55 research outputs found

    Silicon-On-Insulator Technology By Crystallization on Quartz Substrates

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    The purpose of the novel zone-melting recrystallization process (ZMR) is to produce single crystalline Si films on Si02 of high crystalline perfection, which are suitable for device fabrication and subsequent industrial applications. However, silicon films grown on amorphous insulating substrates without seeding contain regularly spaced subgrain boundaries as their predominant growth defect and to a lesser degree twin boundaries and some grain boundaries. Detailed materials studies have revealed the core structure of these extended defects and the fundamental mechanisms responsible for subgrain boundary formation. The nature and origin of subgrain boundaries is reviewed and a model for polygonization of the initial dislocation arrays is presented. In addition to subgrain boundary formation, silicon films on quartz are subject to microcracking due to thermal mismatch with the substrate. The influence of these residual growth defects and the inherent tensile stress on device performance is evaluated

    Slip Dislocation Formation During Continuous Wave Laser Annealing of Silicon

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    High-voltage electron microscopy (HVEM) has been used for the investigation of the defect structure in cw laser-annealed silicon. We report for the first time a (HVEM) analysis of the formation processes involved in the nucleation and glide of slip dislocations during epitaxial regrowth by cw laser annealing of ion-implantation damaged silicon layers. Based on the combined optical and HVEM observations a model of the dislocation generation and glide processes is presented

    Thermoelectric Porous MOF Based Hybrid Materials

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    Porous hybrid materials and MOF (Metal-Organic-Framework) films represent modern designer materials that exhibit many requirements of a near ideal and tunable future thermoelectric (TE) material. In contrast to traditional semiconducting bulk TE materials, porous hybrid MOF templates can be used to overcome some of the constraints of physics in bulk TE materials. These porous hybrid systems are amenable for simulation and modeling to design novel optimized electron-crystal phonon-glass materials with potentially very high ZT (figure of merit) numbers. Porous MOF and hybrid materials possess an ultra-low thermal conductivity, which can be further modulated by phonon engineering within their complex porous and hierarchical architecture to advance the TE figure of merit (ZT). This Perspective review discusses recent results of MOF TE materials and provides a future outlook and the vision to the search for the next generation TE porous hybrid and MOF materials, which could be part of the green renewable energy revolution with novel materials of sustainably high ZT values

    Advances in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Nanolaminate Synthesis of Thermoelectric Films in Porous Templates for Improved Seebeck Coefficient

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    Thermoelectrics is a green renewable energy technology which can significantly contribute to power generation due to its potential in generating electricity out of waste heat. The main challenge for the development of thermoelectrics is its low conversion efficiency. One key strategy to improve conversion efficiency is reducing the thermal conductivity of thermoelectric materials. In this paper, the state-of-the-art progresses made in improving thermoelectric materials are reviewed and discussed, focusing on phononic engineering via applying porous templates and ALD deposited nanolaminates structure. The effect of nanolaminates structure and porous templates on Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, and hence in figure of merit zT of different types of materials system, including PnCs, lead chalcogenide-based nanostructured films on planar and porous templates, ZnO-based superlattice, and hybrid organic-inorganic superlattices, will be reviewed and discussed

    Thermoelectric porous MOF based hybrid materials

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    Porous hybrid materials and MOF (Metal–Organic-Framework) films represent modern designer materials that exhibit many requirements of a near ideal and tunable future thermoelectric (TE) material. In contrast to traditional semiconducting bulk TE materials, porous hybrid MOF templates can be used to overcome some of the constraints of physics in bulk TE materials. These porous hybrid systems are amenable for simulation and modeling to design novel optimized electron-crystal phonon-glass materials with potentially very high ZT (figure of merit) numbers. Porous MOF and hybrid materials possess an ultra-low thermal conductivity, which can be further modulated by phonon engineering within their complex porous and hierarchical architecture to advance the TE figure of merit (ZT). This Perspective review discusses recent results of MOF TE materials and provides a future outlook and the vision to the search for the next generation TE porous hybrid and MOF materials, which could be part of the green renewable energy revolution with novel materials of sustainably high ZT values

    TEM Study of Niobium Surfaces Treated by Different Polishing Techniques

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    TEM cross-section observation on Nb surfaces has been a challenge to our superconducting radio frequency (SRF) community due to the highly reactive nature of Nb. Although it was demonstrated in an early attempt1 that under a suitable sample preparation procedure reasonably clear cross-section images of Nb could be obtained, to the best of our knowledge good atomically resolved images had never been obtained. In this report, it is shown that by modifying the sample preparation procedure adopted in reference 1 it is possible to obtain good cross-section images of Nb surfaces with atomic resolution routinely. Surface atomic structures of Nb samples prepared by buffered electropolishing (BEP), buffered chemical polishing (BCP), and an untreated sample will be reported and compared

    Simulation Studies on the Interactions of Electron Beam with Wastewater

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    The manufactured chemical pollutants, like 1,4 dioxane and PFAS (per- and polyfluroralkyl substances), found in the underground water and/or drinking water are challenging to be removed or biodegraded. Energetic electrons are capable of mediating and removing them. This paper utilizes FLUKA code to evaluate the beam-wastewater interaction effects with different energy, space and divergence distributions of the electron beam. With 8 MeV average energy, the electron beam exits from a 0.0127 cm thick titanium window, travels through a 4.3 cm distance air and a second 0.0127 cm thick stainless water container window with 2.43 cm radius, and finally is injected into the water area, where the volume of water is around 75 cubic cm. The distribution parameters of the electron beam are from the GPT (General Particle Tracer) simulations for UITF (Upgraded Injector Test Facility) in Jefferson lab. By varying the distributions, several measurements including the dose (or energy deposition) distribution, electron fluence, photon fluence are scored and compared. Taking the comparisons into consideration, this paper is aiming to find better electron beams for the wastewater irradiation

    Design of a 10 MeV Beamline at the Upgraded Injector Test Facility for e-Beam Irradiation

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    Electron beam irradiation near 10 MeV is suitable for wastewater treatment. The Upgraded Injector Test Facility (UITF) at Jefferson Lab is a CW superconducting linear accelerator capable of providing an electron beam of energy up to 10 MeV and up to 100 µA current. This contribution presents the beam transport simulations for a beamline to be used for the irradiation of wastewater samples at the UITF. The simulations were done using the code General Particle Tracer with the goal of obtaining an 8 MeV electron beam of radius (3-σ) of ~2.4 cm. The achieved energy spread is ~74.5 keV. The space charge effects were investigated when the bunch charge is varied to be up to 1000 times and the results showed that they do not affect the beam quality significantly

    Charge Transport, Conductivity and Seebeck Coefficient in Pristine and TCNQ Loaded Preferentially Grown Metal Organic Frameworks

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    This investigation on Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) HUKUST-1 films focuses on comparing the undoped pristine state and with the case of doping by TCNQ infiltration of the MOF pore structure. We have determined the temperature dependent charge transport and p-type conductivity for HKUST-1 films. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity and the current-voltage characteristics have been characterized in detail. Because the most common forms of MOFs, bulk MOF powders, do not lend themselves easily to electrical characterization investigations, here in this study the electrical measurements were performed on dense, compact surface-anchored metal-organic framework (SURMOF) films. These monolithic, well-defined, and (001) preferentially oriented MOF thin films are grown using quasi-liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) on specially functionalized silicon or borosilicate glass substrates. In addition to the pristine SURMOF films also the effect of loading these porous thin films with TCNQ has been investigated. Positive charge carrier conduction and a strong anisotropy in electrical conduction was observed for highly oriented SURMOF films and corroborated with Seebeck Coefficient measurements. Van der Pauw four-point Hall sample measurements provide important insight into the electrical behavior of such porous and hybrid organic-inorganic crystalline materials, which renders them attractive for potential use in microelectronic and optoelectronic devices and thermoelectric applications

    Charge. transport, conductivity and Seebeck coefficient in pristine and TCNQ loaded preferentially grown metal-organic framework films

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    This investigation on metal-organic framework (MOF) HUKUST-1 films focuses on comparing the undoped pristine state and with the case of doping by TCNQ infiltration of the MOF pore structure. We have determined the temperature dependent charge transport and p-type conductivity for HKUST-1 films. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity and the current–voltage characteristics have been characterized in detail. Because the most common forms of MOFs, bulk MOF powders, do not lend themselves easily to electrical characterization investigations, here in this study the electrical measurements were performed on dense, compact surface-anchored metal-organic framework (SURMOF) films. These monolithic, well-defined, and (001) preferentially oriented MOF thin films are grown using quasi-liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) on specially functionalized silicon or borosilicate glass substrates. In addition to the pristine SURMOF films also the effect of loading these porous thin films with TCNQ has been investigated. Positive charge carrier conduction and a strong anisotropy in electrical conduction was observed for highly oriented SURMOF films and corroborated with Seebeck coefficient measurements. Van der Pauw four-point Hall sample measurements provide important insight into the electrical behavior of such porous and hybrid organic–inorganic crystalline materials, which renders them attractive for potential use in microelectronic and optoelectronic devices and thermoelectric applications
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