16 research outputs found


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    In this work, epoxy resin prepared from Epikote 828/m-XDA system was modified with polyaniline (PANI) and used as corrosion resistant surface coatings for carbon steel. The aims of this study were to evaluate the performance of PANI modified epoxy coatings in inhibiting corrosion. Various concentrations of polyaniline emeraldine salt (PANI-ES) particularly 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 wt. % were incorporated in the epoxy coatings to enhance the corrosion resistant. In addition, these epoxy coatings were cured at two different curing temperatures: room temperature (RT) and 120° C respectively. Curing is an important process as it will determine the properties of the formed epoxy resin network which in turn will affect its performance. An epoxy resin needs to be fully cured to attain good chemical and mechanical properties thus enabling maximum performance. Coatings containing polyaniline were then characterized using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA). The corrosion inhibition properties of the coatings towards the steel were also evaluated in various analysis and corrosion tests such as salt spray test, water absorption test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The adhesion strengths of the coatings were determined by the pull-off test and digital microscope was used to analyze the morphologies of the coated carbon steel. The results obtained from these corrosion analysis and tests will be correlated to develop better understanding on the corrosion behavior. The IR spectra obtained from FTIR analysis confirmed both structures of unmodified and modified epoxy. Based on the DSC and TGA analysis, results obtained revealed that the glass transition temperature, Tg and thermal stability of modified epoxy were higher as compared to unmodified epoxy system. The epoxy modified with 0.5 wt. % PANI and cured at 120° C, exhibit the highest values of Tg and thermal stability among all samples. Results from water absorption test, pull-off test and salt spray test also show that the modified epoxy with 0.5 wt. % PANI, cured at 120° C absorbed less water, display higher adhesion strength and provided the best corrosion resistant to the steel than the unmodified epoxy system. For salt spray test, several corrosion characteristics such as blistering, delamination and rusting were observed after 30 days exposure where carbon steel plates coated with unmodified epoxy showed more severe corrosion characteristics than those coated with modified epoxy. The values of corrosion rates obtained from EIS also revealed that modified epoxy coatings display better corrosion protection performance towards the steel than unmodified epoxy coatings where lower values of corrosion rates were obtained. This is also supported with the higher charge transfer resistance (Rct) and lower double layer capacitance (Cdl) values obtained after 30 days of immersion in 3% NaCl. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that modified epoxy coatings provided better corrosion resistant towards steel where 0.5 wt. % PANI, cured at 120° C exhibit the best performance among all samples

    Interpretation of hijab in the Middle East: Policy discussions and social implications toward women

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    Discussions on ÍijÉb or veil in the Middle East is highly controversial and debatable even until today. Although the majority of the population in the Middle East countries are comprised of Muslims, yet the policies and laws regarding the wearing of ÍijÉb by women, vary. Except for Iran and Saudi Arabia, other Middle East countries did not set the clear rulings for ÍijÉb, in fact some governments restrict its wearing in certain occupational sectors like what had been practiced in Turkey. This article aims at examining the implications of ÍijÉb policies in the Middle East in terms of the reactions and interpretations the societies make including the Western analysts towards ÍijÉb. While the famous assumption about ÍijÉb often lies at its symbolic representation as a form of men‟s oppression against women, many Muslim women in the Middle East see it as a symbol of power and freedom. In order to achieve the objective, a secondary research that involves collecting of information and data from existing resources on the topic of ÍijÉb was applied. As found, the different implementation of ÍijÉb policies in the Middle East led to various interpretations and influenced women – Muslimah or not – around the globe. ************************************************************Isu ÍijÉb atau tudung kepala di Timur Tengah sering menimbulkan kontroversi dan hangat diperbicangkan sehingga hari ini. Walaupun majoriti masyarakat di Timur Tengah adalah beragama Islam, namun polisi dan undang-undang berkaitan pemakaian ÍijÉb berbeza diantara satu sama lain. Negaranegara di Timur Tengah, kecuali Iran dan Arab Saudi, tidak menetapkan perundangan yang jelas tentang ÍijÉb, malah sesetengah negara mengehadkan pemakaiannya di beberapa sektor pekerjaan sepertimana dipraktikkan di Turki. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memahami implikasi daripada pelaksanaan polisi ÍijÉb di Timur Tengah dari segi reaksi dan penilaian masyarakat termasuk penganalisa barat terhadap ÍijÉb. Biarpun ia sering dikaitkan sebagai satu simbol penindasan oleh kaum lelaki ke atas wanita, ramai di kalangan wanita Islam di Timur Tengah menganggap ÍijÉb sebagai satu simbol kekuatan dan kebebasan. Bagi mencapai objektif, penyelidikan sekunder telah dijalankan melalui pengumpulan maklumat dan data daripada bahan bacaan berkaitan ÍijÉb. Hasil daripada penyelidikan mendapati pelaksanaan polisi ÍijÉb di Timur Tengah telah mengundang pelbagai reaksi dan mempengaruhi wanita – Muslimah atau tidak – di seluruh dunia

    Penyerapan Karbon Dioksida (CO2) Pada Daun, Serasah Daun, Dan Sedimen Mangrove Sonneratia Caseolaris (L) Engler Kategori Tiang Di Kawasan Mangrove Tlocor, Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    Ekosistem mangrove menyimpan karbon di seluruh bagian tubuh tanaman dan di sedimen. Salah satu jenis mangrove yang dapat mengurangi jumlah karbon dioksida (CO2) di udara adalah Sonneratia caseolaris. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan karbon organik, penyerapan karbon dioksida (CO2), dan perbandingan penyerapan karbon dioksida (CO2) pada daun, serasah daun, dan sedimen mangrove Sonneratia caseolaris kategori tiang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode survei, dengan melakukan pengamatan kadar karbon organik pada daun, serasah daun, dan sedimen. Hasil dari pengamatan karbon organik tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui besarnya serapan karbon dioksida (CO2) pada tiap komponen tanaman, setelah dikonversi dengan rumus Heriyanto dan Subiandono (2012). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di tiga lokasi yang digunakan sebagai pengulangan. Penentuan lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak menggunakan metode purposive sampling, dengan kriteria yaitu tegakan mangrove Sonneratia caseolaris berdiameter 10-19 cm (kategori tiang). Sebelumnya dilakukan pemasangan wadah (jebakan) berukuran 1 m x 1 m untuk menampung serasah daun yang jatuh selama 1 minggu. Sampel daun yang dipilih yaitu daun tua (yang berada di pangkal) sebanyak 30 buah. Sampel serasah daun diambil keseluruhan yang berada di wadah (jebakan). Kemudian sampel sedimen diambil secara acak di dekat batang pohon sebanyak empat kali dengan kedalaman sekitar 10 cm. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil rata-rata biomassa daun sebesar 29,241 g/m2, serasah daun sebesar 25,159 g/m2, dan sedimen sebesar 102,917 g/m2. Nilai biomassa tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam rumus untuk menghitung jumlah karbon organik yang terkandung dalam tiap komponen, dan didapatkan hasil rata-rata karbon organik daun sebesar 2,051 kg/m2, serasah daun sebesar 1,562 kg/m2, dan sedimen sebesar 0,315 kg/m2. Selanjutnya hasil tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam rumus serapan karbon dioksida (CO2), dan didapatkan rata-rata hasil serapan karbon dioksida (CO2) pada daun sebesar 7,519 kg/m2, serasah daun sebesar 5,727 kg/m2, dan sedimen sebesar 1,154 kg/m2. Daun dan serasah daun memiliki nilai serapan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sedimen, dikarenakan sebagian besar komponen penyusun biomassa tanaman merupakan karbon organik, yang berasal dari serapan karbon dioksida (CO2) dalam proses fotosintesis. Semakin tinggi kadar karbon organik pada komponen tanaman maka semakin tinggi potensi serapan karbon dioksida (CO2). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah nilai serapan karbon dioksida (CO2) yang tertinggi berturut-turut yaitu daun, serasah daun, sedimen dengan persentase serapan daun sebesar 52,21%, serasah daun sebesar 39,77%, dan sedimen sebesar 8,01%. Perbandingan serapan karbon dioksida (CO2) pada daun, serasah daun, dan sedimen yaitu 7:5:1. Saran yang dapat diberikan dari peneltian ini yaitu diharapkan adanya penelitian lanjutan tentang kandungan karbon organik pada mangrove, untuk melengkapi sumber keilmuan mengenai cadangan karbon di ekosistem mangrove

    Gender gap in academic performance of UPM students

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    Different perspectives towards using web-based project management systems in construction: large enterprises versus small- and medium-sized enterprises

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    The development of web-based project management (WBPM) systems for construction has been some time and they hold great promises in increasing productivity and project communication. But their actual application and benefits are yet to be recognized widely by construction professions. This paper reports on research into the current state of applications and the reasons for using or not using WBPM systems in the Australian construction industry. Data were collected through survey questionnaires and interviews. The results show that only some large construction organizations are utilizing WBPM systems in some of their projects and most of them are using an application service provider (ASP) rather than in-house development. The results also illustrate that the employees in those companies have a positive attitude towards WBPM systems. On the other hand, the results show that 89% of Australian construction organizations are not using WBPM systems and 76% do not plan to use a WBPM system. This is mainly because they do not see the need for such systems, plus their limited financial capabilities, small turnover and limited IT skills. In order to fully utilize the potential of WBPM systems, it is necessary to lower the system cost and increase employees' IT skills as well as their awareness of the benefits of such systems

    Sustainable development and crime: non-statutory rape cases in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    Sustainable development is defined as social development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. One of the important ingredients in social development is social justice which implies no crimes or low crime rates in society. In relation to this, the Royal Malaysia Police reports that the number of rape cases in the country has been increasing tremendously for the past few years. Thus, this paper attempts to discuss rape particularly non-statutory rape with reference to Kuala Lumpur, an urbanized society in Malaysia. Non-statutory rape refers to crime committed by perpetrators on victims who are above 16 years old. This study was conducted at the Kuala Lumpur Contingent Police Headquarter (IPK, KL) involving 45 rape cases based on police reports and statements from the year 2006 to 2009. Several important findings are discovered throughout the study, of which there are certain factors that contribute to non-statutory rape. These include trust, time and location, lepak (loafing) issue, family and religious awareness. These factors need to be addressed seriously to assist social policy makers in particular, to achieve sustainable development within society. One of the vital mechanisms to be adopted is to hold community development projects to alleviate crime rates for instance, through crime awareness campaigns and others. Finally, this paper will also provide guiding principles in designing the law or policy that is more stringent and simultaneously reduce the crime. Keywords: sustainable development, social development, non-statutory rape,rape crim

    Interpretations of Hijab in the Middle East: policy discussions and social implications toward women

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    Discussions on hijab or veil in the Middle East is highly controversial and debatable even until today. Although the majority of the population in the Middle East countries are comprised of Muslims, yet the policies and laws regarding the wearing of hijab by women, vary. Except for Iran and Saudi Arabia, other Middle East countries did not set the clear rulings for hijab, in fact some governments restrict its wearing in certain occupational sectors like what had been practiced in Turkey. This article aims at examining the implications of hijab policies in the Middle East in terms of the reactions and interpretations the societies make including the Western analysts towards hijab. While the famous assumption about hijab often lies at its symbolic representation as a form of men’s oppression against women, many Muslim women in the Middle East see it as a symbol of power and freedom. In order to achieve the objective, a secondary research that involves collecting of information and data from existing resources on the topic of hijab was applied. As found, the different implementation of hijab policies in the Middle East led to various interpretations and influenced women – Muslimah or not – around the globe