58 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the very topical issues of the use of spot ship’s space booking and the dynamic adjustment of ocean freight, according to the demand and availability of cargo space on container ships. Container lines are facing the challenges of filling the growing container ships, which also raises the difficulty of managing the overbooking. Two research hypothesis; that (H1) freight forwarders have concerns about a new spot booking mode and a dynamic way of formulating ocean rates; and that (H2) freight forwarders feel threatened by Container Lines (CL) to some extent to phase them out from the organization of intermodal transport chains due to the introduction of larger ships and the risk of low space occupation, are followed by the research. A survey between freight forwarders and NVOCCs (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) on a global scale provides guidelines for the further development of CL model for the booking process and the formation of ocean rates because the results expose how new ways of working have a greater impact on the operational and commercial work between CL, freight forwarders and NVOCCs. According to the obtained result, the article proposes a three-step approach to be developed by CL that would bring freight forwarders and NVOCCs closer to a new way of working, reduce business risks, and, as a result, provide leverage to achieve ship space optimization and lower space pressure on container terminals. The study provides new understandings in building new operational models for efficient maritime logistics and brings novelty to the scientific community by defining descriptive gaps in changing strategic and operational approach for ship’s cargo space optimization

    Structural changes in the container liner shipping influencing shipping agent’s role

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    The article presents structural changes in liner shipping sector, as many global Container shipping lines are opening their own agencies and many independent shipping agents are consecutively closing down their activities, either via takeovers or by going out of business completely. The process of horizontal and vertical integration in shipping industry is re-shaping the entire logistics industry. Such changes put pressure on shipping agents to redefine their market role and develop services with added quality, and relationships with actual and new principals. They are forced to seek for new ways to make income therefore they are forced to perform additional roles, in order to satisfy carriers on one hand, and usually just a few clients, on the other. A market analysis in Slovenia has been performed among companies offering ship-port services, with focus on comparison between independent agents and Container Line offices. It has been ascertained that independent shipping agents must implement the new strategy which is closer to a forwarder’s mentality and market role

    An approach to greener overseas transport chain planning in FVL

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    The article deals with a very topical issue of environmental suitability of complex transport chains. Overseas transport chains in finished vehicle logistics (FVL) consist of a series of transport routes in which they successively combine rail, road and sea transport. It is necessary to know the input parameters and their impact on the operation of FVL, especially with the aim of evaluating the air pollutants produced and the energy efficiency (EE) achieved. The article gives a systematic approach in defining input parameters and their evaluation for efficient green transport chain planning. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated on an ongoing FVL of the export flow of luxury vehicles from Europe to Asian markets. Transport chains from four production sites in Central Europe to two loading ports in Koper and Bremerhaven, and in maritime RO-RO transport to four Asian unloading ports are analyzed. The results of the study show the need for more comprehensive planning of export FVL, including environmental assessment at the planning stage. Significant savings in energy consumption and reduction in GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions can be achieved by shifting cargo flows to the southern transportation route. The article enriches the current research on sustainable operation of FVL and provides applied results for infrastructural adaptation of the southern transport route

    Extended Gate Concept for Maritime Automobile Terminals

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    The article is focused on the role of a maritime automobile terminal in finished vehicle logistics (FVL). Different drivers that force the management of a maritime automobile terminal to find new solutions in accommodating the increased flows of vehicles are described. The analysis of the maritime automobile terminal at Koper indicates the need to further expand the storage area and its delivery zone to support regular clients from the automotive industry. The main research goal of the paper is to elaborate and describe the model where an external storage platform under port’s operation might be used. On this basis the analysis of current inbound and outbound flows is elaborated. The model of Extended Gate Concept (EGC) for a maritime automobile terminal is presented as an option to serve increased outgoing flows of finished vehicles. With proper infrastructure development, established inland connections and secured information flow the presented EGC model can be adopted at the observed maritime automobile terminal. Nevertheless, obstacles hindering EGC implementation play a crucial role in the model implantation, thus the final consent should be given by the relevant stakeholders in FVL

    Impact of Container Vessels Capacity 15.000 TEU and More on Existing Container Terminals

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    The study analyses the impact of modern container vessels with capacity of 15.000 TEU1 and more on existing container terminals. Necessary adjustments of terminals are discussed through the aspect of port infrastructure, superstructure and connection with hinterland. The emphasis is on defining the necessary adjustments to enable the berthing of vessels with capacity 15,000 TEU or more. The research highlights the key elements of the container terminal’s enhancements in the Port of Koper, which already receives vessels with a capacity of 15,000 TEU, but encounters restrictions on the acceptance of even larger vessels and larger quantities of containers. The research highlights technical and technological adjustments also through the aspect of intervention and the impact of updates on the environment, the necessary financial inputs and the time component of implementation. The article presents findings that are important for further development of container services and terminals in the North Adriatic area

    Assesing Home Port Potential of Selected Adriatic Ports

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    The cruise industry has been continuously growing since the 1970s and is considered to be the fastest growing travel vacation segment ever. The Mediterranean is currently the second most visited region, closely following the Caribbean. One of the Mediterranean cruise markets is the increasingly interesting Adriatic Sea, with Venice and Dubrovnik as the most popular destinations. While a port of call destination need only offer attractions to be added to cruise line itineraries, much more is required of home ports, particularly in terms of infrastructure and passenger services. Currently, the ports of Venice and Bari act as main home ports in the Adriatic, with the port of Trieste growing in importance although it does not as yet have a considerable share in terms of number of exchanged cruise passengers. In this paper, the authors take a look at the advantages that these ports offer in terms of home port adequacy and examine the home port potential of two Adriatic ports, namely the port of Koper and the port of Split. For this purpose, a list of influencing factors was drawn up based on existing studies and adjusted to the specific micro conditions and requirements. These factors are examined

    Green Maritime Transport as a Part of Global Green Intermodal Chains

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    Environmental pollution is increasingly becoming a major global problem. Consequently, companies and policy makers are facing mounting pressure to reduce their impacts of logistics activities and make transport greener. The challenge to reduce the carbon intensity of maritime transport is even more important when we take into equation the fact that carries about 90% of the world trade. While car industry has already taken actions to greener cars, maritime industry is subject to fewer regulations and slower progress. This article overviews upcoming trends of green intermodal chains, initiatives in green maritime transport and how noteworthy is share of their impact in the transport chain as a whole. Speed reduction is one of most important measures which can be implemented right away with win-win impacting on environment and fuel cost. The study analysis environmental impacts of different services to eastern Adriatic ports, with special emphasis of slow steaming impacts on pollution level. The paper exposes that direct lines with bigger ships cause lower emissions of CO2, NOx and SOx and that with decisions of slow steaming the pollution level decreases significantly

    Green Perspective of General Container Service vs. Dedicated Container Service from Asia to Northern Adriatic

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    Intermodal transport is often touted as an environmentally sustainable mode of transport, especially when considering its share of the total supply chain. This article addresses the topical and sensitive issue of supply chain assessment in terms of the carbon footprint and energy efficiency of external transportation from the point of production to the customer. The long transportation distances overseas and the variety of operational sea container services result in significant variations in delivery times from Asian markets. In addition, disruptive events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine conflict have led to longer transportation times and lower reliability of various maritime services. The study examines the variety of existing direct container services from Asia to the Northern Adriatic. In addition to the two direct container services already established, another dedicated container service has been established primarily to serve a large retail chain in the European market. The “newly established” container service is characterised by its limited port coverage and the use of relatively small container ships with a maximum capacity of 5.500 TEU. The comparisons between the services highlight the differences in transport time and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as the energy efficiency of container transport. The study empirically confirms the widespread assumption that larger and modern container ships offer environmental benefits, provided that cargo space is used efficiently and ship operators adopt slow steaming. However, the study also highlights the significant differences in GHG emissions between different services and emphasises the need for more comprehensive information and awareness among cargo owners to design sustainable supply chains


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    The scope of this article is to provide a sound description of short sea shipping and motorways of the sea as an innovative method aimed at shifting the increased road traffic to sea transpor as an alternative method of transport. The shifting of cargo to other traffic routes is the result of the improvements made in port services, in the colleration and cooperation between ports and with the further development of inland waterways should help to reduce the road transport on the congested European transport network. Short sea shipping represents a very good alternative to road transport and it is an environmentally accepted service as it gives a contribution to the decongestion of the European motorways and to the reduction of air pollution and energy consumption. The creation of a sea motorway network is an excellent support to the short sea shipping. The implementation of sea motorways in the European Union might provide new opportunities for the regional development and for the development of the East Mediterranean countries. Slovenia and Croatia included, should take advantage of this concept. The European sea motorway network is still on a planning level, but the target of the European Commission is to have a complete network of sea motorways spread around Europe by the end of the year 2010. The infrastructure and equipment that support an efficient, rapid and low cost cargo shifting procedures in the East Mediterranean is a poor one. Therefore, major investments have to be made for the introduction of sea motorways. Leading an active transport policy all countries in the region, including Slovenia and Croatia, should benefit from the the introduction of this well-developed concept of sea motorways and short sea shipping.Cilj ovoga članka je opisati priobalnu plovidbu i pomorske „autoputove“ unutar Europske unije, kao inovativne metode kojima je svrha rasteretiti opterećene cestovne pravce i kao alternativu ponuditi pomorski promet. Prebacivanje tereta na druge prometne grane omogućeno je zbog poboljšanja lučkih usluga, suradnjom i povezivanjem između luka te razvojem unutrašnjih vodenih putova. Na taj način smanjio bi se cestovni promet na opterećenoj europskoj cestovnoj mreži. ¨Short sea shipping¨ predstavlja vrlo dobru alternativu cestovnom transportu, a ujedno je ekološki prihvatljiviji. Uz već spomenuto rasterećenje europskih cestovnih pravaca i ekološku komponentu, implementacija ovakvog alternativnog prometnog pravca dovela bi i do smanjenja potrošnje energije. Izrada mreže pomorskih „autoputova“ bila bi odlična podrška priobalnom prometnom povezivanju. Stvaranjem pomorskih „autoputova“ unutar Europske unije moglo bi osigurati nove mogućnosti za razvoj regije i istočno- mediteranskih država, Hrvatske i Slovenije, koje bi također trebale profitirati od implementacije ovoga koncepta. Sustav pomorskih „autoputova“ unutar Europske unije je još uvijek u fazi planiranja i trebao bi biti završen do konca 2010. godine. Infrastruktura i oprema koja podržava djelotvoran, brz i ekonomičan pretovar je u istočnom Mediteranu vrlo slabo razvijena. Stoga su potrebne velike investicije kako bi se omogućilo uvođenje pomorskih ¨autoputova¨. Vođenjem aktivne prometne politike sve države unutar regije, uključujući Sloveniju i Hrvatsku, mogle bi profitirati od uvođenja ovoga koncepta