8,574 research outputs found

    Integrated stratigraphy of the Waitakian-Otaian Stage boundary stratotype, Early Miocene, New Zealand

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    The base of the type section of the Otaian Stage at Bluecliffs, South Canterbury, is recognised as the stratotype for the boundary between the Waitakian and Otaian Stages. Principal problems with the boundary are the restriction of existing bioevent proxies to shelf and upper slope environments and its uncertain age. These topics are addressed by a multidisplinary study of a 125 m section about the boundary, which examines its lithostratigraphy, depositional setting, biostratigraphy, correlation, and geochronology. The lower siltstone lithofacies (0-38.5 m) was deposited at upper bathyal depths (200-600 m) in a marginal basin which was partially sheltered from fully oceanic circulation by a submarine high and islands. The site was covered by cool-temperate water and was probably adjacent to the Subtropical Convergence. This unit is succeeded by the banded lithofacies (38.5-106 m) and the upper siltstone lithofacies (basal 19 m studied). Paleodepth probably declined up-sequence, but deposition at shelf depths is not definitely indicated. A cyclic pattern of abundance spikes in benthic and planktonic foraminifera commences 9 m above base and extends to 73 m in the banded lithofacies. Oxygen isotope excursions (up to 2.08%) in Euuvigerina miozea and Cibicides novozelandicus are greatest within the interval containing the abundance spikes. The stage boundary occurs in the banded lithofacies at the highest abundance spike (73 m). Although condensed intervals might affect the completeness of the section, they are not associated with sedimentary discontinuities, and we consider that the section is suitable as a biostratigraphic reference. Spores, pollens, dinoflagellates, calcareous nannofossils, foraminifera, bryozoans, and ostracods are preserved near the boundary, but molluscs principally occur higher, in the shallower upper siltstone lithofacies. Siliceous microfossils are rare. There is considerable scope for further biostratigraphic research. The primary event marking the boundary at 73 m is the appearance of the benthic foraminifer Ehrenbergina marwicki. This is a distinctive and widely distributed event but is restricted to shelf and upper bathyal environments. Supplementary events in planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils were researched. Highest occurrences of Globigerina brazieri and G. euapertura are recorded at 47 and 58 m. There is a marked decline in relative abundance of Paragloborotalia spp. at 62 m. Helicosphaera carteri becomes more abundant than H. euphratis between 56 and 87 m. These events are not exact proxies for the boundary but they may usefully indicate proximity to it. They occur in the interval of prominent spikes in foraminiferal abundance. The Waitakian-Otaian boundary is dated at 21.7 Ma by strontium isotopes. Stable primary remanence could not be determined in a pilot paleomagnetic study of Bluecliffs specimens. However, specimens trended towards reversed polarity, and remagnetisation great circle analysis will allow directions to be calculated in future collections

    Spectroscopic variability of two Oe stars

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    The Oe stars HD45314 and HD60848 have recently been found to exhibit very different X-ray properties: whilst HD60848 has an X-ray spectrum and emission level typical of most OB stars, HD45314 features a much harder and brighter X-ray emission, making it a so-called gamma Cas analogue. Monitoring the optical spectra could provide hints towards the origin of these very different behaviours. We analyse a large set of spectroscopic observations of HD45314 and HD60848, extending over 20 years. We further attempt to fit the H-alpha line profiles of both stars with a simple model of emission line formation in a Keplerian disk. Strong variations in the strengths of the H-alpha, H-beta, and He I 5876 emission lines are observed for both stars. In the case of HD60848, we find a time lag between the variations in the equivalent widths of these lines. The emission lines are double peaked with nearly identical strengths of the violet and red peaks. The H-alpha profile of this star can be successfully reproduced by our model of a disk seen under an inclination of 30 degrees. In the case of HD45314, the emission lines are highly asymmetric and display strong line profile variations. We find a major change in behaviour between the 2002 outburst and the one observed in 2013. This concerns both the relationship between the equivalent widths of the various lines and their morphologies at maximum strength (double-peaked in 2002 versus single-peaked in 2013). Our simple disk model fails to reproduce the observed H-alpha line profiles of HD45314. Our results further support the interpretation that Oe stars do have decretion disks similar to those of Be stars. Whilst the emission lines of HD60848 are explained by a disk with a Keplerian velocity field, the disk of HD45314 seems to have a significantly more complex velocity field that could be related to the phenomenon that produces its peculiar X-ray emission.Comment: Accepted for Publication in A&

    Critical behaviour of a surface reaction model with infinitely many absorbing states

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    In a recent letter [J. Phys. A26, L801 (1993)], Yaldram et al. studied the critical behaviour of a simple lattice gas model of the CO-NO catalytic reaction. The model exhibits a second order nonequilibrium phase transition from an active state into one out of infinitely many absorbing states. Estimates for the critical exponent β\beta suggested that the model belongs to a new universality class. The results reported in this article contradict this notion, as estimates for various critical exponents show that the model belongs to the universality class of directed percolation.Comment: 10p+5fig, LaTeX+fig in uuencoded P

    Worker well-being and the importance of work: bridging the gap

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    The importance of worker well-being is widely-embraced both in theory and policy, but there are numerous perspectives on what it is, how to measure it, whether it needs improving and if so, how to improve it. We argue that a more complete approach to worker well-being needs to consider workers as full citizens who derive and experience both public and private benefits and costs from working. A broad framework on the meanings of work is used to expand the boundaries of worker well-being to reflect the broad importance of work in human life

    Scaling and Formulary cross sections for ion-atom impact ionization

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    The values of ion-atom ionization cross sections are frequently needed for many applications that utilize the propagation of fast ions through matter. When experimental data and theoretical calculations are not available, approximate formulas are frequently used. This paper briefly summarizes the most important theoretical results and approaches to cross section calculations in order to place the discussion in historical perspective and offer a concise introduction to the topic. Based on experimental data and theoretical predictions, a new fit for ionization cross sections is proposed. The range of validity and accuracy of several frequently used approximations (classical trajectory, the Born approximation, and so forth) are discussed using, as examples, the ionization cross sections of hydrogen and helium atoms by various fully stripped ions.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figure

    Scanning-probe spectroscopy of semiconductor donor molecules

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    Semiconductor devices continue to press into the nanoscale regime, and new applications have emerged for which the quantum properties of dopant atoms act as the functional part of the device, underscoring the necessity to probe the quantum structure of small numbers of dopant atoms in semiconductors[1-3]. Although dopant properties are well-understood with respect to bulk semiconductors, new questions arise in nanosystems. For example, the quantum energy levels of dopants will be affected by the proximity of nanometer-scale electrodes. Moreover, because shallow donors and acceptors are analogous to hydrogen atoms, experiments on small numbers of dopants have the potential to be a testing ground for fundamental questions of atomic and molecular physics, such as the maximum negative ionization of a molecule with a given number of positive ions[4,5]. Electron tunneling spectroscopy through isolated dopants has been observed in transport studies[6,7]. In addition, Geim and coworkers identified resonances due to two closely spaced donors, effectively forming donor molecules[8]. Here we present capacitance spectroscopy measurements of silicon donors in a gallium-arsenide heterostructure using a scanning probe technique[9,10]. In contrast to the work of Geim et al., our data show discernible peaks attributed to successive electrons entering the molecules. Hence this work represents the first addition spectrum measurement of dopant molecules. More generally, to the best of our knowledge, this study is the first example of single-electron capacitance spectroscopy performed directly with a scanning probe tip[9].Comment: In press, Nature Physics. Original manuscript posted here; 16 pages, 3 figures, 5 supplementary figure

    Fluid-structure interaction simulation of prosthetic aortic valves : comparison between immersed boundary and arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian techniques for the mesh representation

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    In recent years the role of FSI (fluid-structure interaction) simulations in the analysis of the fluid-mechanics of heart valves is becoming more and more important, being able to capture the interaction between the blood and both the surrounding biological tissues and the valve itself. When setting up an FSI simulation, several choices have to be made to select the most suitable approach for the case of interest: in particular, to simulate flexible leaflet cardiac valves, the type of discretization of the fluid domain is crucial, which can be described with an ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) or an Eulerian formulation. The majority of the reported 3D heart valve FSI simulations are performed with the Eulerian formulation, allowing for large deformations of the domains without compromising the quality of the fluid grid. Nevertheless, it is known that the ALE-FSI approach guarantees more accurate results at the interface between the solid and the fluid. The goal of this paper is to describe the same aortic valve model in the two cases, comparing the performances of an ALE-based FSI solution and an Eulerian-based FSI approach. After a first simplified 2D case, the aortic geometry was considered in a full 3D set-up. The model was kept as similar as possible in the two settings, to better compare the simulations' outcomes. Although for the 2D case the differences were unsubstantial, in our experience the performance of a full 3D ALE-FSI simulation was significantly limited by the technical problems and requirements inherent to the ALE formulation, mainly related to the mesh motion and deformation of the fluid domain. As a secondary outcome of this work, it is important to point out that the choice of the solver also influenced the reliability of the final results

    Transport Spectroscopy of Symmetry-Broken Insulating States in Bilayer Graphene

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    The flat bands in bilayer graphene(BLG) are sensitive to electric fields E\bot directed between the layers, and magnify the electron-electron interaction effects, thus making BLG an attractive platform for new two-dimensional (2D) electron physics[1-5]. Theories[6-16] have suggested the possibility of a variety of interesting broken symmetry states, some characterized by spontaneous mass gaps, when the electron-density is at the carrier neutrality point (CNP). The theoretically proposed gaps[6,7,10] in bilayer graphene are analogous[17,18] to the masses generated by broken symmetries in particle physics and give rise to large momentum-space Berry curvatures[8,19] accompanied by spontaneous quantum Hall effects[7-9]. Though recent experiments[20-23] have provided convincing evidence of strong electronic correlations near the CNP in BLG, the presence of gaps is difficult to establish because of the lack of direct spectroscopic measurements. Here we present transport measurements in ultra-clean double-gated BLG, using source-drain bias as a spectroscopic tool to resolve a gap of ~2 meV at the CNP. The gap can be closed by an electric field E\bot \sim13 mV/nm but increases monotonically with a magnetic field B, with an apparent particle-hole asymmetry above the gap, thus providing the first mapping of the ground states in BLG.Comment: 4 figure

    Simultaneous determination of wave speed and arrival time of reflected waves using the pressure-velocity loop

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be found at the link below.In a previous paper we demonstrated that the linear portion of the pressure–velocity loop (PU-loop) corresponding to early systole could be used to calculate the local wave speed. In this paper we extend this work to show that determination of the time at which the PU-loop first deviates from linearity provides a convenient way to determine the arrival time of reflected waves (Tr). We also present a new technique using the PU-loop that allows for the determination of wave speed and Tr simultaneously. We measured pressure and flow in elastic tubes of different diameters, where a strong reflection site existed at known distances away form the measurement site. We also measured pressure and flow in the ascending aorta of 11 anaesthetised dogs where a strong reflection site was produced through total arterial occlusion at four different sites. Wave speed was determined from the initial slope of the PU-loop and Tr was determined using a new algorithm that detects the sampling point at which the initial linear part of the PU-loop deviates from linearity. The results of the new technique for detecting Tr were comparable to those determined using the foot-to-foot and wave intensity analysis methods. In elastic tubes Tr detected using the new algorithm was almost identical to that detected using wave intensity analysis and foot-to-foot methods with a maximum difference of 2%. Tr detected using the PU-loop in vivo highly correlated with that detected using wave intensity analysis (r 2 = 0.83, P < 0.001). We conclude that the new technique described in this paper offers a convenient and objective method for detecting Tr, and allows for the dynamic determination of wave speed and Tr, simultaneously