274 research outputs found

    Oxidation in fresh and S1'ray-dried û)3 and to6 fatty acid enriched eggs vitamin E and cantiiaxantin

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    A trial with 192 laying hens was conducted to study the effect of Vitamin E and Canthaxanthin as antioxidants in w3 either w6 fatty acid (FA) enriched eggs. The animals were randomlyassigned to eight treatments resulted from the supplementation of a basal dietcontaining5% of linseed oil (L) orsunfloweroil (S) with 200 ppm ofutocopheryl acetate (LE and SE), 5ppm of Canthaxathin(LC and SC) or both (LEG and SEC). After 40 days of experimental treatment, eggs were collected and oxidation was measured by the TBA methodology (Botsoglou et al., 1994) on fresh and spray-dried eggs. On fresh eggs there were no differences in TBArs values (expressed as ng MDA/g for any of the studied factors. On spray-dried eggs, the values obtained were ó to X-fold higher than in fresh eggs. Eggs from the diets with linseed oil (26,6 % I'UFA and 10,4 % m3) showed higher values than those from diets with sunflower oil (28,0 % PUFA and 26,7 % w6) (L: 338,7 v.v. S: 248,6; P0,05). It can be concluded that w3 FA enriched eggs are more susceptible to oxidation than u6 FA enriched eggs. Supplementation with 200 ppm of Vitamin E can reduce the oxidation induced by the spray-drying process, but supplementation with 5 ppm of Canthaxanthin had no significant effect as antioxidant

    Ileum and whole-tract digestibility of carbohydrates contained in a corn- or a sorghum-acorn-based diets fed on finishing Landrace and Iberian pigs

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    Starch is the storage polysaccharide of higher plants and a major source for animals. However, despite is its simple composition the digestion of starch may be dependent of feed ingredients and animal characteristics

    An increased hindgut fermentation promoted major changes on the VFA profile but not on the total VFA concetration of the digesta contents

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    Volatile fatty acids, principally acetate, propionate and butyrate, are produced in the caecum-colon of pigs as end products of the microbial fermentation. The present abstract tryes to explore on the changes on the VFA concentration and profiles observed in Landrace and Iberian pigs fed on different sources of carbohydrates (high v. low digestible starch)

    Assessment of cochlear toxicity in response to chronic 3,3'-iminodipropionitrile in mice reveals early and reversible functional loss that precedes overt histopathology

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    The peripheral auditory and vestibular systems rely on sensorineural structures that are vulnerable to ototoxic agents that cause hearing loss and/or equilibrium deficits. Although attention has focused on hair cell loss as the primary pathology underlying ototoxicity, evidence from the peripheral vestibular system indicates that hair cell loss during chronic exposure is preceded by synaptic uncoupling from the neurons and is potentially reversible. To determine if synaptic pathology also occurs in the peripheral auditory system, we examined the extent, time course, and reversibility of functional and morphological alterations in cochleae from mice exposed to 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) in drinking water for 2, 4 or 6 weeks. Functionally, IDPN exposure caused progressive high- to low-frequency hearing loss assessed by measurement of auditory brainstem response wave I absolute thresholds and amplitudes. The extent of hearing loss scaled with the magnitude of vestibular dysfunction assessed behaviorally. Morphologically, IDPN exposure caused progressive loss of outer hair cells (OHCs) and synapses between the inner hair cells (IHCs) and primary auditory neurons. In contrast, IHCs were spared from ototoxic damage. Importantly, hearing loss consistent with cochlear synaptopathy preceded loss of OHCs and synapses and, moreover, recovered if IDPN exposure was stopped before morphological pathology occurred. Our observations suggest that synaptic uncoupling, perhaps as an early phase of cochlear synaptopathy, also occurs in the peripheral auditory system in response to IDPN exposure. These findings identify novel mechanisms that contribute to the earliest stages of hearing loss in response to ototoxic agents and possibly other forms of acquired hearing loss

    Finalizadores : Betagonistas

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    La importancia de los aditivos alimentarios en producción animal, tanto por sus efectos estimulantes en la productividad de los animales, como por sus posibles efectos concomitantes, de tipo patológico, ya en los propios animales ya en el hombre, consumidor de sus productos, ha suscitado una considerable polémica en el mundo entero. La importancia de algunos de sus efectos secundarios, en el caso de determinados aditivos, así como la extrema sensibilidad del consumidor, ha determinado que el potencial estimulante de muchos de estos aditivos, o posibles aditivos, quede supeditado a la inequívoca demostración de la inocuidad de sus residuos para el hombre, consumidor de sus productos

    Lipogenic enzyme activities in adipose and muscular tissues of Landrace and Iberian pigs fed on different source of carbohydrates

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    Iberian is an autochthonous swine breed from Southwest Iberian Peninsula. His meat has attained a high acceptability attributed to a higher intramuscular fat. Gene and dietary effects on the lipogenic enzymes activities were evaluated

    Body fat content, composition and distribution in Landrace and Iberian finishing pigs given ad libitum maize- and acorn-sorghummaize-based diets

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    We aimed to determine whether the dietary carbohydrate source altered body fat composition and distribution in finishing lean (Landrace) and obese (Iberian) swine. To this end, twenty-four finishing castrated male pigs (12 Iberian and 12 Landrace; 108 kg live weight) were offered two diets differing in the main carbohydrates source, maize (diet M) or acorn-sorghum-maize (diet A). Diets were formulated to have the same nutrient content, except for carbohydrate fractions : diet M contained higher amount of starch (537 v.389 g/kg) but less non-starchpolysaccharides (118 v.148 g/ kg) than diet A. At an average weight of 133 kg live weight pigs were slaughtered and their carcasses were sampled to study lipogenesis, backfat and intramuscular fat composition. Iberian pigs showed a higher voluntary food intake than Landrace pigs (3•6 v.2•4 kg/day; P< 0•001) but no significant differences in the daily weight gain. Diet M tended to promote the highest food intake (P= 0•09). Iberian pigs showed higher (P< 0•01) lipogenic enzyme activities, backfat thickness (71•7v.31•9 mm) and intramuscular fat content (40 to 95 g/kg fresh muscle) than Landrace pigs, which was associated with their higher food intake. Furthermore, fat depots from Iberian pigs had higher (P< 0•001) monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and lower (P< 0•05) polyunsaturated (PUFA) proportions than those from Landrace pigs. The backfat thickness of pigs given diet M tended to be higher (P= 0•07) than that of pigs given diet A, without differences in the intramuscular fat content. The higher backfat thickness found for diet M was correlated with a lower PUFA proportion in diet than for diet A (P< 0•001). we conclude that body fat content, composition and lipogenic enzyme activities are markedly influenced by the animal breed and to a lesser extent by dietary characteristics

    ln vivo prediction of body composition from the dilution space of the deuterium oxide in two lactating Spanish dairy breed ewes

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    Thirteen Churra (5 forty days and 8 seventy,days after lambing) and twelve Latxa (6 forty days and 6 a hundred and twenty days after lambing) lactating dairy ewes were used to obtain predicting equations of body fat, protein and energy from the live weight and the dilution space of deuterium oxide (SD20). Ewes were injected with 0.6 gD 20/kgo f live weight in the jugular vein and blood samples were collec5te, d7, 29 and 31 hours after infusion. The D20 content of blood water was determined by infrared spectrometry, and SDZO was calculated as the ratio between the weight of the injected D20 and its predicted concentration at zero time. After the last bleeding ewes were sheared and slaughtered and the body water, fat, protein, ash and energy were chemically determined. The Churra ewes presented 2% more water and 1.7% less protein in the fat free empty body 40 days than 70 days after lambing and fat free empty body water content decreased linearly (R=-0.60) with empty body fat content. There was however a close negative relationship (R2=0.97) between the fat and water content of the fleece free body weight. Neither the breed nor the stage of lactation significantly affect this relationship. Body water was predicted from SD20 with a residual standard deviation (RSD) of approximately kg when a pool equation was considered, though for a same SD20, the Latxa ewes presented 1.76 kg more water than the Churra ewes. Body fat and energy were predicted from the live weight and measured body water with a RSD of 0.437 kg and 6.85 Mcal, respectively, when a pool equation was considered. The adjusted means of body energy differed significantly between breeds and when this effect was taken into account the RSD diminished to 3.10 Mcal. When SDZO was substituted for measured body water, the resulting RSD were 0.980 kg and 6.85 Mcal, respectively. The intercept of the prediction equation of body fat differed significantly between breeds and when this effect was taken in account the RSD decreased to 0.703 kg. The accuracy of the body protein prediction from the ewes sheared body weight (RSD=0.56k9g from the pool equation and 0.282 kg for equation taking into account the breed effect) was not improved by the inclusion of SD20 as a second predictive variable. The stage of lactation did not significantly affect any of the equations studied

    Efecto de la suplementación enzimática en dietas para lechones

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de valorar la respuesta a la suplementación enzimática de la dieta con distintos enzimas microbianos en lechones en fase de transición

    Comparative digestibility and productive performances between Landrace and Iberian pigs fed on a corn- or a sorghum-acorn- based diet

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    Although digestible energy (DE) values for most commonly used feeds in pig industry are mainly predicted by their chemical composition, other likely effects could affect digestibility. The present paper try to explore the effects likely caused by animal breed (lean v. fat line) and dietary ingredients used
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