78 research outputs found

    Dietary L-Arginine and Antioxidant Vitamins E and C Influence on Cardiovascular Performance in Chickens

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    Pulmonary hypertension syndrome (PHS) in broiler chickens adequately represents idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) in humans, a condition that affects 300 new patients each year in the US. The factors that trigger IPAH are poorly understood but an increase in reactive oxygen species in the circulation coincides with the onset of these conditions. Broiler chickens (n=583) were fed a control diet (CTL), containing 3,200 kcal of ME / kg of feed, 23% CP, 1.55% (wt / wt) Arginine (Arg) and 40 IU of VE (alpha-tochopherol) / kg of feed; a high-Arg diet (HA), CTL diet plus 0.8% (wt / wt) supplemental L-Arg HCl; or a high Arg and vitamin diet (AEC), the HA diet plus 200 IU ?-tochopherol / kg of feed and 500 mg of ascorbic acid / L of drinking water 500 mg ascorbic acid / L of water (exp. 1 and 2) or Kg feed (exp. 3). Supplemented broilers were either exposed to hypobaric hypoxia or had a primary bronchus occluded (PBO) to induce PHS. Also, medial thickness was assessed in male broiler and Leghorn (n =80) chickens fed a CTL diet and subjected to pulmonary artery occlusion (PAO). The results show that supplementation with Arg and VE plus VC have an additive effect on the velocity at which the pulmonary arterial pressure returned to basal levels in hypoxic chickens challenged with epinephrine. Also, supplementation increased xanthine oxidase (XO) activity in the vicinity of the pulmonary endothelium with no effect on NAD(P)H-oxidase activity or oxidative stress in hypoxic chickens subjected to PBO. These enzymes are upregulated in humans with IPAH. Furthermore, supplementation reduced pulmonary artery reactivity to phenylephrine in hypoxemic broilers. Unsupplemented broiler chickens had a lower specific lung weight compared to unsupplemented Leghorns. Hypoxemic broilers showed thicker resistant pulmonary arteries and were more hypertensive than hypoxemic Leghorns. Leghorns were more hypoxemic and resistant to PHS than broilers. In conclusion, Arg and VE plus VC show an additive effect in the improvement of cardiovascular performance of hypoxemic broilers as well as in restoring reactivity to phenylephrine in hypoxemic pulmonary rings. Also, supplementation shows an additive effect in restoring XO activity in hypoxic broilers. Leghorns had a better ventilation capacity and better pulmonary vasodilation capacity than broiler chickens

    Spatial Delimitation of Genetic Diversity of Native Maize and Its Relationship with Ethnic Groups in Mexico

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    Mexico, as a center of origin of maize, presents a high diversity of maize races. With the objective of spatially demarcating regions with high concentration of intraspecific diversity in Mexico, as a fundamental measure for the in situ conservation of their agrobiodiversity, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools have been used to generate diversity and richness indexes for 64 maize races cultivated in Mexico, using indexes to demarcate relationships to environmental factors such as temperature, precipitation, and altitude; the presence of indigenous groups; and the type of maize used. These relations allowed defining seven environmental units spatially, with characteristic maize races in each of them, which constitute priority areas for in situ conservation. In addition, a close relationship was found between the diversity of maize races and of ethnic groups, from the center to the south of the country, associated with the differences in maize use in different ethnic groups. This geographical demarcation of races and uses of maize will favor food security through specific measures of in situ conservation, as well as an increase in added value of maize by-products based on specific maize races conserved by local ethnic groupsS

    Fisheries discard as an alternative for agricultural feed in the state of Campeche, Mexico

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    Objective: To determine the incidence of non-target fish species, in coastal fishing, as a feed alternative for the agricultural sector of the state of Campeche. Design/methodology/approach: Three ports in Campeche State were surveyed: Champotón, Seybaplaya and Campeche. A total 89 questionnaires were applied at random, under the free will to participate, to coastal fishermen. The data obtained were analyzed with the R vr 3.4.4 program. Results: The coastal fishing catch was 760.1 kg on average / week, with non-target fish species of 30.42 kg / week. Of this bycatch, 68.8% is discarded and the rest is sold at a low price (4.00pesos).Amongthewasteproducts,34speciesstandout,butonlysevenrepresentthe58.7Limitationsofstudy/implications:Thereisawidevarietyofspecies,ofwhichtheiruseisunknownandthatmayhaveagoodqualityproteinandmaybeincorporatedasingredientsforthemanufactureoffeed.Findings/conclusions:ThefishingdiscardsofthestateofCampechearemadeupofmorethan30nontargetfishspecies,andaccordingtotheirincidencetheymaybeevaluatedasingredientsforthemanufactureoffeedintheagriculturalsector.Objective:Todeterminetheincidenceofnontargetfishingspecies,inriparianfishing,asadietaryalternativefortheagriculturalsectorinthestateofCampeche,Mexico.Design/methodology/approach:TheportssurveyedinthestateofCampeche:Champotoˊn,SeybaplayaandCampeche.Atotalof89questionnaireswereappliedatrandomandatthefreewilltoparticipatetocoastalfishermen.TheobtaineddatawereanalyzedwiththeRvr3.4.4statisticalsoftware.Results:Theresultsshowedthatthecoastalfishingcatchis760.1kgonaverage/week,andfishingdiscardsof30.42kg/week.Ofthebycatch,68.8 4.00 pesos). Among the waste products, 34 species stand out, but only seven represent the 58.7% of maximum incidence, mainly Bosh Ariopsis felis, Chac-chi Haemulon plumierii, Cojinuda Caranx crysos, Ixpil Upeneus sp., Macabi Elops saurus, Postà Bairdiella chrysoura, Sardina Herengula jaguana. Limitations of study/implications: There is a wide variety of species, of which their use is unknown and that may have a good quality protein and may be incorporated as ingredients for the manufacture of feed. Findings/conclusions: The fishing discards of the state of Campeche are made up of more than 30 non-target fish species, and according to their incidence they may be evaluated as ingredients for the manufacture of feed in the agricultural sector.Objective: To determine the incidence of non-target fishing species, in riparianfishing, as a dietary alternative for the agricultural sector in the state of Campeche,Mexico.Design / methodology / approach: The ports surveyed in the state of Campeche:Champotón, Seybaplaya and Campeche. A total of 89 questionnaires were appliedat random and at the free will to participate to coastal fishermen. The obtained datawere analyzed with the R vr 3.4.4 statistical software.Results: The results showed that the coastal fishing catch is 760.1 kg onaverage/week, and fishing discards of 30.42 kg/week. Of the bycatch, 68.8% isdiscarded and the rest sold at a low price (US 0.2). Among the waste products,234 species stand out, but seven represent the 58.7% of maximum incidence,mainly Bosh Ariopsis felis, Chac-chi Haemulon plumierii, Cojinuda Caranx crysos,Ixpil Upeneus sp., Macabi Elops saurus, Postà Bairdiella chrysoura and SardinaHerengula jaguana.Delimitations / implications: There is a wide variety of species of which theirpotential as a protein source is unknown, which can be used as input in feed.Findings / conclusions: Registered fishing discards are made up of more than 30non-target species and according to their incidence can be considered as inputs infeed manufacturing for the agricultural sector

    Caracterización del sistema de producción avícola de traspatio en el Estado de Campeche, México.

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    A study was conducted to characterize the backyard chicken production system in Campeche State, Mexico, as the basis of a program for utilizing local poultry genetic resources. A total of 260 surveys were administered in person. The parents undertake backyard production activities. Farmers have, on average, 0.20 ± 0.1 hectares for raising local chickens (LC). Flock size was 24.4 ± 1.3 birds per household. The number of egg/hen/year was 45.8 ± 1.6. Confined and semi-confined production systems are used. Farmers fed chickens with corn, whereas chicks were fed with commercial feed. During the rainy season, flu and diarrheal diseases are more frequently observed. Body size is the main trait for acquiring/selecting breeders within/outside the flock. Selection of eggs for incubation is based on size and freshness. Feed shortages, diseases, predators, and lack of technical assistance services were the major constraints for LC backyard production. In conclusion, backyard chicken production based on LC provides a readily available source of animal protein and cash income for households in Campeche State, Mexico.Se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de caracterizar la producción avícola de traspatio en el estado de Campeche, México, como el inicio de un programa para la utilización de los recursos genéticos avícolas locales. Se encuestó a un total de 260 productores. Las actividades productivas de traspatio las realizan los padres. Los productores destinan un promedio de 0.20 ± 0.1 hectáreas para la cría de pollos locales (PL). El tamaño de la parvada fue de 24.4 ± 1.3 aves por hogar. El número de huevos/gallina/año fue de 45.8 ± 1.6. Se utiliza tanto el sistema de producción en confinamiento como en semi-confinamiento. Las aves son alimentadas con maíz, excepto los pollitos, que son alimentados con alimento balanceado comercial. Durante la época de lluvias se observan con mayor frecuencia problemas de diarrea y enfermedades respiratorias. El peso corporal es la principal característica por la que las aves reproductoras son seleccionadas dentro y fuera de la parvada. Los huevos destinados a incubación son elegidos con base en su tamaño y el número de días transcurridos desde que son puestos. La producción avícola de traspatio tiene como principales limitantes la falta de alimento para los animales, las enfermedades, los depredadores y la falta de asistencia técnica. En conclusión, la producción avícola de traspatio, basada en animales locales, provee de una fuente fácilmente disponible de proteína de origen animal e ingresos económicos a los hogares del estado de Campeche, México

    Bibliometric analysis of scientific research about agroecological strategies

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    Objective: To analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of scientific research on the subject of agroecological strategies worldwide, through text mining (bibliometrics) and co-authorship networks to determine gaps in research. Design/methodology/approach: For the compilation of the texts, the database of articles from open access journals of the Web of Science was reviewed. The texts were collected in September 2021, and the texts available until August 2021 were considered. The keyword used in the search was strategies agroecological, identifying it in the titles and keywords of the publications. Results: 463 scientific texts were collected in the bibliographic reference databases of the Web of Science with a temporality from 1987 to 2021. 90.93% (421) were concentrated in six countries: USA (34.77%, 161), Netherlands (19.22%, 89), England (15.55%, 72), Switzerland (12.53%, 58), France (4.54%, 21) and Germany (4.32%, 20). Limitations on study/implications: Most of the research has focused on techniques for agricultural sustainability, so issues associated with the creation of early climate information systems, disaster prevention and mitigation projects, present themselves as opportunities for the development of further research. Findings/conclusions: It was observed that in developing countries such as Latin America, where Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Brazil are located, there is little research conducted on the subject of agroecological strategies, which represents a great opportunity to generate knowledge in the region.Objective: To analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of scientific production on the topic of agroecological strategies in the world, through text mining (bibliometrics) and coauthorship networks to determine gaps in research. Design/methodology/approach: To compile the texts, the database of open-access articles from Web of Science was reviewed. The texts were collected in September 2021, and texts available until August 2021 were considered. The keyword used in the search was strategies agroecological identifying it in the titles and keywords of the publications. Results: In the databases, 463 scientific texts were collected from bibliographic references of Web of Science within the period of 1987 to 2021. Of these, 90.93% (421) were concentrated in six countries: USA (34.77%, 161), Netherlands (19.22%, 89), England (15.55%, 72), Switzerland (12.53%, 58), France (4.54%, 21) and Germany (4.32%, 20). Limitations on study/implications: Most of the studies have been centered on techniques for agricultural sustainability, so topics associated with the creation of early climate information systems and disaster prevention and mitigation projects are presented as an opportunity for the development of more research. Findings/conclusions: The study shows that in developing countries such as those in Latin America, where Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Brazil are located, there is scarce research development in topics of agroecological strategies, leaving a wide margin to generate knowledge in the region

    Agricultural rotation crops: adaptive strategies of two farming communities in Champotón, Campeche

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    Objective: To identify the agricultural crops in rotation carried out by the producers during one year of two rural communities of Champotón, Campeche. Design / methodology / approach: The research was carried out in 2019, in Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, communities belonging to Champotón, Campeche. Descriptive exploratory character. Documentary research was carried out and a survey was applied with 200 questionnaires in total, using the "snowball" technique. Descriptive statistics, were applied using the statistical packages of Excel. Results: Chihua squash (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber) and sugar cane (Sacharumm officinarum) are the most economically important crops for Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, respectively. Corn is grown both in Sihochac in May and in Kesté in various months of the year. Chihua squash, peanuts (Arachis hypogaea), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), sesame (Sesamum indicum), sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are produced only in Kesté at different times of the year. Limitations of the study / implications: This research is local in nature, so its results cannot be generalized, but they can be similar to other regions in the country. Findings / conclusions: Crop rotation is practiced in Kesté and not in the community of Sihochac. The way in which each community is organized to grow its crops responds to cultural-social factors and its available resources.Objective: To identify the agricultural rotation crops grown throughout a year by the producers of two farming communities in Champotón, Campeche, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: This exploratory-descriptive research was conducted in 2019, in Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, Champotón, Campeche. Documentary research was conducted and a survey with a total of 200 questionnaires was applied, following the snowball technique. The resulting data were analyzed with descriptive statistics using Excel’s statistical package. Results: Chihua pumpkin (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber) and sugarcane (Sacharumm officinarum) are the most economically important crops. The former is specific to Santo Domingo Kesté and the latter, to Sihochac. Maize is grown in May in Sihochac, and in different months in Kesté. Chihua pumpkin, peanut (Arachis hypogaea), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), sesame seed (Sesamum indicum), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta), and hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are grown only in Kesté, in different times of the year. Study limitations/Implications: Since this research is of a local nature, its results cannot be generalized, although they may be similar to other regions of the country. Findings/Conclusions: Some agricultural relay crops are grown in Kesté and not in the Sihochac community. The way in which each community organizes its crops depends on socio-cultural factors and available resources

    Resiliencia de la cobertura vegetal en el Suroeste de México ante los efectos del cambio climático

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    The scenarios modeling of climate changes using geographic information systems to estimate the vegetation cover resilience is a useful tool to project future impacts and implement conservation or management strategies. We associate spatially the biodiversity of the vegetation cover of Southwest Mexico with its ability to adapt to the effects of climate change. We analysis this association estimating species richness and diversity indices, and its relationship with scenarios of future climate. Geographical records of the National Forest and Soil Inventory were obtained for eight plant communities (arboreal, shrubby, herbaceous, palm, cactus, vines, ferns, and xerophyte) distributed in Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Chiapas. The climatic projection was to 2050, with global circulation A2 models (CCCMA, HADCM3 and CSIRO average), 19 bioclimatic variables and a resolution of 2.5 minutes. Climate change scenarios were modelled with the MaxEnt algorithm and species richness, diversity index, and spatial regressions with Diva-GIS v7.5 software. The spatial regression models estimated that higher richness and species diversity, the greater resilience that the ecosystem would show. The cactus, palm, and xerophytic plant communities presented greater vulnerability to climate change. Variations in temperature seasonality turned out to be the factor that would condition its future distribution. Therefore, in conservation or management strategies, diversity should be considered as an agent of the ecosystem that cushions the negative effects of future climate.El modelado de escenarios de cambios climáticos utilizando sistemas de información geográfica para estimar la resiliencia de la cobertura vegetal es una herramienta útil para proyectar impactos futuros e implementar estrategias de conservación o manejo. En el presente trabajo asociamos espacialmente la biodiversidad de la cobertura vegetal del Suroeste de México con su capacidad para adaptarse a los efectos del cambio climático. Para analizar esta asociación se estimaron índices de riqueza y diversidad de especies, y su relación con escenarios de clima futuro. Se utilizaron los registros geográficos del Inventario Nacional Forestal y de Suelos para ocho comunidades vegetales (arbórea, arbustiva, herbácea, palma, cactus, bejucos, helechos y xerófita) distribuidas entre Guerrero, Oaxaca y Chiapas. La proyección climática fue al 2050, con modelos de circulación global A2 (promedio CCCMA, HADCM3 y CSIRO), 19 variables bioclimáticas y una resolución de 2.5 minutos. Los escenarios de cambio climático se modelaron con el algoritmo MaxEnt y la riqueza de especies, índice de diversidad y regresiones espaciales con el software Diva-GIS v7.5. Los modelos de regresión espacial estimaron que a mayor riqueza y diversidad de especies mayor seria la resiliencia que mostraría el ecosistema. Las comunidades vegetales cactus, palma y xerófita mostraron mayor vulnerabilidad al cambio climático. Las variaciones en la estacionalidad de la temperatura resultó ser el factor que condicionaría su distribución futura. Por lo que, las estrategias de conservación o manejo deberían considerar a la diversidad como un agente del ecosistema que amortiguaría a los efectos negativos del clima futuro


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    Brosimum alicastrum es una especie arbórea en México con amplio potencial para la alimentación animal y humana, que se distribuye de manera natural con nulo manejo silvícola, por lo que existe poca información sobre los métodos de propagación de la especie. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la producción científica reportada sobre B. alicastrum mediante minería de textos para conocer las técnicas que existen sobre su propagación; y evaluar en vivero la calidad de plántulas obtenidas por métodos de propagación sexual y asexual (estacas, acodos e injertos) mediante diseños experimentales. Se encontraron 550 artículos científicos sobre B. alicastrum, las disciplinas donde se publicaron fueron: Ecología (44,18%), Botánica (13,27%), Ciencias Forestales (11,27%, de los cuales el 2,54% trabajó propagación en vivero), Zoología (11,09%), Agricultura (9,64%), Antropología (5,45%) y otras (5,10%). Respecto al método de propagación por semilla, la mejor calidad de plántula se asoció con sustratos de baja porosidad (tierra de monte) y con contenedores con diámetros grandes (36 cm). Para el caso de la propagación asexual por acodos, cuando se empleó turba como sustrato se obtuvo 90% de sobrevivencia, y por injerto de enchape lateral se encontró 75% de prendimiento. En virtud de la poca investigación que existe sobre la propagación de la especie se recomienda que la selección de la técnica de propagación esté en función de la finalidad de la plántula. Las técnicas asexuales de injerto y acodo pueden ser más eficientes en caso de requerir acortar los ciclos de producción de la semilla de B. alicastrum.//Brosimum alicastrum is a tree species in Mexico with wide potential for animal and human food, which is distributed naturally with no silvicultural management, so there is little information on the propagation methods of the species. The objective of this work was to analyze the scientific research published on B. alicastrum, through literature review to know the techniques that exist on its propagation. In addition, the quality of the seedling obtained by sexual propagation and asexual methods (cuttings, layers and grafts) was evaluated in the nursery, by means of experimental designs. 550 scientific articles on B. alicastrum were found, the disciplines where they were published were: Ecology (44.18%), Botany (13.27%), Forest Sciences (11.27%, of which 2.54% worked propagation in the nursery), Zoology (11.09%), Agriculture (9.64%), Anthropology (5.45%) and others (5.10%). Regarding the seed propagation method, the best seedling quality was associated with low porosity substrates (bush soil) and containers with large diameters (36 cm). In the case of asexual propagation, with the layering method when peat was used as the substrate 90% survival was obtained, and by lateral grafting technique 75% yield was found. Due to the little research that exists on the propagation of the species, it is recommended that the selection of the propagation technique is based on the purpose of the seedling; if it is required to shorten the seed production cycles of B. alicastrum the asexual techniques grafting and layering can be more efficient

    Bovine milk production in Campeche: prospects and challenges for rural producers' development

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    Objective: To characterize at the municipal level the productivity of the bovine-milk sector in the state of Campeche; to determine the profitability of the sector and propose improvement schemes to add value to the commercialization of the product. Design / Methodology / Approach: From the Agricultural and Fisheries Information System, variables were obtained: Production (thousands of L), Price (L1)andValueofProduction(thousandsof L-1) and Value of Production (thousands of ) from 2006 to 2018. Through multivariate statistics and analysis, the profitability of the bovine-milk sector from 2013-2018 compared to 2007-2012 was determined. The analyses were completed by an interview with 12 milk producers who gave added value through the manufacture of chesses. Results: A drop in profitability (-8.8%) was found in the sector from 2013-2018 compared to 2007-2012, despite the increase in production of 6.2% that did not compensate for the fall in prices (-14.2%). The regions with the highest productivity were located from the center to the south of the state: Champotón (24.62%), Escárcega (17.36%) and Campeche (16.63%). Limitations / Implications: Adding value to the milk commodity is a priority need in the short term, to avoid abandoning the activity, which could compromise the economy of rural producers. Findings / Conclusions: The Mennonite settlements in Campeche have managed to add value to the cattle-milk sector through the manufacture and sale of artisan chesses. However, the great challenge of the sector is the revaluation of artisan chesses with market strategies that encourage the consumption of local resources in a context of globalization.Objective: To characterize at the municipal level the productivity of the bovine-milk sector in the state of Campeche, Mexico; to determine the profitability of the sector and to propose improvement schemes in order to add value to the commercialization of the product. Design/Methodology/Approach: From the Agricultural and Fisheries Information System, the following variables were obtained: Production (thousands of L), Price (L1)andValueofProduction(thousandsof L-1) and Value of Production (thousands of ) from 2006 to 2018. Through multivariate statistics and analyses, the profitability of the bovine-milk sector from 2013-2018 compared to 2007-2012 was determined. The analyses were completed by an interview with 12 milk producers who gave added value through the manufacture of cheeses. Results: A drop in profitability (-8.8%) was found in the sector from 2013-2018 compared to 2007-2012, despite the increase in production of 6.2% that did not compensate for the fall in prices (-14.2%). The regions with the highest productivity were located from the center to the south of the state: Champotón (24.62%), Escárcega (17.36%), and Campeche (16.63%). Study Limitations/Implications: Adding value to the milk commodity is a priority need in the short term, to avoid abandoning the activity, which could compromise the economy of rural producers. Findings/Conclusions: The Mennonite settlements in Campeche have managed to add value to the bovine-milk sector through the manufacture and sale of artisan cheeses. However, the great challenge of the sector is the revaluation of artisan cheeses with market strategies that encourage the consumption of local resources in a context of globalization