42 research outputs found

    Control Mechanism And Punishment Strategies As Correlates Of Deviant Behaviour Reduction Among Undergraduates In Public University Libraries In South-West, Nigeria

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    Abstract This study assessed the menace of ICT induced deviant acts among library users most especially, undergraduates in public university libraries in South-west, Nigeria. The study looked beyond other reasons of deviance among undergraduates to see what libraries have in respect of their security mechanisms and punishment strategies to reduce deviant acts among undergraduates. Control theory was used as an anchor theory for the study because it gave a proper insight to the effectiveness of security and punishment measures on deviance reduction in the library. Survey research design was used for the study with a population of 352 library personnel in the 16 public university libraries in South-west, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used for data collection; analysis was done using percentage, frequency, standard deviant and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The results revealed that significant relationship exist between control mechanism and deviant behaviour reduction (N=275, r= -.185,

    Perceptions of Economic, Health, and Environmental Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing in Indiana

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    Effects of hydraulic fracturing (HF) have become a controversial public health issue in the United States. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore community members\u27 perceptions of economic, health, and environmental effects of HF in Gibson County, Indiana. The conceptual framework was adapted from the health belief model and was named the HF health impact belief model (HFHIBM). Data were collected from stratified purposeful non-randomly selected 32 Gibson community members, using semi structured questionnaires, complete observations, and existing documents. Stratification was based on factors influencing perception, such as, gender, race, level of education, age or technology exposure, and level of media use. The observed community showed no economic boom or prevalent diseases, with functional and few abandoned pump jacks located on some of the farmlands. Data collected from the returned questionnaires were analyzed using hand coding and software. The results revealed that 72% of participants lacked awareness of HF, 90.6% reported lack of involvement in the decision-making process to locate HF near their community, and 21.6% of the 40.6% of participants with awareness reported that HF should be continued if the benefits outweigh the negative effects. Based on the constructs of HFHIBM, the low awareness of HF has implications on the community\u27s acceptance of HF, and the use of sustainable and environmentally safe alternatives may result in better acceptance of HF. Increased awareness of HF may lead to the development of environmentally friendly, sustainable preventive actions, better community health outcomes such as reduced morbidity and mortality rates, and improved drinking water quality in neighboring communities

    Integration of Well Log Analysis and 3-D Seismic in Reserve Estimation of Hydrocarbon Bearing Sands in Q-Field, Niger-Delta Nigeria

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    Well log analysis and 3D seismic interpretation were effectively integrated to estimate hydrocarbon reserve in Q-field, Niger-Delta, Nigeria. The study objectives were to evaluate petrophysical parameters (net-pay thickness, porosity, water saturation and volume of shale) and estimate area extent of all hydrocarbon bearing sands from subsurface mapping and seismic interpretation.The workflow procedures for analysis involved the delineation of six hydrocarbon bearing sands (A, B, C, D, E and F) and the determination of petrophysical parameters from three well logs, while the 3-D seismic interpretation involved picking of three growth faults (A, B and C) as well as three antithetic faults(D, E and F). The faults were assigned, and four different horizons were picked along the fault planes cutting through sands A, B, D and E respectively. The horizons were interpolated through series of procedures to create isomap layers and were subsequently gridded and converted to generate both time and depth structure maps.The results from well log analysis showed that Q-field had average values of 114.5 feet, 21.0%, 25.2%, and 18.0% for the net-pay thickness, porosity, water saturation and volume of shale respectively while 3-D seismic interpretation showed area estimate of 8,557.44 acres, 1,830.78 acres, 1,680.31 acres, and 2,035.17 acres for sands A, B, D and E respectively.The study concluded that Q-field bears considerable amount of about 284.852 million barrel of oil reserve which could be exploited for commercial uses at profitable rate and about 1.72 billion cubic feet of original gas in-place

    Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in marshy soils and sediments within Warri and its environs, Negeria

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    Marshy soil and sediment samples were collected during dry and rainy seasons within Warri, and Agbarho, 20km away as control. Levels of 16 USEPA priority Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PAHs were determined using GC-FID. Source prediction analysis was also done. The study was in Niger Delta region, Nigeria from January to March and June to August 2012 in dry and wet seasons. Benzo(a)pyrene had highest total concentration of 3.302mg/kg and mean value of 1.651mg/kg in dry season soil samples. However, sediment samples had highest levels for total concentration of PAHs of 19.362mg/kg and mean of 4.840mg/kg for both dry and rainy seasons within Warri. PAHs concentration was higher in dry than rainy seasons for soil and sediment samples. Source prediction analysis revealed that PAHs in sediments for dry season were pyrolytic while rainy seasons were petrogenic sources. For soils, the dry season was mixed sources while the rainy season was petrogenic.Environmental ScienceM. Sc. (Environmental Science

    Geophysical Mapping of the Proposed Osun State Housing Estate, Olupona for Subsurface Competence and Groundwater Potential

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    Structural failure and water scarcity are one of the infrastructural challenges man faces today. The importance of foundation studies before erecting civil engineering structures such as buildings and highway cannot be overemphasized. Regardless of structure put on the surface of the earth, if the foundation or the subsurface structure is weak, such structure will eventually collapse. Groundwater exploration is gaining more importance in Nigeria owning to ever increasing demand for water supplies, as rain water and surface water are either scarce to get or got polluted by human activities. The study is therefore aimed at characterizing the subsurface for engineering competence and groundwater potential in Olupona Housing Estate, Ayedire Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria. An integrated geophysical mapping involving the Electromagnetic (VLF-em) and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) were carried out around the proposed housing estate, Olupona, Southwestern Nigeria in order to evaluate subsurface competency for engineering activities and the groundwater potential beneath the study area. Seven (7) traverses were each established for VLF-em survey in S-N and E-W orientation while Sixteen (16) VES stations were deployed along five (5) traverses in order to cover the entire study area. The data obtained were analyzed and processed qualitatively and quantitatively. The VLF-em revealed several geological features which ranged from -18.0 to 12.0 Sm-1. Positive conductivity zones and negative conductivity zones were mapped in the study area. Some of the positive conductivities mapped showed that the conductive anomalies extended from surface to the depth of 40.0 m. VES analysis revealed three-to-four lithologic sequences which include topsoil, lateritic layer (not present in all), weathered layer, and fractured or fresh bedrock. H-type, HA-type and KH-type were the curve types obtained from VES data with the overburden thickness ranging from 8.0 to 51.66 m. It is concluded that the study area is underlain with thick overburden, thus making the study area unsuitable for construction of high-rise buildings. It is also affirmed that groundwater exploration is sparingly favoured in the study area

    Geophysical Mapping of the Proposed Osun State Housing Estate, Olupona for Subsurface Competence and Groundwater Potential

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    Structural failure and water scarcity are one of the infrastructural challenges man faces today. The importance of foundation studies before erecting civil engineering structures such as buildings and highway cannot be overemphasized. Regardless of structure put on the surface of the earth, if the foundation or the subsurface structure is weak, such structure will eventually collapse. Groundwater exploration is gaining more importance in Nigeria owning to ever increasing demand for water supplies, as rain water and surface water are either scarce to get or got polluted by human activities. The study is therefore aimed at characterizing the subsurface for engineering competence and groundwater potential in Olupona Housing Estate, Ayedire Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria. An integrated geophysical mapping involving the Electromagnetic (VLF-em) and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) were carried out around the proposed housing estate, Olupona, Southwestern Nigeria in order to evaluate subsurface competency for engineering activities and the groundwater potential beneath the study area. Seven (7) traverses were each established for VLF-em survey in S-N and E-W orientation while Sixteen (16) VES stations were deployed along five (5) traverses in order to cover the entire study area. The data obtained were analyzed and processed qualitatively and quantitatively. The VLF-em revealed several geological features which ranged from -18.0 to 12.0 Sm-1. Positive conductivity zones and negative conductivity zones were mapped in the study area. Some of the positive conductivities mapped showed that the conductive anomalies extended from surface to the depth of 40.0 m. VES analysis revealed three-to-four lithologic sequences which include topsoil, lateritic layer (not present in all), weathered layer, and fractured or fresh bedrock. H-type, HA-type and KH-type were the curve types obtained from VES data with the overburden thickness ranging from 8.0 to 51.66 m. It is concluded that the study area is underlain with thick overburden, thus making the study area unsuitable for construction of high-rise buildings. It is also affirmed that groundwater exploration is sparingly favoured in the study area

    A Preliminary Assessment of the Groundwater Potential of Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria, using Terrain and Satellite Imagery Analyses.

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    A preliminary investigation involving the interpretation and analyses of hydrogeomorphological and remote sensing data had been carried out in the Basement Complex terrain of Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria. This was with a view to assessing the groundwater potential of the state.  The Topographic map and Landsat Mapper (TM) satellite imagery (1986) of the study area were acquired and processed using the ArcGIS and ERDAS Imagine Software. The hydrogeomorphological, lineament density and lineament intersection density maps were generated from the processed remote sensing data. Hydrogeomorphological, lineament density and lineament intersection density maps were integrated for the classification of the study area into different groundwater potential zones. Five hydrogeomorphological units including hills/ridges, pediments, pediplains, pediplain with alluvium, and valleys were delineated in the study area. The lineament map showed that the linear structures in the study area generally trend along N-S, ENE-WSW, E-W and NW-SE directions. The lineament intersection nodes dominated the northwestern, western and south-eastern parts of the study area. Both the hydro-significant lineament and lineament intersection density maps revealed five (5) lineament cluster zones. Based on the foregoing, the study area was characterized into five different groundwater potential zones which are very low, low, moderate, high and very high groundwater potential zones. Keywords: Basement Complex, Geomorphology, Lineament, Lineament Density, Groundwater Potential, Ekiti State.

    Electronic Information Resources Use, Quality Reference Service Delivery And Academic Performance Of Final Year Students In Colleges Of Education In Lagos State, Nigeria

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    Abstract The academic performance played an essential role in producing high-quality graduates who are to become high-quality human resource required for national, economic and social development. Electronic information resources use by students and quality reference service delivery can influence academic performance among students. It is on this premise that study investigates electronic information resources use, quality reference service delivery on academic performance of students in colleges of education in Lagos State, Nigeria. The survey design of descriptive type was adopted. Mixed methods of systematic and total enumeration sampling technique were used. A total of 309 final year students was used for the study. The questionnaire was used for data collection. Collected data were analysed using percentages, mean and standard and multiple regression. Female respondents (53.8%) within the age bracket of 22-24 years dominated the study. The level of quality of reference services delivered in the libraries were moderate ( =61.28) and significant relationship was found to have existed between academic performance and electronic information resources use (r=.227;

    Modelling Infectious Diseases Using Markov Chain

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    This study is one of the few that has dwell on the application of Markov Chain in modeling infectious diseases in Nigeria. The study takes a look at the environmental factors that leads to the spread of infectious diseases.  This research estimates the transition pattern of the diseases, Testing the Markovian property, and how stationary the process is over the study period, the study concluded that the past history of infectious diseases will affect the future through the present state and recommended that government still need to do more in the area of sensitization and fight against infectious diseases


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    Demand for hydrocarbon and its products has been the major contributor to the economic growth of any nation. The costs involved in the exploration of hydrocarbons require adoption of suitable method for its processing and interpretation. This study is aimed to evaluate the petrophysical parameters in “BAO” field in order to classify the producibility of each reservoir in the study area. A suite of well log data from four wells in the study area is used to achieve this aim. Each well comprises of Gamma ray, resistivity and porosity logs. These logs were used to delineate five hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs in the study area. The delineated reservoirs are associated with varying petrophysical parameters, which were used to evaluate the storativity and producibility of the mapped reservoirs. The true vertical depths of the delineated reservoirs are 3318, 3418, 3482, 3550 and 3744 m, respectively. The analysis across these well sections revealed that each of the sand unit extends through the field and varies in thicknesses. The porosity and permeability values across the delineated reservoirs show that the pores have ability to store and transmit appreciable quantities of hydrocarbons, which will contribute to the reserve portfolio in the study area