25 research outputs found

    Cardiac Rehabilitation in Heart Failure. Part II. Does Higher Intensity Means Better Outcome?

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    Heart failure (HF) due to its universality has become a huge challenge for modern medicine. Second part of the twentieth century brought significant changes in the rehabilitation, diagnostic and pharmacological procedures. There are no definitive guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) in HF. Based on previous studies, the article tried to describe and illustrate the mechanism of effective CR and its intensity in HF patients, which could be helpful in CR protocol development. Cardiac Rehabilitation has confirmed efficacy in increased physical level of participation in inter alia, home/work/recreational activities, improved psychosocial well-being, functional independence, prevention of disability, long-term adherence to maintaining physically active lifestyle, improved cardiopulmonary fitness, strength, muscle endurance, and flexibility, reduced cardiovascular events risk and risk of mortality. Before and after CR conduction, baseline and final aerobic capacity should be examined with an ergospirometry test to evaluate CR protocol intensity and check its effectiveness, respectively. Frequency of training-bouts in CR protocol in HF patients were from 3 to 7 days per week, intensity ranged from 40% to 80% VO2max or 9 to 14 on rating of the perceived exertion (RPE) scale or 6 to 20 on the Borg scale. Duration of single bout-exercise ranged from 20 to 60 minutes

    A Model of Mizar Concepts - Unification

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    The aim of this paper is to develop a formal theory of Mizar linguistic concepts following the ideas from [6] and [7]. The theory presented is an abstraction from the existing implementation of the Mizar system and is devoted to the formalization of Mizar expressions. The concepts formalized here are: standarized constructor signature, arity-rich signatures, and the unification of Mizar expressions.The University of Finance and Management, Białystok-Ełk, PolandGrzegorz Bancerek. König's theorem. Formalized Mathematics, 1(3):589-593, 1990.Grzegorz Bancerek. Cartesian product of functions. Formalized Mathematics, 2(4):547-552, 1991.Grzegorz Bancerek. Joining of decorated trees. Formalized Mathematics, 4(1):77-82, 1993.Grzegorz Bancerek. Subtrees. Formalized Mathematics, 5(2):185-190, 1996.Grzegorz Bancerek. Institution of many sorted algebras. Part I: Signature reduct of an algebra. Formalized Mathematics, 6(2):279-287, 1997.Grzegorz Bancerek. On the structure of Mizar types. In Herman Geuvers and Fairouz Kamareddine, editors, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 85. Elsevier, 2003.Grzegorz Bancerek. Towards the construction of a model of Mizar concepts. Formalized Mathematics, 16(2):207-230, 2008, doi:10.2478/v10037-008-0027-x.Grzegorz Bancerek and Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Segments of natural numbers and finite sequences. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):107-114, 1990.Grzegorz Bancerek and Artur Korniłowicz. Yet another construction of free algebra. Formalized Mathematics, 9(4):779-785, 2001.Grzegorz Bancerek and Yatsuka Nakamura. Full adder circuit. Part I. Formalized Mathematics, 5(3):367-380, 1996.Czesław Byliński. Finite sequences and tuples of elements of a non-empty sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(3):529-536, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Functions and their basic properties. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):55-65, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Functions from a set to a set. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):153-164, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Partial functions. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):357-367, 1990.Agata Darmochwał. Finite sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):165-167, 1990.Beata Perkowska. Free many sorted universal algebra. Formalized Mathematics, 5(1):67-74, 1996.Andrzej Trybulec. Binary operations applied to functions. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):329-334, 1990.Andrzej Trybulec. Tuples, projections and Cartesian products. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):97-105, 1990.Andrzej Trybulec. Many sorted algebras. Formalized Mathematics, 5(1):37-42, 1996.Zinaida Trybulec. Properties of subsets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):67-71, 1990.Edmund Woronowicz. Relations and their basic properties. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):73-83, 1990.Edmund Woronowicz. Relations defined on sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):181-186, 1990

    Difference and Difference Quotient. Part III

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    In this article, we give some important theorems of forward difference, backward difference, central difference and difference quotient and forward difference, backward difference, central difference and difference quotient formulas of some special functions.Liang Xiquan - Qingdao University of Science and Technology, ChinaTang Ling - Qingdao University of Science and Technology, ChinaGrzegorz Bancerek. The fundamental properties of natural numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):41-46, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Functions from a set to a set. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):153-164, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Some basic properties of sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):47-53, 1990.Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Basic properties of real numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):35-40, 1990.Jarosław Kotowicz. Real sequences and basic operations on them. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):269-272, 1990.Bo Li, Yan Zhang, and Xiquan Liang. Difference and difference quotient. Formalized Mathematics, 14(3):115-119, 2006, doi:10.2478/v10037-006-0014-z.Beata Perkowska. Functional sequence from a domain to a domain. Formalized Mathematics, 3(1):17-21, 1992.Konrad Raczkowski and Andrzej Nędzusiak. Series. Formalized Mathematics, 2(4):449-452, 1991.Andrzej Trybulec and Czesław Byliński. Some properties of real numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(3):445-449, 1990.Zinaida Trybulec. Properties of subsets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):67-71, 1990.Edmund Woronowicz. Relations defined on sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):181-186, 1990.Yuguang Yang and Yasunari Shidama. Trigonometric functions and existence of circle ratio. Formalized Mathematics, 7(2):255-263, 1998

    On Lp Space Formed by Real-Valued Partial Functions

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    This article is the continuation of [31]. We define the set of Lp integrable functions - the set of all partial functions whose absolute value raised to the p-th power is integrable. We show that Lp integrable functions form the Lp space. We also prove Minkowski's inequality, Hölder's inequality and that Lp space is Banach space ([15], [27]).Watase Yasushige - Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Nagano, JapanEndou Noboru - Gifu National College of Technology, JapanShidama Yasunari - Shinshu University, Nagano, JapanJonathan Backer, Piotr Rudnicki, and Christoph Schwarzweller. Ring ideals. Formalized Mathematics, 9(3):565-582, 2001.Grzegorz Bancerek. The fundamental properties of natural numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):41-46, 1990.Grzegorz Bancerek. The ordinal numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):91-96, 1990.Grzegorz Bancerek and Andrzej Trybulec. Miscellaneous facts about functions. Formalized Mathematics, 5(4):485-492, 1996.Józef Białas. Series of positive real numbers. Measure theory. Formalized Mathematics, 2(1):173-183, 1991.Józef Białas. The s-additive measure theory. Formalized Mathematics, 2(2):263-270, 1991.Czesław Byliński. Binary operations. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):175-180, 1990.Czesław Byliński. The complex numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(3):507-513, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Functions and their basic properties. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):55-65, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Functions from a set to a set. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):153-164, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Partial functions. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):357-367, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Some basic properties of sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):47-53, 1990.Noboru Endou and Yasunari Shidama. Integral of measurable function. Formalized Mathematics, 14(2):53-70, 2006, doi:10.2478/v10037-006-0008-x.Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, and Keiko Narita. Egoroff's theorem. Formalized Mathematics, 16(1):57-63, 2008, doi:10.2478/v10037-008-0009-z.P. R. Halmos. Measure Theory. Springer-Verlag, 1987.Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Basic properties of real numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):35-40, 1990.Jarosław Kotowicz. Convergent sequences and the limit of sequences. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):273-275, 1990.Jarosław Kotowicz. Real sequences and basic operations on them. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):269-272, 1990.Keiko Narita, Noboru Endou, and Yasunari Shidama. Integral of complex-valued measurable function. Formalized Mathematics, 16(4):319-324, 2008, doi:10.2478/v10037-008-0039-6.Keiko Narita, Noboru Endou, and Yasunari Shidama. Lebesgue's convergence theorem of complex-valued function. Formalized Mathematics, 17(2):137-145, 2009, doi: 10.2478/v10037-009-0015-9.Andrzej Nędzusiak. s-fields and probability. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):401-407, 1990.Beata Padlewska and Agata Darmochwał. Topological spaces and continuous functions. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):223-230, 1990.Beata Perkowska. Functional sequence from a domain to a domain. Formalized Mathematics, 3(1):17-21, 1992.Jan Popiołek. Real normed space. Formalized Mathematics, 2(1):111-115, 1991.Konrad Raczkowski and Andrzej Nędzusiak. Real exponents and logarithms. Formalized Mathematics, 2(2):213-216, 1991.Konrad Raczkowski and Andrzej Nędzusiak. Series. Formalized Mathematics, 2(4):449-452, 1991.Walter Rudin. Real and Complex Analysis. Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., 1974.Yasunari Shidama and Noboru Endou. Integral of real-valued measurable function. Formalized Mathematics, 14(4):143-152, 2006, doi:10.2478/v10037-006-0018-8.Wojciech A. Trybulec. Vectors in real linear space. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):291-296, 1990.Zinaida Trybulec. Properties of subsets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):67-71, 1990.Yasushige Watase, Noboru Endou, and Yasunari Shidama. On L1 space formed by real-valued partial functions. Formalized Mathematics, 16(4):361-369, 2008, doi:10.2478/v10037-008-0044-9.Edmund Woronowicz. Relations defined on sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):181-186, 1990

    Difference and Difference Quotient. Part IV

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    In this article, we give some important theorems of forward difference, backward difference, central difference and difference quotient and forward difference, backward difference, central difference and difference quotient formulas of some special functions.Liang Xiquan - Qingdao University of Science and Technology, ChinaTang Ling - Qingdao University of Science and Technology, ChinaJiang Xichun - Qingdao University of Science and Technology, ChinaGrzegorz Bancerek. The fundamental properties of natural numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):41-46, 1990.Czesław Byliński. The complex numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(3):507-513, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Functions from a set to a set. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):153-164, 1990.Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Basic properties of real numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):35-40, 1990.Jarosław Kotowicz. Real sequences and basic operations on them. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):269-272, 1990.Rafał Kwiatek. Factorial and Newton coefficients. Formalized Mathematics, 1(5):887-890, 1990.Bo Li, Yan Zhang, and Xiquan Liang. Difference and difference quotient. Formalized Mathematics, 14(3):115-119, 2006, doi:10.2478/v10037-006-0014-z.Beata Perkowska. Functional sequence from a domain to a domain. Formalized Mathematics, 3(1):17-21, 1992.Konrad Raczkowski and Andrzej Nędzusiak. Real exponents and logarithms. Formalized Mathematics, 2(2):213-216, 1991.Yasunari Shidama. The Taylor expansions. Formalized Mathematics, 12(2):195-200, 2004.Andrzej Trybulec and Czesław Byliński. Some properties of real numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(3):445-449, 1990.Zinaida Trybulec. Properties of subsets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):67-71, 1990.Peng Wang and Bo Li. Several differentiation formulas of special functions. Part V. Formalized Mathematics, 15(3):73-79, 2007, doi:10.2478/v10037-007-0009-4.Edmund Woronowicz. Relations defined on sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):181-186, 1990.Yuguang Yang and Yasunari Shidama. Trigonometric functions and existence of circle ratio. Formalized Mathematics, 7(2):255-263, 1998

    The Measurability of Complex-Valued Functional Sequences

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    Narita Keiko - Hirosaki-city, Aomori, JapanEndou Noboru - Gifu National College of Technology, JapanShidama Yasunari - Shinshu University, Nagano, JapanGrzegorz Bancerek. The fundamental properties of natural numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):41-46, 1990.Grzegorz Bancerek. The ordinal numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):91-96, 1990.Grzegorz Bancerek and Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Segments of natural numbers and finite sequences. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):107-114, 1990.Józef Białas. Infimum and supremum of the set of real numbers. Measure theory. Formalized Mathematics, 2(1):163-171, 1991.Józef Białas. Series of positive real numbers. Measure theory. Formalized Mathematics, 2(1):173-183, 1991.Józef Białas. The σ-additive measure theory. Formalized Mathematics, 2(2):263-270, 1991.Józef Białas. Some properties of the intervals. Formalized Mathematics, 5(1):21-26, 1996.Czesław Byliński. The complex numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 1(3):507-513, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Functions and their basic properties. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):55-65, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Functions from a set to a set. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):153-164, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Partial functions. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):357-367, 1990.Czesław Byliński. Some basic properties of sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):47-53, 1990.Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, and Yatsuka Nakamura. The inner product and conjugate of finite sequences of complex numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 13(3):367-373, 2005.Noboru Endou and Yasunari Shidama. Integral of measurable function. Formalized Mathematics, 14(2):53-70, 2006, doi:10.2478/v10037-006-0008-x.Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, and Keiko Narita. Egoroff's theorem. Formalized Mathematics, 16(1):57-63, 2008, doi:10.2478/v10037-008-0009-z.Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, and Yasunari Shidama. Definitions and basic properties of measurable functions. Formalized Mathematics, 9(3):495-500, 2001.Jarosław Kotowicz. Convergent sequences and the limit of sequences. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):273-275, 1990.Jarosław Kotowicz and Yuji Sakai. Properties of partial functions from a domain to the set of real numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 3(2):279-288, 1992.Keiko Narita, Noboru Endou, and Yasunari Shidama. Integral of complex-valued measurable function. Formalized Mathematics, 16(4):319-324, 2008, doi:10.2478/v10037-008-0039-6.Adam Naumowicz. Conjugate sequences, bounded complex sequences and convergent complex sequences. Formalized Mathematics, 6(2):265-268, 1997.Andrzej Nędzusiak. σ-fields and probability. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):401-407, 1990.Beata Padlewska. Families of sets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):147-152, 1990.Beata Perkowska. Functional sequence from a domain to a domain. Formalized Mathematics, 3(1):17-21, 1992.Yasunari Shidama and Noboru Endou. Integral of real-valued measurable function. Formalized Mathematics, 14(4):143-152, 2006, doi:10.2478/v10037-006-0018-8.Yasunari Shidama and Artur Korniłowicz. Convergence and the limit of complex sequences. Series. Formalized Mathematics, 6(3):403-410, 1997.Zinaida Trybulec. Properties of subsets. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):67-71, 1990.Edmund Woronowicz. Relations and their basic properties. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):73-83, 1990.Hiroshi Yamazaki, Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, and Hiroyuki Okazaki. Inferior limit, superior limit and convergence of sequences of extended real numbers. Formalized Mathematics, 15(4):231-236, 2007, doi:10.2478/v10037-007-0026-3

    Université Catholique de Louvain Functional Sequence from a Domain to a Domain

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    Summary. Definitions of functional sequences and basic operations on functional sequences from a domain to a domain, point and uniform convergent, limit of functional sequence from a domain to the set of real numbers and facts about properties of the limit of functional sequences are proved. MML Identifier: SEQFUNC

    Functional Sequence from a Domain to a Domain

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    this paper. For simplicity, we use the following convention: D, D 1 , D 2 denote non empty sets, n,

    Free Many Sorted Universal Algebra MML Identifier: MSAFREE.

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    The following proposition is true (1) Let I be a set, and let J be a non empty set, and let f be a function from I into J ∗ , and let X be a many sorted set of J, and let p be an element of J ∗ , and let x be arbitrary. If x ∈ I and p = f(x), then (X # · f)(x) = � (X · p). Let I be a set, let A, B be many sorted sets of I, let C be a many sorted subset of A, and let F be a many sorted function from A into B. The functor F C yielding a many sorted function from C into B is defined as follows: (Def.1) For arbitrary i such that i ∈ I and for every function f from A(i) into B(i) such that f = F(i) holds (F   C)(i) = f   C(i). Let I be a set, let X be a many sorted set of I, and let i be arbitrary. Let us assume that i ∈ I. The functor coprod(i,X) yields a set and is defined as follows: (Def.2) For arbitrary x holds x ∈ coprod(i,X) iff there exists arbitrary a such that a ∈ X(i) and x = 〈a, i〉. Let I be a set and let X be a many sorted set of I. Then disjoint X is a many sorted set of I and it can be characterized by the condition: (Def.3) For arbitrary i such that i ∈ I holds (disjoint X)(i) = coprod(i,X)

    Free Many Sorted Universal Algebra

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