40 research outputs found

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Tn. S Dengan Tetanus Di Bangsal Shofa Rumah Sakit Pku Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Latar Belakang : Tetanus berakibat fatal pada hampir 60% orang yang tidak terimunisasi, biasanya terlihat dalam 10 hari setelah serangan. Jika gejala berkembang dalam waktu 3 hari setelah paparan, maka prognosisnya menjadi buruk. Atelektasis, pneumonia, kontraktur fleksi dan aritmia kardiak merupakan sebagian komplikasi dari tetanus. Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang rentan terjadinya kasus tetanus. Salah satunya bisa dilihat pada Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta, pada tahun 2011 tercatat 13 pasien dengan tetanus. Sedang pada awal 2012 sudah dirawat 3 orang pasien. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan tetanus meliputi pengkajian, analisa data, penegakan diagnosa, intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi keperawatan. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 3 x 24 jam didapatkan hasil intake nutrisi yang tercukupi dengan klien dapat menghabiskan lebih dari setengah porsi diit rumah sakit, pemenuhan eliminasi BAB terpenuhi sekali sehari, dan Activity Daily Leaving (ADL) belum sepenuhnya dapat terpenuhi secara mandiri. Kesimpulan : Pengkajian yang dilakukan berdasar teori Muttaqin mendapati tiga masalah pada klien yaitu masalah nutrisi, eliminasi dan Activity Daily Leaving (ADL) yang selanjutnya dijadikan prioritas masalah dan diagnosa keperawatan. Intervensi disusun sesuai dengan keluhan pada klien. Dan selanjutnya implementasi dilaksanakan sesuai intervensi dengan memperhatikan kondisi klien dan kebijakan rumah sakit. Hasil dari evaluasi didapati masalah eliminasi berhasil teratasi, masalah nutrisi teratasi sebagian dan Activity Daily Leaving (ADL) belum teratasi

    Tantangan dalam upaya peningkatan kesehatan kerja pada perawat pelayanan khusus dalam era industri 4.0

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    Tujuan: Era industri 4.0 timbul akibat tuntutan produktifitas serta efisiensi. Perawat di pelayanan khusus berisiko mengalami burnout akibat penerapan industri 4.0. Pelayanan khusus merupakan gabungan dari uni-unit perawatan intensif diamana kondisi kekritisan pasien yang tinggi serta penggunaan teknologi maju serta rumit, sehingga memerlukan kemampuan dalam mengembangkan sebuah sistem yang tepat Upaya dalam mengembangkan formula dibidang keperawatan di sektor kesehatan kerja merupakan kondisi yang wajib di penuhi supaya sukses menghadapi era industri 4.0 dibidang kesehatan. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan desember 2018 – januari 2019 di RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Pelayanan khusus terdiri dari 6 unit dengan responden 111. Maternal Perinatal 31(27,93%), Luka Bakar 5(4,50%) PICU 12(10,81%) ICU 27(24,32%), ICCU 24(21,62%), Stroke 12(10,81%). Desain penelitian diskriptif dengan alat ukur MBI dan data demografi. Hasil: 95(85,59%) perawat wanita, 73(65,77%)  pendidikan diploma 3, 59(53,13%) lama bekerja 11-15 tahun, 63(71,17%) status PNS, 48(43,24%) bekerja >40 jam/minggu, 95(85,59%) burnout rendah dan 4(3,60%) level burnout tinggi. Faktor terwujudnya kesehatan kerja bidang keperawatan yang sudah dilakukan di RSUP Dr Sardjito yakni reward, community dan value. Perlu optimalisasi manajemen pada sektor workload dan fairness. Perbaikan manajemen waktu kerja dan pelatihan atau pendidikan perawat menjadi poin dalam peningkatan kualitas individu menghadapi lingkungan kerja yang penuh tekanan. Simpulan: Surveilans kesehatan kerja bagi perawat pelayanan khusus mesti dilakukan secara periodik bertujuan menyusun formula terbaik dalam terciptanya kesehatan kerja yang baik, lingkungan kerja aman dan terwujudnya keselamatan pasien.


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    The village law implies village autonomy in its development so that it can spur regional economic growth. Rembang Regency is focused on tourism development. Punjulharjo  is one of the villages on the coast and has several tourism objects, one of which is the Karang Jahe Beach (KJB) tourism object. Coastal and natural conditions have the potential to develop into ecotourism but in development until now they have not been integrated and synergized with related components/actors. The purpose of the study was to find a Pentahelix synergy model in the ecotourism development of Karang Jahe Beach (KJB) Punjulharjo Village, Rembang Regency. This research method is a descriptive analysis approach by means of interviews, observations, surveys using in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The tourism Pentahelix model involves academics (Semarang State Polytechnic, STIE YPPI Rembang, Tour and Travel Business, Culinary, Hotels, MSMEs, Communities, Government and the Media in synergy with the role of each to implement the right development strategy will have an impact on improving the welfare of the community that comes from the development of KJB ecotourism. The development strategy focuses (1) development of the area, infrastructure and facilities, (2) development of tourist attractions with tour package programs (3) promotion development

    Analisis Deskriptif Masalah Kesehatan Pada Nelayan di Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara

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    Background: Indonesian population 58.22% work in the informal sector where on average 33% work as farmers and fishermen. This underlies the importance of paying attention to the informal sector in terms of occupational health. Karimun Jawa region at least 60% of the population work as fishermen and traditional divers.Method: This type of descriptive research with the aim to describe the condition of the description of health problems experienced by fishermen in Kemojan village with a sample of 21 fishermen with research instruments in the form of questionnaires, HB quick check, tensimeter, and urine color sample tests.Results: Respondent's blood pressure showed a systolic pressure that was more than normal or more than 121mmHg of 81% of the total 21 respondents and 47.6% had a diastole level that was more than normal, with 32% of respondents having higher levels of hemoglobin abnormal and 61.9% experiencing moderate dehydration.Conclusion: Respondent's blood pressure showed a tendency to experience hypertension, and lack of consumption of mineral water. Divers of fisherman respondents are advised to be able to control salt consumption to reduce the potential risk of hypertension and increase consumption of mineral water so that respondents avoid interference with the excretion channels in the body

    Odoo's Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation Fostering Export Sales Business Agility in SMES Naruna Ceramic

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    A dynamic business world is being created by the rapidly growing technology. This condition requires businessperson to be able to implement technology into their business processes. The implementation of an integrated information system can be done to increase the effectiveness of employee performance. An integrated information system called Enterprise Resource Planning can be implemented to increase the effectiveness of employee performance. Naruna Ceramic is a UMKM located at Jl. Sawosari No. 2 Bugel, Salatiga. Naruna Ceramic is an exporter that manages its export sales data manually, so there are no data integration between departments, resulting in a lack of effectiveness in employee performance. In this research, an information system design was carried out to boost business performance at Naruna Ceramic UKM by deploying Odoo ERP. The application method utilized is Rapid Application Development (RAD). The three steps of RAD are requirements planning, system design, and implementation. The User Acceptance Test (UAT) method is used to test the system. The test findings demonstrate how well the system meets business requirements, making its installation at UKM Naruna Ceramic very suited and successful in fostering business agilit