20 research outputs found

    Investigation of daily natural and rapid human effects on the air temperature of the Hajnóczy cave in Bükk mountains

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    The aim of this study the authors measured and analyzed the effect of the exterior daily temperature change on the interior temperature in a dripstone cave visited by cavers exclusively. The measurement was carried out in the Hajnóczy Cave located in the southern part of Bükk Mountains in Hungary. Although only one entrance is known, there are more evidences for the strong effect of exterior conditions on the interior processes like temperature fluctuation and dripstone development. Using high resolution wireless digital thermometer sensor network the air temperature and air humidity were measured in 32 points in every 10 minutes for long time but now the data of a 8-days period were analyzed. Based on these data different zones of the cave could be separated and during summer conditions the climatic variability of the entrance transitional and deep cave zone was described. Based on statistical analysis of spatial information significant correlation was found between the exterior temperature fluctuation and that of such a cave chamber, which is relatively far from the cave entrance. This fact proves that existence of a fissure system which is permeable for air but not passable for cavers. During the measurement the human effect was also analyzed and 0.3-0.6 °C temperature rising was recognized for a short time. Because of the surface vicinity the effects of the environmental change can have sensible impact on the cave and its natural phenomena. Among others temperature rising, air humidity decreasing were detected in present study

    Investigation of Daily Natural and Rapid Human Effects on the Air Temperature of The Hajnóczy Cave in Bükk Mountains

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    The aim of this study the authors measured and analyzed the effect of the exterior daily temperature change on the interior temperature in a dripstone cave visited by cavers exclusively. The measurement was carried out in the Hajnóczy Cave located in the southern part of Bükk Mountains in Hungary. Although only one entrance is known, there are more evidences for the strong effect of exterior conditions on the interior processes like temperature fluctuation and dripstone development. Using high resolution wireless digital thermometer sensor network the air temperature and air humidity were measured in 32 points in every 10 minutes for long time but now the data of a 8-days period were analyzed. Based on these data different zones of the cave could be separated and during summer conditions the climatic variability of the entrance transitional and deep cave zone was described. Based on statistical analysis of spatial information significant correlation was found between the exterior temperature fluctuation and that of such a cave chamber, which is relatively far from the cave entrance. This fact proves that existence of a fissure system which is permeable for air but not passable for cavers. During the measurement the human effect was also analyzed and 0.3-0.6 °C temperature rising was recognized for a short time. Because of the surface vicinity the effects of the environmental change can have sensible impact on the cave and its natural phenomena. Among others temperature rising, air humidity decreasing were detected in present study

    Investigation of Daily Natural and Rapid Human Effects on the Air Temperature of the Hajnóczy Cave in Bükk Mountains

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    The aim of this study the authors measured and analyzed the effect of the exterior daily temperature change on the interior temperature in a dripstone cave visited by cavers exclusively. The measurement was carried out in the Hajnóczy Cave located in the southern part of Bükk Mountains in Hungary. Although only one entrance is known, there are more evidences for the strong effect of exterior conditions on the interior processes like temperature fluctuation and dripstone development. Using high resolution wireless digital thermometer sensor network the air temperature and air humidity were measured in 32 points in every 10 minutes for long time but now the data of a 8-days period were analyzed. Based on these data different zones of the cave could be separated and during summer conditions the climatic variability of the entrance transitional and deep cave zone was described. Based on statistical analysis of spatial information significant correlation was found between the exterior temperature fluctuation and that of such a cave chamber, which is relatively far from the cave entrance. This fact proves that existence of a fissure system which is permeable for air but not passable for cavers. During the measurement the human effect was also analyzed and 0.3-0.6 °C temperature rising was recognized for a short time. Because of the surface vicinity the effects of the environmental change can have sensible impact on the cave and its natural phenomena. Among others temperature rising, air humidity decreasing were detected in present study

    Investigation of the spatial and temporal trends of the air temperature of the Hajnóczy cave in the Bükk mountains

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    The aim of this study is to measure and analyze the effects of exterior annual temperature change on the interior temperature of a dripstone cave. The measurement was carried out in Hajnóczy Cave located in the southern part of the Bükk Mountains, Hungary. Although the cave has only one entrance known, there are more evidences that prove the strong effect of exterior conditions on the interior processes like temperature fluctuation and dripstone development. Using a high resolution wireless digital thermometer sensor network, the air temperature was measured at 10 points every 10 minutes for a longer period. The goal of our study is to analyze the spatial profile of air temperature of the cave that is developed during the summer and winter air circulation period between 11 November, 2012, and 10 April, 2013. Based on these data, different zones of the cave could be separated; and during the winter and summer conditions, the climatic variability of the entrance, the transitional, and the deep cave zone were described. The long-term analysis of the cave proved that the summer and winter air circulation changes are caused by the prolonged continuance of a below 10 °C average daily temperature

    Vezeték nélküli szenzorhálózatok egy barlangi alkalmazási lehetősége

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    Observation of cave climate is one of the most important bases of researches on caves. Today's modern cave researches require the exact measuring of some clima components during longer time monitoring in character. There are many kinds of instruments and methods used for the task. Very often, the cave climate and conditions raise strict requirements in the use of instruments. In case of a measure system the most difficult task is assuring the 'időszinkron' measurement. In many cases they use a wired sensor network which assures the 'időszinkron' work of different sensors. However, in many cases it is not possible to expand a wired network. Today's modern technical instruments make it possible to place a wireless sensor network in caves – considering how electromagnet waves travel in caves. Planning and building up of a network like this is a complex task. We have made a wireless measure system. The sensors are cheap and easy to use. The instruments provide an appropriate amount of data in a given moment from different places which helps to check changes in temperature of complete caves or karsts. We have tried out the measure system in Mecsek hills, in Trió cave of Szuadó valley. In this article we are presenting and showing the measure system, the expansion of cave network and its first results. A barlangi klíma megfigyelése a barlangok kutatásának egyik legfontosabb alapja. A mai korszerű barlangkutatás megkívánja a klíma egyes komponenseinek pontos mérését, hosszú időn keresztül, monitoring jelleggel. Az ehhez használható műszerek és módszerek sokfélék. A barlangi klíma és körülmények sok esetben szigorú követelményeket támasztanak a műszerekkel szemben. Legnehezebb feladat egy mérő rendszer esetén az időszinkron mérés biztosítása. A legtöbb esetben vezetékes érzékelő hálózatot használnak, amely biztosítja az egyes érzékelők időszinkron működését. Sok esetben azonban nem lehetséges vezetékes hálózatot kiépíteni. A mai korszerű informatikai eszközök lehetővé teszik azt, hogy vezeték nélküli mérő hálózatot telepítsünk barlangba - figyelembe véve az elektromágneses hullámok barlangbeli terjedési sajátságait, egy ilyen hálózat tervezése és építése összetett feladat. Készítettünk egy barlangi környezetben használható vezeték nélküli mérő rendszert. A szenzorok alacsony költségűek, valamint egyszerű a kezelhetőségük. Ezek a műszerek megfelelő mennyiségű adatot biztosíthatnak egy adott időpillanatban különböző területekről, mely lehetővé teszi komplett barlangokban vagy akár a karszt kisebb területein a hőmérséklet változásának figyelését. A mérő rendszert a Mecsek-hegységben, a Szuadó-völgy Trió- barlangjában próbáltuk ki, cikkünkben a mérőrendszert, a barlangi hálózat kiépítését és első eredményeit mutatjuk be

    Látogató csoportok hatása a Trió-barlangban

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    A barlangi légmozgás megfigyelése a barlangkutatás egyik fontos feladata. A mai korszerű barlangkutatás megkívánja a barlangklíma egyes komponenseinek hosszú időn keresztül, monitoring jelleggel történő pontos mérését. Célunk egy olyan új típusú,vezeték nélküli szenzorhálózat alkalmazása, ahol az eszköz hőmérsékletmérő szenzorját teszteljük barlangi körülmények között. További célunk az új műszer tesztelése mellett az antropogén hatás kimutatása a barlangklímában. Az általunk használt eszköz a UC Mote Mini alacsony fogyasztású vezeték nélküli szenzor modul. A szenzor nagyfokú érzékenysége miatt a léghőmérséklet legapróbb változásait is rögzíti. A szenzorok alacsony költségűek, valamint egyszerűen a kezelhetők. Az adat tárolására 2Mbyte flash memória áll rendelkezésre, amely számítások alapján 10 perces mérési intervallummal akár egy évig is működik. Ezek a műszerek lehetővé teszi a hőmérséklet változásának folyamatos megfigyelését barlang aknájában, járatokban vagy akár a teljes hosszán is. A Trió-barlangban az antropogén hatást mutattuk ki, mely akár 3 látogató esetében 0,05°C, de 28 fő esetében 0,6°C-ot is elérheti ez a szám. Observing cave drafts is an important task of cave research. Up- to-date speleology requires accurate measuring of cave climate components through long-time monitoring. Our aim is to apply a net of new type of wireless sensors in order to test the thermometer sensor of the equipment in a cave environment. Apart from testing the new device we also want to demonstrate anthropogenic effects in the cave climate. The device is a low- consumption UC Mote Mini wireless sensor module. As the sensor is highly sensitive it records even the smallest changes in air temperature. These are low-cost sensors and easy to manage. They have 2Mbyte flash memory for data storage which as we have calculated has a lifetime of a year, assuming 10 minute measuring intervals. These devices allow continuous monitoring both in the pit and in the passages of the cave or even through the whole length of it. Human impacts on the temperature of Trió-cave is unambiguous, which might as well be 0.05 °C; 0.6 °C in the case of three and twenty-eight visitors, respectively

    Barlangklimatológiai mérések két különböző karsztterületen elhelyezkedő magyarországi barlangban

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    Due to some extreme weather conditions (e.g. droughts, inland waters or floods, etc.), occurring in the Carpathian Basin, climatic fluctuations can be detected in Hungary that can also modify some environmental factors in caves. The study aims at analyzing to which extent surface temperature changes influence cave air temperature. Two different types of caves were selected for the analysis: a tectonically performed epigenetic cave (Hajnóczy Cave) and a typical swallet cave (Trió Cave). Cave air temperature was determined in order to feature the degree of anthropogenic impact, as well as to study the effect of changing surface temperature to the cave air temperature. To test applicability of a wireless sensor network in cave temperature measurement, an UC Mote Mini low power wireless sensor module was used for our measurements. Temperature data were recorded at 10-minute intervals. The obtained data were evaluated using a matrix of correlation coefficients as to identify the communication network between the passages. In the Hajnóczy cave , the average temperature varies between 4.7 to 10.8°C. The daily surface temperature oscillation in the cave still possible to detect at the Almonds .Using the correlation analysis is presented in the Leyla and Almonds data, which show a close relationship with the Housetop data, in both cases, the correlation is 0.88.The human impact on the air temperature of Trió Cave is unambiguous, raising the inside temperature with 0.05°C or 0.6°C in the case of 3 and 28 visitors, respectively

    Application of wireless sensor networks in Mecsek mountain's caves

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    Modern speleology can profit from accurate measuring of cave climate components through long-time monitoring. Our aim is to test a set of new type of wireless temperature sensors in a cave environment. Apart from testing the new device we also want to demonstrate anthropogenic effects on the cave climate. The device is a low-cost and low consumption TELOSB wireless sensor module. The highly sensitive sensor records even the smallest changes in air temperature. These sensors are easy to manage. They allow continuous monitoring both in pits and horizontal passages of the cave and even to cover the whole extent of a cave. We measured the temperature in two caves in four time periods with 4 to 40 sensors. The number of sensors placed in a cave depends on the structure and morphology of the cave. Measurements were carried on in the warm and cold seasons and with different time spans. During the data evaluation, we checked the appropriate operation of the sensors. Our test sites were Trio Cave and Upper Szajha Cave in the Mecsek Mountains (southern Hungary). The purpose of the measurements is to survey the change in temperature caused by the visitors of the cave, depending on their number and the length of their stay in the cave. The time changes due to draft in a pit have also been investigated. From the data it can be seen that the visit of a group in the cave was accompanied by the quick rise in temperature, sometimes even more than 1 °C which returned to normal over a longer period of time