19 research outputs found

    An analysis of alumni performance: A study of the quality of nursing education

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    Background: The professional performance level of their alumni is one of the quality indicators of educational institutions. Nursing education institutions can use their alumni's performance analysis results to enhance their curricula, eliminate deficiencies, improve the quality of education and graduate more highly qualified nurses

    A comparison of conflict-resolving tendencies of nursing college students and medical school students in Turkey

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    Purpose: The purpose of this descriptive and comparative study was to define and compare the tendencies of nursing college and medical students in resolving conflicts

    Factors influencing Turkish hospital nurses' attitudes towards their profession: A descriptive survey

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    This research was conducted as a descriptive study for the purpose of determining nurses' attitudes towards their profession and the factors influencing their attitudes

    Relationship Between Nurses' Organizational Trust Levels and Their Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

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    Purpose: This research used a descriptive and explorative design to determine the levels of nurses' organizational trust and organizational citizenship and to investigate relationships between the levels of organizational trust and organizational citizenship behaviors

    Nurses' Emotional Labor Behavior and Factors Affecting

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    Aim: To determine emotional behavior and the factors affecting nurses using research, descriptive, and labor relations through seeker design

    A description of oncology nurses' working conditions in Turkey

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the problems about working conditions, employee rights and working life of oncology nurses in Turkey who administer cytotoxic drugs and to determine whether or not the existing practices are appropriate with national laws, comparing the current practices in private, university and government hospitals

    Culture of nursing school: students' perceptions

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    School culture is a powerful structure that facilitates understanding the behaviors of the participants through their school life. A positive and effective school culture brought about numerous benefits such as improving the commitment to the school, creating trust and preventing conflicts. In this study, perceptions of school culture among students enrolled in schools of nursing were investigated. The study is a descriptive one, which was performed with the participation of 625 students enrolled in four schools that offer nursing education. A "personal information form" and a "school culture scale" were used for data collection. The findings revealed that instructor-student relations subcategory of the scale (X= 2.04) was the most positively perceived cultural characteristic for the students. It was also observed that student perception differ with respect to schools (p<.05) and there was a positive correlation between students' satisfaction about their schools and their perception of school culture. The study sets forth that students' perception of school culture positively contributes to their satisfaction with the school; therefore nursing students' perception of school culture should be improved. In future studies, the factors that influence nursing students' perception of school culture should be a more detailed examination. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Opinie pracowników służby zdrowia na temat nieoszczędnych zachowań w szpitalach: badanie jakościowe

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    Background. The continuous increase in healthcare spending and problems experienced in payment/ insurance systems have brought the issue of hospital extravagance to the agenda. To achieve efficiency in the healthcare sector and prevent wasteful behavior, it is important to use all resources in a costeffective manner. This study aimed to determine the views of healthcare workers on wasteful behavior in hospitals. Material and methods. This study employed a descriptive qualitative design. The data were collected through in-person in-depth interviews with 60 participants working at private, university and state hospitals. A semi-structured interview form was used in the study. The Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Studies (COREQ) were applied to organize and report the study. Results. The data obtained in the study were examined under two themes named “Wasteful Behavior” and “Precautions”, as well as categories under these two themes. Conclusions. The participants stated that there are many aspects of extravagance practiced at hospitals, but they saw the sustainable use of resources with a set of precautions to be taken possible. Presenting the views and recommendations of healthcare professionals will provide an important source of data for administrators in terms of sustainability efforts.Wprowadzenie. Stały wzrost wydatków na służbę zdrowia oraz problemy doświadczane w systemach płatności/ubezpieczeń spowodowały dyskusję na temat kwestii nieoszczędności w szpitalach. Aby osiągnąć efektywność w sektorze opieki zdrowotnej i zapobiec niegospodarnemu zachowaniu, ważne jest, aby wykorzystać wszystkie zasoby w sposób oszczędny. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu określenie poglądów pracowników służby zdrowia na temat nieoszczędnych zachowań w szpitalach. Materiał i metody. W niniejszej pracy zastosowano metodę badania jakościowego o charakterze opisowym. Dane zostały zgromadzone poprzez bezpośrednie, szczegółowe wywiady z 60 uczestnikami pracującymi w szpitalach prywatnych, uniwersyteckich i państwowych. W badaniach wykorzystano formularz wywiadu półstrukturalnego. Do organizacji i raportowania badań zastosowano Skonsolidowane Kryteria Raportowania Badań Jakościowych (COREQ). Wyniki. Dane z badań zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem dwóch tematów: „Nieoszczędne zachowania” i „Środki ostrożności”, a także kategorii w ramach tych dwóch tematów. Wnioski. Uczestnicy stwierdzili, że istnieje wiele działań związanych z nieoszczędnością, które są praktykowane w szpitalach. Postrzegali jednak zrównoważone wykorzystanie zasobów oraz podjęcie środków jako możliwe do zrealizowania. Przedstawienie opinii i zaleceń pracowników służby zdrowia będzie stanowiło ważne źródło danych dla administratorów w zakresie działań na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju