393 research outputs found

    Coulomb and nuclear breakup effects in the single neutron removal reaction 197Au(17C,16C gamma)X

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    We analyze the recently obtained new data on the partial cross sections and parallel momentum distributions for transitions to ground as well as excited states of the 16C core, in the one-neutron removal reaction 197Au(17C,16C gamma)X at the beam energy of 61 MeV/nucleon. The Coulomb and nuclear breakup components of the one-neutron removal cross sections have been calculated within a finite range distorted wave Born approximation theory and an eikonal model, respectively. The nuclear contributions dominate the partial cross sections for the core excited states. By adding the nuclear and Coulomb cross sections together, a reasonable agreement is obtained with the data for these states. The shapes of the experimental parallel momentum distributions of the core states are described well by the theory.Comment: Revtex format, two figures included, to appear in Phys. Rev. C. (Rapid communications

    Core excitation in Coulomb breakup reactions

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    Within the pure Coulomb breakup mechanism, we investigate the one-neutron removal reaction of the type A(a,bγ\gamma)X with 11^{11}Be and 19^{19}C projectiles on a heavy target nucleus 208^{208}Pb at the beam energy of 60 MeV/nucleon. Our intention is to examine the prospective of using these reactions to study the structure of neutron rich nuclei. Integrated partial cross sections and momentum distributions for the ground as well as excited bound states of core nuclei are calculated within the finite range distorted wave Born approximation as well as within the adiabatic model of the Coulomb breakup. Our results are compared with those obtained in the studies of the reactions on a light target where the breakup proceeds via the pure nuclear mechanism. We find that the transitions to excited states of the core are quite weak in the Coulomb dominated process as compared to the pure nuclear breakup.Comment: Revtex format, five postscript figures included, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Top effective operators at the ILC

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    We investigate the effect of top trilinear operators in t tbar production at the ILC. We find that the sensitivity to these operators largely surpasses the one achievable by the LHC either in neutral or charged current processes, allowing to probe new physics scales up to 4.5 TeV for a centre of mass energy of 500 GeV. We show how the use of beam polarisation and an eventual energy upgrade to 1 TeV allow to disentangle all effective operator contributions to the Ztt and gamma tt vertices.Comment: LaTeX 13 pages. Typos corrected. Final version in JHE

    Top effective operators at the ILC

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    We investigate the effect of top trilinear operators in t tbar production at the ILC. We find that the sensitivity to these operators largely surpasses the one achievable by the LHC either in neutral or charged current processes, allowing to probe new physics scales up to 4.5 TeV for a centre of mass energy of 500 GeV. We show how the use of beam polarisation and an eventual energy upgrade to 1 TeV allow to disentangle all effective operator contributions to the Ztt and gamma tt vertices.Comment: LaTeX 13 pages. Typos corrected. Final version in JHE

    Dynamical description of the breakup of one-neutron halo nuclei 11Be and 19C

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    We investigate the breakup of the one-neutron halo nuclei 11Be and 19C within a dynamical model of the continuum excitation of the projectile. The time evolution of the projectile in coordinate space is described by solving the three-dimensional time dependent Schroedinger equation, treating the projectile-target (both Coulomb and nuclear) interaction as a time dependent external perturbation. The pure Coulomb breakup dominates the relative energy spectra of the fragments in the peak region, while the nuclear breakup is important at higher relative energies. The coherent sum of the two contributions provides a good overall description of the experimental spectra. Cross sections of the first order perturbation theory are derived as a limit of our dynamical model. The dynamical effects are found to be of the order of 10-15% for the beam energies in the range of 60 - 80 MeV/nucleon. A comparison of our results with those of a post form distorted wave Born approximation shows that the magnitudes of the higher order effects are dependent on the theoretical model.Comment: 15 pages, ReVTeX, 5 figures, typos corrected, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Coulomb-nuclear interference in the breakup of 11^{11}Be

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    Within a theory of breakup reactions formulated in the framework of the post form distorted wave Born approximation, we calculate contributions of the pure Coulomb and the pure nuclear breakup as well as those of their interference terms to a variety of cross sections in breakup reactions of the one-neutron halo nucleus 11^{11}Be on a number of target nuclei. In contrast to the assumption often made, the Coulomb-nuclear interference terms are found to be non-negligible in case of exclusive cross sections of the fragments emitted in this reaction on medium mass and heavy target nuclei. The consideration of the nuclear breakup leads to a better description of such data.Comment: 9 pages, latex, 2 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. C (Rapid Communication

    Uncorrelated scattering approximation for the scattering and break-up of weakly bound nuclei on heavy targets

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    The scattering of a weakly bound (halo) projectile nucleus by a heavy target nucleus is investigated. A new approach, called the Uncorrelated Scattering Approximation, is proposed. The main approximation involved is to neglect the correlation between the fragments of the projectile in the region where the interaction with the target is important. The formalism makes use of hyper-spherical harmonics, Raynal-Revay coefficients and momentum-localized wave functions to expand projectile channel wave functions in terms of products of the channel wave function of the individual fragments. Within this approach, the kinetic energy and angular momentum of each fragment is conserved during the scattering process. The elastic, inelastic and break-up S-matrices are obtained as an analytic combination involving the bound wave function of the projectile and the product of the S-matrices of the fragments. The approach is applied to describe the scattering of deuteron on 58^{58}Ni at several energies. The results are compared with experimental data and continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys.

    Evaluacija inovativno digitalno kontroliranog Er:YAG lasera u liječenju leukoplakije - probno istraživanje

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    The use of lasers for treatment of oral leukoplakia has gained a lot of interest in the past years, however, data on the use of Er:YAG laser are scarce. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of Er:YAG laser and 1% topical isotretinoin in the treatment of 27 oral leukoplakia patients. Er:YAG laser (LightWalker AT, Fotona, Slovenia) was used in 27 patients with 27 leukoplakia lesions. Postoperative pain was assessed by use of visual analog scale (VAS), and the impact of laser treatment on the quality of life was assessed by the OHIP-14 questionnaire (Croatian version). Control group consisted of the same 27 patients previously treated with 1% topical isotretionin three times a day during the period of one year. No improvement in the size of leukoplakia lesions was observed after treatment with topical isotretinoin. There were significant differences between men and women according to leukoplakia localization, number of laser sessions and VAS (p<0.05). At follow-up after six months and one year, there was no recurrence of lesions. Er:YAG laser is a successful treatment for oral leukoplakia. Topical isotretionin treatment is unsuccessful in patients with oral leukoplakia.Posljednjih godina postoji veliko zanimanje za upotrebu lasera u liječenju oralne leukoplakije, ali su podatci o upotrebi Er:YAG lasera malobrojni. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti učinak Er:YAG lasera i 1%-tnog topikalnog izotretinoina u liječenju 27 bolesnika s oralnom leukoplakijom. Er:YAG laser (LightWalker AT, Fotona, Slovenia) je korišten u 27 bolesnika s 27 leukoplakičnih lezija. Poslijeoperacijska bol je određena uz pomoć vizualne analogne ljestvice (visual analog scale, VAS), a utjecaj na kvalitetu života mjeren je pomoću upitnika OHIP-14 (hrvatska verzija). Kontrolna skupina se sastojala od istih 27 bolesnika koji su prije toga liječeni 1%-tnim topikalnim izotretioninom tri puta na dan tijekom tri mjeseca. Nije bilo poboljšanja u veličini lezija leukoplakije nakon topikalno primijenjenog izotretinoina. Utvrđene su značajne razlike između muškaraca i žena s obzirom na lokalizaciju leukoplakije, broj laserskih zahvata i rezultata VAS (p<0,05). Šest mjeseci i godinu dana od laserskog zahvata nije bilo recidiva oralne leukoplakije. Er:YAG laser je uspješna terapija u liječenju oralne leukoplakije. Topikalna primjena izotretionina nije uspješna u liječenju oralne leukoplakije

    Electromagnetic corrections in eta --> 3 pi decays

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    We re-evaluate the electromagnetic corrections to eta --> 3 pi decays at next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion, arguing that effects of order e^2(m_u-m_d) disregarded so far are not negligible compared to other contributions of order e^2 times a light quark mass. Despite the appearance of the Coulomb pole in eta --> pi+ pi- pi0 and cusps in eta --> 3 pi0, the overall corrections remain small.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures; references updated, version published in EPJ

    The decay pi0 to gamma gamma to next to leading order in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    The two photon decay width of the neutral pion is analyzed within the combined framework of Chiral Perturbation Theory and the 1/Nc expansion up to order p^6 and p^4 times 1/Nc in the decay amplitude. The eta' is explicitly included in the analysis. It is found that the decay width is enhanced by about 4.5% due to the isospin-breaking induced mixing of the pure U(3) states. This effect, which is of leading order in the low energy expansion, is shown to persist nearly unchanged at next to leading order. The chief prediction for the width with its estimated uncertainty is 8.10+-0.08 eV. This prediction at the 1% level makes the upcomming precision measurement of the decay width even more urgent. Observations on the eta and eta' can also be made, especially about their mixing, which is shown to be significantly affected by next to leading order corrections.Comment: 21 pages, two figure