61 research outputs found

    Are the Effects of Structure Formation Seen in the Central Metallicity of Galaxy Clusters?

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    A sample of 46 nearby clusters observed with Chandra is analyzed to produce radial density, temperature, entropy and metallicity profiles, as well as other morphological measurements. The entropy profiles are computed to larger radial extents than in previous Chandra cluster sample analyses. We find that the iron mass fraction measured in the inner 0.15 R500 shows a larger dispersion across the sample of low-mass clusters, than it does for the sample of high-mass clusters. We interpret this finding as the result of the mixing of more haloes in large clusters than in small clusters, which leads to an averaging of the metal content in the large clusters, and thus less dispersion of metallicity for high-mass clusters. This interpretation lends support to the idea that the low-entropy, metal-rich gas of merging haloes reaches clusters' centers, which explains observations of Core-Collapse Supernova products metallicity peaks, and which is seen in hydrodynamical simulations. The gas in these merging haloes would have to reach the centers of clusters without mixing in the outer regions, in order to support our interpretation. On the other hand, metallicity dispersion does not change with mass in the outer regions of clusters, suggesting that most of the outer metals come from a source with a more uniform metallicity level, such as during pre-enrichment. We also measure a correlation between the metal content in low-mass clusters and the degree to which their Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) is morphologically disturbed, as measured by centroid shift. This suggests an alternative interpretation of the large width of the metallicity distribution in low-mass clusters, whereby a metallicity boost in the center of low-mass clusters is induced as a transitional state, during mergers.Comment: Accepted in ApJ, March 9, 201

    Sacrificial charge and the spectral resolution performance of the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer

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    Soon after launch, the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS), one of the focal plane instruments on the Chandra X-ray Observatory, suffered radiation damage from exposure to soft protons during passages through the Earth's radiation belts. The ACIS team is continuing to study the properties of the damage with an emphasis on developing techniques to mitigate charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) and spectral resolution degradation. A post-facto CTI corrector has been developed which can effectively recover much of the lost resolution. Any further improvements in performance will require knowledge of the location and amount of sacrificial charge - charge deposited along the readout path of an event which fills electron traps and changes CTI. We report on efforts by the ACIS Instrument team to characterize which charge traps cause performance degradation and the properties of the sacrificial charge seen on-orbit. We also report on attempts to correct X-ray pulseheights for the presence of sacrificial charge.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures to be published in Proc. SPIE 485

    The Evolution of Cluster Substructure with Redshift

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    Using Chandra archival data, we quantify the evolution of cluster morphology with redshift. To quantify cluster morphology, we use the power ratio method developed by Buote and Tsai (1995). Power ratios are constructed from moments of the two-dimensional gravitational potential and are, therefore, related to a cluster's dynamical state. Our sample will include 40 clusters from the Chandra archive with redshifts between 0.11 and 0.89. These clusters were selected from two fairly complete flux-limited X-ray surveys (the ROSAT Bright Cluster Sample and the Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey), and additional high-redshift clusters were selected from recent ROSAT flux-limited surveys. Here we present preliminary results from the first 28 clusters in this sample. Of these, 16 have redshifts below 0.5, and 12 have redshifts above 0.5.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, corrected a reference, to appear in the proceeding of Multiwavelength Cosmology, ed. M. Plioni

    Searching for the 3.5 keV Line in the Stacked Suzaku Observations of Galaxy Clusters

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    We perform a detailed study of the stacked Suzaku observations of 47 galaxy clusters, spanning a redshift range of 0.01-0.45, to search for the unidentified 3.5 keV line. This sample provides an independent test for the previously detected line. We detect only a 2sigma-significant spectral feature at 3.5 keV in the spectrum of the full sample. When the sample is divided into two subsamples (cool-core and non-cool core clusters), cool-core subsample shows no statistically significant positive residuals at the line energy. A very weak (2sigma-confidence) spectral feature at 3.5 keV is permitted by the data from the non-cool core clusters sample. The upper limit on a neutrino decay mixing angle from the full Suzaku sample is consistent with the previous detections in the stacked XMM-Newton sample of galaxy clusters (which had a higher statistical sensitivity to faint lines), M31, and Galactic Center at a 90% confidence level. However, the constraint from the present sample, which does not include the Perseus cluster, is in tension with previously reported line flux observed in the core of the Perseus cluster with XMM-Newton and Suzaku.Comment: ApJ in press, 9 pages, 3 figure

    The Evolution of Structure in X-ray Clusters of Galaxies

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    Using Chandra archival data, we quantify the evolution of cluster morphology with redshift. Clusters form and grow through mergers with other clusters and groups, and the amount of substructure in clusters in the present epoch and how quickly it evolves with redshift depend on the underlying cosmology. Our sample includes 40 X-ray selected, luminous clusters from the Chandra archive, and we quantify cluster morphology using the power ratio method (Buote & Tsai 1995). The power ratios are constructed from the moments of the X-ray surface brightness and are related to a cluster's dynamical state. We find that, as expected qualitatively from hierarchical models of structure formation, high-redshift clusters have more substructure and are dynamically more active than low-redshift clusters. Specifically, the clusters with z>0.5 have significantly higher average third and fourth order power ratios than the lower redshift clusters. Of the power ratios, P3/P0P_3/P_0 is the most unambiguous indicator of an asymmetric cluster structure, and the difference in P3/P0P_3/P_0 between the two samples remains significant even when the effects of noise and other systematics are considered. After correcting for noise, we apply a linear fit to P3/P0P_3/P_0 versus redshift and find that the slope is greater than zero at better than 99% confidence. This observation of structure evolution indicates that dynamical state may be an important systematic effect in cluster studies seeking to constrain cosmology, and when calibrated against numerical simulations, structure evolution will itself provide interesting bounds on cosmological models.Comment: 42 pages, 6 figures, ApJ accepted. For a version of the paper containing an appendix with images of all of the clusters, see http://www.ociw.edu/~tesla/structure.ps.g

    Measuring the Three-Dimensional Structure of Galaxy Clusters. I. Application to a Sample of 25 Clusters

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    We discuss a method to constrain the intrinsic three-dimensionale shapes of galaxy clusters by combining X-Ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich observations. The method is applied to a sample of 25 X-Ray selected clusters, with measured Sunyaev-Zeldovich temperature decrements. The sample turns out to be slightly biased, with strongly elongated clusters preferentially aligned along the line of sight. This result demonstrates that X-Ray selected cluster samples may be affected by morphological and orientation effects even if a relatively high threshold signal-to-noise ratio is used to select the sample. A large majority of the clusters in our sample exhibit a marked triaxial structure, with prolate-like shapes being slightly more likely than oblate-like ones; the spherical hypothesis is strongly rejected for most sample members. Cooling flow clusters do not show preferentially regular morphologies.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Characteristics of Diffuse X-Ray Line Emission within 20 pc of the Galactic Center

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    Over the last 3 yrs, the Galactic center (GC) region has been monitored with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. With 11 Chandra observations through 2002 June, the total effective exposure reaches ~590 ks, providing significant photon statistics on the faint, filamentary, diffuse X-ray emission. The true-color X-ray image and the equivalent width (EW) images for the detected elemental species demonstrate that the diffuse X-ray features have a broad range of spatio-spectral properties. Enhancements of the low-ionization-state, or ``neutral'' Fe line emission (E~6.4 keV) to the northeast of Sgr A* can be interpreted as fluorescence within the dense ISM resulting from irradiation by hard, external X-ray sources. They may also be explained by emission induced by the bombardments by high energy particles on the ISM, such as unresolved supernova (SN) ejecta intruding into dense ISM. The detection of molecular cloud counterparts to the 6.4 keV Fe line features indicates that these Fe line features are associated with dense GC clouds and/or active star-forming regions, which supports the X-ray reflection and/or SN ejecta origins for the Fe line emission. We detect highly ionized S and Si lines which are generally coincident with the neutral Fe line emission and the dense molecular clouds in the northeast of Sgr A*. These hot plasmas are likely produced by massive star-forming activities and/or SNRs. In contrast, we find that highly ionized He-like Fe line emission (E~6.7 keV) is primarily distributed along the plane instead of being concentrated in the northeast of Sgr A*. The implied high temperature and the alignment along the plane are consistent with the magnetic confinement model.Comment: 13 pages (ApJ emulator style) including 4 figures (2 color figs). Accepted by ApJ. For full-quality figures, contact [email protected]

    Physics of the Cosmos (PCOS) Program Technology Development 2018

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    We present a final report on our program to raise the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of enhanced chargecoupleddevice (CCD) detectors capable of meeting the requirements of Xray grating spectrometers (XGS) and widefield Xray imaging instruments for small, medium, and large missions. Because they are made of silicon, all Xray CCDs require blocking filters to prevent corruption of the Xray signal by outofband, mainly optical and nearinfrared (nearIR) radiation. Our primary objective is to demonstrate technology that can replace the fragile, extremely thin, freestanding blocking filter that has been standard practice with a much more robust filter deposited directly on the detector surface. Highperformance, backilluminated CCDs have flown with freestanding filters (e.g., one of our detectors on Suzaku), and other relatively lowperformance CCDs with directly deposited filters have flown (e.g., on the Xray Multimirror MissionNewton, XMMNewton Reflection Grating Spectrometer, RGS). At the inception of our program, a highperformance, backilluminated CCD with a directly deposited filter has not been demonstrated. Our effort will be the first to show such a filter can be deposited on an Xray CCD that meets the requirements of a variety of contemplated future instruments. Our principal results are as follows: i) we have demonstrated a process for direct deposition of aluminum optical blocking filters on backilluminated MIT Lincoln Laboratory CCDs. Filters ranging in thickness from 70 nm to 220 nm exhibit expected bulk visibleband and Xray transmission properties except in a small number (affecting 1% of detector area) of isolated detector pixels ("pinholes"), which show higherthanexpected visibleband transmission; ii) these filters produce no measurable degradation in softXray spectral resolution, demonstrating that direct filter deposition is compatible with the MIT Lincoln Laboratory backillumination process; iii) we have shown that under sufficiently intense visible and nearIR illumination, outofband light can enter the detector through its sidewalls and mounting surfaces, compromising detector performance. This 'sidewall leakage' has been observed, for example, by a previous experiment on the International Space Station during its orbitday operations. We have developed effective countermeasures for this sidewall leakage; iv) we developed an exceptionally productive collaboration with the Regolith Xray Imaging Spectrometer (REXIS) team. REXIS is a student instrument now flying on the Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security - Regolith Explorer (OSIRISREx) mission. REXIS students participated in our filter development program, adopted our technology for their flight instrument, and raised the TRL of this technology beyond our initial goals. This Strategic Astrophysics Technology (SAT) project, a collaboration between the MKI and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, began July 1, 2012, and ended on June 30, 2018

    The STAR-X X-Ray Telescope Assembly (XTA)

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    The Survey and Time-domain Astrophysical Research eXplorer (STAR-X) science goals are to discover what powers the most violent explosions in the Universe, understand how black holes grow across cosmic time and mass scale, and measure how structure formation heats the majority of baryons in the Universe. To achieve these goals, STAR-X requires a powerful X-ray telescope with a large field of view, large collecting area, and excellent point spread function. The STAR-X instrument, the X-Ray Telescope Assembly (XTA), meets these requirements using a powerful X-ray mirror technology based on precision-polished single crystal silicon and a mature CCD detector technology. The XTA is composed of three major subsystems: an X-ray Mirror Assembly (MA) of high resolution, lightweight mirror segments fabricated out of single crystal silicon; a Focal Plane Assembly (FPA) made of back-illuminated CCD's capable of detecting X-rays with excellent quantum efficiency; and a composite Telescope Tube that structurally links the MA and FPA. The MA consists of 5,972 silicon mirror segments mounted into five subassemblies called meta-shells. A meta-shell is constructed from an annular central structural shell covered with interlocking layers of mirror segments. This paper describes the requirements, design, and analysis of the XTA subsystems with particular focus on the MA