4,417 research outputs found

    Heavy fermion superconductivity and magnetic order in non-centrosymmetric CePt3SiCePt_3Si

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    CePt3Si\rm CePt_3Si is a novel heavy fermion superconductor, crystallising in the CePt3B\rm CePt_3B structure as a tetragonally distorted low symmetry variant of the AuCu3\rm AuCu_3 structure type. CePt3Si\rm CePt_3Si exhibits antiferromagnetic order at TN≈2.2T_N \approx 2.2 K and enters into a heavy fermion superconducting state at Tc≈0.75T_c \approx 0.75 K. Large values of Hc2â€Č≈−8.5H_{c2}' \approx -8.5 T/K and Hc2(0)≈5H_{c2}(0) \approx 5 T refer to heavy quasiparticles forming Cooper pairs. Hitherto, CePt3Si\rm CePt_3Si is the first heavy fermion superconductor without a center of symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    On centralizer algebras for spin representations

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    We give a presentation of the centralizer algebras for tensor products of spinor representations of quantum groups via generators and relations. In the even-dimensional case, this can be described in terms of non-standard q-deformations of orthogonal Lie algebras; in the odd-dimensional case only a certain subalgebra will appear. In the classical case q = 1 the relations boil down to Lie algebra relations

    Size effect on magnetism of Fe thin films in Fe/Ir superlattices

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    In ferromagnetic thin films, the Curie temperature variation with the thickness is always considered as continuous when the thickness is varied from nn to n+1n+1 atomic planes. We show that it is not the case for Fe in Fe/Ir superlattices. For an integer number of atomic planes, a unique magnetic transition is observed by susceptibility measurements, whereas two magnetic transitions are observed for fractional numbers of planes. This behavior is attributed to successive transitions of areas with nn and n+1n+1 atomic planes, for which the TcT_c's are not the same. Indeed, the magnetic correlation length is presumably shorter than the average size of the terraces. Monte carlo simulations are performed to support this explanation.Comment: LaTeX file with Revtex, 5 pages, 5 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Generalized entropy and temperature in nuclear multifragmentation

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    In the framework of a 2D Vlasov model, we study the time evolution of the "coarse-grained" Generalized Entropy (GE) in a nuclear system which undergoes a multifragmentation (MF) phase transition. We investigate the GE both for the gas and the fragments (surface and bulk part respectively). We find that the formation of the surface causes the growth of the GE during the process of fragmentation. This quantity then characterizes the MF and confirms the crucial role of deterministic chaos in filling the new available phase-space: at variance with the exact time evolution, no entropy change is found when the linear response is applied. Numerical simulations were used also to extract information about final temperatures of the fragments. From a fitting of the momentum distribution with a Fermi-Dirac function we extract the temperature of the fragments at the end of the process. We calculate also the gas temperature by averaging over the available phase space. The latter is a few times larger than the former, indicating a gas not in equilibrium. Though the model is very schematic, this fact seems to be very general and could explain the discrepancy found in experimental data when using the slope of light particles spectra instead of the double ratio of isotope yields method in order to extract the nuclear caloric curve.Comment: 26 pages, 9 postscript figures included, Revtex, some figures and part of text changed, version accepted for publication in PR

    One-body dissipation and chaotic dynamics in a classical simulation of a nuclear gas

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    In order to understand the origin of one-body dissipation in nuclei, we analyze the behavior of a gas of classical particles moving in a two-dimensional cavity with nuclear dimensions. This "nuclear" billiard has multipole-deformed walls which undergo periodic shape oscillations. We demonstrate that a single particle Hamiltonian containing coupling terms between the particles' motion and the collective coordinate induces a chaotic dynamics for any multipolarity, independently on the geometry of the billiard. If the coupling terms are switched off the "wall formula" predictions are recovered. We discuss the dissipative behavior of the wall motion and its relation with the order-to-chaos transition in the dynamics of the microscopic degrees of freedom.Comment: 16 pages, 12 postscript figures included, revtex, new version completely revised accepted by Physical Review C and scheduled to appear in the issue of november 199

    Seebeck Effect in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

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    Creating temperature gradients in magnetic nanostructures has resulted in a new research direction, i.e., the combination of magneto- and thermoelectric effects. Here, we demonstrate the observation of one important effect of this class: the magneto-Seebeck effect. It is observed when a magnetic configuration changes the charge based Seebeck coefficient. In particular, the Seebeck coefficient changes during the transition from a parallel to an antiparallel magnetic configuration in a tunnel junction. In that respect, it is the analog to the tunneling magnetoresistance. The Seebeck coefficients in parallel and antiparallel configuration are in the order of the voltages known from the charge-Seebeck effect. The size and sign of the effect can be controlled by the composition of the electrodes' atomic layers adjacent to the barrier and the temperature. Experimentally, we realized 8.8 % magneto-Seebeck effect, which results from a voltage change of about -8.7 {\mu}V/K from the antiparallel to the parallel direction close to the predicted value of -12.1 {\mu}V/K.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    On the derivative of the associated Legendre function of the first kind of integer order with respect to its degree

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    In our recent works [R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. A 39 (2006) 15147; corrigendum: 40 (2007) 7819; addendum: 40 (2007) 14887], we have investigated the derivative of the Legendre function of the first kind, PÎœ(z)P_{\nu}(z), with respect to its degree Îœ\nu. In the present work, we extend these studies and construct several representations of the derivative of the associated Legendre function of the first kind, PΜ±m(z)P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z), with respect to the degree Îœ\nu, for m∈Nm\in\mathbb{N}. At first, we establish several contour-integral representations of ∂PΜ±m(z)/∂Μ\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu. They are then used to derive Rodrigues-type formulas for [∂PΜ±m(z)/∂Μ]Îœ=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} with n∈Nn\in\mathbb{N}. Next, some closed-form expressions for [∂PΜ±m(z)/∂Μ]Îœ=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} are obtained. These results are applied to find several representations, both explicit and of the Rodrigues type, for the associated Legendre function of the second kind of integer degree and order, Qn±m(z)Q_{n}^{\pm m}(z); the explicit representations are suitable for use for numerical purposes in various regions of the complex zz-plane. Finally, the derivatives [∂2PÎœm(z)/∂Μ2]Îœ=n[\partial^{2}P_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu^{2}]_{\nu=n}, [∂QÎœm(z)/∂Μ]Îœ=n[\partial Q_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} and [∂QÎœm(z)/∂Μ]Îœ=−n−1[\partial Q_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=-n-1}, all with m>nm>n, are evaluated in terms of [∂PΜ−m(±z)/∂Μ]Îœ=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{-m}(\pm z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n}.Comment: LateX, 40 pages, 1 figure, extensive referencin

    Backbending region study in 160,162Dy using incomplete fusion reactions

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    18 pĂĄgs.; 17 figs.; 3 tabs. ; PACS number(s): 23.20.Lv, 23.20.En, 27.70.1q, 21.60.CsThe incomplete fusion reactions 7Li→158,160Gd at beam energies of 8 MeV/nucleon have been used to study the first band crossing region in the heavy stable Dy isotopes 160,162Dy. The Îł rays were detected in the GASP spectrometer in coincidence with fast charged particles detected in the ISIS silicon ball. We succeeded to observe the first backbending in 162Dy at a crossing frequency of ℏ ω ≈ 350 keV, a value much higher than expected from other nuclei in this mass region. Moreover, for the first time in a nucleus with a very large interaction strength, the yrare band in 160Dy could be established up to rather high spin (I= 20ℏ) allowing for a precise determination of the interaction strength between the ground state and the Stockholm band, |Vg-S| = 219(2) keV. Together with |Vg-S| = 14(2) kev determined for the corresponding interaction in 162Dy, a full oscillation of the strengths from one node to the next could be observed within an isotopic chain. In addition to the ground state and Stockholm bands, many other known bands in the two nuclei were considerably extended to higher spin and the experimental results are compared to calculations within the projected shell model. ©2002 The American Physical SocietyThis work has been supported by Deutsches Bundesministerium fur Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF). A.J. acknowledges support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).Peer Reviewe

    Timing of Intervention Affects Brain Electrical Activity in Children Exposed to Severe Psychosocial Neglect

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    Background: Early psychosocial deprivation has profound effects on brain activity in the young child. Previous reports have shown increased power in slow frequencies of the electroencephalogram (EEG), primarily in the theta band, and decreased power in higher alpha and beta band frequencies in infants and children who have experienced institutional care. Methodology/Principal Findings: We assessed the consequences of removing infants from institutions and placing them into a foster care intervention on brain electrical activity when children were 8 years of age. We found the intervention was successful for increasing high frequency EEG alpha power, with effects being most pronounced for children placed into foster care before 24 months of age. Conclusions/Significance: The dependence on age of placement for the effects observed on high frequency EEG alpha power suggests a sensitive period after which brain activity in the face of severe psychosocial deprivation is less amenabl
