248 research outputs found

    Planificación estratégica de una empresa de transporte terrestre

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    El objetivo de este Proyecto Final de Carrera, es integrar todos los conocimientos adquiridos durante el estudio de la carrera de Ingeniería en Organización Industrial en materia de Estrategia y política de empresas para gestionar eficazmente una empresa, así como establecer un análisis y planificación estratégico de las políticas empresariales más utilizadas en diferentes ámbitos y sectores de actividad ligada al transporte de mercancías por carretera, que ayude a mejorar la posición de las firmas y el conocimiento de las estrategias directivas de las organizaciones que mejoran su competitividad. Este Proyecto Final de Carrera, desarrolla una aplicación práctica de la planificación estratégica adaptada a una empresa de Transporte de mercancías por carretera, a través de: 1. Análisis estratégico del entorno empresarial. 2. Análisis estratégico interno de la empresa. 3. Desarrollo de una estrategia competitiva determinada para la Empresa estudiada.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería IndustrialUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Technology, rurality and gender… false friends, but not enemies!

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    Guaranteeing gender equality in the access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become today a determining element in the achievement of food security and as a consequence of the achievement of rural development, which constitutes one of the goals of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Indeed, the fight against digital gender gaps and other gaps in a general way allow a greater contribution in the agri-food sector, which is becoming increasingly digitized and technological. In fact, the objective of the study is to analyse the impact that have determined gaps, such as: force labour participation rate, literacy rate, pay rate and ICT study rate, on the participation rate gap in the agricultural sector. For this reason, a multiple linear regression is proposed that considers 64 countries and subsequently the situation of four of these countries is examined in more detail: France, Spain, Morocco and Algeria. The results of this show the existence of a positive correlation between our variables but also the effect that some socio-economic and cultural factors have on this achievement.post-print690 K

    On the Connectedness and Diameter of a Geometric Johnson Graph

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    Let PP be a set of nn points in general position in the plane. A subset II of PP is called an \emph{island} if there exists a convex set CC such that I=PCI = P \cap C. In this paper we define the \emph{generalized island Johnson graph} of PP as the graph whose vertex consists of all islands of PP of cardinality kk, two of which are adjacent if their intersection consists of exactly ll elements. We show that for large enough values of nn, this graph is connected, and give upper and lower bounds on its diameter

    Información y ayuda para la incorporación de la mujer en oficios masculinos. Proyecto "INAyMUJER"

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    En la Formación Profesional actual se mantiene una fuerte discriminación social que provoca una desigualdad ocupacional en función del sexo1. Esta situación es debida fundamentalmente al rol de género que condiciona los estereotipos históricamente transmitidos a través de nuestra cultura2. Es por tanto necesario fomentar acciones y actuaciones formativas para los docentes en los niveles educativo de Primaria, Secundaria Obligatoria y Postobligatoria3, rompiendo el panorama actual, destruyendo barreras, y orientando4 en igualdad de condiciones en nuestro sistema educativo que nos permitan mejorar las oportunidades de elección de la mujer en las especialidades de Formación Profesional masculinas, eliminando la contaminación social existente. Al mismo tiempo es importante conocer las cualificaciones profesionales5 demandadas por las empresas donde la empleabilidad de la mujer es baja o inexistente6 para proporcionar a la mujer una formación en perfiles profesionales de sectores empresariales poco demandados por el colectivo de mujeres, y con una cualificación profesional media-alta requerida por la empresa. Y por último la situación actual de la mujer en la Formación Profesional de Andalucía en especialidades masculinas. El objetivo de éste estudio es una vez analizadas la cuestiones expuestas, desarrollar acciones formativas interviniendo el docente, la empresa y la universidad

    Genre perspective in the reception of soap operas

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    La igualdad entre hombres y mujeres se ha convertido hoy en día en uno de los valores prioritarios o que más relevancia está adquiriendo en el actual contexto socio-mediático que vivimos. No cabe duda que el mundo televisivo es un importante agente de socialización, cuantitativa y cualitativamente, con el que conviven diariamente niños y niñas. En este sentido, las telenovelas son uno de los géneros televisivos con mayor visionado y preferencia por parte de niños y jóvenes. Este trabajo recoge una síntesis breve de una investigación realizada en un centro escolar durante el año 2007, reflejando no sólo los hábitos de consumo televisivo de niñas y niños de 11 y 12 años, sino también sus estereotipos de género.Nowadays, equality between men and women has become one of the main values due to the present circumstances we all live. Also, the world of the television is an important socialization agent which boys and girls confront every day, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Among others, one of the television programmes children face daily are soap operas series. This article is intended to present the results obtained after a school research in 2007 and it is pretended to reflect eleven and twelve year old young children’ consumerism habits

    Spark solutions for discovering fuzzy association rules in Big Data

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    The research reported in this paper was partially supported the COPKIT project from the 8th Programme Framework (H2020) research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 786687) and from the BIGDATAMED projects with references B-TIC-145-UGR18 and P18-RT-2947.The high computational impact when mining fuzzy association rules grows significantly when managing very large data sets, triggering in many cases a memory overflow error and leading to the experiment failure without its conclusion. It is in these cases when the application of Big Data techniques can help to achieve the experiment completion. Therefore, in this paper several Spark algorithms are proposed to handle with massive fuzzy data and discover interesting association rules. For that, we based on a decomposition of interestingness measures in terms of α-cuts, and we experimentally demonstrate that it is sufficient to consider only 10equidistributed α-cuts in order to mine all significant fuzzy association rules. Additionally, all the proposals are compared and analysed in terms of efficiency and speed up, in several datasets, including a real dataset comprised of sensor measurements from an office building.COPKIT project from the 8th Programme Framework (H2020) research and innovation programme 786687BIGDATAMED projects B-TIC-145-UGR18 P18-RT-294

    Non-Query-Based Pattern Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Massive Microblogging Online Texts

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    Pattern mining has been widely studied in the last decade given its great interest for research and its numerous applications in the real world. In this paper the definition of query and non-query based systems is proposed, highlighting the needs of non-query based systems in the era of Big Data. For this, we propose a new approach of a non-query based system that combines association rules, generalized rules and sentiment analysis in order to catalogue and discover opinion patterns in the social network Twitter. Association rules have been previously applied for sentiment analysis, but in most cases, they are used once the process of sentiment analysis is finished to see which tokens appear commonly related to a certain sentiment. On the other hand, they have also been used to discover patterns between sentiments. Our work differs from these in that it proposes a non-query based system which combines both techniques, in a mixed proposal of sentiment analysis and association rules to discover patterns and sentiment patterns in microblogging texts. The obtained rules generalize and summarize the sentiments obtained from a group of tweets about any character, brand or product mentioned in them. To study the performance of the proposed system, an initial set of 1.7 million tweets have been employed to analyse the most salient sentiments during the American pre-election campaign. The analysis of the obtained results supports the capability of the system of obtaining association rules and patterns with great descriptive value in this use case. Parallelisms can be established in these patterns that match perfectly with real life events.COPKIT Project, through the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme 786687Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness TIN2015-64776-C3-1-RAndalusian Government, through Data Analysis in Medicine: from Medical Records to Big Data Project P18-RT-2947Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport FPU18/00150University of Granad

    New Spark solutions for distributed frequent itemset and association rule mining algorithms

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    Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Gran- ada/CBUA. The research reported in this paper was partially sup- ported by the BIGDATAMED project, which has received funding from the Andalusian Government (Junta de Andalucı ́a) under grant agreement No P18-RT-1765, by Grants PID2021-123960OB-I00 and Grant TED2021-129402B-C21 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio ́n and, by ERDF A way of making Europe and by the European Union NextGenerationEU. In addition, this work has been partially supported by the Ministry of Universities through the EU- funded Margarita Salas programme NextGenerationEU. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAThe large amount of data generated every day makes necessary the re-implementation of new methods capable of handle with massive data efficiently. This is the case of Association Rules, an unsupervised data mining tool capable of extracting information in the form of IF-THEN patterns. Although several methods have been proposed for the extraction of frequent itemsets (previous phase before mining association rules) in very large databases, the high computational cost and lack of memory remains a major problem to be solved when processing large data. Therefore, the aim of this paper is three fold: (1) to review existent algorithms for frequent itemset and association rule mining, (2)to develop new efficient frequent itemset Big Data algorithms using distributive computation, as well as a new association rule mining algorithm in Spark, and (3) to compare the proposed algorithms with the existent proposals varying the number of transactions and the number of items. To this purpose, we have used the Spark platform which has been demonstrated to outperform existing distributive algorithmic implementations.Universidad de Granada/CBUAJunta de Andalucia P18-RT-1765Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government PID2021-123960OB-I00, TED2021-129402B-C21ERDF A way of making EuropeEuropean Union NextGenerationEUMinistry of Universities through the E

    NOFACE: A new framework for irrelevant content filtering in social media according to credibility and expertise

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    Social networks have taken an irreplaceable role in our lives. They are used daily by millions of people to communicate and inform themselves. This success has also led to a lot of irrelevant content and even misinformation on social media. In this paper, we propose a user-centred framework to reduce the amount of irrelevant content in social networks to support further stages of data mining processes. The system also helps in the reduction of misinformation in social networks, since it selects credible and reputable users. The system is based on the belief that if a user is credible then their content will be credible. Our proposal uses word embeddings in a first stage, to create a set of interesting users according to their expertise. After that, in a later stage, it employs social network metrics to further narrow down the relevant users according to their credibility in the network. To validate the framework, it has been tested with two real Big Data problems on Twitter. One related to COVID-19 tweets and the other to last United States elections on 3rd November. Both are problems in which finding relevant content may be difficult due to the large amount of data published during the last years. The proposed framework, called NOFACE, reduces the number of irrelevant users posting about the topic, taking only those that have a higher credibility, and thus giving interesting information about the selected topic. This entails a reduction of irrelevant information, mitigating therefore the presence of misinformation on a posterior data mining method application, improving the obtained results, as it is illustrated in the mentioned two topics using clustering, association rules and LDA techniques.European Commission 786687Andalusian government FEDER operative program P18-RT-2947 B-TIC-145-UGR18University of Granada's internal plan PPJIB2021-04Spanish Government FPU18/0015

    Water for human consumption and sanitation in indigenous territories of the Huasteca Hidalguense, Mexico: the cases of the communities of Ecuatitla and Tetla

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    El abasto de agua para consumo humano y el saneamiento son elementos indispensables para el bienestar social. Sin embargo, aunque desde inicios de este siglo se les considera un derecho humano, en las poblaciones indígenas existen problemáticas muy complejas de resolver en este ámbito. Conforme a ello, este trabajo trata sobre las condiciones de abasto de agua y saneamiento en las comunidades de Ecuatitla y Tetla, territorios indígenas que forman parte de la Huasteca Hidalguense, región identificada como la de mayor vulnerabilidad a la disponibilidad de agua como consecuencia de los efectos del cambio climático durante la década 2020-2030. La metodología aplicada fue la de la Investigación Acción Participativa en el ámbito del Trabajo Social, perspectiva que tiene como propósito central la identificación y construcción de soluciones a problemáticas sociales en conjunto con la población que las experimenta. Este enfoque tiene vínculos epistemológicos con teorías de análisis crítico sobre la desigualdad y la injusticia social que promueven el uso del método científico para abordar problemáticas sociales. Se concluye con una serie de recomendaciones que podrían ser integradas a planes de desarrollo municipal y regional para garantizar el derecho humano al agua en los entornos comunitarios.The supply of water for human consumption and sanitation are indispensable elements for social well-being. However, although they have been considered a human right since the beginning of this century, there are very complex problems to be solved in this area among indigenous populations. Accordingly, this paper deals with the conditions of water supply and sanitation in the communities of Ecuatitla and Tetla, indigenous territories that are part of the Huasteca Hidalguense, a region identified as the most vulnerable to water availability as a result of the effects of climate change during the decade 2020-2030. The methodology applied was that of Participatory Action Research in the field of Social Work, a perspective that has as its central purpose the identification and construction of solutions to social problems together with the population that experiences them. This approach has epistemological links with theories of critical analysis of inequality and social injustice that promote the use of the scientific method to address social problems. It concludes with a series of recommendations that could be integrated into municipal and regional development plans to guarantee the human right to water in community settings.Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales; Facultad de Trabajo Socia