14 research outputs found

    The analysis of feet construction versus BMI in 8-year-old boys

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    Introduction.  The foot due to its complex structure provides three basic functions: supportive, locomotive and amortization. The human foot is an important static-dynamic part of the motor system. A properly shaped foot should be supported by three points: the first and the fifth metatarsal bone and the external part of the heel.Purpose of research. The aim of the study was to analyze the feet construction and find the relationships between the foot structure parameters and BMI among 8-year-old boys.Material and methods. The study involved 85 boys. The weight and the body height of the children were measured, body mass index was calculated, and the footprint using the was made. On the basis of the foot picture, the basic parameters for foot assessment as well as relations between these indicators and BMI were calculated. Subsequently, the Clarke angle, the hallux valgus angle and Wejsflog index were determined in manual way. Then the dependency between these parameters and BMI was investigated.Results. The number of lower foot arch or flat foot in the study group amounted to 53%, the transverse flat foot was observed among 17% of the studied boys feet and the hallux valgus angle beyond the norm occurred in 9% of the studied feet. There is a relationship between the Clark’s angle, Wejsflog index, hallux valgus angle α and BMI of boys.Conclusions. Boys with a higher BMI have lower values of the Clark angle and the Wejsflog index which are the evidence of a lower longitudinal and transverse arch. Children with higher BMI have higher values of the angle of hallux valgus

    An analysis of longitudinal and transverse arches of children from świętokrzyskie voivodship

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    Introduction and purpose of the work. Sedentary lifestyle being promoted at present is negatively affecting health and physical fitness of young people. Flat feet is a defect of lower limbs which consists in lowering arches shaping feet. The foot, under normal conditions, rests with three points on the ground: a calcaneal tuber, the head of the first and fifth metatarsals. The purpose of the work was to evaluate longitudinal and transverse arches of children from świętokrzyskie voivodship. Material and methods. The study involved 184 children from świętokrzyskie voivodship. The majority of the respondents were female – 100, whereas the male respondents - 84 people. The MS Excel program and the statistical program R.3.3.1 were applied therefor. The Clarke’s angle index and the Wejsflog index were was used to assess the foot arch. The relationships between these parameters and gender, age, and BMI were investigated as well. Results. As a result of the conducted studies, the correct structure of both feet was found in 51% of the examined children. Flat feet of both feet was found in 4 children, whereas 34 children demonstrated a reduced arch of both feet. The problem of a reduced arch in one foot concerned 48 children, while 5 children had one foot with an elevated arch. Conclusions. Children with higher BMI index tend to have a decreased feet arch. With age, the Clarke's angle values decrease

    Evaluation of beliefs about pain control in patients after physicaltherapy treatment

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    Background and aim of study. Pain is probably the most often feeling in life, mostly it is not comfortable for people and they cannot work because of it. It is not only the symptom but the disease too. People often do not know the reason for the disease and cannot remove it from life. The purpose of the research was the evaluation of pain control and whether and how much the physiotherapy treatment influence on reducing the pain on patients. Material and methods. The study was conducted among 52 patients with pain.  Evaluation of the pain was examined by pain questionnaire and BPCQ questionnaire. Intensity of the pain was evaluate by VAS scale.Results: All patients after the treatment have reduced the intensity of pain. There is no correlation between  internal control measured by BPCQ and reduction of the pain. There is a correlation between influence of the doctors and chance events on pain and pain reduction. Conclusions: Physiotherapy treatment reduced intensity of the pain. If there is higher influence of doctors and chance events on the pain then reduction of the pain is higher too. There is no correlations between internal control and reduction of the pain after the treatment

    Evaluation of nutritional status among children aged 7-10

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    Introduction and aim of the study. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among the children and adolescents is particularly dangerous, in 60% of children and adolescents, this problem will occur in adulthood, and also increases the risk of diseases such as: type 2 diabetes, hiprelipidemia, hypertension, or emotional disturbances. The aim of the study was evaluation of nutritional status among children aged 7-10 years old from Masłów and Górno District measured by BMI index.Material and methodsThe research was conducted in 2015 and 2016among the group of 486 primary school children aged 7-10 from Masłów and Górno District. The child body mass was studied on the Tanita weight,  for body height was  used the Seca measure system. Based on the results BMI was calculated. In relation to BMI centile charts, based on Olaf’s and Ola’s study, determined whether the child was obese, overweight or underweight.Results. The level of somatic development for the whole group in the study, taking into account the results averaged, is within normal limits. Children who are overweight in the examined  group was 14.81%, and obesity occurred in 1.02%. Overweight and obesity more often concerned examined boys, overweight - 17,36%, obesity - 1.65%. Among girls overweight was determined in 12,03% of children while obesity - 0,41%.Conclusion. Most of the girls examined were overweight among 9-year-olds, while the problem in boys usually appeared in 10-year-olds. Obesity was present in 7-year-old girls and 8-year-old boys. There is no statistically significant dependence between categories of BMI - overweight and obesity, underweight andthe norm, and also age. BMI increases with age, so it is reasonable to use centile charts for different age groups of children. Education on nutrition and physical activity among both parents and children is needed

    The evaluation of the influence of the body mass index on body posture parameters and selected parameters of the dynamic feet analysis

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    Introduction and purpose. The proper process of body shaping in children is extremally important in preventing present and future pain complaints. According to the source literature, a proper body weight is one of the most important factors in children which have an influence on body shaping . The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlations between the body mass index and body posture parameters as well as selected parameters of the dynamic feet analysis. Material and method. The study involved 106 children aged 10‒15 years old from the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. While undergoing the examination, the children were dressed in sportswear and had no shoes. The body height was measured using the SECA 213 stadiometer with an accuracy of 0.01 m, the body weight with the Tanita device with an accuracy of 0.01 kg. The next stage involved the assessment of the body posture using Diers Formetric 4D system. Then the child had to walk several times on FreeMed platform. Results. The dependencies of selected parameters of the dynamic feet analysis from the BMI of the examined children were assessed using Spearmann's correlation. All examined correlations were statistically significant. The dependencies between body posture parameters assessed using Diers Formetric 4D and the BMI of the examined children were assessed by Spearmann's correlation. A statistically significant negative correlation were observed only between the pelvic torsion and the body mass index. Conclusions. The majority of parameters of the dynamic feet analysis evaluated in the paper increase with the increase of the body mass index of the examined children. Only the parameter, namely the number of steps per minute decreases when the BMI of the examined children grows. Higher values of the body mass index in children were observed when the pelvic torsion to the left was assessed. The BMI of the examined children did not affect the remaining parameters assessing the body posture

    Evaluation of occurrence of hallux valgus based on images from podoscope in children

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    Sztandera Paulina, Szczepanowska-Wołowiec Beata, Kotela Ireneusz. Evaluation of occurrence of hallux valgus based on images from podoscope in children. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(6):480-491. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.821702 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4572 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 03.06.2017. Revised: 20.06.2017. Accepted: 30.06.2017. Evaluation of occurrence of hallux valgus based on images from podoscope in children Paulina Sztandera1, Beata Szczepanowska-Wołowiec2, 3, Ireneusz Kotela2, 4 1Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland 2Department of Rehabilitation in Disease of the Locomotor, Institute of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland Head of the Department: Prof. Ireneusz Kotela MD, PhD 3Rehabilitation Department, Regional Polyclinical Hospital, Kielce, Poland Head of the Department: Grażyna Ściegienna-Zdeb MD 4Clinical Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior, Warsaw, Poland Head of the Department: Prof. Ireneusz Kotela MD, PhD Key word: podoscope, children, hallux valgus angle Abstract Inroduction and aim of the study. Hallux valgus is a deformity where there is a lateral deviation of the proximal phalanx of the big toe. The objective of the study was investigation of the occurrence of hallux valgus based on the image from a podoscope in children, examination of the effect of ill-fitted footwear on the development of this complaint. Material and method The study covered 184 children, aged 7-13. The children were examined in their underwear, without shoes and socks. Body weight and body height was measured. The image of the feet on a podoscope was done at full load. The hallux valgus angle α, the Clarke’s angle and the Wejsflog’s index were calculated. The software calculated the correct size of the footwear which should be worn by the children. This size was compared with the size of the shoes which a child had during the examination. Results. The problem of hallux valgus affects 26% of the children. Hallux valgus more frequently concerned the left foot. In 8% of cases hallux valgus concerned both feet. Conclusions. Hallux valgus in the examined group more often concerned girls than boys. The hallux valgus angle α increased with age. Children who had a normal hallux valgus angle α had higher values of the Clarke’s angle. In the group of children examined, no statistically significant relationship was found between hallux valgus angle α and the fitting of footwear, Wejsflog’s index and the BMI

    Examining the relationship between selected parameters describing the body posture and mass and the height of the body and the place of living

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    Wstęp. Celem pracy jest porównanie parametrów opisują- cych postawę ciała dzieci mieszkających na Podkarpaciu i na Śląsku. Materiał i metoda. Badania przeprowadzono w wybranych szkołach podstawowych regionu podkarpackiego i śląskiego. Do badań przystąpiło 563 uczniów trzech pierwszych klas szkoły podstawowej wybranych losowo, których rodzice wyrazili pisemną zgodę, w tym 278 chłopców (49,38%) oraz 285 dziewczynek (50,62%). U każdego z badanych wyznaczono 25 parametrów opisujących postawę ciała, wykorzystując metodę fotogrametryczną opartą na zjawisku mory projekcyjnej. Wyniki. Z 25 badanych parametrów różnice istotne statystycznie wykazywały głównie parametry DCK, DKP, RKP, DLL, RLL oraz DELTA i KLL. Wnioski. 1. Parametry opisujące postawę ciała różnią sie istotnie w badanych grupach. 2. Dzieci z badanych grup różnią się istotnie statystycznie masą i wysokością ciała.introduction. The aim of the study is to compare parameters describing the body posture in children living in Podkarpacie and Śląsk. Material and methods. The study has been done in particular primary schools of Sub-Carphatian and Silesia regions. The 563 pupils of the three fist school years have been examined, randomly chosen, whose parents gave a written agreement on that, including 278 boys (49,38%) and 285 girls (50,62%). Each examined pupil was set in 25 parameters describing the body posture using the photogrammetric method based on mora phenomenon. results. Among 25 parameters, describing body posture, there are statistically signifiant diffrences, mainly in case of DCK, DKP, RKP, DLL, RLL, DELTA and KLL. conclusions. 1. Parameters describing the posture are signifiantly diffrent among examined groups. 2. Children from examined groups present statistical diffrences in a mass and the height of the body

    Analysis of causes of hospitalization and functional fitness of patients in a rehabilitation department

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    Introduction : The increase observed in the size of the elderly population is related to an increase in the average life span. Involutional changes in the human body concern all organs and systems. Multiple morbidities, to a considerable extent, contribute to the limitation of motor fitness. Recently, a change has been noted in the age of patients hospitalized in rehabilitation departments. The majority of these patients are aged over 60, and are admitted due to aggravation of polyarticular pain, arterial hypertension, problems with knee or hip joints (degeneration, pain), ischemic heart disease, or degenerative polyarthritis. Hospitalization in the rehabilitation department contributes to the improvement in their state of health. Aim of the research: The objective of the study was to analyse the causes of hospitalization and functional fitness of patients hospitalized in the Rehabilitation Department at the Regional Polyclinical Hospital in Kielce. Material and methods : The study included 102 patients of the Rehabilitation Department at the Regional Polyclinical Hospital in Kielce, 79 female and 23 male, mean age 72.6. Results: The majority of patients (74%) were admitted to the department with the diagnosis of aggravation of polyarticular pain, followed by arterial hypertension (as many as 64%), problems concerning knee and hip joints (degeneration, pain), ischemic heart disease, and polyarticular changes. Conclusions : Patients aged over 60 comprised the largest group in the study, and the dominant causes of hospitalization were aggravation of pain and arterial hypertension