175 research outputs found

    Contemporary aeolian processes and landforms on the Baikal Lake shore : gneral remarks

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    Współczesne procesy i formy eoliczne są nad Bajkałem zjawiskiem relatywnie powszechnym: ich rozwojowi sprzy-ja odpowiednia budowa geologiczna, systemy silnych wiatrów, zwłaszcza znad tafli jeziornej (czyli wiejących z półno-co-zachodu i południo-zachodu), a także zintensyfikowana abrazja brzegów oraz różne inne przejawy antropopresji. Wspom-niane formy i procesy są rozwinięte głównie w środkowej części wschodniego wybrzeża Bajkału, a także na łagodnym północno-zachodnim wybrzeżu wyspy Olchon, przy czym występują w postaci kilkunastu wyraźnych, relatywnie dużych i odosobnionych stanowisk, graniczących z kompleksami leśnymi lub powierzchniami stepowymi. Stara akumulacyjna rzeźba eoliczna (różnorodne wydmy, zachowane w niektórych miejscach pod pokrywą tajgi) jest współcześnie rozwie-wana: dominuje tu zatem deflacyjny typ rzeźby, współczesna eoliczna rzeźba akumulacyjna ma natomiast znaczenie dru-gorzędne. Obszary rozwoju współczesnej rzeźby eolicznej są na omawianym obszarze istotne pod względem rekreacyj-nym, powodują większe zróżnicowanie rzeźby, wzrost bioróżnorodności, a działalność rekreacyjna na tych obszarach może prowadzić do degradacji ich potencjału

    Effect of blueberry (vaccínium myrtíllus) leaves extract, obtained by microwave heating on the dynamics of animal fat oxidation processes

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    The potential of antioxidant properties of blueberry leaves extract (vaccínium myrtíllus) that grows in the Trans-Baikal region has been studied in this work. In order to increase the efficiency of extraction of biologically active substances with antioxidant properties, this extract was obtained with the help of microwave field. The optimal parameters for the extraction of active substances from the blueberry leaves with the help of electromagnetic microwave field have been defined. The influence of the power of the electromagnetic field and the duration of the process of blueberry leaves extraction on the efficiency of extraction of biologically active polyphenolic substances has been studied. The following parameters of the technology for blueberry leaves extraction were obtained: extraction with a water-alcohol solution with a concentration of 40% in the ratio of raw materials to extractant as 1 to 5, with duration of stirring as long as 30 minutes, then the application of an electromagnetic field of microwave heating with a power of 850W for 8–10 minutes long. Blueberry leaves extract is a clear liquid with a high content of polyphenols, of rich brown color, tart taste, without bitterness. The antioxidant potential of the obtained extract has been studied. To do this, the extract has been added into the finely ground animal fat and left for storage in a closed dark container. During storage, the dynamics of the peroxide number has been measured, as this value characterizes the degree of lipid oxidation. It has been found that blueberry leaves extract inhibits the process of animal fat oxidation due to the action of biologically active substances that feature antioxidant properties

    Optimized properties of live vaccine influenza reassortant strains obtained by reverse genetics

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    Classical reassortment in developing chicken eggs is a well-established technique for obtaining LAIV strains. Naturally generated reassortant vaccine strains are characterized by high reproductive capacity, genetically stable characteristics of temperature sensitivity and cold resistance, which correspond to the characteristics of the MDV involved in crossing with the epidemic virus. Along with antigenic relevance, natural reassortment ensures attenuation of vaccine strains, good reproduction capacity in upper respiratory tract cells and inability to reproduction in the lower respiratory tract. With classical reassortment, the speed and efficiency of obtaining vaccine reassortants largely depend on the properties of epidemic virus, and therefore cannot be stable. The potential of reverse genetics is attractive because it allows to obtain vaccine reassortants quickly and efficiently, reduce the likelihood of spontaneous mutations; however, the vaccine strain is deprived of the advantages of natural selection, in which the most viable clones are selected. This study presents the results of comparatively assessed A(H3N2) LAIVs obtained in parallel by classical reassortment and reverse genetics according to criteria confirming that vaccine strains inherit the necessary properties that guarantee their harmlessness and high reproduction in chicken embryos. Strains for LAIV obtained by both methods retained all attenuating mutations inherited from the MDV, were highly reproductive at the optimal temperature, with temperature sensitivity corresponded to the MDV. However, strains obtained by reverse genetics, was observed to have partial loss of cold resistance in comparison with that of the MDV and classical reassortants. Reduced cold adaptation may negatively affect vaccine effectiveness. It is important that after several additional passages in chicken embryos at low temperature, the cold resistance of the vaccine strain, assembled by reverse genetics, was increased. Credibly that cold resistance is a phenotypic trait, the degree of manifestation of which depends on the temperature conditions of virus multiplication. The selective factor of reduced incubation temperature is missing in reverse genetics. In order for the cold-adapted phenotype to be fully realized, additional passages at low temperature of RG-reassortants are necessary. Thus, the reverse genetics method using plasmid technology allows to effectively prepare reassortant strains for LAIV. An important stage in obtaining vaccine strains using genetic engineering techniques should be the control of their cold-adapted phenotype and its optimization by additional passages at low temperature

    Effect of lethal yellow (AY) mutation and photoperiod alterations on mouse behavior

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    Decrease in natural illumination in fall/winter months causes depressive-like seasonal affective disorders in vulnerable individuals. Obesity is another risk factor of depression. The lethal yellow (AY) mutation causes ectopic expression of agouti protein in the brain. Mice heterozygous for AY mutation (AY/a) are obese compared to their wild-type littermates (a/a). The main aims of the study were to investigate the effects of AY mutation, photoperiod and the interaction between these factors on daily activity dynamics, feeding, locomotor and exploratory activities, anxiety-related and depressive-like behaviors in mild stress condition. Six weeks old mouse males of AY/a and a/a lines were divided into four groups eight animals each and exposed to long- (14 h light and 10 h darkness) or short- (4 h light and 20 h darkness) day conditions for 28 days. Then the behavior of these mice was successively investigated in the home cage, open field, elevated plus-maze and forced swim tests. We did not observed any effect of AY mutation on the general activity, water and food consumption in the home cage; locomotion and exploration in the open field test; anxiety-related behavior in the open field and elevated plus-maze tests. At the same time, AY mutation increased depressive-like immobility time in the forced swim test (F1.28 = 20.03, p = 0.00012). Shortday conditions decreased nocturnal activity in the home cage, as well as locomotion (F1.28 = 16.33, p = 0.0004) and exploration (F1.28 = 16.24, p < 0.0004) in the open field test. Moreover, short-day exposition decreased time spent in the center of the open field (F1.28 = 6.57, p = 0.016) and in the open arms of the elevated plus-maze (F1.28 = 12.08, p = 0.0017) tests and increased immobility time in the forced swim test (F1.28 = 9.95, p = 0.0038). However, no effect of the interaction between AY mutation and photoperiod on immobility time in the forced swim test was observed. Therefore, short-day photoperiod and AY mutation increased depressive-like behavior in the forced swim test by means of different mechanisms

    The role of visual or audial agnosia in development of cognitive disorders

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the character of visual and audial perception in depending of mnemonic disorders.Цель исследования – определить характер зрительного или слухового восприятия в зависимости от мнестических нарушений

    Tax Ad ministration of Large Taxpayers: Global Trends and Features of Russ ian Experience

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    The article deals with the history and current trends of tax administration of large taxpayers in the Russian Federation. The world experience of tax administration is analyzed as regards the peculiarities of large taxpayers. The following stages of the evolution of tax administration in developed countries are highlighted: the allocation of special units controlling large taxpayers in tax administrations; structuring control functions by industry; introduction of the principle of co-operative compliance. The characteristics and conditions of implementation in the OECD countries of the concept of co-operative compliance were analyzed. The results of tax administration of large taxpayers in the Russian Federation are considered. Particular attention was paid to the first results of the introduction of tax monitoring. The stages of the development of tax administration in developed countries and the Russian Federation are highlighted. It was concluded that the tendencies in the administration of large taxpayers in the Russian Federation are centralization, the introduction of information systems and a system of agreements, which generally corresponds to global practice. The main difference of the Russian practice of tax administration of large taxpayers, which is granting them preferences in exchange for access to their information and management, is highlighted. The analysis of the indicators confirmed the special tax status of the largest taxpayers as it showed the absence of a direct relationship between the performance indicators of the largest taxpayers and their tax liabilities. It was shown that subjective factors determine about 20% of the variation of the tax liabilities of a large taxpayer. It was concluded that the introduction of new forms of control in the form of tax monitoring is an effective way of state influence on the largest companies and a way to ensure the predictable social policy.В статье рассматривается история и современные тенденции налогового администрирования крупных налогоплательщиков в Российской Федерации. Анализируется мировой опыт налогового администрирования, соответствующий особенностям крупных налогоплательщиков. Выделены следующие этапы развития налогового администрирования в развитых странах: выделение специальных подразделений контролирующих крупных налогоплательщиков в налоговых администрациях; структурирование функций контроля по отраслевому признаку; внедрение принципа совместного соблюдения правил. Проанализированы характеристики и условия внедрения в странах ОЭСР концепции совместного соблюдения правил. Рассматриваются результаты налогового администрирования крупных налогоплательщиков в Российской Федерации. Особое внимание уделяется первым результатам внедрения налогового мониторинга. Выделены этапы развития налогового администрирования в развитых странах и Российской Федерации. Сделан вывод о том, что тенденциями в администрировании крупных налогоплательщиков в Российской Федерации являются централизация, внедрение информационных систем и системы соглашений, что в целом соответствует общемировой практике. Выделено основное отличие российской практики налогового администрирования крупных налогоплательщиков, заключающееся в предоставлении им преференций в обмен на доступ к своей информации и управление. Проведенный анализ показателей подтвердил особый налоговый статус крупнейших налогоплательщиков, так как показал отсутствие прямой зависимости между показателями деятельности крупнейших налогоплательщиков и их налоговыми обязательствами. Показано, что субъективные факторы определяют около 20 % вариации налоговых обязательств крупного налогоплательщика. Сделан вывод о том, что внедрение новых форм контроля в виде налогового мониторинга является эффективным способом государственного воздействия на крупнейшие компании способом обеспечения прогнозируемой социальной политики

    Quality education – guarantee of high-quality practical activity of a doctor. the electronic study guide «Nebulizer therapy in the practice of a local pediatrician».

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    This electronic study guide is intended for pediatric students, residents. pediatricians, students of DPO and CME courses, and can also be used in the process of mastering the educational programs of residency and postgraduate studies in the specialty "Pediatrics". This manual covers topics such as general issues of inhalation therapy (its advantages and disadvantages, the main indicators of the operation of inhalation devices), diseases for which nebulizer therapy is used, drugs recommended for nebulization and algorithms for the use of nebulized drugs. means, rules and technique of inhalation through a nebulizer. The use of this manual contributes to the consolidation of the professional competence of the district pediatrician in the field of diagnosis and treatment of major respiratory diseases in children.Электронное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов педиатрического факультета, ординаторов. врачей педиатров, слушателей курсов ДПО и НМО, а также может быть использовано в процессе освоения образовательных программ ординатуры и аспирантуры по специальности «Педиатрия». В пособии рассматриваются такие темы, как общие вопросы ингаляционной терапии (ее преимущества и недостатки, основные показатели работы ингаляционных устройств), заболевания, при которых применяется небулайзерная терапия, препараты, рекомендованные для небулизации и алгоритмы применения небулизированных лекарственных средств, правила и техника проведения ингаляций через небулайзер. Использование данного пособия способствует закреплению профессиональных компетенций участкового педиатра в области диагностики и лечения основных заболеваний органов дыхания у детей

    Влияние контроля над бронхиальной астмой на кардиоваскулярные нарушения у детей раннего школьного возраста

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    The course of bronchial asthma (BA) is accompanied by pathological changes in the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems. The severity of heart functional disorders depends on the severity of the BA Course, the level of control and the frequency of application of short-acting β2 -agonists (SAβ2A). The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of BA control on the development of cardiovascular disorders in children of early school age. Methods. Children (n = 95) aged 7–12 years with BA of varying severity and different levels of control were examined. The analysis of indicators of the clinical and functional state of the vegetal nervous system (VNS) and cardiovascular system tone using standard electrocardiography, echocardiography with calculation of the left ventricular myocardial mass index, сardiointervalography was performed. Results. Changes in VNS with signs of its depletion and decrease in adaptive capacity, cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders, connective tissue dysplasia syndrome, hemodynamic disorders and signs of adaptive heart remodeling have been detected. Conclusion. Lack of control over BA and the use of SAβ2A promote cardiovascular disorders.Течение бронхиальной астмы (БА) сопровождается патологическими изменениями бронхолегочной и сердечно-сосудистой систем (ССС). Степень выраженности нарушений со стороны сердца функционального характера зависят от тяжести течения БА, уровня контроля, кратности применения короткодействующих β2 -агонистов (КДБА). Целью исследования явился анализ влияния контроля над БА на развитие кардиоваскулярных нарушений у детей раннего школьного возраста. Материалы и методы. Обследованы дети (n = 95) в возрасте 7–12 лет с БА различной степени тяжести и уровнем контроля. Проведен анализ показателей клинико-функционального состояния тонуса вегетативной нервной (ВНС) и ССС с использованием стандартной электрокардиографии, эхокардиографии с вычислением индекса массы миокарда левого желудочка, кардиоинтервалографии. Результаты. Выявлены изменения ВНС с признаками ее истощения и снижения адаптивных возможностей, нарушения сердечного ритма и проводимости, синдром соединительнотканной дисплазии сердца, нарушения гемодинамики и признаки адаптивного ремоделирования сердца. Заключение. Отсутствие контроля над БА и использование КДБА способствует развитию кардиоваскулярных нарушений