1,596 research outputs found

    COVID-19 as a mass death event

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    As of the first week of February 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over two million people dead across the globe. This essay argues that in order to fully understand the politics arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to focus on the individual and collective experiences of death, loss, and grief. While the emerging scholarly discourse on the pandemic, particularly in political science and international relations, typically considers death only in terms of its effects on formal state-level politics and as a policy objective for mitigation, we argue that focusing on the particularities of the experience of death resulting from COVID-19 can help us fully understand the ways in which the pandemic is reordering our worlds. Examining the ambiguous sociopolitical meaning of death by COVID-19 can provide broader analytical comparisons with other mass death events. Ultimately, the essay argues that centering the impact of the pandemic on the experience of death and loss directly poses the question of how politics should value human lives in the post-pandemic world, helping us better formulate the normative questions necessary for a more ethical future

    Advection of vector fields by chaotic flows

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    We have introduced a new transfer operator for chaotic flows whose leading eigenvalue yields the dynamo rate of the fast kinematic dynamo and applied cycle expansion of the Fredholm determinant of the new operator to evaluation of its spectrum. The theory hs been tested on a normal form model of the vector advecting dynamical flow. If the model is a simple map with constant time between two iterations, the dynamo rate is the same as the escape rate of scalar quantties. However, a spread in Poincar\'e section return times lifts the degeneracy of the vector and scalar advection rates, and leads to dynamo rates that dominate over the scalar advection rates. For sufficiently large time spreads we have even found repellers for which the magnetic field grows exponentially, even though the scalar densities are decaying exponentially.Comment: 12 pages, Latex. Ask for figures from [email protected]

    modCHIMERA: A novel murine closed-head model of moderate traumatic brain injury

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    AbstractTraumatic brain injury is a major source of global disability and mortality. Preclinical TBI models are a crucial component of therapeutic investigation. We report a tunable, monitored model of murine non-surgical, diffuse closed-head injury—modCHIMERA—characterized by impact as well as linear and rotational acceleration. modCHIMERA is based on the Closed-Head Impact Model of Engineered Rotational Acceleration (CHIMERA) platform. We tested this model at 2 energy levels: 1.7 and 2.1 Joules—substantially higher than previously reported for this system. Kinematic analysis demonstrated linear acceleration exceeding injury thresholds in humans, although outcome metrics tracked impact energy more closely than kinematic parameters. Acute severity metrics were consistent with a complicated-mild or moderate TBI, a clinical population characterized by high morbidity but potentially reversible pathology. Axonal injury was multifocal and bilateral, neuronal death was detected in the hippocampus, and microglial neuroinflammation was prominent. Acute functional analysis revealed prolonged post-injury unconsciousness, and decreased spontaneous behavior and stimulated neurological scores. Neurobehavioral deficits were demonstrated in spatial learning/memory and socialization at 1-month. The overall injury profile of modCHIMERA corresponds with the range responsible for a substantial portion of TBI-related disability in humans. modCHIMERA should provide a reliable platform for efficient analysis of TBI pathophysiology and testing of treatment modalities.</jats:p

    Britain avoids talking about COVID-19 deaths. that’s a mistake

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    How has the UK government acknowledged and talked about COVID-19 deaths? In an extract from their new report, Katharine M Millar, Yuna Han, Katharina Kuhn, Martin Bayly and Irene Morlino (LSE) warn that the current focus on ‘recovery’ and ‘inevitable’ deaths risks alienating sections of society, and suggest how it can do better. Pandemics present a ... Continue

    Personal pack display and active smoking at outdoor café strips: assessing the impact of plain packaging 1 year postimplementation

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    Aims: We observed tobacco pack display and smoking at outdoor venues over three summers to assess changes in their prevalence following Australia's introduction of plain tobacco packaging with larger pictorial health warnings. Methods: Between January and April 2012 (preplain packaging (PP)), 2013 (early post-PP) and 2014 (1 year post-PP), we counted patrons, smokers and tobacco packs at cafés, restaurants and bars with outdoor seating. Pack type (branded, plain or unknown) and orientation were noted. Rates of active smoking, pack display and pack orientation were analysed using multilevel Poisson regression. Results: Prevalence of pack display among patrons declined from pre-PP (1 pack per 8.7 patrons) to early post-PP (1 pack per 10.4), and remained low 1 year post-PP (1 pack per 10.3). This appeared to be driven by a sustained decline in active smoking post-PP (pre-PP: 8.4% of patrons were smoking; early post-PP: 6.4%; 1 year post-PP: 6.8%). Notably, active smoking declined more in venues with children present than in those without. While early post-PP, plain packs were less often displayed face-up (74.0%) and more often concealed (8.9%) than branded packs pre-PP (face-up: 85.2%; concealed: 4.0%), this was not sustained 1 year post-PP (face-up: 85.7%; concealed: 4.4%). Also, external case use increased from pre-PP (1.2%) to early post-PP (3.5%), but returned to pre-PP levels 1 year post-PP (1.9%). Conclusions: This study demonstrated a sustained reduction in visibility of tobacco products and smoking in public, particularly in the presence of children, from pre-PP to 1 year post-PP. This effect is likely to reduce smoking-related social norms, thereby weakening an important influence on smoking uptake and better supporting quit attempts.Meghan Zacher, Megan Bayly, Emily Brennan, Joanne Dono, Caroline Miller, Sarah Durkin, Michelle Scollo, Melanie Wakefiel

    Confronting the COVID-19 pandemic: grief, loss, and social order

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    This research addresses the challenge the 2019- 2020 COVID-19 pandemic (COVID-19) presents to social order as a result of mass grieving and loss. It places a particular emphasis on the UK response and lessons that can be learnt for further ‘waves’. A tendency for research to look at technocratic policy responses has led to the overlooking of the social impact that pandemics produce. This study, in contrast, employs a qualitative, comparative methodology to examine four key cases – the UK, Italy, South Korea, and Germany – from 1 January to 31 July 2020, as well as the UK during the 1918-19 influenza epidemic – to examine the politics of COVID-9 as a mass death event. Our research finds that the narrative framing of the pandemic as a particular type of crisis; the ways that deaths have been recorded and managed; and the manner in which loss has been mourned and commemorated vary across cases. This variance, the research suggests, has implications for the ways that societies may respond, particularly in the medium- and longterm. Recommendations are made for governments responding to future ‘waves’ of the virus in relation to communicating loss to the public, and commemorating deaths in a manner that supports social cohesion and prepares the public for future crises

    Bounding biomass in the Fisher equation

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    The FKPP equation with a variable growth rate and advection by an incompressible velocity field is considered as a model for plankton dispersed by ocean currents. If the average growth rate is negative then the model has a survival-extinction transition; the location of this transition in the parameter space is constrained using variational arguments and delimited by simulations. The statistical steady state reached when the system is in the survival region of parameter space is characterized by integral constraints and upper and lower bounds on the biomass and productivity that follow from variational arguments and direct inequalities. In the limit of zero-decorrelation time the velocity field is shown to act as Fickian diffusion with an eddy diffusivity much larger than the molecular diffusivity and this allows a one-dimensional model to predict the biomass, productivity and extinction transitions. All results are illustrated with a simple growth and stirring model.Comment: 32 Pages, 13 Figure

    Three Dimensional Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Retrospective Depth Profiling

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    Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) for three dimensional analysis of materials is an exciting and rapidly developing technique. We describe a framestore datasystem for ion microprobe instruments and present images and three dimensional SIMS data acquired and processed with this system. The concept of retrospective depth profiling is introduced, particularly as a means to optimise concentration detection limits. We examine the dependence of concentration detection limits on spatial resolution

    Evidence of strong small-scale population structure in the Antarctic freshwater copepod Boeckella poppei in lakes on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands

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    Environmental conditions were particularly severe during the Last Glacial Maximum, altering the distribution of the Southern Hemisphere biota, particularly at higher latitudes. The copepod Boeckella poppei is the only macroscopic continental invertebrate species known to be distributed today across the three main biogeographic regions in Antarctica as well as in southern South America. Signy Island (South Orkney Islands) is a unique location for the study of Antarctic freshwater ecosystems due to its location and geographic isolation; it contains 17 lakes in several low altitude catchments. We conducted phylogeographic and demographic analyses using the cox1 gene on 84 individuals of B. poppei from seven lakes across Signy Island. We recorded low levels of genetic diversity and a strong genetic differentiation signal between the eastern and western valleys within the island. Phylogeographic structure and demographic inference analyses suggested at least one asymmetrical dispersal event from west to east. Demographic inference detected a strong signal of population growth during the deglaciation process, which may have followed either (1) a strong genetic bottleneck due to a reduction in population size during the last glacial period, or (2) a founder effect associated with postglacial recolonization of Signy Island from elsewhere. The genetic architecture of this island's populations of B. poppei shows that historical events, rather than continuous dispersal events, likely played a major role in the species' current distribution. Finally, our study considers possible mechanisms for dispersal and colonization success of the most dominant species in the Antarctic freshwater community