309 research outputs found

    Total gas and methane emissions of black soldier fly Hermetia illucens grown on different organic wastes

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    Edible insects have been suggested as an alternative source of protein for animal feeding. The production of insect meals should have a lower environmental impact as compared to other productions such as beef or dairy products. However, few information is available in literature with special regards to Green House gases emissions. An experiment was conducted to quantify emission of gas and methane by larvae of the black soldier fly (BSF) Hermetia illucens (Diptera Stratiomyidae) grown on different organic wastes. The experimental substrates were: a standard hen diet (control), okara, maize grain dry distillers and brewers spent grain mixed with trub (derived from brewing process). An in vitro method derived by evaluation of feed for ruminants using a semiautomatic pressure system was adapted for this purpose. Twenty BSF larvae were positioned in duplicate into serum bottles and added with the experimental substrates (diets) ad libitum. For each sample two blanks (i.e. substrates without larvae) were added. Headspace pressure was recorded after 24 hours of incubation using a digital manometer (model 840082, Sper Scientific, Scottsdale, AZ, USA). The gas pressure data were converted to moles of gas using the ideal gas law. A fixed-volume sample of gas was also collected for subsequent methane analysis using gas-tight syringes fitted with needles through the bottle top. The gas composition of the headspace was determined by micro GC gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). An external standard mixture of CO2 and CH4 was used for instrument calibration. For all substrates, no detectable traces of methane were determined in the analysed air samples. There were differences on total gas (ml of Gas/g of incubated dry matter) produced by BSF larvae incubated with the different substrates and corrected for the blank gas production. Particularly, total gas productions were higher for larvae incubated with hen diet and brewers mixed with trub, intermediate for okara and lower for larvae incubated with distiller grains. The method proposed seems promising to estimate gas and CH4 productions of BSF larvae in a simply and fast way. The differences in gas production between BSF larvae fed with the different substrates could be useful to better define the optimal diets for this specie

    Quali-Quantitative Analysis by LC/DAD and GPC of the Polyphenols ofUva Di Troia Canosina Grape Seeds for the Development of an IndustrialNutraceutical Product

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    The quali-quantitative determination of the principal components of "uva di Troia canosina" seed extracts by LC/ DAD analysis and the optimization of the extraction and purification processes for the development of an industrial nutraceutical product, are described. Two different fractions of seeds collected at different stages of fermentation were compared: "Tesi" 2 when there is a spontaneous stratification of the seeds at the bottom of the recipient and "Tesi" 4 at the end of fermentation. Percolation was applied and compared to maceration and the purification step carefully evaluated to obtain extracts free of contaminant species endowed with polyphenolic content comparable to commercial preparations such as Leucoselect® (Indena, SpA, Italy), Vitis Vinifera extract 95% (seeds), Vitis Vinifera dry extract 95%, Biovin grape seed and vinasse extract. (Farmalabor, Italy). In particular, "Tesi" 2 extract obtained by percolation and purified with a LLE extraction with ethyl acetate showed a polyphenolic content similar to Leucoselect®. From the quantitative analyses it was evident, as expected, that "Tesi"2 has a higher polyphenolic content compared to "Tesi" 4, because during vinification the must extracts polyphenols from the seeds. On the other hand, "Tesi" 4 is particularly convenient since it is easily obtained and very economical, being a waste product. The residual content of organic solvents (ethanol and ethyl acetate) and water was assessed in the grape extracts according to ICH rules by means respectively of HS/GC and Karl Fisher titration in order to meet the requirements for commercialization. Furthermore, the high molecular weight polyphenolic fraction of our extracts was investigated through gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and compared to that of Leucoselect®

    Exemplary Knowledge Transfer Between Germany and Patagonia as Contribution to the Regional Achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030

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    Concerted efforts are required to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. In our study, we intend to outline how valuable synergy effects can be obtained from bilateral cooperation between Germany and Patagonia in order to protect temperate forest ecosystems and to ensure long-term and sustainable use of terrestrial natural resources. The additional benefit of this transcontinental and transhemispherical cooperation is that there are analogies between the Northern and Southern hemispheres, but also distinct differences that complement each other perfectly. We show in an exemplary way, how the challenges of Global Warming and the associated increased vulnerability to forest fires and other natural risks can be tackled. Knowledge transfer and common strategies will provide sound solutions for SDG 13 (urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts), SDG 15 (sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably managed forests, combating desertification, and halting and reversing land degradation and halting biodiversity loss) and SDG 17 (strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development).Fil: Walentowski, H.. University of Applied Sciences and Arts; AlemaniaFil: Hohnwald, S.. University of Applied Sciences and Arts; AlemaniaFil: Thren, M.. University of Applied Sciences and Arts; AlemaniaFil: Kappas, M.. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Leuschner, C.. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Lencinas, José Daniel. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentina. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Bava, J.. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Loguercio, Gabriel Angel. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentina. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Urretavizcaya, María Florencia. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentina. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Barrotaeveña, C.. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Zerbe, S.. Free University of Bozen ; Itali

    A prediction rule for lack of achievement of inactive disease with methotrexate as the sole disease-modifying antirheumatic therapy in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Background: To investigate the frequency of achievement of inactive disease (ID) in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) treated with methotrexate (MTX) as the sole disease-modifyng antirheumatic (DMARD) therapy and to develop a prediction model for lack of attainment of ID. Methods: The clinical charts of consecutive patients started with MTX as the sole DMARD between 2000 and 2013 were reviewed. Patient follow-up was censored at first episode of ID or, in case ID was not reached, at last follow-up visit or when a biologic DMARD was prescribed. The characteristic at MTX start of patients who achieved or did not achieve ID were compared with univariate and multivariable analyses. Regression coefficients (\u3b2) of variables that entered the best-fitting logistic regression model were converted and summed to obtain a "prediction score" for lack of achievement of ID. Results: A total of 375 patients were included in the study. During MTX administration, 8.8% were given systemic corticosteroids and 44.1% intra-articular corticosteroids. After MTX start, 229 (61%) patients achieved ID after a median of 1.7 years, whereas 146 patients (39%) did not reach ID after a median of 1.2 years. On multivariable analysis, independent correlations with lack of achievement of ID were identified for the disease categories of systemic arthritis, enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) and polyarthritis and C-reactive protein (CRP) > 1.4 mg/dl. The prediction score ranged from 0 to 3 and its cutoff that discriminated best between patients who achieved or did not achieve ID was > 0.5. The categories of systemic arthritis or ERA, both of which had a score greater than 0.5, were sufficient alone to predict a lower likelihood to reach ID. Polyarthritis and increased CRP, whose score was 0.5, assumed a predictive value only when present in association. Conclusion: A conventional treatment regimen based on MTX as the sole DMARD led to achievement of ID in a sizeable proportion of children with JIA. Our findings help to outline the characteristics of patients who may deserve a synthetic DMARD other than MTX or the introduction of a biologic DMARD from disease outset

    Rituximab Unveils Hypogammaglobulinemia and Immunodeficiency in Children with Autoimmune Cytopenia

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    BACKGROUND: Rituximab (RTX; anti-CD20 mAb) is a treatment option in children with refractory immune thrombocytopenia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHA), and Evans syndrome (ES). Prevalence and clinical course of RTX-induced hypogammaglobulinemia in these patients are poorly known. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence and risk factors for persistent hypogammaglobulinemia (PH) after RTX use. METHODS: Clinical and immunologic data from children treated with RTX for immune thrombocytopenia, AHA, and ES were collected from 16 Italian centers and 1 UK center at pre-RTX time point (0), +6 months, and yearly, up to 4 years post-RTX. Patients with previously diagnosed malignancy or primary immune deficiency (PID) were excluded. RESULTS: We analyzed 53 children treated with RTX for immune thrombocytopenia (n = 36), AHA (n = 13), and ES (n = 4). Median follow-up was 30 months (range, 12-48). Thirty-two percent of patients (17 of 53) experienced PH, defined as IgG levels less than 2 SD for age at last follow-up (>12 months after RTX). Significantly delayed B-cell recovery was observed in children experiencing PH (hazard ratio, 0.55; P < .05), and 6 of 17 (35%) patients had unresolved B-cell lymphopenia at last follow-up. PH was associated with IgA and IgM deficiency, younger age at RTX use (51 vs 116 months; P < .01), a diagnosis of AHA/ES, and better response to RTX. Nine patients with PH (9 of 17 [53%]) were eventually diagnosed with a PID. CONCLUSIONS: Post-RTX PH is a frequent condition in children with autoimmune cytopenia; a sizable proportion of patients with post-RTX PH were eventually diagnosed with a PID. In-depth investigation for PID is therefore recommended in these patients

    Prevalence of contagious and environmental mastitis-causing bacteria in bulk tank milk and its relationships with milking practices of dairy cattle herds in São Miguel Island (Azores)

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    This study aimed to assess the degree of contamination of bulk tank milk (BTM) by Staphylococcus spp. and coliform bacteria and to identify major milking practices that help perpetuate them in dairy cattle herds in São Miguel Island. In July 2014, BTM was sampled and a survey concerning local milking practices was conducted on 100 herds. Semi quantitative multiplex polymerase chain reaction detected coagulase-negative staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and other coliform bacteria (Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella pneumoniae, andSerratia marcescens) in 100, 75, 59, and 35 % of BTM, respectively. According to multivariable univariate models, on herds not using hot water for cleaning the milking machine and teat liners, there was at least 3.4 more odds (P<0.01) to have S. aureus or coliform bacteria contamination in BTM. The likelihoodoffinding S.aureus inBTMwas higher(P<0.001)on herds without high hygiene during milking, when milking mastitic cows at the end, on abrupt cessation of milking at dry-off, and official milk control implementation. The glove use also favored (odds ratio (OR) 5.8; P<0.01)thedetection ofcoliformbacteriainBTM.Poormilkingpracticesidentified in this study should be avoided in order to decrease S. aureus and coliform bacteria contamination of BTM. Other factors associated with milk quality in São Miguel Island also should be further investigated

    The Diamond STING Server.

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    Diamond STING is a new version of the STING suite of programs for a comprehensive analysis of a relationship between protein sequence, structure, function and stability. We have added a number of new functionalities by both providing more structure parameters to the STING Database and by improving/expanding the interface for enhanced data handling. The integration among the STING components has also been improved. A new key feature is the ability of the STING server to handle local files containing protein structures (either modeled or not yet deposited to the Protein Data Bank) so that they can be used by the principal STING components: JavaProtein Dossier (JPD) and STING Report. The current capabilities of the new STING version and a couple of biologically relevant applications are described here. We have provided an example where Diamond STING identifies the active site amino acids and folding essential amino acids (both previously determined by experiments) by filtering out all but those residues by selecting the numerical values/ranges for a set of corresponding parameters. This is the fundamental step toward a more interesting endeavor?the prediction of such residues. Diamond STING is freely accessible at http://sms.cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br and http://trantor.bioc.columbia.edu/SMS.Supplement

    The Diamond STING server

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    Diamond STING is a new version of the STING suite of programs for a comprehensive analysis of a relationship between protein sequence, structure, function and stability. We have added a number of new functionalities by both providing more structure parameters to the STING Database and by improving/expanding the interface for enhanced data handling. The integration among the STING components has also been improved. A new key feature is the ability of the STING server to handle local files containing protein structures (either modeled or not yet deposited to the Protein Data Bank) so that they can be used by the principal STING components: (Java)Protein Dossier ((J)PD) and STING Report. The current capabilities of the new STING version and a couple of biologically relevant applications are described here. We have provided an example where Diamond STING identifies the active site amino acids and folding essential amino acids (both previously determined by experiments) by filtering out all but those residues by selecting the numerical values/ranges for a set of corresponding parameters. This is the fundamental step toward a more interesting endeavor—the prediction of such residues. Diamond STING is freely accessible at and
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