72 research outputs found

    Laboratory Studies of Ice Formation Pathways from Ammonium Sulfate Particles

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    Cirrus clouds are composed of ice particles and their formation pathways have been studied extensively in the laboratory. The ability of ammonium sulfate particles to act as nuclei for cirrus clouds has been of particular importance because of their ubiquitous presence in the upper troposphere. The results of past laboratory experiments of homogeneous ice nucleation from ammonium sulfate particles show a wide range of freezing conditions. In the present study, a flow tube apparatus equipped with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to reexamine these discrepancies. It was found that when ammonium sulfate particles were preconditioned at 100% relative humidity (RH) prior to experimentation, the particles began to freeze at conditions predicted by the homogeneous ice nucleation model developed by Koop et al. (2000). If the particles were not preconditioned at 100% RH, some froze at warmer temperatures and lower ice saturation ratios than predicted by Koop et al. (2000). It is hypothesized that a population of effloresced particles affected freezing conditions for particles that were not preconditioned at 100% RH

    Depositional Ice Nucleation on Solid Ammonium Sulfate and Glutaric Acid Particles

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    Heterogeneous ice nucleation on solid ammonium sulfate and glutaric acid particles was studied using optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Optical microscopy was used to detect selective nucleation events as water vapor was slowly introduced into an environmental sample cell. Particles that nucleated ice were dried via sublimation and examined in detail using Raman spectroscopy. Depositional ice nucleation is highly selective and occurred preferentially on just a few ammonium sulfate and glutaric acid particles in each sample. For freezing temperatures between 214 K and 235 K an average ice saturation ratio of S = 1.10±0.07 for solid ammonium sulfate was observed. Over the same temperature range, S values observed for ice nucleation on glutaric acid particles increased from 1.2 at 235 K to 1.6 at 218 K. Experiments with externally mixed particles further show that ammonium sulfate is a more potent ice nucleus than glutaric acid. Our results suggest that heterogeneous nucleation on ammonium sulfate may be an important pathway for atmospheric ice nucleation and cirrus cloud formation when solid ammonium sulfate aerosol particles are available for ice formation. This pathway for ice formation may be particularly significant near the tropical tropopause region where sulfates are abundant and other species known to be good ice nuclei are depleted

    Depositional ice nucleation on solid ammonium sulfate and glutaric acid particles

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    Heterogeneous ice nucleation on solid ammonium sulfate and glutaric acid particles was studied using optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Optical microscopy was used to detect selective nucleation events as water vapor was slowly introduced into an environmental sample cell. Particles that nucleated ice were dried via sublimation and examined in detail using Raman spectroscopy. Depositional ice nucleation is highly selective and occurred preferentially on just a few ammonium sulfate and glutaric acid particles in each sample. For freezing temperatures between 214 K and 235 K an average ice saturation ratio of <i>S</i> = 1.10±0.07 for solid ammonium sulfate was observed. Over the same temperature range, S values observed for ice nucleation on glutaric acid particles increased from 1.2 at 235 K to 1.6 at 218 K. Experiments with externally mixed particles further show that ammonium sulfate is a more potent ice nucleus than glutaric acid. Our results suggest that heterogeneous nucleation on ammonium sulfate may be an important pathway for atmospheric ice nucleation and cirrus cloud formation when solid ammonium sulfate aerosol particles are available for ice formation. This pathway for ice formation may be particularly significant near the tropical tropopause region where sulfates are abundant and other species known to be good ice nuclei are depleted

    Laboratory Studies of Ice Formation Pathways from Ammonium Sulfate Particles

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    Cirrus clouds are composed of ice particles and their formation pathways have been studied extensively in the laboratory. The ability of ammonium sulfate particles to act as nuclei for cirrus clouds has been of particular importance because of their ubiquitous presence in the upper troposphere. The results of past laboratory experiments of homogeneous ice nucleation from ammonium sulfate particles show a wide range of freezing conditions. In the present study, a flow tube apparatus equipped with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to resolve these discrepancies. It was found that when ammonium sulfate particles were preconditioned at 100% relative humidity (RH) prior to experimentation, the particles froze at conditions predicted by the homogeneous ice nucleation model developed by Koop et al. (2000). If the particles were not preconditioned at 100% RH, they froze at warmer temperatures and lower ice saturation ratios than predicted by Koop et al. (2000). In order to determine if a population of effloresced particles affected freezing conditions for particles that were not preconditioned at 100%RH, a series of depositional ice nucleation experiments were carried out on dry ammonium sulfate particles. For freezing temperatures between 215 and 231 K, ice nucleated on the particles at ice saturation ratios (Sice) between 1 and 1.05. These conditions are much lower than predicted by Koop et al. (2000) and explain the differences in freezing conditions among preconditioning methods. In similar experiments, Abbatt et al. (2006) hypothesized that a small fraction of effloresced ammonium sulfate particles induced ice nucleation at Sice values lower than expected. The current study confirms the Abbatt et al. (2006) hypothesis and, to our knowledge, is the first study to directly observe ice nucleating onto freely flowing dry ammonium sulfate particles at Sice values approaching unity

    Depositional Ice Nucleation onto Hydrated NaCl Particles: A New Mechanism for Ice Formation in the Troposphere

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    Sea-salt aerosol (SSA) particles are ubiquitous in the marine boundary layer and over coastal areas. Therefore SSA have ability to directly and indirectly affect the Earth\u27s radiation balance. The influence SSA have on climate is related to their water uptake and ice nucleation characteristics. In this study, optical microscopy coupled with Raman spectroscopy was used to detect the formation of a crystalline NaCl hydrate that could form under atmospheric conditions. NaCl(s) particles (~1 to 10 μm in diameter) deliquesced at 75.7 ± 2.5% RH which agrees well with values previously established in the literature. NaCl(aq) particles effloresced to a mixture of hydrated and non-hydrated particles at temperatures between 236 and 252 K. The aqueous particles effloresced into the non-hydrated form at temperatures warmer than 252 K. At temperatures colder than 236 K all particles effloresced into the hydrated form. The deliquescence relative humidities (DRH) of hydrated NaCl(s) particles ranged from 76.6 to 93.2% RH. Based on the measured DRH and efflorescence relative humidities (ERH), we estimate crystalline NaCl particles could be in the hydrated form 40–80% of the time in the troposphere. Additionally, the ice nucleating abilities of NaCl(s) and hydrated NaCl(s) were determined at temperatures ranging from 221 to 238 K. Here, depositional ice nucleation is defined as the onset of ice nucleation and represents the conditions at which the first particle on the substrate nucleated ice. Thus the values reported here represent the lower limit of depositional ice nucleation. NaCl(s) particles depositionally nucleated ice at an average Sice value of 1.11 ± 0.07. Hydrated NaCl(s) particles depositionally nucleated ice at an average Sice value of 1.02 ± 0.04. When a mixture of hydrated and anhydrous NaCl(s) particles was present in the same sample, ice preferentially nucleated on the hydrated particles 100% of the time. While both types of particles are efficient ice nuclei, hydrated NaCl(s) particles are better ice nuclei than NaCl(s) particles

    State Transformations and Ice Nucleation in Glassy or (Semi-) Solid Amorphous Organic Aerosol

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    Glassy or amorphous (semi-)solid organic aerosol particles have the potential to serve as surfaces for heterogeneous ice nucleation in cirrus clouds. Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy have been used in conjunction with a cold stage to examine water uptake and ice nucleation on individual aqueous organic glass particles at atmospherically relevant temperatures (200–273 K). Three organic compounds considered proxies for atmospheric secondary organic aerosol (SOA) were used in this investigation: sucrose, citric acid and glucose. Internally mixed particles consisting of each organic species and ammonium sulfate were also investigated. Results from water uptake experiments were used to construct glass transition curves and state diagrams for each organic and corresponding mixture. A unique glass transition point on each state diagram, Tg\u27, was used to quantify and compare results from this study to previous works. Values of Tg\u27 determined for aqueous sucrose, glucose and citric acid glasses were 236 K, 230 K and 220 K, respectively. Values of Tg\u27 for internally mixed organic/sulfate particles were always significantly lower; 210 K, 207K and 215 K for sucrose/sulfate, glucose/sulfate and citric acid/sulfate, respectively. All investigated organic species were observed to serve as heterogeneous ice nuclei at tropospheric temperatures. Heterogeneous ice nucleation on pure organic particles occurred at Sice = 1.1–1.4 for temperatures between 235K and 200 K. Particles consisting of 1 : 1 organic-sulfate mixtures remained liquid over a greater range of conditions but were in some cases also observed to depositionally nucleate ice at temperatures below 202 K (Sice = 1.25–1.38). Glass transition curves constructed from experimental data were incorporated into the Community Aerosol Radiation Model for Atmospheres (CARMA) along with the predicted range of glass transition temperatures for atmospheric SOA from Koop et al. (2011). Model results suggest that organic and organic/sulfate aerosol will be glassy more than 60% of the time in the midlatitude upper troposphere and more than 40% of the time in the tropical tropopause region (TTL). At conditions favorable for ice formation (Sice \u3e 1), particles in the TTL are expected to be glassy more than 50% of the time for temperatures below 200 K. Combined with the low saturation ratios measured for ice nucleation, this work suggests heterogeneous ice formation on glassy substances may play an important role in cirrus cloud formation

    Depositional Ice Nucleation onto Hydrated NaCl Particles: a New Mechanism for Ice Formation in the Troposphere

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    Sea-salt aerosol particles (SSA) are ubiquitous in the marine boundary layer and over coastal areas. Therefore SSA have ability to directly and indirectly affect the Earth’s radiation balance. The influence SSA have on climate is related to their water uptake and ice nucleation characteristics. In this study, optical microscopy coupled with Raman spectroscopy was used to detect the formation of an NaCl hydrate that could form under atmospheric conditions. NaCl(s) particles deliquesced at the well established value of 75.7±2.5% RH. NaCl(aq) particles effloresced to a mixture of hydrated and non-hydrated particles at temperatures between 236 and 252 K. The aqueous particles effloresced into the non-hydrated form at temperatures warmer than 252K. At temperatures colder than 236 K all particles effloresced into the hydrated form. The deliquescence relative humidities (DRH) of hydrated NaCl(s) particles ranged from 76.6 to 93.2% RH. Based on the measured DRH and efflorescence relative humidities (ERH), we estimate crystalline NaCl particles could be in the hydrated form 40–80% of the time in the troposphere. Additionally, the ice nucleating abilities of NaCl(s) and hydrated NaCl(s) were determined at temperatures ranging from 221 to 238 K. NaCl(s) particles depositionally nucleated ice at an average Sice value of 1.11±0.07. Hydrated NaCl(s) particles depositionally nucleated ice at an average Sice value of 1.02±0.04. When a mixture of hydrated and anhydrous NaCl(s) particles was present in the same sample, ice preferentially nucleated on the hydrated particles 100% of the time. While both types of particles are efficient ice nuclei, hydrated NaCl(s) particles are better ice nuclei than NaCl(s) particles

    State Transformations and Ice Nucleation in Amorphous (Semi-) Solid Organic Aerosol

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    Amorphous (semi-)solid organic aerosol particles have the potential to serve as surfaces for heterogeneous ice nucleation in cirrus clouds. Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy have been used in conjunction with a cold stage to examine water uptake and ice nucleation on individual amorphous (semi-)solid particles at atmospherically relevant temperatures (200–273 K). Three organic compounds considered proxies for atmospheric secondary organic aerosol (SOA) were used in this investigation: sucrose, citric acid and glucose. Internally mixed particles consisting of each organic and ammonium sulfate were also investigated. Results from water uptake experiments followed the shape of a humidity-induced glass transition (Tg(RH)) curve and were used to construct state diagrams for each organic and corresponding mixture. Experimentally derived Tg(RH) curves are in good agreement with theoretical predictions of Tg(RH) following the approach of Koop et al. (2011). A unique humidity-induced glass transition point on each state diagram, Tg\u27(RH), was used to quantify and compare results from this study to previous works. Values of Tg\u27(RH) determined for sucrose, glucose and citric acid glasses were 236, 230 and 220 K, respectively. Values of Tg\u27(RH) for internally mixed organic/sulfate particles were always significantly lower; 210, 207 and 215 K for sucrose/sulfate, glucose/sulfate and citric acid/sulfate, respectively. All investigated SOA proxies were observed to act as heterogeneous ice nuclei at tropospheric temperatures. Heterogeneous ice nucleation on pure organic particles occurred at Sice = 1.1–1.4 for temperatures below 235 K. Particles consisting of 1:1 organic-sulfate mixtures took up water over a greater range of conditions but were in some cases also observed to heterogeneously nucleate ice at temperatures below 202 K (Sice= 1.25–1.38). Polynomial curves were fitted to experimental water uptake data and then incorporated into the Community Aerosol Radiation Model for Atmospheres (CARMA) along with the predicted range of humidity-induced glass transition temperatures for atmospheric SOA from Koop et al. (2011). Model results suggest that organic and organic/sulfate aerosol could be glassy more than 60% of the time in the midlatitude upper troposphere and more than 40% of the time in the tropical tropopause region (TTL). At conditions favorable for ice formation (Sice \u3e 1), particles in the TTL are expected to be glassy more than 50% of the time for temperatures below 200 K. Results from this study suggests that amorphous (semi-)solid organic particles are often present in the upper troposphere and that heterogeneous ice formation on this type of particle may play an important role in cirrus cloud formation

    Size-segregated compositional analysis of aerosol particles collected in the European Arctic during the ACCACIA campaign

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    Single-particle compositional analysis of filter samples collected on board the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) BAe-146 aircraft is presented for six flights during the springtime Aerosol–Cloud Coupling and Climate Interactions in the Arctic (ACCACIA) campaign (March–April 2013). Scanning electron microscopy was utilised to derive size-segregated particle compositions and size distributions, and these were compared to corresponding data from wing-mounted optical particle counters. Reasonable agreement between the calculated number size distributions was found. Significant variability in composition was observed, with differing external and internal mixing identified, between air mass trajectory cases based on HYbrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) analyses. Dominant particle classes were silicate-based dusts and sea salts, with particles notably rich in K and Ca detected in one case. Source regions varied from the Arctic Ocean and Greenland through to northern Russia and the European continent. Good agreement between the back trajectories was mirrored by comparable compositional trends between samples. Silicate dusts were identified in all cases, and the elemental composition of the dust was consistent for all samples except one. It is hypothesised that long-range, high-altitude transport was primarily responsible for this dust, with likely sources including the Asian arid regions

    Prospects for gulf of Mexico environmental recovery and restoration

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    Previous oil spills provide clear evidence that ecosystem restoration efforts are challenging, and recovery can take decades. Similar to the Ixtoc 1 well blowout in 1979, the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill was enormous both in volume of oil spilled and duration, resulting in environmental impacts from the deep ocean to the Gulf of Mexico coastline. Data collected during the National Resource Damage Assessment showed significant damage to coastal areas (especially marshes), marine organisms, and deep-sea habitat. Previous spills have shown that disparate regions recover at different rates, with especially long-term effects in salt marshes and deepsea habitat. Environmental recovery and restoration in the northern Gulf of Mexico are dependent upon fundamental knowledge of ecosystem processes in the region. PostDWH research data provide a starting point for better understanding baselines and ecosystem processes. It is imperative to use the best science available to fully understand DWH environmental impacts and determine the appropriate means to ameliorate those impacts through restoration. Filling data gaps will be necessary to make better restoration decisions, and establishing new baselines will require long-term studies. Future research, especially via NOAA’s RESTORE Science Program and the state-based Centers of Excellence, should provide a path to understanding the potential for restoration and recovery of this vital marine ecosystem
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