533 research outputs found

    Small scale analysis of population structure in the woody cornelian cherry Cornus mas L. (Cornaceae) by AFLP accentuates the need for a population based conservation strategy

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    We investigated population differentiation among and within three populations (two natural, one artificial) of the cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L., Cornaceae) to examine the extent of gene flow from planted cornelian cherries commonly used in planting vegetations of public parks or streets into natural stands. Additionall we assessed if natural populations show any intrapopulational and/or interpopulational differentiation pointing towards restricted gene flow with possible necessity for a population based conservation strategy rather than a taxon based strategy. Results clearly indicated within and between population structure a radius of isolation by distance for pollen and seed dispersal of about 5.0 km. Interestingly genetic distance did not support coherence of the two natural populations but mirrored the historical origin of the innertown population from diverse natural sources reflecting the traditional use and selection of edible varieties from nature. The Nem value of 1.25 implicates the prevention of population differentation. However the low level of genetic diversity and distance at all might mislead the interpretation and the degree of distance reflects more ancient similarities than actual geneflow. Given this observable isolation by distance, conservation biology of Cornus mas requires a population based strategy rather than a broad taxon based strategy

    Fresnel diffractograms from pure-phase wave fields under perfect spatio-temporal coherence: Non-linear/non-local aspects and far-field behavior

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    Recently, the diffractogram, that is, the Fourier transform of the intensity contrast induced by Fresnel free-space propagation of a given (exit) wave field, was investigated non-perturbatively in the phase-scaling factor S (controlling the strength of phase variation) for the special case of a Gaussian phase of width √w. Surprisingly, an additional low-frequency zero σ* = σ*(S, F) >0 emerges critically at small Fresnel number F (σ proportional to square of 2D spatial frequency). Here, we study the S-scaling behavior of the entire diffractogram. We identify a valley of maximum S-scaling linearity in the F − σ plane corresponding to a nearly universal physical frequency ξml = (0:143 ± 0.001)w−1/2. Large values of F (near field) are shown to imply S-scaling linearity for low σ but nowhere else (overdamped non-oscillatory). In contrast, small F values (far field) entail distinct, sizable s-bands of good S-scaling linearity (damped oscillatory). These bands also occur in simulated diffractograms induced by a complex phase map (Lena). The transition from damped oscillatory to overdamped non-oscillatory diffractograms is shown to be a critical phenomenon for the Gaussian case. We also give evidence for the occurrence of this transition in an X-ray imaging experiment. Finally, we show that the extreme far-field limit generates a σ-universal diffractogram under certain requirements on the phase map: information on phase shape then is solely encoded in S-scaling behavior

    Beam heat load and pressure rise in a could vacuum chamber

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    The beam heat load and the pressure in the vacuum chamber of the cold bore superconducting undulator installed at ANKA (ANgstrom source KArlsruhe) have been monitored for almost two years. Possible sources of the observed heat load could be synchrotron radiation from upstream magnets, image currents, electron and ion bombardment. In this paper, the various possible contributions to the heat load are discussed and compared with experimental results. The dynamic pressure increases nonlinearly with the average beam current. The current where it assumes a maximum varies both with the bunch intensity and with the initial vacuum pressure. A correlation between the heat load and the dynamic pressure has been observed. This study suggests that electron bombardment could explain the beam heat load and pressure rise observed for a bunch length of 10 mm

    Beam heat load and pressure rise in a cold vacuum chamber

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    The beam heat load and the pressure in the vacuum chamber of the cold bore superconducting undulator installed at ANKA (ANgstrom source KArlsruhe) have been monitored for almost two years. Possible sources of the observed heat load could be synchrotron radiation from upstream magnets, image currents, electron and ion bombardment. In this paper, the various possible contributions to the heat load are discussed and compared with experimental results. The dynamic pressure increases nonlinearly with the average beam current. The current where it assumes a maximum varies both with the bunch intensity and with the initial vacuum pressure. A correlation between the heat load and the dynamic pressure has been observed. This study suggests that electron bombardment could explain the beam heat load and pressure rise observed for a bunch length of 10 mm

    Non-Fermi liquid behavior in a fluctuating valence system, the filled skutterudite compound CeRu_{4}As_{12}

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    Electrical resistivity ρ\rho, specific heat C, and magnetic susceptibility χ\chi measurements made on the filled skutterudite CeRu_4As_{12} reveal non-Fermi liquid (NFL) T - dependences at low T, i.e., ρ\rho(T) \sim T^{1.4} and weak power law or logarithmic divergences in C(T)/T and χ\chi(T). Measurements also show that the T - dependence of the thermoelectric power S(T) deviates from that seen in other Ce systems. The NFL behavior appears to be associated with fluctuations of the Ce valence between 3^+ and 4^+ rather than a typical Kondo lattice scenario that would be appropriate for an integral Ce valence of 3^+.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Three-dimensional-printed gas dynamic virtual nozzles for x-ray laser sample delivery

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    Reliable sample delivery is essential to biological imaging using X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs). Continuous injection using the Gas Dynamic Virtual Nozzle (GDVN) has proven valuable, particularly for time-resolved studies. However, many important aspects of GDVN functionality have yet to be thoroughly understood and/or refined due to fabrication limitations. We report the application of 2-photon polymerization as a form of high-resolution 3D printing to fabricate high-fidelity GDVNs with submicron resolution. This technique allows rapid prototyping of a wide range of different types of nozzles from standard CAD drawings and optimization of crucial dimensions for optimal performance. Three nozzles were tested with pure water to determine general nozzle performance and reproducibility, with nearly reproducible off-axis jetting being the result. X-ray tomography and index matching were successfully used to evaluate the interior nozzle structures and identify the cause of off-axis jetting. Subsequent refinements to fabrication resulted in straight jetting. A performance test of printed nozzles at an XFEL provided high quality femtosecond diffraction patterns. (C) 2016 Optical Society of Americ