913 research outputs found

    Les compagnies aériennes, leurs menus et les religions qu'elles y reconnaissent

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    Partant de l’idĂ©e bien Ă©tablie que la religion exerce une influence profonde sur les modes d’alimentation, trois chercheurs en thĂ©ologie, en gĂ©ographie et en sciences politiques ont unis leurs connaissances pour dĂ©busquer cette influence lĂ  oĂč on ne l’attend pas, dans les menus proposĂ©s par les compagnies aĂ©riennes. Pour ce faire, ils ont identifiĂ© les menus religieux reconnus par l’IATA (hindou, halal, cacher et jaĂŻn) ; visitĂ© les sites Internet de 34 compagnies aĂ©riennes pour savoir quelles compagnies proposent quels menus religieux ; identifiĂ© comment ces compagnies prĂ©tendent rĂ©pondre aux prescriptions des diffĂ©rentes religions ; cherchĂ© Ă  comprendre les logiques thĂ©ologiques, gĂ©ographiques et/ou politiques derriĂšre les choix des compagnies aĂ©riennes ; Ă©valuĂ© l’impact que les menus religieux proposĂ©s par les compagnies aĂ©riennes exercent sur la relation entre religion et alimentation

    When sisters become brothers : the inclusion of women in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, 1952-2005

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    Depuis la crĂ©ation des SƓurs Musulmanes, le chapitre fĂ©minin des FrĂšres Musulmans en Égypte, le rĂŽle que l’organisation a accordĂ© aux femmes a changĂ© plusieurs fois. Pendant certaines pĂ©riodes, les militantes ont Ă©tĂ© inclues dans les activitĂ©s politiques de l’organisation, alors que pendant d’autres pĂ©riodes, elles Ă©taient forcĂ©es de s’occuper de diffĂ©rentes activitĂ©s d’aide sociale au prĂšs de la population. Ce mĂ©moire essaie d’expliquer les raisons qui expliquent les diffĂ©rents changements dans le niveau d’inclusion ou d’exclusion des militantes dans les FrĂšres Musulmans. Cette Ă©tude utilise trois pĂ©riodes pour illustrer ces diffĂ©rents changements : 1952-1967 (inclusion), 1970-1984 (exclusion) and 1984-2005 (inclusion). Cette recherche conclue que, pendant des pĂ©riodes oĂč la survie des FrĂšres Musulmans est remise en question, l’organisation sera forcĂ©e d’inclure les militantes dans leurs activitĂ©s. Chaque changement dans l’inclusion des femmes est aussi marquĂ© par un changement du contexte politique et des relations avec le gouvernement. Ces changements ne sont donc pas des produits de changement idĂ©ologique de l’organisation, mais plutĂŽt causĂ©s par des raisons rationnelles.Since the creation of the Muslim Sisters, the female chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the role that the organization gave women has been shifting. At times, female militants were included within the political activities of the organization, while during others; they were relegated to a role of care provider in various charity tasks. The thesis at hand attempts to explain the causes for those shifts in the level of inclusion and exclusion of female militants within the Muslim Brotherhood. For that purpose, this study will tackle three different periods: 1952-1967 (inclusion), 1970-1984 (exclusion) and 1984-2005 (inclusion). The research concludes that in periods where the survival of the Muslim Brotherhood is at risk, they will be forced to include female militants in their activities. Each change in the inclusion of women is also marked by a change in the political context and the relations with the government. Therefore these changes, rather than being ideological changes, are caused by rational concerns of the Muslim Brotherhood

    Project Manager ‘Management Competency’ vs. ‘Technical Competency’. Which Is More Important to Overall Project Management Success?

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    Project managers apply multiple skills and competencies in the course of successfully delivering projects. Management and technical competencies represent two major competency categories associated with project management. In this study, the relationship between management and technical competency was investigated and a weak, yet positive correlation was observed as an outcome of this quantitative study

    Public engagement with research: Citizens' views on motivations, barriers and support

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    Responsible research and innovation (RRI) approaches that have emerged in the past ten years point to the importance of engaging the public in dialogues about research. The different variants of RRI share the notion that societal actors, including citizens, need to work together - that is, engage in two-way communication during the research and innovation process - in order to better align both the process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. Yet, sponsors and organizers of dialogues about research often face difficulties in recruiting sufficient numbers of participants or ensuring a sufficient level of diversity of participants. This paper asks what motivates or hinders individual citizens as members of the broader public to participate in such dialogues. It presents empirical findings of the European Union-funded project Promoting Societal Engagement Under the Terms of RRI (PROSO), which aimed to foster public engagement with research for RRI. PROSO used a quasi-experimental, qualitative approach directly involving citizens to address this question. The core of the innovative methodology were focus group discussions with European citizens about hypothetical opportunities to take part in dialogues about research. Three hypothetical scenarios of different dialogue formats (varied by whether they seek to inform the participants, consult or enable deeper collaboration on a scientific issue) were used as stimuli to explore the participants’ willingness (motivations and perceived barriers) to engage with scientific research. Our findings show a preference towards dialogue formats that give citizens a more active role and a greater say in research policy or research funding. They further suggest that those who seek to broaden citizen participation in dialogues about research should consider the role of relevance, impact, trust, legitimacy, knowledge, and time and resources as factors that can motivate or discourage citizens to take part. Based on our findings, we discuss possibilities to promote citizen participation in dialogues about research as part of putting RRI into practice

    When the Future is Now: An Experimental Study on the Role of Future Thinking and Affective Forecasting in Accommodation Decision-Making

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    When people make travel decisions, they consult their imagination, considering how they would feel in the respective travel situation. Both, researchers who examine this phenomenon and practitioners executing it, commonly hold the vague assumption of an evaluative cognitive process that enables tourists to factor such information into their decision-making process. The nature and functioning of such a process is largely unknown. The authors suggest that travelers, often subconsciously, mentally simulate future hotel stays and predict future feelings to inform their decision-making, a process referred to as affective forecasting. Executing an experimental design, the authors show that actively engaging in episodic future thinking to trigger affective forecasting increases travelers’ intentions toward holiday accommodations. This effect is mediated by hotel trust and risk perception, demonstrating that affective forecasting is an effective way for regaining tourists’ trust and reducing their perceived risk during a pandemic. Contributions to theory and practical implications are discussed

    Burying power: New insights into incipient leadership in the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic from an outstanding burial at Baʻja, southern Jordan

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    In 2016, an extraordinary burial of a young adult individual was discovered at the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (LPPNB, 7,500–6,900 BCE) settlement of Baʻja in southern Jordan. This burial has exceptional grave goods and an elaborate grave construction. It suggests discussing anew reconstructions of early Neolithic social structures. In this article, we will summarize former theories on the emergence of leadership and hierarchies and present a multivariate model according to which anthropological and archaeological data of the burial will be analyzed. In conclusion, we surmise that early Neolithic hierarchization in southern Jordan was based on corporate pathways to power rather than self-interested aggrandizers. However, some aspects of the burial point to regional exchange networks of prestige goods, a trait considered characteristic of network based leadership. In line with anthropological and sociological research, we argue that pathways to power should be considered as relational processes that can be understood only when comparing traits of the outstanding person to her/his social environment

    Host–pathogen associations revealed by genotyping of European strains of Anaplasma phagocytophilum to describe natural endemic cycles

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    Background The zoonotic intracellular alpha-proteobacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum is a tick-transmitted pathogen. The associations between vertebrate reservoirs and vectors are described as wide-ranging, and it was previously shown that the pathogenicity of A. phagocytophilum differs depending on the combination of pathogen variant and infected host species. This leads to the question of whether there are variations in particular gene loci associated with different virulence. Therefore, this study aims at clarifying existing host-variant combinations and detecting possible reservoir hosts. To understand these interactions, a complex toolset for molecular epidemiology, phylogeny and network theory was applied. Methods Sequences of up to four gene loci (msp4, msp2, groEL and 16S rRNA) were evaluated for different isolates from variable host species, including, for example, dogs, cattle and deer. Variant typing was conducted for each gene locus individually, and combinations of different gene loci were analysed to gain more detailed information about the genetic plasticity of A. phagocytophilum. Results were displayed as minimum spanning nets and correlation nets. Results The highest diversity of variants for all gene loci was observed in roe deer. In cattle, a reduced number of variants for 16S rRNA [only 16S-20(W) and 16S-22(Y)] but multiple variants of msp4 and groEL were found. For dogs, two msp4 variants [m4-20 and m4-2(B/C)] were found to be linked to different variants of the other three gene loci, creating two main combinations of gene loci variants. Cattle are placed centrally in the minimum spanning net analyses, indicating a crucial role in the transmission cycles by possibly bridging the vector-wildlife cycle to infections of humans and domestic animals. The minimum spanning nets confirmed previously described epidemiological cycles of the bacterium in Europe, showing separation of variants originating from wildlife animals only and a set of variants shared by wild and domestic animals. Conclusions In this comprehensive study of 1280 sequences, we found a high number of gene variants only occurring in specific hosts. Additionally, different hosts show unique but also shared variant combinations. The use of our four gene loci expand the knowledge of host–pathogen interactions and may be a starting point to predict future spread and infection risks of A. phagocytophilum in Europe

    Viewpoints. 75 Sides to Freie UniversitÀt Berlin

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    Das Buch mit 75 Illustrationen und Kurztexten ist eine Reise durch die Geschichte und Welt der Freien UniversitĂ€t Berlin und entstand im April 2023 anlĂ€sslich ihres 75-jĂ€hrigen GrĂŒndungsjubilĂ€ums. Die Bilder zeigen, ohne Anspruch auf VollstĂ€ndigkeit, mit Augenzwinkern, eine vernetzte und internationale UniversitĂ€t, die sich seit ihren AnfĂ€ngen und fortwĂ€hrend ihren Leitwerten Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit verpflichtet fĂŒhlt und zu einem bedeutenden Teil der Stadt und des Wissenschaftsraums Berlin geworden ist. Aspekte ihrer Geschichte und Gegenwart wurden kĂŒnstlerisch interpretiert von Yves Haltner, einem Schweizer Illustrator und Grafiker, der in Berlin lebt und arbeitet.The book containing 75 illustrations and short texts is a journey through the history and world of Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin. It was created in April 2023 to mark the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the university’s founding. With a hint of irony and pointed fragmentary playfulness, the images depict a connected, international university deeply committed to its core values: freedom, justice, truth. The university has become an important part of Berlin as a city and research hub. Various aspects of the past and present of the university were artistically interpreted by Yves Haltner, a Swiss illustrator and graphic designer who lives and works in Berlin

    Ligand-Induced Incompatible Curvatures Control Ultrathin Nanoplatelet Polymorphism and Chirality

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    The ability of thin materials to shape-shift is a common occurrence that leads to dynamic pattern formation and function in natural and man-made structures. However, harnessing this concept to design inorganic structures at the nanoscale rationally has remained far from reach due to a lack of fundamental understanding of the essential physical components. Here, we show that the interaction between organic ligands and the nanocrystal surface is responsible for the full range of chiral shapes seen in colloidal nanoplatelets. The adsorption of ligands results in incompatible curvatures on the top and bottom surfaces of NPL, causing them to deform into helico\"ids, helical ribbons, or tubes depending on the lateral dimensions and crystallographic orientation of the NPL. We demonstrate that nanoplatelets belong to the broad class of geometrically frustrated assemblies and exhibit one of their hallmark features: a transition between helico\"ids and helical ribbons at a critical width. The effective curvature Îșˉ\bar{\kappa} is the single aggregate parameter that encodes the details of the ligand/surface interaction, determining the nanoplatelets' geometry for a given width and crystallographic orientation. The conceptual framework described here will aid the rational design of dynamic, chiral nanostructures with high fundamental and practical relevance.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure
