13 research outputs found

    Akutni učinci fokusa pažnje na izvedbu bacanja kugle kod vrhunskih sportaša

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of adopting an external, internal, and neutral focus of attention while executing an underhand and overhead shot put. Using a counterbalanced within-participant design, thirty highly skilled athletes (height 183±6 cm, body mass 78±7 kg, age 22.2±2.4 years) performed five underhand and five overhead shot puts. The results indicated that the shot put distances were greater (p<.05) when the participants were in the external condition compared to the internal and neutral conditions in both tests. Additionally, it was observed that the neutral condition provided better throwing results compared to the internal condition. These results support the constrained action hypothesis, and provide additional evidence that skilled athletes should adopt an external focus of attention when executing motor skills.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje utjecaja usvajanja vanjskog, unutarnjeg ili neutralnog fokusa pažnje tijekom izvođenja bacanja kugle pothvatom naprijed te preko glave. Korištenjem eksperimentalnog nacrta s uravnoteženim ponovljenim mjerenjima unutar ispitanika 30 vrhunski obučenih sportaša (tjelesne visine 183±6 cm, tjelesne težine 78±7 kg u dobi od 22,2±2,4 godine) izvelo je pet izbačaja kugle pothvatom prema naprijed i pet izbačaja preko glave. Rezultati su pokazali je udaljenost bacanja bila veća (p<.05) prilikom primjene vanjskog fokusa pažnje u usporedbi sa unutrašnjim i neutralnim fokusom pažnje u oba testa. Nadalje, zamijećeno je da su rezultati bacanja bili bolji u uvjetima korištenja neutralnog fokusa pažnje u odnosu na unutrašnji fokus pažnje. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju hipotezu ograničene akcije, te nude dodatne dokaze da bi vrhunski sportaši trebali koristiti vanjski fokus pažnje prilikom izvođenja motoričkih zadataka

    The effects of a physical exercise program on fetal well-being and intrauterine safety

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a supervised physical exercise program on fetal well-beingand intrauterine safety. Physical activity is recommended for healthy pregnant women. However, constant evaluation offetal condition and development is recommended to ensure the safety of the exercise program.Material and methods: Randomized control trial study design. Sixty-six healthy pregnant women (age 24–35) with singletongestation were randomly assigned to either an exercise group (EG, n = 34) or a non-active control group (CG, n = 32). Theexercise program included 81 sessions (moderate intensity, 3 times per week, 50–60 min/session from weeks 13 to weeks40/41 of pregnancy). Fetal well-being was assessed in weeks 32 and 37 of pregnancy. The cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) wascalculated to evaluate the safety of the exercise program for the fetus.Results: The differences in the CPR ratio measurements between EG and CG groups in week 37 (p &lt; 0.05) were observed.The increase in the CPR ratio was also shown in week 37 of pregnancy in comparison to week 32 (p &lt; 0.01). Moreover,maternal heart rate was significantly lower in the exercise group as measured at 37 weeks (p &lt; 0.05).Conclusions: The results of this study confirm that regular and supervised exercise program throughout pregnancy doesnot affect fetal well-being and is safe for the fetus. Additionally, regular physical activity improves maternal physical fitnessand cardiac efficiency which might aid at preparing pregnant women for natural labor

    &quot;Świadome 9 miesięcy&quot;. Program stylu życia w cukrzycy ciążowej łączący regularne ćwiczenia i interwencję żywieniową: opis przypadku z zastosowaniem metody mieszanej

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    Background. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a glucose tolerance disorder posing health risks for both the mother and fetus. Lifestyle modifications are recommended to control glucose levels before pharmacotherapy. The aims of this study were 1) to examine the impact of combined GDM intervention on the glycemia levels and pregnancy outcomes in a woman with GDM; and 2) to explore what can help women adhere to the desired lifestyle changes recommended for GDM. Material and methods. This instrumental study uses a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. It focuses on a comprehensive lifestyle intervention, incorporating exercise, dietary protocol, maternal education, and support. One participant was enrolled, starting the intervention at the 24th week of pregnancy. Low glycemic index (&lt;55%) and low glycemic load meals were recommended. Exercises were supervised and conducted regularly three times a week until delivery (48 sessions in total). Results. Glucose levels remained within normal range throughout the entire pregnancy, without the need for pharmacotherapy. The pregnancy resulted in a natural delivery of a healthy newborn with normal parameters. The participant completed the entire intervention, implementing the recommended lifestyle changes and avoiding complications associated with GDM. Conclusions. 1. Individualized and holistic care for women with GDM can help maintain normal glucose levels and increase the chances of positive pregnancy outcomes. 2. Key factors contributing to the success of the intervention were emotional support, education, and personalized care provided by specialists. 3. Implementing lifestyle changes during pregnancy may reduce the need for pharmacological interventions and complications related to GDM.Wprowadzenie. Cukrzyca ciążowa (GDM) to zaburzenie tolerancji glukozy, które stwarza zagrożenie dla zdrowia matki i płodu. Zaleca się, aby kobiety wprowadzały modyfikacje stylu życia w celu kontrolowania poziomu glukozy zanim będzie potrzebna farmakoterapia. Celem pracy było zatem 1) zbadanie wpływu kompleksowej interwencji w stylu życia z GDM na poziom glikemii i wyniki ciąży u kobiety z GDM; oraz 2) zbadanie, co może pomóc kobietom w przestrzeganiu pożądanych zmian stylu życia zalecanych w GDM. Materiał i metody. W badaniu instrumentalnym wykorzystano podejście mieszane, łącząc metody ilościowe i jakościowe. Skoncentrowano się na kompleksowej interwencji w stylu życia dla ciężarnych z GDM, łączącej ćwiczenia fizyczne, interwencję żywieniową, edukację i wsparcie matki. Jako uczestniczkę przyjęto jedną kobietę. Interwencja rozpoczęła się w 24. tygodniu ciąży. Zalecano niski indeks glikemiczny (&lt;55%) i posiłki o niskim ładunku glikemicznym. Ćwiczenia fizyczne odbywały się regularnie i były nadzorowane, trzy razy w tygodniu do momentu porodu (łącznie 48 sesji). Wyniki. Poziomy glukozy pozostały w normie przez całą ciążę, bez konieczności farmakoterapii. Ciąża zakończyła się porodem naturalnym zdrowego noworodka o prawidłowym parametrach. Uczestniczka zakończyła interwencję pomyślnie, wprowadzając rekomendowane zmiany w stylu życia i unikając powikłań związanych z GDM. Wnioski. 1. Zindywidualizowana i holistyczna opieka nad kobietą z GDM, może pomóc w utrzymaniu prawidłowych poziomów glukozy i pozytywnych wyników ciąży. 2. Czynnikami kluczowymi wpływającymi na sukces interwencji były wsparcie emocjonalne, edukacja i zindywidualizowana opieka specjalistów. 3. Wprowadzenie zmian w stylu życia podczas ciąży może przyczynić się do zmniejszenia konieczności interwencji farmakologicznych i powikłań związanych z cukrzycą ciążową

    &ldquo;Conscious Nine Months&rdquo;: Exploring Regular Physical Activity amongst Pregnant Women&mdash;A Qualitative Study Protocol

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    Despite a clear and convincing evidence base and strong recommendations for pregnant women to maintain regular moderate physical activity throughout pregnancy, many of them reduce or discontinue exercise altogether. This is due to pregnancy-related difficulties and barriers. The aim of this protocol is to describe a qualitative research methodology for a study exploring the experiences of women who managed to achieve the recommended levels of physical activity throughout their pregnancy by regularly participating in a specially designed &ldquo;Conscious nine months&rdquo; exercise programme. A qualitative descriptive design will be used, including semi-structured in-depth literature-based interviews, together with thematic analysis. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) guidelines will be used. In-depth individual interviews (60&ndash;90 min) with exercise programme participants, used together with a thematic analysis process, will allow for a better understanding and exploration of what enabled the participants to achieve such high adherence to the overall exercise programme. The chosen methodology offers a structured way for researchers to explore the experiences and factors that influence the ability of pregnant women to be physically active, enabling research into how pregnant women can be supported to remain active during this special, often challenging time in life

    Hurdle set up.

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    The contextual interference (CI) approach has proposed that a random order of practice for motor skills is superior in facilitating learning compared to a blocked arrangement of practice trials. Two groups of physical education students learned sprint hurdles, employing either an increasing CI practice schedule (n = 23) or a blocked practice schedule (n = 23). In both the practice schedules, the same exercises were used in a different trial order during each learning session. Eleven practice sessions were conducted over a period of six weeks, with two days of practice per week. Ten and 40 days after the acquisition phase, a retention and transfer test were conducted. The results showed no differences between the two practice schedules during the retention tests. However, students practicing with an increasing CI arrangement performed better on the delayed transfer test compared to students which practiced with a blocked schedule. Specifically, the increasing CI group more effectively (p </div

    Examples of basic hurdle exercises.

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    The contextual interference (CI) approach has proposed that a random order of practice for motor skills is superior in facilitating learning compared to a blocked arrangement of practice trials. Two groups of physical education students learned sprint hurdles, employing either an increasing CI practice schedule (n = 23) or a blocked practice schedule (n = 23). In both the practice schedules, the same exercises were used in a different trial order during each learning session. Eleven practice sessions were conducted over a period of six weeks, with two days of practice per week. Ten and 40 days after the acquisition phase, a retention and transfer test were conducted. The results showed no differences between the two practice schedules during the retention tests. However, students practicing with an increasing CI arrangement performed better on the delayed transfer test compared to students which practiced with a blocked schedule. Specifically, the increasing CI group more effectively (p </div

    S1 Dataset -

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    The contextual interference (CI) approach has proposed that a random order of practice for motor skills is superior in facilitating learning compared to a blocked arrangement of practice trials. Two groups of physical education students learned sprint hurdles, employing either an increasing CI practice schedule (n = 23) or a blocked practice schedule (n = 23). In both the practice schedules, the same exercises were used in a different trial order during each learning session. Eleven practice sessions were conducted over a period of six weeks, with two days of practice per week. Ten and 40 days after the acquisition phase, a retention and transfer test were conducted. The results showed no differences between the two practice schedules during the retention tests. However, students practicing with an increasing CI arrangement performed better on the delayed transfer test compared to students which practiced with a blocked schedule. Specifically, the increasing CI group more effectively (p </div

    Learning program.

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    The contextual interference (CI) approach has proposed that a random order of practice for motor skills is superior in facilitating learning compared to a blocked arrangement of practice trials. Two groups of physical education students learned sprint hurdles, employing either an increasing CI practice schedule (n = 23) or a blocked practice schedule (n = 23). In both the practice schedules, the same exercises were used in a different trial order during each learning session. Eleven practice sessions were conducted over a period of six weeks, with two days of practice per week. Ten and 40 days after the acquisition phase, a retention and transfer test were conducted. The results showed no differences between the two practice schedules during the retention tests. However, students practicing with an increasing CI arrangement performed better on the delayed transfer test compared to students which practiced with a blocked schedule. Specifically, the increasing CI group more effectively (p </div

    Mean and SD of kinematics achieved by both groups during retention and transfer tests.

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    Mean and SD of kinematics achieved by both groups during retention and transfer tests.</p