165 research outputs found

    CT-Guided Percutaneous Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Inferior Vena Cava Wall: A Posterior Coaxial Approach

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    A 72-year-old man was referred to our department with an incidentally diagnosed bronchogenic carcinoma of the right upper lobe. Positron emission tomography (PET) combined with computed tomography (PET-CT) revealed an unexpected hot spot in the ventral wall of the infrarenal segment of the inferior vena cava (IVC). Diagnostic biopsy of this lesion was performed under CT guidance with semiautomated 20G fine-needle aspiration (FNA) through a 19G coaxial needle. Cytology revealed few carcinoma cells, which led to the remarkable diagnosis of a distant metastasis to the IVC wall. Both the immediate postinterventional CT control and the further surveillance period of the patient were unremarkable; in particular, no signs of bleeding complications were detected. We conclude that coaxial FNA of an IVC wall lesion is technically feasible and may even help diagnose distant metastasi

    A rare low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma in lower jaw with the resemblance to benign lesions.

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    BACKGROUND Low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma (LGMS) is a rare solid infiltrative soft tissue tumor with a predilection for the head and neck region. CASE PRESENTATION We report the diagnostic steps of a fast-growing lesion of the lower left jaw in a 45-year-old otherwise healthy woman. A first biopsy and subsequent histopathological examination showed potential differentials of a benign myofibroma, benign nodular fasciitis or an LGMS. This diagnostic overlap was a challenge for the decision of the further treatment approach. The treatment consisted of a segmental en bloc resection of the mandible including the second premolar, first and second molar. Histopathological examination of the resected tumor confirmed an LGMS. CONCLUSION The histopathologic resemblance of LGMS to a range of benign and reactive tumors may lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment. The rarity of LGMS explains the lack of established treatment protocols. This case shows the importance of adequate clinical decisions, expertise in the histopathology of rare tumors and interdisciplinary exchange to achieve state-of-the-art patient management

    NKX3.1 immunohistochemistry and methylome profiling in mesenchymal chondrosarcoma: additional diagnostic value for a well-defined disease?

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    Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MCS) is a rare and highly aggressive tumour of soft tissue and bone that is defined by an underlying and highly specific fusion transcript involving HEY1 and NCOA2. Histologically, the tumours show a biphasic appearance consisting of an undifferentiated blue and round cell component as well as islands of highly differentiated cartilage. Particularly in core needle biopsies, the chondromatous component can be missed and the non-specific morphology and immunophenotype of the round cell component can cause diagnostic challenges. We applied NKX3.1 immunohistochemistry which was recently reported as a highly specific marker as well as methylome and copy number profiling to a set of 45 well characterised MCS cases to evaluate their potential diagnostic value. Methylome profiling revealed a highly distinct cluster for MCS. Notably, the findings were reproducible also when analysing the round cell and cartilaginous component separately. Furthermore, four outliers were identified by methylome profiling for which the diagnosis had to be revised. NKX3.1 immunohistochemistry showed positivity in 36% of tumours, the majority of which was rather focal and weak. Taken together, NKX3.1 expression showed a low sensitivity but a high specificity in our analysis. Methylome profiling on the other hand represents a sensitive, specific and reliable tool to support the diagnosis of MCS, particularly if only the round cell component is obtained in a biopsy and the diagnosis is not suspected. Furthermore, it can aid in confirming the diagnosis in case RNA sequencing for the HEY1::NCOA2 fusion transcript is not available

    Brown Tumors Belong to the Spectrum of KRAS-driven Neoplasms

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    Brown tumors are rare and generally self-limiting mass lesions of bone occurring in the context of hyperparathyroidism. Although commonly regarded as endocrine-driven tumor-like lesions, we detected pathogenic hotspot KRAS mutations in 10/16 brown tumors (62%) with similar frequencies found in cases affecting the peripheral and axial skeleton. Pathogenic mutations in other driver genes of the RAS-MAPK pathway were not identified. Our findings suggest brown tumors to represent true neoplasms driven by the activation of the RAS-MAPK signaling pathway. The frequent regression of brown tumors after normalization of hyperparathyroidism points to a second hit mediated by endocrine stimulation to be required for tumor development. Our findings underline the pathogenic relation of brown tumors to nonossifying fibroma and giant cell granuloma of the jaws which both appear histologically similar to brown tumors and are also driven by RAS-MAPK signaling pathway activation

    How MicroRNA and Transcription Factor Co-regulatory Networks Affect Osteosarcoma Cell Proliferation

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    Osteosarcomas (OS) are complex bone tumors with various genomic alterations. These alterations affect the expression and function of several genes due to drastic changes in the underlying gene regulatory network. However, we know little about critical gene regulators and their functional consequences on the pathogenesis of OS. Therefore, we aimed to determine microRNA and transcription factor (TF) co-regulatory networks in OS cell proliferation. Cell proliferation is an essential part in the pathogenesis of OS and deeper understanding of its regulation might help to identify potential therapeutic targets. Based on expression data of OS cell lines divided according to their proliferative activity, we obtained 12 proliferation-related microRNAs and corresponding target genes. Therewith, microRNA and TF co-regulatory networks were generated and analyzed regarding their structure and functional influence. We identified key co-regulators comprising the microRNAs miR-9-5p, miR-138, and miR-214 and the TFs SP1 and MYC in the derived networks. These regulators are implicated in NFKB- and RB1-signaling and focal adhesion processes based on their common or interacting target genes (e.g., CDK6, CTNNB1, E2F4, HES1, ITGA6, NFKB1, NOTCH1, and SIN3A). Thus, we proposed a model of OS cell proliferation which is primarily co-regulated through the interactions of the mentioned microRNA and TF combinations. This study illustrates the benefit of systems biological approaches in the analysis of complex diseases. We integrated experimental data with publicly available information to unravel the coordinated (post)-transcriptional control of microRNAs and TFs to identify potential therapeutic targets in OS. The resulting microRNA and TF co-regulatory networks are publicly available for further exploration to generate or evaluate own hypotheses of the pathogenesis of OS (http://www.complex-systems.uni-muenster.​de/co_networks.html)

    Immunophenotyping and oncogene amplifications in tumors of the papilla of Vater

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    Carcinomas of the ampulla of Vater are rare and assumed to generally arise from preexisting adenomas (adenoma-carcinoma sequence). Histologically, distinct subtypes can be distinguished that were shown to differ significantly in terms of clinical outcome. Since pathologists usually receive bioptic tissue samples of ampullary tumors obtained during endoscopy, accurate classification of carcinoma subtypes can sometimes be difficult on morphological criteria alone. We therefore performed immunohistochemistry using a panel of established marker proteins (CK7, CK20, p21, p27, ESA, bax, and ephrin-B2) on 175 carcinoma, 111 adenoma, and 152 normal mucosa specimens of the ampulla of Vater and identified distinct immunoprofiles for every carcinoma subtype. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses of therapeutic target genes (c-myc, EGFR1, CCND1, HER2) found CCND1 to represent the most frequently amplified gene in our series (7.5%

    Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma: investigations by comparative genomic hybridization of two cases and review of the literature

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    Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma (MIFS) is a rare low-grade sarcoma of the distal extremities characterized by a myxohyaline stroma, a dense inflammatory infiltrate and virocyte- and lipoblast-like giant cells. Up to now, only two cases have been investigated cytogenetically, showing complex and heterogeneous karyotypes, in part with supernumerary ring chromosomes. We characterized two further cases of MIFS immunohistochemically and performed comparative genomic hybridization as well as DNA image cytometry analyses. Both tumors showed the characteristic histomorphological pattern of MIFS and were positive for Vimentin and CD68. Moreover, both cases presented aberrant karyotypes including distinct DNA copy number changes involving chromosome 7 and disclosed DNA aneuploid

    Structuring osteosarcoma knowledge: an osteosarcoma-gene association database based on literature mining and manual annotation

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    Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common primary bone cancer exhibiting high genomic instability. This genomic instability affects multiple genes and microRNAs to a varying extent depending on patient and tumor subtype. Massive research is ongoing to identify genes including their gene products and microRNAs that correlate with disease progression and might be used as biomarkers for OS. However, the genomic complexity hampers the identification of reliable biomarkers. Up to now, clinico-pathological factors are the key determinants to guide prognosis and therapeutic treatments. Each day, new studies about OS are published and complicate the acquisition of information to support biomarker discovery and therapeutic improvements. Thus, it is necessary to provide a structured and annotated view on the current OS knowledge that is quick and easily accessible to researchers of the field. Therefore, we developed a publicly available database and Web interface that serves as resource for OS-associated genes and microRNAs. Genes and microRNAs were collected using an automated dictionary-based gene recognition procedure followed by manual review and annotation by experts of the field. In total, 911 genes and 81 microRNAs related to 1331 PubMed abstracts were collected (last update: 29 October 2013). Users can evaluate genes and microRNAs according to their potential prognostic and therapeutic impact, the experimental procedures, the sample types, the biological contexts and microRNA target gene interactions. Additionally, a pathway enrichment analysis of the collected genes highlights different aspects of OS progression. OS requires pathways commonly deregulated in cancer but also features OS-specific alterations like deregulated osteoclast differentiation. To our knowledge, this is the first effort of an OS database containing manual reviewed and annotated up-to-date OS knowledge. It might be a useful resource especially for the bone tumor research community, as specific information about genes or microRNAs is quick and easily accessible. Hence, this platform can support the ongoing OS research and biomarker discovery

    Convergent Evolution of Copy Number Alterations in Multi-Centric Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    In the recent years, new molecular methods have been proposed to discriminate multicentric hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) from intrahepatic metastases. Some of these methods utilize sequencing data to assess similarities between cancer genomes, whilst other achieved the same results with transcriptome and methylome data. Here, we attempt to classify two HCC patients with multi-centric disease using the recall-rates of somatic mutations but find that difficult because their tumors share some chromosome-scale copy-number alterations (CNAs) but little-to-no single-nucleotide variants. To resolve the apparent conundrum, we apply a phasing strategy to test if those shared CNAs are identical by descent. Our findings suggest that the conflicting alterations occur on different homologous chromosomes, which argues for multi-centric origin of respective HCCs