457 research outputs found

    Individually repressible enzymes specified by clustered genes of arginine synthesis.

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    Fabrication of micromirrors with pyramidal shape using anisotropic etching of silicon

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    Gold micro-mirrors have been formed in silicon in an inverted pyramidal shape. The pyramidal structures are created in the (100) surface of a silicon wafer by anisotropic etching in potassium hydroxide. High quality micro-mirrors are then formed by sputtering gold onto the smooth silicon (111) faces of the pyramids. These mirrors show great promise as high quality optical devices suitable for integration into MOEMS systems

    Controlling Nanowire Growth by Light.

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    Individual Au catalyst nanoparticles are used for selective laser-induced chemical vapor deposition of single germanium nanowires. Dark-field scattering reveals in real time the optical signatures of all key constituent growth processes. Growth is initially triggered by plasmonic absorption in the Au catalyst, while once nucleated the growing Ge nanowire supports magnetic and electric resonances that then dominate the laser interactions. This spectroscopic understanding allows real-time laser feedback that is crucial toward realizing the full potential of controlling nanomaterial growth by light.We acknowledge financial support from EPSRC Grant EP/G060649/1, EP/L027151/1, EP/G037221/1, EPSRC NanoDTC, and ERC Grant LINASS 320503. S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC Grant InsituNANO 279342.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b0295

    Voltage-controlled electron tunnelling from a single self-assembled quantum dot embedded in a two-dimensional-electron-gas-based photovoltaic cell

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    We perform high-resolution photocurrent (PC) spectroscopy to investigate resonantly the neutral exciton ground-state (X0) in a single InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dot (QD) embedded in the intrinsic region of an n-i-Schottky photodiode based on a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), which was formed from a Si delta-doped GaAs layer. Using such a device, a single-QD PC spectrum of X0 is measured by sweeping the bias-dependent X0 transition energy through that of a fixed narrow-bandwidth laser via the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE). By repeating such a measurement for a series of laser energies, a precise relationship between the X0 transition energy and bias voltage is then obtained. Taking into account power broadening of the X0 absorption peak, this allows for high-resolution measurements of the X0 homogeneous linewidth and, hence, the electron tunnelling rate. The electron tunnelling rate is measured as a function of the vertical electric field and described accurately by a theoretical model, yielding information about the electron confinement energy and QD height. We demonstrate that our devices can operate as 2DEG-based QD photovoltaic cells and conclude by proposing two optical spintronic devices that are now feasible.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figure

    Angle-resonant stimulated polariton amplifier

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    We experimentally demonstrate resonant coupling between photons and excitons in microcavities which can efficiently generate enormous single-pass optical gains approaching 100. This new parametric phenomenon appears as a sharp angular resonance of the incoming pump beam, at which the moving excitonic polaritons undergo very large changes in momentum. Ultrafast stimulated scattering is clearly identified from the exponential dependence on pump intensity. This device utilizes boson amplification induced by stimulated energy relaxation

    The new physics of non-equilibrium condensates: insights from classical dynamics

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    We discuss the dynamics of classical Dicke-type models, aiming to clarify the mechanisms by which coherent states could develop in potentially non-equilibrium systems such as semiconductor microcavities. We present simulations of an undamped model which show spontaneous coherent states with persistent oscillations in the magnitude of the order parameter. These states are generalisations of superradiant ringing to the case of inhomogeneous broadening. They correspond to the persistent gap oscillations proposed in fermionic atomic condensates, and arise from a variety of initial conditions. We show that introducing randomness into the couplings can suppress the oscillations, leading to a limiting dynamics with a time-independent order parameter. This demonstrates that non-equilibrium generalisations of polariton condensates can be created even without dissipation. We explain the dynamical origins of the coherence in terms of instabilities of the normal state, and consider how it can additionally develop through scattering and dissipation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted for a special issue of J. Phys.: Condensed Matter on "Optical coherence and collective phenomena in nanostructures". v2: added discussion of links to exact solution

    Using Nanocavity Plasmons to Improve Solar Cell Efficiency

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    Although in principle very promising, photovoltaic technology has so far failed to deliver robust high efficiency modules at affordable prices. Despite considerable research, high efficiency silicon based cells remain expensive, while the more recent organic photovoltaics are still struggling with low efficiencies and short lifetimes. Meanwhile, over the last few years, the study of localized plasmons [1,2] has also received great attention due to the high field enhancements associated with confined fields , with a wide range of applications possible, from optical switches to substrates for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Here we discuss how combining the structures normally used in photovoltaic devices with metallic cavities supporting localized plasmons can lead to considerable improvements in the performance of solar cells. In particular we show how by changing the shape and size of spherical voids on a metallic surface, one can tune the plasmon modes to obtain significant absorptions across the solar spectrum [3]. By coating one such nanocavity surface with a sub 100 nm-layer of semiconductor, we can create a nanostructured solar cell, where the localised Mie modes efficiently couple light into the semiconductor layer. As the plasmons electric field enhancement is largest very close to the surface, significant absorption can be maintained even when the semiconductor thickness is reduced to below the typical exciton diffusion length. In addition minority carrier transport is improved. That means we can beat the usual balance between light absorption and exciton recombination loses, and so significantly increase the overall efficiency of the photovoltaic devices. Keywords: plasmons, solar cells, nanostructured surfaces