93 research outputs found

    Effects of prolonged water stress on biomass yield and nutrient uptake by aerial parts of mint (Mentha × piperita L.)

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    Mint (Mentha × piperita L.) is a medicinal and aromatic plant known for its high-water requirement. However, water stress is an important factor limiting vegetative development of this plant. Studying the growth, productivity, and nutrient uptake of this plant under various water stress levels is necessary to optimize its fertilization programs. In this study, the effects of different water stress levels and cutting times on the fresh biomass yields and the amounts of nutrient uptake of peppermint by different aerial parts were examined in two consecutive years. The field experiment was arranged as five irrigation treatments (125, 100, 75, 50 and 25% of full irrigation), during the season of maximum water demand (June-September), applied by drip irrigation. Results showed that at all cutting times in both years, the amounts of nutrient elements taken up by the different parts generally increased in parallel with increasing water stress, while fresh biomass yields decreased. However, this increase observed in nutrient element uptake was an increase relative to the dramatic decrease in the number of plants in severe stress conditions. The effect of long-term water stress on the nutrients taken up by different parts of the plant was mostly observed in Ca, Mg, N, Fe and Cu. As a result, in mint growing under Mediterranean conditions, despite the non-significant differences, in terms of the amounts of nutrient elements taken up by aerial parts, T75 treatment which provided 25% water saving compared to T100 could be recommended for one cut and one year cultivation in practice. Severe stress levels are not appropriate in mint growing was concluded

    The effects of fertilizer applications on the functional characteristics of fruits and vegetables

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    Tarımsal üretimde yaygın bakış açısı olan verim odaklı üretimin yerini, kaliteyi de içine alan bir üretimanlayışına bırakması, gübrelemede de konvansiyonel tekniklerin terk edilerek verimin yanı sıra kaliteyi arttırıcıuygulamaları zorunlu kılmaktadır.Bu derlemenin amacı, tüketicilerin fonksiyonel gıdalara yönelik hızla artan farkındalık ve kabullerine paralelolarak gün geçtikçe artan taleplerine, üreticilerin cevap verecek nitelikte üretim yapabilecek gübrelemeuygulamaları için yeni bir bakış açısı oluşturmaktır.İnsanlığın var oluşundan bu yana beslenme ve tarımsal üretim devam eden bir süreçtir. Türkiye gibi tarımsalüretim potansiyeli yüksek, gelecekteki gıda gereksinimini karşılamaya aday bir ülkenin; son yıllarda geliştirilenürün kalitesi odaklı gübreleme teknikleri ile, çevre insan ve bitki sağlığını koruyarak verimliliğisürdürebileceği, topraktan sofraya kadar sağlıklı, güvenilir ürünleri üretebilmesi mümkün olacaktır.Hayvansal organizmanın dışarıdan alması zorunlu ancak bitkilerin doğal olarak sentez ya da akümüle ettiği,sağlık üzerine olumlu katkıları bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmış fonksiyonel bileşenlerinin gübreleme ile arttırılması;sağlıklı bir tarım, sağlıklı beslenme ve sağlıklı bireylerden oluşan bir topluma ulaşmayı mümkün kılacaktır.The common viewpoint in agricultural production, that production is focused on yield, must be abandoned for an understanding of production which includes quality, and conventional techniques of fertilizer application must be left behind while applying measures to improve quality. The purpose of this compilation is to form a new viewpoint to answer producers' questions on the application of fertilizer at a time when rapidly increasing awareness and acceptance of functional foods are creating everincreasing demand. Nutrition from agricultural production is a process that has been continuing for millennia. It is possible for a country like Turkey, which has a high potential for agricultural production and can meet its needs for food in the future, to keep up its yield while preserving both people and plants in the environment, and to produce crops which are perfectly healthy and dependable, by means of recently developed techniques of fertilizer application which focus on crop quality. It will be possible to have healthy agriculture, healthy nutrition and a society of healthy individuals by increasing functional compounds which have been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on health and which plants either synthesize naturally or accumulate, but which must be collected from outside the body of an animal organism, by the use of fertilizers

    The Effect of Occupational Groups and Use of Alcohol and Smoking in Thrace on Semen Parameters

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    DergiPark: 378981tmsjAims: Research of the effect of alcohol and smoking of the male spouses of infertile couples and their occupational groups on sperm quality. Methods: 686 male cases who have applied to Trakya University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Assisted Reproductive Techniques, Infertility Polyclinic were included in the assessment. As a result of the spermiogram test, every patient’s sperm count, motility and morphology were assessed. Occupational groups, usage of alcohol and smoking were enquired to each case. Mann Whitney U, Willcoxon Test was employed in the statistical analyses and the risk ratios were calculated.Results: Out of the 686 people, 353 were smokers (51.4%) and 333 were non-smokers (48.6%). The number of people who smoked and also consumed alcohol was 59 (8.6%). In terms of occupation, 132 people were unemployed (%19.2), 23 were being exposed to heat (%3.3), 256 had to stand while working (%37.3), 31 were being exposed to radiation and chemicals (%4.5), 199 had to be both stand and sitting while working (%29) and 45 had to sit while working (%6.5). As a result of our study, while no correlation between smoking and the sperm count and morphology could be observed, the sperm motility of the smoking group has been observed to be lower. However, no significant difference in terms of semen analysis could be observed between, just drinkers, both drinker and smokers and non-smokers and drinkers groups. Smokers and those who both smoke and have a job where they have to be sitting have a significantly lower sperm motility. When the sperm quality is observed amongst occupational groups in terms of alcohol, the sperm motility of the people who were only exposed to radiation and chemicals have significantly increased in the alcohol consumers.Conclusion: Semen quality is affected by numerous genetic and environmental factors. Smoking, alcohol consumption and being employed in certain occupational groups are just a few of many risk factor

    myomterial invazyon paterninin prognostik önemi: Retrospektif bir çalışma

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    Objective: Endometrioid endometrial carcinomas (EEC) are the most commonly diagnosed malignancies of the female genital tract. Myometrial invasion depth is one of the most significant pathological prognostic parameters. Different morphological invasion patterns have been characterized. This study aimed to investigate the prognostic significance of the microcystic elongated and fragmented (MELF) myometrium invasion pattern in patients with EEC and its relationship with other clinicopathological parameters. Methods: This study included 101 patients with EEC in our institution between 2011 and 2020. The MELF pattern was evaluated in hematoxylineosin-stained sections. Pan-cytokeratin staining was performed on paraffin-embedded blocks of lymph nodes for cases without lymph node metastasis. Results: The MELF pattern was observed in 29 (29.8%) patients. It was significantly associated with lymphovascular invasion (p<0.001), pathologic stage (p=0.048), infiltrative pattern (p<0.001), and necrosis (p=0.005). No significant correlation was observed between the MELF pattern and overall and disease-free survival rates. Conclusions: The MELF pattern is associated with other prognostic parameters, but its prognostic significance for survival has not been found. If the MELF pattern is observed in the hysterectomy material for cases without lymph node dissection during the first surgery, these patients may need additional surgery or adjuvant therapy due to the high risk of lymphovascular invasion and lymph node metastasisAmaç: Endometrioid endometriyal karsinomlar (EEK) kadın genital sistemin en sık karşılaşılan maligniteleridir. Myometrium invazyon derinliği en önemli patolojik prognostik parametrelerden birisidir. Farklı morfolojik invazyon paternleri tanımlanmıştır. Biz çalışmamızda EEk olgularında mikrokistik elonge fragmante (MELF) myometirum invazyon paterninin prognostik önemini ve klinikopatolojik parametrelerle ilişkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntemler: 2011-2020 yılları arasında kurumumuzda EEK tanısı alan 101 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hematoksilen eozin kesitlerde MELF paterni değerlendirildi. Lenf nodu metastazı izlenmeyen olgularda lenf nodu bloklarına pan-sitokeratin uygulandı. Bulgular: Yirmi dokuz hastada (%29,8) MELF paterni izlendi. MELF paterni lenfovasküler invazyon (p<0,001), patolojik evre (p=0,048), infiltratif patern (p<0,001), ve nekroz (p=0,005) ile anlamlı ilişkili izlendi. Genel ve hastalıksız sağkalımda MELF paterni istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişkili izlenmedi. Sonuçlar: MELF paterni diğer prognostik parametrelerle ilişkili olup tek başına prognostik önemi saptanmamıştır. Ancak ilk cerrahi sırasında lenf nodu diseksiyonu yapılmayan EEK hastalarında histerektomi materyalinde MELF paterni saptanması durumunda yüksek lenfovasküler invazyon ve lenf nodu metastaz riski nedeniyle ek cerrahi işlem ya da adjuvan terapi kararında MELF paterni varlığının dikkate alınması gerektiğine inanıyoruz

    Nutrition Status of Peach (Prunus persica L.) Orchards in the South Part of İzmir Province

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    Torbalı, Tire ve Selçuk ilçelerinin oluşturduğu İzmir İli güney hattında yoğun bulunan şeftali bahçelerinin beslenme durumlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada; yörede yaş ve çeşit olarak benzer 20 bahçeden toprak ve yaprak örnekleri alınarak verimlilik analizleri yapılmıştır. Yöre toprakları çözünebilir toplam tuz yönünden sorunsuz, kireç içerikleri normal, kumlu–tın bünyelidir. Toprak reaksiyonları genelde yüksek olup organik madde içerikleri düşüktür. Genel olarak topraklarda P, K ve Zn; bitkilerde ise N, K, Fe, Cu, Zn ve Mn miktarları yetersiz bulunmuştur. Toprakların CaCO3 içerikleriyle ilişkili reaksiyonlarının yüksekliği nedeni ile topraktan toz kükürt, olgunlaştırılmış ahır gübresi ve fizyolojik asit karakterli gübrelerin kullanımı tercih edilmelidir. Mikro besin elementleri için yapraktan gübre uygulamaları daha etkili olacaktır.In this study, we defined the nutrition statuses of a large number of peach groves located in the southern region of Izmir Province, including the Torbalı, Tire, and Selçuk Districts. For fertility analyses, soil and leaf samples were taken from 20 groves that are similar in terms of age and type. Soil in the region contains adequate amounts of total soluble salts and their lime content is normal, sandy–loamy texture. Soil reactions are typically high and organic material content is low. Generally, P, K, and Zn levels in the soils and N, K, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn levels in the plants are insufficient. Given the high reactivity related to CaCO3 content in the soils, fertilizers containing dust sulfur, matured stable manure, and physiological acid characteristics are preferred. For micronutrient elements, leaf mold applications may be more efficient

    Techno-economic analysis of on-site energy storage units to mitigate wind energy curtailment : a case study in Scotland

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    Wind energy plays a major role in decarbonisation of the electricity sector and supports achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Over the last decade, the wind energy deployments have grown steadily, accounting for more than one fourth of the annual electricity generation in countries like the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Germany. However, as the share of wind energy increases, system operators face challenges in managing excessive wind generation due to its nondispatchable nature. Currently, the most common practice is wind energy curtailment in which wind farm operators receive constraint payments to reduce their renewable energy production. This practice not only leads to wastage of large volumes of renewable energy, but also the associated financial cost is reflected to rate payers in the form of increased electricity bills. On-site energy storage technologies come to the forefront as a technology option to minimise wind energy curtailment and to harness wind energy in a more efficient way. To that end, this paper, first, systematically evaluates different energy storage options for wind energy farms. Second, a depth analysis of curtailment and constraint payments of major wind energy farms in Scotland are presented. Third, using actual wind and market datasets, a techno-economic analysis is conducted to examine the relationship between on-site energy storage size and the amount of curtailment. The results show that, similar to recent deployments, lithium-ion technology is best suited for on-site storage. As case studies, Whitelee and Gordon bush wind farms in Scotland are chosen. The most suitable storage capacities for 20 years payback period is calculated as follows: (i) the storage size for the Gordonbush wind farm is 100 MWh and almost 19% of total curtailment can be avoided and (ii) the storage size for the Whitlee farm is 125 MWh which can reduce the curtailment by 20.2%. The outcomes of this study will shed light into analysing curtailment reduction potential of future wind farms including floating islands, seaports, and other floating systems

    Reappraisal of the transthoracic echocardiographic algorithm in predicting pulmonary hypertension redefined by updated pulmonary artery mean pressure threshold

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    BACKGROUND: Although an adopted echocardiography algorithm based on tricuspid regurgitation jet peak velocity and suggestive findings for pulmonary hypertension has been utilized in the non-invasive prediction of pulmonary hypertension probability, the reliability of this approach for the updated hemodynamic definition of pulmonary hypertension remains to be determined. In this study, for the first time, we aimed to evaluate the tricuspid regurgitation jet peak velocity and suggestive findings in predicting the probability of pulmonary hypertension as defined by mean pulmonary arterial pressure > 20 mm Hg and > 25 mm Hg, respectively. METHODS: Our study group was comprised of the retrospectively evaluated 1300 patients (age 53.1 ± 18.8 years, female 62.1%) who underwent right heart catheterization with different indications between 2006 and 2018. All echocardiographic and right heart catheterization assessments were performed in accordance with the European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society 2015 Pulmonary Hypertension Guidelines. RESULTS: Although tricuspid regurgitation jet peak velocity showed a significant relation with mean pulmonary arterial pressure in both definitions, suggestive findings offered a significant contribution only in predicting mean pulmonary arterial pressure ≥ 25 mm Hg but not for mean pulmonary arterial pressure > 20 mm Hg. In predicting the mean pulmonary arterial pressure > 20 mm Hg, tricuspid regurgitation jet peak velocity and suggestive findings showed an odds ratio of 2.57 (1.59-4.14, P 3.4 m/s were associated with 70% and 84% probability of mean pulmonary arterial pressure > 20 mm Hg and 60% and 76% probability of mean pulmonary arterial pressure ≥ 25 mm Hg, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to those in predicting the mean pulmonary arterial pressure ≥ 25 mm Hg, suggestive findings did not provide a significant contribution to the probability of mean pulmonary arterial pressure > 20 mm Hg predicted by tricuspid regurgitation jet peak velocity solely. The impact of the novel mean pulmonary arterial pressure threshold on the echocardiographic prediction of pulmonary hypertension remains to be clarified by future studies

    Maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant women with pulmonary arterial hypertension: A single-center experience and review of current literature

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    BACKGROUND: Although pregnancy in women with pulmonary arterial hypertension has been considered a high-risk condition, current data regarding pregnancy with pulmonary arterial hypertension are scarce. In this study, we aimed to evaluate our single-center data on maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant women with PAH and review currently available risk-based management strategies. METHODS: Our single-center study group comprised 35 women who became pregnant after the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension or in whom pulmonary arterial hypertension was diagnosed within early post-partum period. Clinical, laboratory, echocardiographic, and hemodynamic characteristics of pregnant and non-pregnant productive women with pulmonary arterial hypertension were compared, and similar comparison was also repeated for survivors and non-survivors in pregnant patient group. RESULTS: Pregnancy was noted in 15% of the 228 females with pulmonary arterial hypertension who were of hormonally productive ages, generally well-tolerated until delivery. Elective abortion and pre-term delivery were documented in 1 (2.8%) and 12 (35.3%) pregnant women, respectively. Switching to sildenafil was the standard medication during pregnancy. Cesarian section was the preferred method of delivery in all pregnant women with pulmonary arterial hypertension and was performed without any complication. Clinic deteoriation within the first week of delivery was observed in 5 (41.6%) patients. Maternal mortality was noted in 13 (37.1%) patients and was documented to cumulate within the first month of delivery. However, any sign predicting post-partum clinical deterioration was not found. No fetal mortality was observed. CONCLUSION: Despite the development of advanced therapies, pregnancy in pulmonary arterial hypertension still carries a high mortality risk and requires multi-disciplinary expert center care with more proactive management strategies

    A novel composed index to evaluate the right ventricle free-wall adaptation against ventricular wall stress in acute pulmonary embolism

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    Background: Pulmonary embolism severity index and simplified pulmonary embolism severity index have been utilized in initial risk evaluation in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. However, these models do not include any imaging measure of right ventricle function. In this study, we proposed a novel index and aimed to evaluate the clinical impact. Methods: Our study population comprised retrospectively evaluated 502 patients with acute pulmonary embolism managed with different treatment modalities. Echocardiographic and computed tomographic pulmonary angiography evaluations were performed at admission to the emergency room within maximally 30 minutes. The formula of our index was as follows: (right ventricle diameter × systolic pulmonary arterial pressure-echo)/(right ventricle free-wall diameter × tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion). Results: This index value showed significant correlations to clinical and hemodynamic severity measures. Only pulmonary embolism severity index, but not our index value, independently predicted in-hospital mortality. However, an index value higher than 17.8 predicted the long-term mortality with a sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 40% (areas under the curve = 0.652, 95% CI, 0.557-0.747, P = .001). According to the adjusted variable plot, the risk of long-term mortality increased until an index level of 30 but remained unchanged thereafter. The cumulative hazard curve also showed a higher mortality with high-index value versus low-index value. Conclusions: Our index composed from measures of computed tomographic pulmonary angiography and transthoracic echocardiography may provide important insights regarding the adaptation status of right ventricle against pressure/wall stress in acute pulmonary embolism, and a higher value seems to be associated with severity of the clinical and hemodynamic status and long-term mortality but not with in-hospital mortality. However, the pulmonary embolism severity index remained as the only independent predictor for in-hospital mortality

    Remembering the Occam’s Razor: Could simple electrocardiographic findings provide relevant predictions for current hemodynamic criteria of pulmonary hypertension?

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    Background: We evaluated the predictive value of electrocardiographic (ECG) findings for pulmonary hemodynamics assessed by right heart catheterization (RHC). Methods: Our study population comprised 562 retrospectively evaluated patients who underwent RHC between 2006 and 2022. Correlations between ECG measures and pulmonary arterial systolic and mean pressures (PASP and PAMP) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were investigated. Moreover, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis assessed the predictive value of ECG for pulmonary hypertension (PH) and precapillary PH. Results: The P-wave amplitude (Pwa) and R/S ratio (r) in V1 and V2, Ra in augmented voltage right (aVR), right or indeterminate axis, but not P wave duration (Pwd) or right bundle branch block (RBBB) significantly correlated with PASP, PAMP, and PVR (P 0.16 mV, Ra in aVR > 0.05 mV, QRS axis > 100° and R/Sr in V1 > 0.9 showed the highest area under curve (AUC) values for PAMP > 20 mm Hg. Using the same cutoff value, Ra in aVR, Pwa, QRS axis, and R/Sr in V1 showed highest predictions for PVR > 2 Wood Units (WU). Conclusion: In this study, Pwa, Ra in aVR, right or indeterminate axis deviations, and R/Sr in V1 and V2 showed statistically significant correlations with pulmonary hemodynamics, and Ra in aVR, R/Sr in V2 and V1, QRS axis, and Pwa contributed to variance for PASP, PAMP, and PVR, respectively. Moreover, Pwa, Ra in aVR, QRS axis, and R/Sr in V1 seem to provide relevant predictions for PH and precapillary PH