66 research outputs found

    A biologically inspired network design model

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    A network design problem is to select a subset of links in a transport network that satisfy passengers or cargo transportation demands while minimizing the overall costs of the transportation. We propose a mathematical model of the foraging behaviour of slime mould P. polycephalum to solve the network design problem and construct optimal transport networks. In our algorithm, a traffic flow between any two cities is estimated using a gravity model. The flow is imitated by the model of the slime mould. The algorithm model converges to a steady state, which represents a solution of the problem. We validate our approach on examples of major transport networks in Mexico and China. By comparing networks developed in our approach with the man-made highways, networks developed by the slime mould, and a cellular automata model inspired by slime mould, we demonstrate the flexibility and efficiency of our approach

    Models of freight transport system development

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    When modelling a transport system and evaluating the expenditure for the sustainability of its efficiency, a dynamic model was prepared for developing the capacity of freight transportation within the common transport system. The model of developing transport modes has been elaborated applying the principles of reproduction and break-up theory

    Assessment of statistical probability of the technological transportation process

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    In the course of freight transportation its technological process is influenced by lots of random factors. The classification of random factors in the whole hierarchical structure of the technological transportation process is presented together with the assessment of the dependence of separate random factors. Statistical information on freight and transport flows is renewed and replenished in the course of time. With the growth of information amount the cost of its storage increases as well. Therefore the relevant algorithms for obtaining required statistical assessment with the least statistical information are presented in the article. It is deduced that in the modelling of transport networks and freights as well as the flows of transport means in them, it is analytically proper to describe random factors by the non-parametric assessment

    Modelling of freight flows distribution at the transport terminal

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    The task model has been formulated for users of freight flows at a distribution transport terminal, which enables gauging vehicles possibilities (dimensions, carrying capacity), delivery time limitations, resources of vehicle time and general costs. The synthesis of the topological structure of the freight road transport regional system has been performed. It enables the evaluation of an impact on the functioning of the system exercised by various structural system characteristics, thus improving the quality of project solutions at the stage of synthesis of the system structure

    Statistical probability evaluation of operating ITS

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    Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) work with information and control technologies providing the core of ITS functions. Some of these technologies like loop detectors are well known to transportation professionals. However, there are a number of less familiar technologies and system concepts that are keys to ITS functions. Although information and control technologies act as a technical core of ITS, human factors also remain vitally important and potentially very complex issues. The process of operating ITS is influenced by a number of random factors. Along with an assessment of dependence upon separate random factors, the classification of those in the whole hierarchical structure of operating ITS is presented. Statistical information on operating ITS is renewed and replenished in the course of time. With the growth of information amounts, the costs of storing them also increase. Therefore, the article presents relevant algorithms for obtaining required statistical assessments with the least statistical information. It is deduced that while modelling the process of operating ITS, an analytical description of random factors applying non-parametric assessment is suitable

    Synthesis of the topological structure of rood freight transport system

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    Synthesis of regional road transport freight system’s topological structure enables the assessment of impact exercised by various structural characteristics on the functioning of the system. Consequently, it should increase the quality of project solutions in the stage of system structural synthesis. Models of optimization and simulation (included into the simulation procedure of optimization of topological structure) have other possibilities as well. For instance, simulation model enables the solution of various objectives of functional analysis of systems, such as the efficiency comparison analysis of stability of structure undergoing the changes of meanings of system’s parameters, the analysis of managing impacts of various types, loading technologies, etc

    Mobile solutions in road transport

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    The article dwells on the aspects of mobile solutions of public information and transport. The work presents major decision making principles based on object positioning and a system of positioning-based GSM solutions. The newly developed remote identification systems for transport facilities and goods and passenger transport and their schematic view are presented. The main units of the remote identification system of vehicles and goods embrace: TI portal, TVIM portal, content control system (SMS, GPRS), mobile phone, the unit for stating the geographical position of vehicles and goods. Portals are designed so that the data provided by various systems of observation, such as GSM, GPS, WLAN, wireless internet, etc., can be used there. Portals (TI and TVIM) can also be used for testing, complex evaluation of monitoring functions as well as for providing the data on geographical location of objects, transmitting data to mobile telephones, etc. Purposes and functions of the portals are presented. The article describes the facility of implementing the mobile user concept, changes made in the portal pages to support the mobile users