961 research outputs found

    An integrated approach to assess the impacts of zinc pyrithione at different levels of biological organization in marine mussels.

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    The mechanisms of sublethal toxicity of the antifouling biocide, zinc pyrithione (ZnPT), have not been well-studied. This investigation demonstrates that 14-d sublethal exposure to ZnPT (0.2 or 2 μM, alongside inorganic Zn and sea water controls) is genotoxic to mussel haemocytes but suggests that this is not caused by oxidative DNA damage as no significant induction of oxidised purines was detected by Fpg-modified comet assay. More ecologically relevant endpoints, including decreased clearance rate (CR), cessation of attachment and decreased tolerance of stress on stress (SoS), also showed significant response to ZnPT exposure. Our integrated approach was underpinned by molecular analyses (qRT-PCR of stress-related genes, 2D gel electrophoresis of proteins) that indicated ZnPT causes a decrease in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) expression in mussel digestive glands, and that metallothionein genes are upregulated; PEPCK downregulation suggests that altered energy metabolism may also be related to the effects of ZnPT. Significant relationships were found between % tail DNA (comet assay) and all higher level responses (CR, attachment, SoS) in addition to PEPCK expression. Principal component analyses suggested that expression of selected genes described more variability within groups whereas % tail DNA reflected different ZnPT concentrations

    Exposure to tritiated water at an elevated temperature: Genotoxic and transcriptomic effects in marine mussels (M. galloprovincialis).

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    Temperature is an abiotic factor of particular concern for assessing the potential impacts of radionuclides on marine species. This is particularly true for tritium, which is discharged as tritiated water (HTO) in the process of cooling nuclear institutions. Additionally, with sea surface temperatures forecast to rise 0.5 - 3.5 C in the next 30-100 years, determining the interaction of elevated temperature with radiological exposure has never been more relevant. We assessed the tissue-specific accumulation, transcriptional expression of key genes, and genotoxicity of tritiated water to marine mussels at either 15 or 25 C, over a 7 day time course with sampling after 1 h, 12 h, 3 d and 7d. The activity concentration used (15 MBq L-1) resulted in tritium accumulation that varied with both time and temperature, but consistently produced dose rates (calculated using the ERICA tool) of <20 Gy h-1, i.e. considerably below the recommended guidelines of the IAEA and EURATOM. Despite this, there was significant induction of DNA strand breaks (as measured by the comet assay), which also showed a temperature-dependent time shift. At 15 C, DNA damage was only significantly elevated after 7 d, in contrast to 25 C where a similar response was observed after only 3 d. The transcription profiles of two isoforms of hsp70, hsp90, mt20, p53 and rad51 indicated potential mechanisms behind this temperature-induced acceleration of genotoxicity, which may be the result of compromised defence. Specifically, genes involved in protein folding, DNA double strand break repair and cell cycle checkpoint control were upregulated after 3 d HTO exposure at 15 C, but significantly downregulated when the same exposure occurred at 25 C. This study is the first to investigate temperature efects on radiation-induced genotoxicity in an ecologically relevant marine invertebrate, Mytilus galloprovincialis. From an ecological perspective, our study suggests that mussels (or similar marine species) exposed to increased temperature and HTO may have a compromised ability to defend against genotoxic stress. Abbreviations: HTO, tritiated water; Fpg, formamidopyrimidine glyco- sylase; GoI, gene of interest; LSC, liquid scintillation counting; tDAC, tissue dry activity concentration; TFWT, tissue free water tritium; tTAC, tissue total activity concentration; woTAC, whole organism total activity concentration

    Vagal sensory neurons drive mucous cell metaplasia

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    Summary: Airway sensory neuron-produced Substance P heightens allergy-induced goblet cell hyperplasia and hypersecretion of Muc5AC, electrically silencing these overreactive neurons reduced these components of lung type 2 allergic inflammatory response

    Activation kinetics of single P2X receptors

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    After the primary structure of P2X receptors had been identified, their function had to be characterized on the molecular level. Since these ligand-gated ion channels become activated very quickly after binding of ATP, methods with adequate time resolution have to be applied to investigate the early events induced by the agonist. Single-channel recordings were performed to describe conformational changes on P2X2, P2X4, and P2X7 receptors induced by ATP and also by allosteric receptor modifiers. The main results of these studies and the models of P2X receptor kinetics derived from these observations are reviewed here. The investigation of purinoceptors by means of the patch clamp technique following site-directed mutagenesis will probably reveal more details of P2X receptor function at the molecular level

    Dynamics of Kv1 Channel Transport in Axons

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    Concerted actions of various ion channels that are precisely targeted along axons are crucial for action potential initiation and propagation, and neurotransmitter release. However, the dynamics of channel protein transport in axons remain unknown. Here, using time-lapse imaging, we found fluorescently tagged Kv1.2 voltage-gated K+ channels (YFP-Kv1.2) moved bi-directionally in discrete puncta along hippocampal axons. Expressing Kvβ2, a Kv1 accessory subunit, markedly increased the velocity, the travel distance, and the percentage of moving time of these puncta in both anterograde and retrograde directions. Suppressing the Kvβ2-associated protein, plus-end binding protein EB1 or kinesin II/KIF3A, by siRNA, significantly decreased the velocity of YFP-Kv1.2 moving puncta in both directions. Kvβ2 mutants with disrupted either Kv1.2-Kvβ2 binding or Kvβ2-EB1 binding failed to increase the velocity of YFP-Kv1.2 puncta, confirming a central role of Kvβ2. Furthermore, fluorescently tagged Kv1.2 and Kvβ2 co-moved along axons. Surprisingly, when co-moving with Kv1.2 and Kvβ2, EB1 appeared to travel markedly faster than its plus-end tracking. Finally, using fission yeast S. pombe expressing YFP-fusion proteins as reference standards to calibrate our microscope, we estimated the numbers of YFP-Kv1.2 tetramers in axonal puncta. Taken together, our results suggest that proper amounts of Kv1 channels and their associated proteins are required for efficient transport of Kv1 channel proteins along axons

    Inhibition of rhythmic neural spiking by noise: the occurrence of a minimum in activity with increasing noise

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    The effects of noise on neuronal dynamical systems are of much current interest. Here, we investigate noise-induced changes in the rhythmic firing activity of single Hodgkin–Huxley neurons. With additive input current, there is, in the absence of noise, a critical mean value µ = µc above which sustained periodic firing occurs. With initial conditions as resting values, for a range of values of the mean µ near the critical value, we have found that the firing rate is greatly reduced by noise, even of quite small amplitudes. Furthermore, the firing rate may undergo a pronounced minimum as the noise increases. This behavior has the opposite character to stochastic resonance and coherence resonance. We found that these phenomena occurred even when the initial conditions were chosen randomly or when the noise was switched on at a random time, indicating the robustness of the results. We also examined the effects of conductance-based noise on Hodgkin–Huxley neurons and obtained similar results, leading to the conclusion that the phenomena occur across a wide range of neuronal dynamical systems. Further, these phenomena will occur in diverse applications where a stable limit cycle coexists with a stable focus

    Na+ imaging reveals little difference in action potential–evoked Na+ influx between axon and soma

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Neuroscience 13 (2010): 852-860, doi:10.1038/nn.2574.In cortical pyramidal neurons, the axon initial segment (AIS) plays a pivotal role in synaptic integration. It has been asserted that this property reflects a high density of Na+ channels in AIS. However, we here report that AP–associated Na+ flux, as measured by high–speed fluorescence Na+ imaging, is about 3 times larger in the rat AIS than in the soma. Spike evoked Na+ flux in the AIS and the first node of Ranvier is about the same, and in the basal dendrites it is about 8 times lower. At near threshold voltages persistent Na+ conductance is almost entirely axonal. Finally, we report that on a time scale of seconds, passive diffusion and not pumping is responsible for maintaining transmembrane Na+ gradients in thin axons during high frequency AP firing. In computer simulations, these data were consistent with the known features of AP generation in these neurons.Supported by US– Israel BSF Grant (2003082), Grass Faculty Grant from the MBL, NIH Grant (NS16295), Multiple Sclerosis Society Grant (PP1367), and a fellowship from the Gruss Lipper Foundation

    The capabilities and limitations of conductance-based compartmental neuron models with reduced branched or unbranched morphologies and active dendrites

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    Conductance-based neuron models are frequently employed to study the dynamics of biological neural networks. For speed and ease of use, these models are often reduced in morphological complexity. Simplified dendritic branching structures may process inputs differently than full branching structures, however, and could thereby fail to reproduce important aspects of biological neural processing. It is not yet well understood which processing capabilities require detailed branching structures. Therefore, we analyzed the processing capabilities of full or partially branched reduced models. These models were created by collapsing the dendritic tree of a full morphological model of a globus pallidus (GP) neuron while preserving its total surface area and electrotonic length, as well as its passive and active parameters. Dendritic trees were either collapsed into single cables (unbranched models) or the full complement of branch points was preserved (branched models). Both reduction strategies allowed us to compare dynamics between all models using the same channel density settings. Full model responses to somatic inputs were generally preserved by both types of reduced model while dendritic input responses could be more closely preserved by branched than unbranched reduced models. However, features strongly influenced by local dendritic input resistance, such as active dendritic sodium spike generation and propagation, could not be accurately reproduced by any reduced model. Based on our analyses, we suggest that there are intrinsic differences in processing capabilities between unbranched and branched models. We also indicate suitable applications for different levels of reduction, including fast searches of full model parameter space
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