %) compared with those reporting no previous induced abortion (23 %). Not surprisingly, a greater proportion of young women reporting a previous induced abortion (82 %) reported their index pregnancy as unintended (not wanted at all or mistimed) compared with women reporting no previous induced abortion (64 %). Conclusions: Our study results show that about one in every ten young women seeking abortion-related care in Kenya reports a previous induced abortion. Comprehensive post-abortion care services targeting young women are needed. In particular, post-abortion care service providers must ensure that young clients receive contraceptive counseling and effective pregnancy prevention methods before discharge from the health care facility to prevent unintended pregnancies that may result in subsequent induced abortions.This work was supported by UKaid from the Department for International Development (DfID) for the Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya [Prime Award: PO 6171; Sub Award: SP1404]. Analysis and writing time was partially supported by general support grants to the African Population and Health Research Center from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency [grant number 2011-001578] and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation [grant number 2015-2530]

    Experiences of violence among adolescent girls and young women in Nairobi's informal settlements prior to scale-up of the DREAMS Partnership: Prevalence, severity and predictors.

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    INTRODUCTION: We sought to estimate the prevalence, severity and identify predictors of violence among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in informal settlement areas of Nairobi, Kenya, selected for DREAMS (Determined Resilient Empowered AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe) investment. METHODS: Data were collected from 1687 AGYW aged 10-14 years (n = 606) and 15-22 years (n = 1081), randomly selected from a general population census in Korogocho and Viwandani in 2017, as part of an impact evaluation of the "DREAMS" Partnership. For 10-14 year-olds, we measured violence experienced either in the past 6 months or ever using a different set of questions from those used for 15-22 year-olds. Among 15-22 year-olds we measured prevalence of violence, experienced in the past 12 months, using World Health Organization (WHO) definitions for violence typologies. Predictors of violence were identified using multivariable logit models. RESULTS: Among 606 girls aged 10-14 years, about 54% and 7% ever experienced psychological and sexual violence, respectively. About 33%, 16% and 5% experienced psychological, physical and sexual violence in the past 6 months. The 10-14 year old girls who engaged in chores or activities for payment in the past 6 months, or whose family did not have enough food due to lack of money were at a greater risk for violence. Invitation to DREAMS and being a non-Christian were protective. Among 1081 AGYW aged 15-22 years, psychological violence was the most prevalent in the past year (33.1%), followed by physical violence (22.9%), and sexual violence (15.8%). About 7% experienced all three types of violence. Severe physical violence was more prevalent (13.8%) than moderate physical violence (9.2%). Among AGYW aged 15-22 years, being previously married/lived with partner, engaging in employment last month, food insecure were all risk factors for psychological violence. For physical violence, living in Viwandani and being a Muslim were protective; while being previously married or lived with a partner, or sleeping hungry at night during the past 4 weeks were risk factors. The odds of sexual violence were lower among AGYW aged 18-22 years and among Muslims. Engaging in sex and food insecurity increased chances for sexual violence. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of recent violence among AGYW is high in this population. This calls for increased effort geared towards addressing drivers of violence as an early entry point of HIV prevention effort in this vulnerable group

    Promoting Respectful Maternity Care: A training guide for facility-based workshops—Participant\u27s guide

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    This guide was produced as part of the Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) Resource Package. The Resource Package was designed to support health facility managers, health care providers, and communities in confronting disrespect and abuse (D&A) during facility-based childbirth and to promote respectful maternity care. The Resource Package includes a facilitator’s guide (facility-based workshops), facilitator’s guide (community-based workshops), participant’s guide, community flipchart, tools, and program briefs. Workshop objectives outlined in the Participant’s Guide: Outline current status of maternal and neonatal health in relation to respectful care. Discuss key RMC concepts, terminology, legal and rights-based approaches related to respectful maternity care and the RMC Resource Package. Demonstrate knowledge and use of VCAT theory and practice. Discuss selected evidence-based strategies that reduce D&A. Discuss participants’ role in promoting RMC. Develop action plans to support the implementation of RMC interventions at various levels of health (e.g., policy, program, regional/county, subcounty, facility, and community)

    Promoting Respectful Maternity Care: A training guide for community-based workshops—Community facilitator\u27s guide

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    This guide was produced as part of the Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) Resource Package. The Resource Package was designed to support health facility managers, health care providers, and communities in confronting disrespect and abuse (D&A) during facility-based childbirth and to promote respectful maternity care. The Resource Package includes a facilitator’s guide (facility-based workshops), facilitator’s guide (community-based workshops), participant’s guide, community flipchart, tools, and program briefs. The Community Facilitator’s Guide, designed to be used by facilitators to promote respectful maternity care at the community level, can be adapted to educate a variety of stakeholders in community settings (i.e., Community Health Extension Workers, Community Health Workers, society leaders, legal aid officers). The Guide highlights key practical points to enable participants to act as resource persons regarding the rights and obligations of childbearing women, and as advocates of respectful maternity care including how to conduct an Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism

    Bis(Disulfide)-Bridged Somatostatin-14 Analogs and Their [<sup>111</sup>In]In-Radioligands:Synthesis and Preclinical Profile

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    The overexpression of one or more somatostatin receptors (SST1–5R) in human tumors has provided an opportunity for diagnosis and therapy with somatostatin-like radionuclide carriers. The application of “pansomatostatin” analogs is expected to broaden the clinical indications and upgrade the diagnostic/therapeutic efficacy of currently applied SST2R-prefering radioligands. In pursuit of this goal, we now introduce two bicyclic somatostatin-14 (SS14) analogs, AT5S (DOTA-Ala1-Gly2-c[Cys3-Lys4-Asn5-c[Cys6-Phe7-DTrp8-Lys9-Thr10-Cys11]-Thr12-Ser13-Cys14]) and AT6S (DOTA-Ala1-Gly2-c[Cys3-Lys4-c[Cys5-Phe6-Phe7-DTrp8-Lys9-Thr10-Phe11-Cys12]-Ser13-Cys14]), suitable for labeling with trivalent radiometals and designed to sustain in vivo degradation. Both AT5S and AT6S and the respective [111In]In-AT5S and [111In]In-AT6S were evaluated in a series of in vitro assays, while radioligand stability and biodistribution were studied in mice. The 8/12-mer bicyclic AT6S showed expanded affinity for all SST1–5R and agonistic properties at the SST2R, whereas AT5S lost all affinity to SST1–5R. Both [111In]In-AT5S and [111In]In-AT6S remained stable in the peripheral blood of mice, while [111In]In-AT6S displayed low, but specific uptake in AR4-2J tumors and higher uptake in HEK293-SST3R tumors in mice. In summary, high radioligand stability was acquired by the two disulfide bridges introduced into the SS14 motif, but only the 8/12-mer ring AT6S retained a pansomatostatin profile. In consequence, [111In]In-AT6S targeted SST2R-/SST3R-positive xenografts in mice. These results call for further research on pansomatostatin-like radioligands for cancer theranostics.</p

    What Happened to Patients With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Multicentre Report From Tertiary Clinics in Northern Italy

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    After the outbreak of Coronavirus disease was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, this resulted in extraordinary public health measures to control the infection, such as entire countries being placed under quarantine. The psychopathological consequences of the pandemic and quarantine were anticipated to be of particular relevance, especially in patients with psychiatric disorders such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Aim of the present report was to describe the impact of COVID-19 pandemics within a sample of Italian patients affected by OCD. Sociodemographic and clinical variables of a sample of 123 OCD outpatients, currently attending three OCD tertiary clinics in Northern Italy, were assessed through telephone and in-person interviews. Patients showing a clinical worsening of OCD represented more than one third of the sample and reported a significant emergence of new obsessions and compulsions phenotypes along with a significant exacerbation of past ones. Moreover, they were more frequently found to experience suicidal ideation, increased Internet checking, sleep disturbances, avoidance behaviors, and work difficulties. A significantly increased need of therapy adjustment and family accommodation was also observed. Further research is warranted to clarify the potential risk and related consequences of the current COVID-19 pandemic on OCD patients

    Bis(Disulfide)-Bridged Somatostatin-14 Analogs and Their [<sup>111</sup>In]In-Radioligands:Synthesis and Preclinical Profile

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    The overexpression of one or more somatostatin receptors (SST1–5R) in human tumors has provided an opportunity for diagnosis and therapy with somatostatin-like radionuclide carriers. The application of “pansomatostatin” analogs is expected to broaden the clinical indications and upgrade the diagnostic/therapeutic efficacy of currently applied SST2R-prefering radioligands. In pursuit of this goal, we now introduce two bicyclic somatostatin-14 (SS14) analogs, AT5S (DOTA-Ala1-Gly2-c[Cys3-Lys4-Asn5-c[Cys6-Phe7-DTrp8-Lys9-Thr10-Cys11]-Thr12-Ser13-Cys14]) and AT6S (DOTA-Ala1-Gly2-c[Cys3-Lys4-c[Cys5-Phe6-Phe7-DTrp8-Lys9-Thr10-Phe11-Cys12]-Ser13-Cys14]), suitable for labeling with trivalent radiometals and designed to sustain in vivo degradation. Both AT5S and AT6S and the respective [111In]In-AT5S and [111In]In-AT6S were evaluated in a series of in vitro assays, while radioligand stability and biodistribution were studied in mice. The 8/12-mer bicyclic AT6S showed expanded affinity for all SST1–5R and agonistic properties at the SST2R, whereas AT5S lost all affinity to SST1–5R. Both [111In]In-AT5S and [111In]In-AT6S remained stable in the peripheral blood of mice, while [111In]In-AT6S displayed low, but specific uptake in AR4-2J tumors and higher uptake in HEK293-SST3R tumors in mice. In summary, high radioligand stability was acquired by the two disulfide bridges introduced into the SS14 motif, but only the 8/12-mer ring AT6S retained a pansomatostatin profile. In consequence, [111In]In-AT6S targeted SST2R-/SST3R-positive xenografts in mice. These results call for further research on pansomatostatin-like radioligands for cancer theranostics.</p
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