3,581 research outputs found

    Exploring corner transfer matrices and corner tensors for the classical simulation of quantum lattice systems

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    In this paper we explore the practical use of the corner transfer matrix and its higher-dimensional generalization, the corner tensor, to develop tensor network algorithms for the classical simulation of quantum lattice systems of infinite size. This exploration is done mainly in one and two spatial dimensions (1d and 2d). We describe a number of numerical algorithms based on corner matri- ces and tensors to approximate different ground state properties of these systems. The proposed methods make also use of matrix product operators and projected entangled pair operators, and naturally preserve spatial symmetries of the system such as translation invariance. In order to assess the validity of our algorithms, we provide preliminary benchmarking calculations for the spin-1/2 quantum Ising model in a transverse field in both 1d and 2d. Our methods are a plausible alternative to other well-established tensor network approaches such as iDMRG and iTEBD in 1d, and iPEPS and TERG in 2d. The computational complexity of the proposed algorithms is also considered and, in 2d, important differences are found depending on the chosen simulation scheme. We also discuss further possibilities, such as 3d quantum lattice systems, periodic boundary conditions, and real time evolution. This discussion leads us to reinterpret the standard iTEBD and iPEPS algorithms in terms of corner transfer matrices and corner tensors. Our paper also offers a perspective on many properties of the corner transfer matrix and its higher-dimensional generalizations in the light of novel tensor network methods.Comment: 25 pages, 32 figures, 2 tables. Revised version. Technical details on some of the algorithms have been moved to appendices. To appear in PR

    A possible combinatorial point for XYZ-spin chain

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    We formulate and discuss a number of conjectures on the ground state vectors of the XYZ-spin chains of odd length with periodic boundary conditions and a special choice of the Hamiltonian parameters. In particular, arguments for the validity of a sum rule for the components, which describes in a sense the degree of antiferromagneticity of the chain, are given.Comment: AMSLaTeX, 15 page

    A life cycle model for Product-Service Systems design

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    Western manufacturing companies are developing innovative ways of delivering value that competes with the low cost paradigm. One such strategy is to deliver not only products, but systems that are closely aligned with the customer value proposition. These systems are comprised of integrated products and services, and are referred to as Product-Service Systems (PSS). A key challenge in PSS is supporting the design activity. In one sense, PSS design is a further extension of concurrent engineering that requires front-end input from the additional downstream sources of product service and maintenance. However, simply developing products and service packages is not sufficient: the new design challenge is the integrated system. This paper describes the development of a PSS data structure that can support this integrated design activity. The data structure is implemented in a knowledge base using the Protégé knowledge base editor

    Some Recent Results on Pair Correlation Functions and Susceptibilities in Exactly Solvable Models

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    Using detailed exact results on pair-correlation functions of Z-invariant Ising models, we can write and run algorithms of polynomial complexity to obtain wavevector-dependent susceptibilities for a variety of Ising systems. Reviewing recent work we compare various periodic and quasiperiodic models, where the couplings and/or the lattice may be aperiodic, and where the Ising couplings may be either ferromagnetic, or antiferromagnetic, or of mixed sign. We present some of our results on the square-lattice fully-frustrated Ising model. Finally, we make a few remarks on our recent works on the pentagrid Ising model and on overlapping unit cells in three dimensions and how these works can be utilized once more detailed results for pair correlations in, e.g., the eight-vertex model or the chiral Potts model or even three-dimensional Yang-Baxter integrable models become available.Comment: LaTeX2e using iopart.cls, 10 pages, 5 figures (5 eps files), Dunk Island conference in honor of 60th birthday of A.J. Guttman

    Quantum control on entangled bipartite qubits

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    Ising interaction between qubits could produce distortion in entangled pairs generated for engineering purposes (as in quantum computation) in presence of parasite magnetic fields, destroying or altering the expected behavior of process in which is projected to be used. Quantum control could be used to correct that situation in several ways. Sometimes the user should be make some measurement upon the system to decide which is the best control scheme; other posibility is try to reconstruct the system using similar procedures without perturbate it. In the complete pictures both schemes are present. We will work first with pure systems studying advantages of different procedures. After, we will extend these operations when time of distortion is uncertain, generating a mixed state, which needs to be corrected by suposing the most probably time of distortion.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Quench dynamics of topological quantum phase transition in Wen-plaquette model

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    We study the quench dynamics of the topological quantum phase transition in the two-dimensional transverse Wen-plaquette model, which has a phase transition from a Z2 topologically ordered to a spin-polarized state. By mapping the Wen-plaquette model onto a one-dimensional quantum Ising model, we calculate the expectation value of the plaquette operator Fi during a slowly quenching process from a topologically ordered state. A logarithmic scaling law of quench dynamics near the quantum phase transition is found, which is analogous to the well-known static critical behavior of the specific heat in the one-dimensional quantum Ising model.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures,add new conten

    Exact and simple results for the XYZ and strongly interacting fermion chains

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    We conjecture exact and simple formulas for physical quantities in two quantum chains. A classic result of this type is Onsager, Kaufman and Yang's formula for the spontaneous magnetization in the Ising model, subsequently generalized to the chiral Potts models. We conjecture that analogous results occur in the XYZ chain when the couplings obey J_xJ_y + J_yJ_z + J_x J_z=0, and in a related fermion chain with strong interactions and supersymmetry. We find exact formulas for the magnetization and gap in the former, and the staggered density in the latter, by exploiting the fact that certain quantities are independent of finite-size effects

    Critical phase of a magnetic hard hexagon model on triangular lattice

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    We introduce a magnetic hard hexagon model with two-body restrictions for configurations of hard hexagons and investigate its critical behavior by using Monte Carlo simulations and a finite size scaling method for discreate values of activity. It turns out that the restrictions bring about a critical phase which the usual hard hexagon model does not have. An upper and a lower critical value of the discrete activity for the critical phase of the newly proposed model are estimated as 4 and 6, respectively.Comment: 11 pages, 8 Postscript figures, uses revtex.st