79 research outputs found

    Almost split sequences for relatively projective modules

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    Irreducible morphisms in the bounded derived category

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    AbstractWe study irreducible morphisms in the bounded derived category of finitely generated modules over an Artin algebra Λ, denoted Db(Λmod), by means of the underlying category of complexes showing that, in fact, we can restrict to the study of certain subcategories of finite complexes. We prove that as in the case of modules there are no irreducible morphisms from X to X if X is an indecomposable complex. In case Λ is a selfinjective Artin algebra we show that for every irreducible morphism f in Cb(Λproj) either fj is split monomorphism for all j∈Z or split epimorphism, for all j∈Z. Moreover, we prove that all the non-trivial components of the Auslander–Reiten quiver of Cb(Λproj) are of the form ZA∞

    On the Auslander-Reiten quiver for the category of representations of partially ordered sets with an involution

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    In this article we describe the Auslander-Reiten quiver for some posets with an involution, that we call types Un\mathfrak{U}_n and U∞\mathfrak{U}_\infty. These posets appear in the differentiation III of Zavadskij [12]. We follow the approach to classical Auslander-Reiten theory due to Auslander, Reiten and Smal\o{}[1]. For this purpose, we give a natural exact structure for the category of representations of a partially ordered set with an involution. We describe the projective and injective representation

    (b,ν)(b, \nu)-algebras and their twisted modules

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    We give an intrinsic characterization of the closure under shifts ZA\mathbb{Z}{\cal A} of a given strictly unital A∞A_\infty-category A{\cal A}. We study some arithmetical properties of its higher operations and special conflations in the precategory of cycles Z(A){\cal Z}({\cal A}) of its category of twisted modules. We exhibit a structure for Z(A){\cal Z}({\cal A}) similar to a special Frobenius category. We derive that the cohomology category H(A){\cal H}({\cal A}) appears as the corresponding stable category and then we review how this implies that H(A){\cal H}({\cal A}) is a triangulated category

    Inaplicación del contexto de violencia en el delito de agresiones, artículo 122-B, en los requerimientos fiscales, año 2022

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    El propósito inaplicación del contexto de violencia, en los requerimientos fiscales, año 2022., planteando como objetivo analizar la aplicación del contexto de violencia, en los requerimientos fiscales, anhelando hacer notar una visión bastante fundamentada. La metodología utilizada fue enfoque cualitativo, desarrollo fenomenológico, integrando a 02 fiscales, 03 Abogados Defensores Públicos del área Penal y 01 Abogado Defensa Técnica Privada que tramitan casos de violencia, en la actualidad. Para acopiar información se manejó la técnica de la entrevista, como instrumento establecido guía con 12 interrogantes abiertas. Se concluyó que el hallazgo significativo a considerar es comprender, analizar el contexto de violencia, como elemento de valoración normativa, operativa al momento de estructurar una estrategia de investigación y acusación, por la necesidad de comprender y renovar definiciones, como método dogmático, metódico, con la finalidad de evitar colapso del sistema de justicia, costo material asumido por el justiciable, desintegrar familias y penalizar conductas no ilícitas, atentando el principio del derecho penal de mínima intervenció

    Generic modules for the category of filtered by standard modules for a quasi-hereditary algebra

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    Here we show that, given a quasi-hereditary finite-dimensional algebra Λ\Lambda over an algebraically closed field, the category F(Δ){\cal F}(\Delta) of filtered by standard modules is tame if and only if, for any d∈Nd\in \mathbb{N}, there are only finitely many isomorphism classes of generic Λ\Lambda-modules adapted to F(Δ){\cal F}(\Delta) with endolength d.d . We study the relationship between these generic modules and one-parameter families of indecomposables in F(Δ).{\cal F}(\Delta).Comment: 38 page
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